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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    thought you was huh?
  2. That is great to hear! Hope it all turns out good for you. I did have to stay overnight, but I always like to sleep alot after surgery. I didn't even notice really...

  3. Austrian incest father pleads guilty to all counts Incest father pleads guilty to all counts - Europe- msnbc.com updated 9:31 a.m. PT, Wed., March. 18, 2009 ST. POELTEN, Austria - In a stunning turn of events, an Austrian on trial for imprisoning his daughter for 24 years and fathering her seven children pleaded guilty Wednesday to all charges against him — including homicide. The move came after his daughter appeared unexpectedly in the courtroom. Surprising even his lawyer, Josef Fritzl calmly acknowledged his guilt on the third day of a trial that has drawn worldwide media attention for its shocking allegations. "I declare myself guilty to the charges in the indictment," Fritzl, 73, told a panel of judges, referring to what he called "my sick behavior." Story continues below ↓ advertisement | your ad here Fritzl had been charged with negligent homicide, enslavement, rape, incest, forced imprisonment and coercion. Initially he had only pleaded guilty to incest and forced imprisonment. The change of plea means he could face up to life in prison for the negligent homicide charge — literally "murder by neglect" in German. Elisabeth was the prosecution's key witness against Fritzl. Now 42, she was 18 when he imprisoned her in the cramped, windowless cell he built beneath the family's home in the town of Amstetten. He then raped her for years. Testimony 'must really have shaken him up' Asked by the presiding judge what had led him to change his mind, Fritzl said it was the testimony from Elisabeth — the court had viewed 11 hours of her videotaped statement during closed-door sessions Monday and Tuesday. Fritzl's lawyer, Rudolf Mayer, said Fritzl had asked to see a psychiatrist after Tuesday's session. "It must really have shaken him up," he said, referring to Elisabeth's testimony. However, a person familiar with the trial told The Associated Press that Elisabeth herself was in the courtroom on both days — suggesting her presence alone might have unnerved Fritzl and prompted him to change his pleas. The person spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the closed-door proceedings. Other officials would not confirm that Elisabeth was there. Before the trial, prosecutors had said she would not be present and would testify only through her prerecorded remarks. Click for related content Daughter confronts incest father in video The homicide charge came for the death of an infant twin boy — Michael — born to Elisabeth in April 1996 who prosecutors say might have survived with proper medical care had he and his mother not been locked in the basement. Video See the cellar Take a virtual tour of the cellar where Elisabeth Fritzl was imprisoned for 24 years. The MSNBC documentary airs Sunday, March 22, 9 p.m. ET. Doc Block Elisabeth and her six surviving children, who range in age from 6 to 20, have spent months recovering from their ordeal in a psychiatric clinic and at a secret location. Prosecutors have described her as a "broken" woman. Psychiatrist Adelheid Kastner told the court Wednesday that Fritzl had a very serious personality disorder and would pose a threat to others even at his advanced age if freed. She recommended that Fritzl serve out his sentence in a special prison facility for psychologically deranged criminals. Fritzl expressed regret that he didn't bring the ailing infant out of the dungeon and get medical help. "I don't know why I didn't help," Fritzl said. "I just overlooked it. I thought the little one would survive." "I should have recognized that the baby was doing poorly," he added. Mayer, his lawyer, had previously said Fritzl only saw the newborn once it was already dead. CONTINUED : Fritzl shows face on third day ------------------------- There's more if you want to read on, but ew. EW!! :sneaky: This sicko should be hung by his toenails in the town square, flogged and beaten to within an inch of his life. I have ZERO tolerance for this kind of sick twisted behavior. ZERO!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    biggest loser - '09

    I think that's what they try to feed the public, but this show truly is anything but, IMHO. I don't think working out for 8 hours a day and losing 120 Lbs. in 2 months is very healthy. But again, just my 2 cents. I don't know what it is about Helen but I really don't care for her all that much. Since she wanted to stay over her daughter kind of gave me the impression she thinks only of herself. She still gives me that impression to this day by alot of the things she says. Again, just my opinion!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Then post more! I miss you too! Well since you are relieved then I'm happy for you. I hope you'll find something else very soon. Dang she sounds like she deserved that. Drama queen and maybe a little bit of "the world revolves around me" syndrome. What a b*tch. I'm a weather junkie too. I have a file in my favorites with nothing but weather sites. I follow hurricanes. The biggest one I can remember was Floyd. I believe it was back in 99, that sucker was huge! The smaller ones seem to pack more punch though. I get updates from TornadoVideos.net, when weather cells look to produce tornadoes. These are the same guys who make the show Storm Chasers. Good show. Wow really? I cry over anything! I even cried when Odie was taken away in an old Garfield cartoon...
  6. LilMissDiva Irene


    Me too! But I'm more like, Dont do that, because I do that and its bad - I know first hand! GL on your fill, hope it will help. As for me I'm probably more tight than I really should be. Not a whole lot but enough to where each meal can be a bugger. Which is why I'm down to only one a day. I'm thinking about asking for a TINY unfill if it doesn't ebb here in a little while.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    Wow! You all are resorting to violence now? Well, while you all are so busy battling, I'll sneak up and like Robin Hood walk away with the booty! Haha! I love saying booty. But I think that's info best said in another thread.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    What are you listening to right now?

