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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Belching and gas

    Oh no worries I didnt think youre complaining. I just think ots a funny subject. You're not the first and won't be the last. I just wanted to say it gets better over the years. CHEERS and welcome to the losers bench!
  2. Fitbit goes on today! It's been a couple months. Rawrrr!!

    1. ProudGrammy


      sounds like you are back in the groove woo hoo

    2. LilMissDiva Irene

      LilMissDiva Irene

      You can not do if no try! =)

  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Belching and gas

    Hmmm... well I'm 3.5 years out. I do still burp and (well, have gas) lol!! In time I guess my stomach has gotten a bit bigger. Not much mind you. I can eat about 3.4 oz of meat depending the density and maybe 5 bites of something else and I'm content. And I burp afterward. I do remember having a strange sound coming from my stomach and my esophagus for the first year though. Like a kind of gurgling, but it went away in time. Good luck!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Help a Noob out...Please?

    Hi PD, Post op for the first few days I was in the hospital. Likely you will need to find someone to care for your children during this time. I was quite weak too due to the lack of food and nutrients I was getting though it wasn't dibilitating. I was back to work in about 3 weeks for what I recall. You should ask every single question that comes to your mind. Keep a note pad with you, so you won't forget any. Write them down as soon as you can. Our brains can zoom a mile a minute during the pre-op phase with so much data and information! It will be easy to forget what you wanted to ask. As far as coffee, wean off it slowly. It took me an entire month to function without it. Going all at once you will find yourself miserably and all headache-y. No reason to put yourself through any extra misery when it can be prevented. One last thing you should know: This is NOT the easy way out. Your life is not going to miraculously become better post-op or once you reach your goal. You will have to work really hard to get to goal and you will have to work even harder to stay there. That said, I do not regret getting my surgery! It has saved me from gaining all my weight back and more like the old days. But I can eat a lot of bad foods if I don't watch myself. I can't eat too much of the good stuff though. So food choices will be super important. Good luck! If you ever need any questions asked, I'm around.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Two weeks from Plastics - progress so far

    cgj, Wow your surgery came out excellent. Congrats to you! I'm still a few years away from mine and still saving my pennies. Of course I need to get back in shape.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    1st Dietician apt since surgery

    I should say not! Haha! take care and I look forward to watching your journey
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    CHECKING IN! Wow... love the new look and website. :)

    Hi Jen!! I agree completely with what sos said. Choices will make you or break you. There werent any post op sleevers at 3-4 more years out when I started to research. The new generation of sleevers are lucky! There seem to be quite a great deal many of us now.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Greek Yogurt

    Awesome thanks for the info! I love the Dannon Greek L&F.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Before and after

    Wow fantastic!! I can see major differences already. Keep it up.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Anyone throw up after a protein shake?

    Oh no! I hope you feel better soon! Xx
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    CHECKING IN! Wow... love the new look and website. :)

    Hi Cathy, I take all the above too. Over time I just stopped taking them on a regular continuous basis. I guess I got tired of it, and felt that over time I shouldn't have to take them anymore. I had a pre-exisiting anemia condition, so nothing could be further from the truth. The truth was I actually needed a higher intake of supplements post operative. I recommend continuing to take them, especially if you had anemia pre-sleeve. Especially continue to get blood exams to keep a watchful eye on your panels.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    CHECKING IN! Wow... love the new look and website. :)

    Oh and yes I remember the LBD thread!! On fact for me I'll make that the first picture thread I'll post in when I finally get back in shape.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    CHECKING IN! Wow... love the new look and website. :)

    I love it!!! I'm so glad I came back, thanks everyone. I totally agree that support means cheering each other on in the good times and the rough Patches. Globe, hiii!! Yes in fact a lot of the workouts I do are very light pilates style and recumbent bike. I didn't do much anything for a long time not really because I couldn't but more because I was feeling sorry for myself along with the incredible fatigue of the anemia. It was awful. But thanking God I'm on my way back to feeling good and more willing to play the "make up" game. Again too I never REALLY saw my previous accomplishments as worthy or good enough. I think I am partially responsible for the down time I'm going through at this time. I already had bad knees but I ignored it as if they were fine, and I didn't take my supplements like I was supposed to. Guess what? *CRASH!!* I did say on MFP.. I'm still here, alive... so my life still has a greater purpose. I'm getting off the misery train and I'm going to do my best to do it the right way this time. Doing the best I can! With all my long time Vets here!! )
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    CHECKING IN! Wow... love the new look and website. :)

