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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    I have an accomplishment and that is I did 3 days of Calisthenics this week. I usually end up skipping one day due to time constraints. I did it anyway though! I need to stop using that time factor as an excuse not to exercise. I do it, but not as much as I should. For someone who has been doing this for years, I really need to do more than what I have been. My slacking is in ways of, "Oh well, I'll just do 30 minutes on my stationary bike" when I know darn well I should do more than that. 30 minutes barely breaks a sweat on me. I'm not really getting a good workout unless I'm doing at least 45 minutes. Also, I usually end up eating my "chips" and mainly Doritos on weekends. I am a 3 day weekend person too. I work an alternate work schedule. So, I feel accomplished with the fact I haven't had any since last Saturday. Today will be another day without them. I am seriously addicted to chips. They are a major trigger food and a huge contributor to my inability to continue my weight loss. I know this and I just have to cut them out of my diet, always and forever. Those aren't the only things I have decided to cut out. I'm also giving up the ice-cream. ALL ice-cream, even the fat free. Chips and Ice-Cream do much of the same. I have not been able to eat the "better" versions of them such as Baked Lay's or the Slow Churned. They don't taste close enough and all they do is make me long for the real deal more. So, what can I do? All I can do is make that awful choice to just never have them. I am uncontrollable with them, and the only way I can control them is to totally give them up. I know I can do it. There is no doubt! I gave up sodas and I never even think about them. Yes, I think I've had a sip here and there, but with the band it is a really bad idea. Even one sip! Not only that example, but I have been struggling with this addiction since I've been banded. I went 35 days once without them. I can't remember why I ended up eating them again, but that's not what is important. What is important with that example is that I know it's possible. I last ate chips last Saturday. It's now been one full week. It's the weekend so the absense of them is more prevalent than any other time of the week. I crave them most during that "time" but that's not for a few more weeks. However, I'll deal with that when the time comes. I've gone through it before without them, and I'll do it again. So far, success. I haven't lost much... LOL!! I'd think I'd have started to lose some by now but I haven't. To that I say, C'est la vie! I won't let that be a trigger to just give up! The scale will move when it's ready. As long as I'm doing the right thing, it will have NO CHOICE eventually. :laugh: How are YOU doing? That is directed to anyone and everyone who is reading this. :drool:
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    Why thank you! I just hope by doing this to inspire myself, and to help others along the way. This is so hard, and the thing I need to work on most is kind of giving myself a break! Keeping myself positive! Oh so true! I think I'm going to do some research on that endorphine stuff. Now I'm in search of... time. LOL!! Thank you so much Beth for your support! I'm working on that fruit thing and it's helping alot. I've always liked it, but I'm finding I'm starting to love it.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    BT, you're half-way there! You know there is always something I have to remember (one of many), that the average time it takes for a bandster to reach goal if they do is 3 years. That's plenty of time. I think slower is better. It gives your brain time to adjust to your body.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    just, anytime you need to, you come here and we can do this together! Anyone for that matter. No judgements here! Yes, I've been especially good these last few days, but I think you struck a chord when you mentioned emotional eating. Things in my personal life have left me in a good mood. Could this be why I have been more readily exercising and eating like a bandster should? I don't know. I have considered going to Overeaters Anonymous even. I need to dig a little deeper it seems! Today has been a success so far, but of course it's only 10 AM! I know I can get through it, I have to. I have to do it and do it right. And today is day 7 and NO DORITOS! LOL! My drug has been quiet, but I know when the time comes it will rear its ugly head. Will I be able to resist? Well, they say one day at a time, and today will be successful.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Ah I didn't know that... I was just going off what other montly bandsters do.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Random musings...

    Haha! Oh I'll always check in here. I'm almost positive I will probably be the last one standing, you know? I think so many have dropped off either because they are struggling and don't want to have to admit it, or they are doing wonderful and are out living their lives. Well, it's a possibility that the latter can happen to any one of us. Talking band and weight loss just gets old when you're there and out having fun. But you know, I believe I'll always check in even when I get there. I've been posting on this website since Sept. of 2007 and have met some great people. I'll always want to know whats going on here!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need a little support....