    That's funny!! Unless your the person its happening to.. reminds me of that little feature on my phone "voice command". Yeah right! The training feature you have to go through doesnt even work! I do speak English.. sheesh! Whoosh of my fan. I know, I have so much to do!! I never get any rest.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene


    Of course! How unprofessional of me... for your friend. ;o)
  10. LilMissDiva Irene


    WWDD: What would Diva do? Hey all you bandsters to be, current bandsters and former bandsters! I have always admired Dear Abby. What a gal! I have always wondered what it would be like to be her, so I’m offering up my services to anyone here who has a question… about anything and everything. Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only. If my reply causes you to lose thousands of dollars by gambling your life savings away, stuck in a whale’s belly, a body full of ringworms or other negative responses, please remember – the right answers lie within us all! I take no responsibility for your actions. :cursing:) And with that, let’s begin.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's Talk Movie Review

    True, some are not even worth a moment in time, but if any of you get the chance, watch "The Mist". It's crazy good and follows well with his short story. It just came out not more than a few years ago. If you get the chance to read the short story. It will turn you inside out!! The man can write no doubt. That part was pure genious!! :crying::laugh:
  12. LilMissDiva Irene


    Um... thanks for the hug? LOL!! :crying: Okay here is something by fashion kitty I think might work for you: Patent Leather Studded Thongs - recommendation by FashionKitty - ThisNext You might want to finish it off with this: https://www.getsnuggie.com/flare/next?tag=os|sm|go|tm
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm going to make myself accountable here.

    March 27, 2009 Eating: 5:30am: Protein shake w/vitamins 7:30am: Coffee w/creamer 9:30am: Small Banana 11:30am: Slim Fast Optima Shake 2:30pm: Slim Fast Optima Shake 4:30pm: Small scoop of Fried Rice and Chow Mein, Veggies & Shrimp and some SeaWeed Soup 7:30pm: Handful of Cheese Whales Exercise: 12N: 2.25 Mile power walk at lunchtime. Moods/Thoughts: Another good day! I’m liking the whole liquid diet during the day while I’m at work. It’s helping to keep my calorie intake to a minimum, which is good because dinner seems to carry more. The weekends or days off will be a challenge for me however. I have the next 5 days off, so I will have to devise a plan to stay on track. I think planning to weigh-in on Mondays is a really good idea for the reason already mentioned. It will keep me good for the most part. The weekends I’ve noticed is where the track seems to derail. I am really structured when my schedule is structured, but when it’s not… look out! This isn’t anything new to me though, it’s something I have been struggling with for quite some time. I have to get it right though, otherwise I will always go up and down. One thing I have noticed is that is my desire is coming back to me. I lose this during the winter months, and this is also something I have been battling with for many years too. I love to get out and enjoy the outside sunshine. I’m a California Girl without a doubt! I just feel so blasé during the time of year where the sun doesn’t shine and it’s just really unpleasant to even step outside! Well my favorite time of year has arrived (finally!) and I’m feeling more into working on my body again. I’m positive I’ll shed more fat in the months to come. It’s just a cycle with me. One thing I have to try to remember is that most bandsters don’t even reach goal for at least 3 years out. Okay so on year one I lost 40 Lbs. I still have 2 more years to play with. I’m very positive I’ll reach my goal within that time. I also know that losing weight more slowly is healthier for not only our bodies but for our minds. Our minds need to catch up with our bodies. That is the toughest part I believe to weight loss and management. One last thing, the daily fruit thing is still a great idea. I’m finding though that if I can at least substitute one snack a day for a piece of fruit then I’m still doing good, I feel. Whatever the fruit might be is still a step in the right direction. Until tomorrow all!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm going to make myself accountable here.

    Don't worry about the pound gain. That can happen at any time. I am so well known for this. The fact is, if you are doing the right thing it will work itself out. That is why I've decided only to weigh in once a week. This band thing is tricky and the rules are so much different that what I'm used to. I can't let things like that get me down! Don't worry we are all different and you should do what is right for you! It sounds like you are doing an excellent job! Keep at it, and so will I! :crying: Great suggestion thank you! I do like beans and nuts so I think that might work for me. Everyone needs a little boost of fiber, especially if you're a bandster... LOL!! I agree, so what I'm going to do is replace at least one snack per day for a piece of fruit. Bananas are my favorite, and my doctor likes for me to eat them for the potassium. My blood pressure medications strip me of potassium, so I do have to have them more often than not. ...and yes I feel awesome! Melissa, right now the reason I'm doing it is that yes, I am pretty tight in the mornings. Other reasons are that I seem to be able to keep my calories way down by doing this. I'm not really hungry a whole lot during the day so it just seems to work out. I like the taste too! Who knew after so many years of doing this you'd actually end up LIKING Slim Fast and Protein shakes? LOL!! I also have to work on shrinking up my little pouch because when I fell off the wagon, I think I might have stretched it some. It's helping...
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm going to make myself accountable here.

