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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Winter 2012

    From the album: Pictures past & PRESENT

    These photos were of me just before I got ill. I will FIGHT to get back here if it's the last thing I do.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Surgery Monday

    Yay welcome to the losers bench ladies!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    CHECKING IN! Wow... love the new look and website. :)

    Jane whoa its so nice to hear from you! Hey I take a lil sip of wine here and there too. I get tipsy super fast though so probably about 4 oz max at the time and comes out to maybe every other weekend as a relaxer. I have complete faith in both of us that we will get back in shape. And absolutely I do NOT regret my surgery at all. I thank GOD I had it done every time I eat. I find myself gaining if I consume more than 800-1000 calories in one day right now due to my not being able to really do much of anything physically. Walking and recumbent bike, and some flexing / stretches are pretty much it for me right now per my knee surgeon and physical therapists. Coops!!! Hun I have missed you too! Oh my you're doing fabulous. Many hugs from accross the pond. And as far as you not being at your surgeons goal, well hunny I have to make my way back to mine. Haha!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    5 weeks out feeling bloated

    LOL It's ok to whine. This is NOT easy! You're not doing too bad for just starting out. I don't think I got over my bloatedness for at least 6 months. Eat whatever your stomach can tolerate that is high in Protein and Water, WATER, WATER!! Besos,
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Mexico Sleeve Surgery Patients

    I was just up front and honest with my PCP about the whole thing. Since then she has taken care of all my needs whether it is directly resulting from my surgery or not. I have Blue Shield of CA. Talk to your PCP and get an idea of where their head might be. I think it will all depend on bedside manner, but it is not unheard of to have your PCP do your follow-up care. Good luck.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Anyone throw up after a protein shake?

    Could it be you have a bug? I know a nasty one has been going around. Other than that different brands can do fine for a minute and the next have you running for the powder room. I love Adkins, been drinking it for probably 4 years now. Good luck!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    60 years young today, 2 yrs PO, GOAL

    Heyyyy HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene


    From the album: LilMissDiva

  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Whatcha eating today!!! Sunday

    Yayyy!! You all are such cool chicks we thought we'd make you your own subforum! Anyway I'm creating the Sunday thread, as it seems there aren't any others. I wanted to do it so I could pin it up without having to come back should you all want to start logging your food on Sundays. TTFN!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Basics Boot Camp

    I get lots of questions regarding how to get back on track. This journey is tough, and one thing I've learned is that I'm not perfect - but if I'm going to move past that I have to figure out how to forgive myself. For me, the main factor in my obesity was my inability to overcome this. So I would give up and gain all my weight back, and even more. I cannot do this to myself!!! I have to pick myself back up and keep it moving. I didn't go through 2 torturous painful weight loss surgeries to just keep giving up. Heck no!!! So, along my Sleeve Journey, when I noticed I wasn't doing well and needed to get back on track this is what I did: The BASICS BOOTCAMP: For 5 STRICT DAYS I will eat only... Proteins: Seafoods, Poultry and eggs, Dairies, nuts/seeds including Peanut Butter. Veggies: Green only. Fruits: None. Breads/Cereals/Other Carbs: None. Fluids: One gallon of Water (128 oz.) Protein drinks (RTD or Powder). Avoid: Sugar and Sodium Once the 5 days are over, I am pretty much over the Sugar Carb Demon. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate carbs! I do need them to live a healthy life and since I workout a lot it is important I have them. However, I need GOOD carbs. Whole grains, fruits, veggies... But I don't need processed sugars. White carbs, in cereals, breads, rice... etc. Lots will do the 5 day pouch test. liquids only is simply from being threatened with my life (post op) or if I'm just feeling sick and to let my Sleevie rest. That's it. Good luck everyone! This journey is tough, but nothing worth doing is ever easy. Xoxo
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hey you guys...

    Yes I meant to rhyme! So, as I know us ladies are enjoying our LBD thread - I think the guys need to contribute here too. And not so much that ccb might show us what he looks like in a little black dress.. Hahaaa!! I know we've got some guys here who've done really well with their sleeve, and now it's time to show it off!!!
  12. Life is but a dream. :)

  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    How do you handle PMs?

    And some of us are givers but just decided to take our lives back.
  14. Hey hun it's been a long time! I don't spend much time here anymore. Check my profile page for the link to my facebook or my fitness pal. Good luck with your upcoming events!!! =)) BTW you look beautiful!!