    Feedyoureyesukiekim, LOL It's so nice to hear from you! Wow, it seems this whole regain thing is not so uncommon. Especially for those of us who end up with physical limitations. I will take you up on the walking invite! However I'd have to wait until I can even walk a worthy distance and that I'm fully cleared from my orthopedic surgeon. Hang in there, and let's see more of each other round here. Cheri - oh baby baby!! Congrats on your lil one! Yayyy!!! Though I don't have any bambinos of my own I can see the struggle. I know many women who do have lil ones and they all mention struggling with the post baby lbs. Keep your chin up! You're already doing great. Yes, coming here gives me that extra "something" I need to keep me in line. I don't know what it is, but I suppose it might be the fact if I can dish the advice I have to be better able to take it too. I think it would be irresponsible of me not to come here and share my story at going on 4 years post op. We will all get to this point some day and if I can help prevent one person from falling into the ditch I did, I'm happy to share. Take care and I hope to see ya around!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Lordy Lordy, Look who's forty?

    Har Gman!! Grammy Thanks for the BD wishes! You made me laugh with the "spreading it around like manure"!! Curvy, I didn't have many plans except rest and physical therapy pretty much. But that's ok... the next healthy birthday I will make up for all of it.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    CHECKING IN! Wow... love the new look and website. :)

    PDX I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles as well. It truly is an adjustment trying to stay within the limits. It has also been a hit on the psyche because working out always made me feel so alive, and so good. All the very best to you and yes I'm going to make it a point to log in daily. I've always felt this place helped me a great deal to keeping me accountable.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    CHECKING IN! Wow... love the new look and website. :)

    Hi Georgia! Thanks and thank you for your continued support. Swizzle! Long time no see. I'm so glad to hear your doing great. I've always admired your consistency. Cheers!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Vets struggling with 5:2.. there may be an alternative !

    Oh my! This sounds like a fabulous plan. For myself all I'd really need to do is not snack at night. Oh yeah, that's as easy as it sounds... *snark* Thanks for sharing! I'm def going to look it up and please keep in touch and let us know how you're doing!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    1st Dietician apt since surgery

    For me it was the toughest thing in the world to get even close to bare minimum when it came to Protein or Water. The first six months are a challenge, but I'm sure you're up for it! To me it sounds like you're doing quite alright. Hang in there!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene


    You should do whatever you need to do to get your workouts in. I happen to think Curves is a great concept. Good luck!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hair shedding and breakouts =[

    The bad news is the majority of us will lose our hair over time. Biotin/protein/anything else isn't going to prevent it. It's due to the shock of surgery in general and the shock of our bodies being given only enough food to survive. Our bodies are going to send the tiny bit of nutrients we give it to function our brains and our hearts. Our hair can go... at least according to it. I have to say, I prefer this idea over the alternative! And the good news is, it will grow back. In this case, Biotin can increase the output.
  22. Lose the word "only" when going through this journey. Appreciate every step in the right direction. This is just the beginning! Give it a chance.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    CHECKING IN! Wow... love the new look and website. :)

    Darling Coops, thank you for that! I love hearing about others who have gotten better after knee surgery. I too will have to have the other one done too. *sigh* but at least I know in a few years I will be all done and back on the mend. Tell your DH thank you too!! Haha!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pictures past & PRESENT

    I was banded on 2~11~08. You won't see this posted anywhere else but I was revised to the VSG on 9~15~10. I am now on my way to goal!!! :-) I started at 330+ Lbs and my Ultimate Goal is 154 Lbs. which will put me at the high of my BMI scale. I work out a lot and do my best to eat healthy. I'm not perfect by any means, but I'm me!! ;-) - so that makes up for it. I haven't taken a lot of pics in awhile since I've been at the same weight for over a year now. But, I will start back up from here and be sure to start taking more... I find this a huge motivator to keep losing! I am now committing to finishing this thing out. I won't indulge in any arguments on which surgeries are better than others. For that is a very personal thing to each individual, and so far my Sleeve has been working for me far beyond my expectations. No one surgery is better than any other, unless you are the one with it and it takes YOU to your goals and freedom from Obesity. Welcome to my finish line! :)
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fall 2012

    From the album: Pictures past & PRESENT

    These photos were of me just before I got ill. I will FIGHT to get back here if it's the last thing I do.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