    Hi Jessica! I'm so very sorry to hear you are struggling right now. You may believe this or not, but it is much more common than you may realize. There are many of us who do at some point come accross some rough seas. Where the weight stops or goes in the wrong direction, and we have to work really hard within ourselves to get motivated to finish out the race. Do not worry! The last thing you should do is that... if you think back to when you got to your highest after many attmepts at weight loss, what were you feeling? Was it the feeling you have now? Hopelessness? Failure? Well, that is a surefire way to get back there. Oh, it's so much more difficult to gain with the band, but you can! So, please for your own sake be careful! You have to think positive. I tell so many people this, and yet it is something I personally have such a hard time with myself. I have to keep those feelings of doom at bay, and remember how far I've come. I have to always try to get back there, even if it takes me forever and a million attempts. I am here for you anytime! I certainly understand what you're experiencing. Just keep in mind, you have done an outstanding job so far, and you with all things considered don't have that much more to go. Don't let anymore time pass and get back on that horse! I believe in you!! Hi! I pretty much agree with everything you've said, but one thing sticks out at me. I don't think any bandster should strive to be that tight. I've been reading around and finding lots of people end up having long term problems with their bands, and it's mostly due to being overly restricted. I've heard so many of them talk about that very symptom. So I just want to say, be careful with that. The last thing you want is to end up losing the one thing that has helped you in your weight loss and from gaining back to where you started. Anyway I also wanted to comment on the whole good person/bad person thing. I think that is something we all deal with! Some are just much better at suppressing that Devil on our shoulder, and some of us have to flick him off! LOL!! It's so tough, no doubt! Yes Jessica, that is definitely something you will want to stop doing. So many empty calories, and is considered a slider too. Hello! I'm sorry you are having a rough go at things yourself! I'm can see though you have all the right things in mind, and that is what it takes to stay afloat! We can all do this! I truly believe in my heart we have what it takes. If we had the courage to have surgery and risk our lives, for goodness sake we have the strength to do what is right for our bodies. I would like to invite anyone who is struggling to a thread I started. I'd like for us to get together and continue our fight to get to the finish line!! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f15/do-you-need-lose-those-pounds-youve-gained-91795/
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    I've got a new thread... again.

    Thanks so much for that. I really appreciate it, believe it or not just that little bit makes me feel so much better. Sometimes I like to beat myself up over the battle that constantaly goes on in my head. I think mostly because I know I can do it, I've done it so many times before. I just have to find that fire (or maybe pilot light and give it the gas it needs to burn... LOL!!) that I had in the beginning or that I get every time I decided to get into shape. Anyway, I hope you'll check in on me from time to time.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    gOaL ChAnGe