  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Cancelled Surgery

    I sold my 2 year old Nissan Sentra to help fund my surgery. If one is serious about getting it, then one will do what they have to.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Why Lie?!?!

    To all, remain respectful at all times when posting. Please take anything more than the subject at hand via Private Messaging. It would be a shame for us to have to close this thread. Thanking all in advance. Also: PLEASE read: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules as well as: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/forum-74/announcement-14-please-be-respectful/ Thanks again.
  17. Profile Views 23,838 !!! WOW !!! Long time no see VST.

  18. BMI SHOULD be more complex than a measure of height and weight. I've always said it comes down to body fat % every time. Here's an article you all might find interesting. http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/46945379/#46945379
  19. We have entered into the "ember" months! Which for me means having to always keep my weight in check... so much rich sweet foods and less working out due to the outside coldness. Well I'm absolutely DETERMINED to change this habit this year. Who's with me? My challenge to all of you is to have some kind of weight scale goal to reach by January 1st. I being at goal will make mine very minimal. The reason being I'm not really interested in losing weight per se, but being around the same weight by the time this Winter Season ends. So my goal will be to weigh 165 Lbs. Sounds excellent to me! =) Who else is on board with me? I'm looking for some Ole Timers to join in as well!! =)) Typically in challenges like this most will keep checking in and mentioning how much they have lost. I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE THIS!! I will probably not check in as much since I'm already at goal. But I will be checking in to cheer all of you on who are trying to lose more weight. ALL THIS SAID, please remember it is good to challenge yourself - however it is NOT good to beat yourself up if you're not losing as fast as you would like. Our bodies will lose the weight at it's own rate. The important thing is, is to keep eating healthy, drinking plenty of Water, and giving our bodies physical activity. As long as you're doing this, you WILL lose the weight. Good luck!!
  20. One last thing I'd like to note, I don't think you won't see any post sleevers years out because they have maintained or kept the weight off. I'd say majority of them are simply living their lives and most likely HAVE gained some weight back (typically 10-15 Lbs) and either are too ashamed to admit it for fear of negative backlash, or simply don't care. I'm in the latter. I don't really post here, hardly ever. I liked this post so I replied. No one should be left to feel bad for gaining a few pounds, nor should they be made to feel they should remain on a "diet" for the rest of their life to spite a few extra pounds off. I go up and down based on what time of year it is, however this is MY CHOICE. I don't feel the need to come here and feel bad about it, nor discuss this, really at all. I am not a failure by any means, simply because I won't continue to try to kill myself to stay in a size zero pants. But I will keep working to stay fit and healthy.
  21. I love Weight Watchers, and is usually the catalyst that gets me to lose the winter weight I pick up every season. I will join again after the first, I won't now because I know I'm not 100% on board with the idea just yet. It's not really all that expensive knowing it works.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    VerticalSleeveTalk Newsletter 11/15/2012

    Yes!! Congratulations to Tina spotlight! She is certainly a favored one
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Bariatric Surgery Do's And Don'ts

    This is a lie, you WILL eventually be able to eat everything you are eating now, post op. Some of them won't be right away and some might be a few years out, but like anything - nothing lasts forever. Work on getting your head straight, this is a mind game! You are in my prayers, for sure.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Trying To Stop Losing Weight!