    March 26, 2009 Eating: 5am: Myoplex Carb Control, vitamins and daily pills. 7:30am: 20 oz coffee, half triple shot mocha 9:30am: Snack, Small Banana 11:30: Slim Fast Shake 3:00pm: Slim Fast Shake 5pm: Dinner, One piece BBQ chicken, few bites of baked beans, few bites of Mac Salad THAT’S IT! Exercise: 12n: 2.25 mile walk. 5:30pm: Stationery Bike, 30 minutes. 7:30pm: Calisthenics, Arms & Legs Moods/Thoughts: I bet you all thought I was avoiding this thread... Well I wasn’t. ;o) I’ve actually been super good since all day yesterday. I feel so vindicated right now! So, my eating was really, really good. It’s still on a roll right now, so I’m feeling really good about everything. I did more workout also that I had even intended. I just felt like doing more, so I did. You know when I hopped on my stationery bike; I didn’t even realize I wasn’t going to do it that night until I was already on for about 5 minutes. I figured, well what the heck – might as well finish it out. I’m not sure why I did that, but I was watching my DVR episode of Biggest Loser at the time. I think Tara really must have lit a fire under my butt! The only thing I didn’t do right, it really wasn’t such a big deal I don’t think. I didn’t have my apple. The reason though was because I wasn’t hungry later that evening or even desired a snack. I did get hungry right before I was ready to fall asleep, but by then it was too late to eat. I hate the way I feel when I fall asleep with food in my pouch. It’s really unpleasant! Well, I know this was a quick episode, but I have a meeting in about 10 minutes (oh poop!) and I have to get my butt outta here! TTFN !! J
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    biggest loser - '09

    Wow! That's right, they're bringing back the elimated next week, should be fun and interesting. Also, next week looks like ripple dad has some medical issues. We shall see. Re: Bob & Jillian both being gay... NOT SURPRISED! I'm glad Aubrey is gone, she was hateful. You could just tell she's super jealous of Tara. Tara, I think I love you! OMG, I'm really glad she showed her human side this time. I know I usually can't stand it when contestants get all wet eye, but this time it struck me. I think the true reason it took me so long to get on her bandwagon was she always seemed so cold to me. I'm also glad and I hope she realized now that Laura is a good person to keep around, and not the albatross she felt like she was in the beginning. It's heating up folks! Lots of competition down the wire now. It's only going to get better if they bring back another hot competitor.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Did you exercise today?

    Rhapsody, its so nice to see you around and are still doing well! tap, you know this has crossed my mind too. I'm often hanging around other areas and seem to forget to check this forum to see whats going on. Not on purpose, but maybe also that when I do take a peek in here, nothing last was mentioned. We started off strong, but we didn't make the cut! I don't know though, most likely I will always check in here from time to time until its a ghosttown for months...
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    What are you listening to right now?

    My co workers... blah...blah...blahhhhhh
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    ^^^Hey no cuts tap! You post twice in a row!! :laugh:
  20. LilMissDiva Irene


    Well, welcome back! I've missed you RSG!! Six pounds is nothing to sneeze at. One thing I've been learning is that I should be proud of the simple fact I'm trying to do the right thing. If I keep doing that, in time the weight will come off. If that means only a half pound or one pound per week, then that's great enough for me. We can do this!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    RSG, bumps into me and drops the trophy and I snatch it up and run run away!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    ebony & glou, np! I love those sites - and for sure the tightly curly lady is my Hair Idol. )
  23. LilMissDiva Irene


    Thanks for the hugs (((RSG)))!! Maybe you can ask them to compromise with you. Sometimes you can go with them to Pizza, just make sure that you choose the healthier options. Tell them next time though, you get to choose where you eat. So, tell them this: Friend 1: "Hey Tara do you wanna go hit up the Pizza place even though I know you shouldn't because you're trying to eat healthier?" You: "Yeah, well okay but only if you allow me to choose where we go next time! ...and please note, it's going to be healthier than Pizza!" Also, many Pizza joints have salad bars. Now, I don't want to sound like a hypocrite either because when I go out to get Pizza, I eat Pizza. Just a smaller amount than I used to. Salad stays put.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hey! Sorry, I know you were asking someone else - but I also have very curly hair. I go to another website for that help. I know how difficult it can be to keep it looking nice without having to resort to nasty chemicals! This website was actually made by a suggestion of someone else here (can't remember who). Give it a try! CurlTalk - Powered by vBulletin Here's another website you might find helpful: Welcome
  25. LilMissDiva Irene


    Okay dangit! It keeps making my WWDD in lower case. Whatever.

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