    No I was 283 on surgery day. I got all the way down to 227, then went back up to what I am now. My highest all time is 330+. This was a few years ago when I first started trying to lose weight for good due to health and extremely low self esteem...
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    I have alot of accomplishments already! I did my slim fasts during the day and my only two snacks were fresh fruit. A small banana and a baby tangerine. Yes! I did it!! Woohooo!!! And to think, someone tried to tempt me with their delectable chocolate chocolate chips... Hmmm... not this time buddy! For my exercise routine I completed the stationery bike for up to a 3 resistance which works good to allow me to bring up my heart rate and keep the level at or above endurance. I feel really great right now... you have no idea! I ended up doing 45 minutes for 11.5 miles. I did miss doing my afternoon break with the stairs. That's okay, I'm not going to let that bring me down at all. Today was my first day and I won't be doing it again until Monday anyhow. It was spur of the moment and at least I did that! It's a start. Besides, I have to watch my knees since I was told I have arthritis in them... so sad. It has ended my running for the time being. I think I'll take that back up once I hit onederland. One thing I miss doing is my walks. I usually like to get in 2.25 miles during my lunch break. It's been raining here on and off, included with my bronchitis I've been struggling with the last few weeks it just hasn't happened. I'm positive the second I get back out there I'll feel even better! I have a few bits of good news though! Today was a blessed day for sure!! I'm so stoked! Well, at work I'm on a Limited Term status and my term was to end as of June 30. Heck, that's only two months away! Well, my boss calls me on my cell this afternoon and tells me he was able to get HR to extend my term another 12 months! HOORAYYYY!!! Whew, I'm so relieved as far as that is concerned! I still have 14 months to try to find something that is permanent and on my level. You see, if my term ends, I get demoted. I miss out on lots of money per month, and we already had nearly 10% paycuts due to economy issues. Wow, what perfect timing. Not only that, I have always dreamed of lateralling into becoming an Accounting Analyst. Well turns out there was this position posted for another agency and I contacted someone over at that agency. I didn't know that person was the Administrator! She seemed like she like me right away! So she tells me she'll have HR look into the possibility of getting me a transfer and to turn in my app. This was yesterday... I did right away! Then I get a phone call and it's one of my former supervisors. She said she had my app that I sent in yesterday for that position. She works there now and she was so glad I applied for it! She told me not to worry, that she would put in a good word for me with the Administrator (who already seemed interested). We chatted for a few minutes, and I was feeling so great! Then I get a call 30 minutes later for an interview next week!!! Woohooo!! I guess I qualify, they are giving me an interview. They check all that out before giving them out (at least I hope they did... LOL, they usually do...) Anyway, I spoke to one of their HR staff yesterday and she asked me a few questions, so I know their HR checked on me. I'm just having a really great day and thought I'd share. I'm so sooo happy! I got my State Tax Refund today too, and bought me a new Coach purse, coin purse and badge holder too! I love it! Haha! Well sorry, I know I'm writing me *ss off right now. I'm a writer, that's what I do.. LOL TTFN, and until next time.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    ((((((justwant2lose)))))) Welcome! I'm here for you, and I totally relate to your struggles. However, you made it to onederland!! That is so fantastic! Whether or not you are still there should not make you feel any worse. Think about it like this, you could have gained more back right now. That is something I always have to remember myself. I could have gained back so much more, trust me. I know what I'm capable of - and like I mentioned many posts back, I don't even like to look back on those days... Maybe I should though. You know, I need to be reminded of where I started. What lead me to the decision to do something about losing weight in the first place. It was for a great many reasons, and one of them was to look better and feel better about myself. To gain control of my health that was spiraling out of control and I was only 31 years old! I was just miserable and I wanted to feel good about myself and feel strong and healthy! I'm so glad you are here, we all need each other - and I know it that we don't need to hear all the canned responses. We need people to identify with if we are going to make this work. Then when we finally do reach that place we had always intended, it will be that much sweeter, that much more victorious. Why? Well, I think because we fought so much harder than other might have with the band. Oh no doubt they all have struggled, but when you stall or gain weight with the band you just enter a whole other side of it. I imagine it will be the best feeling to know we have over come our tribulation! The Lean Cuisine idea is a fantastic one. In fact, I had that same idea in mind. I do the Slim Fast diet and my "sensible meal" is the Lean Cuisine or whatever else is on sale at the grocery mart. I did want to break that monotony however because the meals truly aren't as healthy as they can be. I was thinking doing the LC's Monday thru Wednesday. Thursday has always been my fun meal where I get to eat the dinner of my choice (going out), and Friday through Sunday are usually home made meals. They are healthier because they are fresh and tend to have less salt in them. I trust that would do me very well as I get back into doing what I'm supposed to. Along with my good exercise routine I should start losing again, without gaining of course! I have also told myself enough with the ice-cream and chips. Now, I don't have it really bad with the ice-cream but for some reason when I eat them it tends to lead to worse. Then the chips, I just can't seem to control my intake when it comes to those, so you know... I've just got to end that relationship. I do, it's over. It's like alcohol to me or a drug. It serves no good nutritional value and only hurts me in the long run. So I say to you, thank you for joining and I do hope to hear from you more. I believe in all of us that we can make this work.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    I'm trying with all my might! Yay! Finally someone knows what I'm talking about with those bloody BCP... ugh! Anyway, that was 8 months ago so it's not so much of an excuse anymore. However I thank goodness I've not gained above much more than when I stopped using them. want, welcome to this thread! I'm so glad you joined! :sad: Just pop in here, let me know how your doing. Good or bad! I promise I won't give you a bad time ever, just encouragement and much understanding. If anyone knows how tough it can be, it's me. Anything you wanna say, say it here. Even if it's 20 times per day... I want to know what's working for you and what's not. With that said, we can do it! Oh yes we can!! :thumbup: ALL ARE WELCOME HERE!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    gOaL ChAnGe

    Heh! I've changed my goal so many times, I don't know which way is up. Though, I should be around 150-155 to be well within the normal range - right now I'd just like to get to 170 and see how I feel. But first I need to get back to 227. Nothing wrong with changing your goals once you get to your original goal. As long as you are healthy!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    biggest loser - '09

    Ah.. maybe I can find it on YouTube then. Thanks!
  15. That's how it feels for awhile it seems. We are so used to small head on big body, and when it turns into regular head on tiny body it feels like a bobble head! Anyway you are adorable! You remind me of my sweet little sister in NYC, because you look a little like her. Keep rockin'!
  16. Hi! Just thought I'd stop by and check out who I've been chatting with! LOL!! You're a sweetheart and a total cutie!