    OPEN WARNING / REMINDER: Be kind and courteous in all replies, wether you agree with the opinion of others or not to which you agreed to do when you signed up in this forum. Thanking all in advance. Any further action will be done personally via PM and warning points issued. http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules Forum Rules Welcome to VerticalSleeveTalk! All of us from the VerticalSleeveTalk team would like to welcome you to our community! Registration to this forum is free! VerticalSleeveTalk members come from a variety of different backgrounds and visit the site from virtually every corner of the world, but we all share a common desire to lead healthier lives. In order to ensure VerticalSleeveTalk remains a fun and friendly place for everyone, we have established the following site guidelines, rules and policies which we ask all of our members to follow. Moderation and Reporting Posts VerticalSleeveTalk is moderated by a team of volunteers and a few full-time site administrators. Because we have a small team, it’s impossible for us to read every post on the site, so we rely on our members to help us identify problems. If you see a post that seems to violate our guidelines, you can help us by using the "Report Post" link to let us know. One of our moderators will review the report as soon as possible and handle it accordingly. VerticalSleeveTalk Community Guidelines The basic ground rules for discussions on VerticalSleeveTalk are simple: be polite, use common sense, don't break the law and don't post any message that even hints at advertising. We don't intend to censor messages based on the opinions expressed within posts, but we will enforce the policies outlined both here and on the Forum. We reserve the right to remove, modify or move posts at our discretion and without explanation. Please contact us if you do not understand any of the rules, guidelines or policies outlined below. Although the administrators and moderators of VerticalSleeveTalk will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of VerticalSleeveTalk will be held responsible for the content of any message. By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are hateful, threatening, or otherwise violate any laws. The owners of VerticalSleeveTalk reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason. Suspension of your account is a definite consequence of not adhering to these guidelines. VerticalSleeveTalk Posting Guidelines 1. Everyone has a right to speak regardless of their perspective. 2. We take the "Be Polite" rule very seriously. We do not tolerate any rudeness. Any member who is intentionally unpleasant or disruptive may be banned without warning. 3. While we believe in free speech, keep in mind that this right is not absolute. Dissent is an essential part of any discussion where people are encouraged to express varying opinions; however, it is equally important to maintain both decorum and topicality as related to VerticalSleeveTalk.com’s mission. 4. Obscenity and pornography will not be tolerated. If that’s what you’re after, there are plenty of places on the Internet to find it, and this forum isn't one of them. Please make sure all opinions are expressed without being obscene or offensive. 5. Members will treat each other with courtesy and respect, especially when they disagree. We understand that bright, intelligent and educated people may not always agree, but personal attacks in the form of insults, abusive language or other means of obvious harassment will not be tolerated. - Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic. - If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, you will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself or a friend is not an excuse! Do not take matters into your own hands – instead, use the Report Post link to report an attack and we will be happy to handle the situation for you.6. Our focus is on weight loss surgery support. While any discussion is subject to going off on a tangent, we will do our best to consistently maintain topicality. Editing, moving or deleting off-topic content will only occur when it’s necessary to redirect focus to the core topic(s) and values of this community. 7. Don't report other people's experiences as truth. Share your own experiences, thoughts, opinions, theories at will. 8. Please take the really personal discussions to PM or e-mail. 9. Do not publicly post an email or private message from any other VerticalSleeveTalk user, moderator or administrator at any time. 10. Do Not Publish Private Contact Information. For your safety, do not post personal information such as telephone numbers, emails, mailing addresses, instant messenger ids, etc. 11. Advertising, Self-Promotion, Fund-Raising, Direct marketing or selling is forbidden on VerticalSleeveTalk. Members may use their signatures to indicate a commercial affiliation by including a single link to a web site of their choice, with no more than one line of explanation in addition. This signature text is not to exceed the default font size of forum posts (size=2). - You may not post any links or mentions of other services, websites, or businesses from which you or an associate might benefit financially or otherwise. You also may not solicit off-Forum contact from which you might benefit, e.g. "message me for more info", “I can get you free samples”, etc. - Requests or solicitations for donations are also not allowed. This includes requesting contributions to “pooled fund” competitions, requests for votes in any venue (online contests, etc.), and even requests for charitable contributions. As you can imagine, we have a lot of people who would like to raise money for worthy causes through the site. As much as we'd like to support these causes, if we were to allow requests for donations, the forums would quickly become full of such requests which would take away from the main purpose of the forums - to support one another. - Posts or messages to members promoting websites that compete with VerticalSleeveTalk are also prohibited. 12. Recommendations or reviews of surgeons, hospitals, products, or services are welcome if based on the reviewer's personal experience. The reviewer must have no financial interest in the subject being reviewed. Violations will result in the posts being removed and a possible permanent ban of membership. 13. You are permitted a maximum of one account/username, active or inactive. If you choose to ignore this important restriction, all your accounts will be disabled. If you have forgotten your log in details and are unable to retrieve them via the system, do not create a new account, please contact us. VerticalSleeveTalk allows one account per member and one member per account. 14. Cross-Posting is not allowed here. Cross-posting refers to posting new duplicate threads or posts, or the linking to threads or posts already started by the member with the intention of gaining exposure. Please choose the most appropriate forum or group for your post and post it once. Posting the same message to multiple boards or multiple groups is a form of spam. Please note that this is NOT a guideline against inadvertently posting a question another member has asked before. We explicitly allow members to post questions that have been asked previously by other members. If you see a member post a topic that you think has been asked before by another member, please respond politely or simply move on. However, the same member cannot ask the same question or post the same topic more than once. 15. No Hi-Jacking Topics. Please stay on-topic within a forum topic. Off-topic or derogatory remarks are disrespectful. Please either contribute politely and constructively to a topic, or move on without posting. This includes posts that encourage the drama in a topic to escalate. 16. Show Respect to All Groups and Individuals. No derogatory references to sex, gender, ethnicity, religions, or sexual orientation, or endorsement of violence against any person or group, even if couched in humor, will be permitted. This includes expressing stereotypes about any group or community. 17. We reserve the right to respond to violations of these guidelines by blocking and/or banning members from this forum 18. When you post to this forum, you offer to us a royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide right to use your content as we see fit. We may use, distribute, display and/or create derivative works from this content, in any and all media, in any manner, in whole or in part, without any restriction or responsibilities to you. 19. Members accept all responsibility for their words. This includes any personal information a user chooses to make public. All members understand that forums may be viewed by non-members. This forum cannot be responsible for the distribution of any information intentionally posted by a user. 20. When using this forum, you agree that we cannot be and are not responsible for the truth, completeness, objectivity or usefulness of any user-generated content, nor do we endorse any content, including, but not limited to, postings or replies to postings made by members who are moderators. 21. We do nothing to verify member identities. You assume all risk in your use of information from other members. 22. While we reserve the right to do so, we do not pre-screen, monitor, edit or review member-generated content. However, we may monitor content and remove it at any time and without notice. We will do this if content violates these guidelines or we believe it will improve our community. We also will suspend or terminate forum access to those individuals who violate these guidelines. 23. No Profane, Vulgar, Sexually Explicit or Illegal Images. All images on the site, including all profile pictures and images posted in the forums, should be work-place friendly. While we reserve the right to remove any photo we feel is inappropriate, here are some partial guidelines as to what is not acceptable: - no nudity - no underwear, thongs, g-strings, or banana hammocks - no photos in which hands or objects are the only bodily covering - no excessive cleavage (if you would wear it to work, it’s probably OK) - no close-up shots of cleavage, butt, breasts or crotch in any state of dress - no hateful or violent imagery - no images containing profanity If you are photographing yourself to demonstrate successful weight loss, tight fitting spandex is a great way to show the change in your shape, while still abiding by these guidelines. If you have a concern about any post, alert the moderators by using the Report Post button. Violation of These Guidelines May Lead to Disciplinary Action. We reserve the right to delete or lock topics, to disable the posting privileges of any member, or to deny anyone use of our site at anytime, for any reason, at our discretion without warning or notice. Conversely, we reserve the right to dismiss a reported post if we find it does not violate a guideline. Special Notices: We do not remove member forum accounts on request. You are welcome to stop visiting the VerticalSleeveTalk community if you no longer wish to contribute or participate in discussions. If you have privacy concerns, we provide our members with the ability to change or update their display names. Members also have the ability to update or modify any information made available in their public profile. With rare exception, once messages are submitted to the forum and replied to, we do not remove them. Removing messages completely would be a disservice to our community as a whole; especially to those who offered a response to you. In light of our policy of encouraging candid, open exchanges of views and the rapid distribution of information originating from many sources, VerticalSleeveTalk cannot determine the accuracy of information that may be uploaded to the forum. Opinions, advice and all other information expressed by participants in discussions are those of the author. You rely on such information at your own risk. You are urged to seek professional medical advice for specific, individual situations and not rely solely on advice or opinions given in the discussions. VerticalSleeveTalk does not provide professional medical services or advice; no doctor-patient relationship. VerticalSleeveTalk provides the Website and Services for informational purposes only. The website and services does not contain or constitute, and should not be interpreted as, medical advice or opinion. VerticalSleeveTalk is not a medical professional, and VerticalSleeveTalk does not provide medical services or render medical advice. The Website and Services are not a substitute for the advice of a medical professional, and the information made available on or through the Website and Services should not be relied upon when making medical decisions, or to diagnose or treat a medical or health condition. If you require medical advice or services, You should consult a medical professional. Your use of the website does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and VerticalSleeveTalk. You hereby agree that, before using the website and services, you shall consult your physician or surgeon. Privacy Policy: We will not release any member information unless under court order to do so. Your postings on this public forum will become public. Your text will be available to anyone with an internet connection. We reserve the right to modify and amend these terms at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to remain informed of current VerticalSleeveTalk policies. We do not monitor private messages. But we will investigate all allegations of PM abuse. We further, reserve our right to disable any account at any time for any reason and without notice. If there are any rules or policies you do not understand, please contact us. Finally; any abuse towards our staff and/or management in any form, may result in immediate suspension of your account.

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