    Stay that way, you're a wonderful motivator. :)

  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    Hey I just thought of something... I would like to invite you to join my discussion also if you've been stalled on your weight loss for awhile. I know some people might be plateaud (I hate using that word because it's softens the blow) for maybe a few months or more. Maybe you can make a small challenge for yourself and check in here? IDK, just an idea.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    Accomplishment: I walked up and down the stairs just now! Now my knees hurt a little bit... LOL!! But whatever. Anyway, I work in a 16 story building on the 15th floor. So, I always thought I should get used to the stairs.. I mean you never know. Could be an emergency and the elevator could be unusable. I also feel embarrassed when we have a fire drill and I have to wait with the other people who can't go down stairs. I set my Outlook Calendar to remind me to do this every day at 10:30 AM and 2:30 PM for my breaks. It doesn't hurt to actually get away from my desk and REALLY take a break you know! Right now I'm doing three flights down then up, twice. Next month I'll add an extra flight. Then every month after that I'll add an extra flight all the way up to 15. Then when I'm really good at it I'll add more repetitions. Just a little goal I have for myself.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    My fill appointment and thoughts and such

    Awesome! I wish you success for your goals! Oh how I wish I could jog again... :sad:
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    Well, I do have an album on here in my profile if your interested. The smallest pics of me were when I got to 227. Of course I've gained nearly 30 since then. LOL!! I think I have some around 250 or something like that, so you can imagine what I look like right now. My avatar is of me about a month ago. It is my face what I look like right now still. I also believe I have one "before" pic up in there, me in a pink shirt. I do believe I lost some weight when I took that pic too, so its not a true before. I need to find one....
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm going to make myself accountable here.

    Okay all... if you're looking for me, you can find me here: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f15/do-you-need-lose-those-pounds-youve-gained-91795/ I'll be there for awhile. Now I know I said I only want to talk to others who are struggling too, but all of you are welcome there as well. I just didn't want anyone posting asking how restricted I am, to all that garbage. I just want some support. That isn't support for me. I'll come back here of course from time to time, but you might find me there more in the time being. PS, I'll be posting my thoughts and accomplishments or bumps there until I get back to where I started during the day. :thumbup: Thanks to all of you for being a great motivator. I am going to get it done! I promise, it's just taking more effort than I would have ever imagined. :sad:
  22. I expect all of you to rail me if I'm not doing the right thing!! Do you hear me?!?! Holy Cow MAN!! I woke up and weighed myself and I was 255.2!!! :biggrin: WTF?? What is wrong with me? I feel so terrible, and I feel like a blasted failure... Okay, just so you know I had gotten all the way down to 227 Lbs. Then I fell off, and when I say fell off, I MEAN WAYYYYY OFF!! I could just feel the blood drain out of my face... dammit! I keep going up and down, up and down. I'll get back down to the low 240's, then I'll forget all about what I was doing and the slider are right back in my mouth and my scale is climbing back up again. But this is ridiculous. I haven't been this weight since right after surgery when I blew right past the 250's. So... today... right here and RIGHT FREAKIN NOW THIS IS GOING TO STOP! So, I'm looking to you my VV sisters to look after me, pick me up and give me that swift kick in the ass that I so desperately need right now. Why? Because, I'M NOT A FAILUREOR GOING TO MAKE MY BAND A WASTE! This right here is going to be my daily diary. ...and when I say daily, I mean every dang day. If I miss a day, I expect you to send me email or whatever to say, "Hey WTH are you?" You know... I'm going to write to let you all know what I ate for the day, what exercises I did - did I slip up? Did I have a great day? How much did I weigh that morning... anything and all information pertaining to my weight loss is going to be right here. That it ladies... I'M OWNING UP!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    Seriously, thank you! Yeah, I was 330+ Lbs! So yeah, I have alot to be thankful for. Including my band!! It has helped me from gaining ALL my weight back and then some, as has always been the case before. There certainly has been enough time passed that this could have been a possibility. Congrats to you btw for being so close to goal. You have done excellent yourself! I need to take your advice often. LOL!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    Thought: Okay, you d*mn people stop bringing your evil chocolate chocolate chip cookies to work to share!!! Ahhh, that felt much better. Accomplishment: I did NOT eat a cookie! Yah! Another Accomplishment: Instead I open the fridge and pull out my Strawberry Slim Fast. Yum! (Yes I do like Slim Fast) :sad:
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    Hi 2Fly! First let me say thank you for not being negative! You know what? I have never done that, looking at all my before pictures. I don't have too many but I do have a few. I really hated taking pictures back then. :sad: Maybe I need to do that. I hated myself back then.

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