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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    Want, that is fantastic news! I’m so glad that you are still feeling restriction! It sounds like it just might have been the tech missing your port last time, or maybe when he unfilled to check how much was in there he did forget to put it all back in. Strange as it may seem!! You might want to, just for right now stick with liquids for maybe a day or so until your swelling goes down. It sounds like you had a pretty bad episode with the jerky. I’ve never had problems with jerky TG because I just love it! I can get by with just an oz of it and be good for a quick fix until dinner, or I will drink a slim fast first, and then top it off with that. It seems to be carrying me all the way until dinner time! That is so wonderful, and I’m enjoying this very much. Congrats also on your fullness!! That is so awsome and I do hope it helps to get your scale to co-operate!! :rolleyes2: JR, hello! Thanks for joining us. J Regarding the Slim Shots, I just pop one open and get it down my throat as quickly as possible. They taste pretty bad! Then I swish some Water through my mouth to get some of that taste out. Right after taking it, I’ll eat a meal (which the box suggests to do) and I seem to fill up pretty fast. Even faster than with just my band! I really like that because I seem to eat more than I should. Of course it is still way less than pre-band; it’s still more than I think my body needs for survival. Since doing this, included with discontinuing my steroidal inhaler and plenty of exercise, I’m starting a downward trend again. I’m pretty wary though this time. It’s familiar territory, and one in which I seem to keep finding myself in. It’s like I’m in some kind of crazy revolving door! Enough already!! I’m going down for good this time. I will be back down to that 227 that I left so long ago now. LOL!! I think I want to see that 227 more than I want to see that darned 199 for goodness sake! Heh, anyway, I’ll let you know when I get there. ;o) The reason I’m telling you all this is because, as you can see I can feel your pain. Yours is a revolving 5 pounds, mine is 10. Ten up and ten down... 145-155 over and over and over…. Blah! Thanks for asking about the interview, very sweet! J Unfortunately I don’t qualify for the position. I still need to take a few more classes to be reachable… It’s pretty sad too because I believe I was the top candidate. I sent my interviewer an email later that day after my interview explaining all the classes I have, vs. how many I should have. She replied and said, it didn’t look very good but she would investigate. Now one thing I know is, a manager won’t “investigate” unless they want to bring you aboard. I know though it won’t happen. There really is no getting around that, unfortunately. As a side note too, I want to reiterate that loving my band has not much do to at all with this thread. I TOO STILL LOVE MY BAND!! It has helped me in so many different ways, like preventing some serious weight gain. True I gained, but in the grandest scheme, it’s tantamount to what I could put on. Trust me, I know. I’ve gained 120 in one year before. Well, it’s been a year since I’ve stopped losing and it could be so much worse than my 30 right now. Pbrown, its really hard to get to the sweet spot. I guage mine by how much I can eat, not by how hungry I get or how fast. I’m pretty tight and I have a darnedest time eating (slow and chewing to hog heaven), yet I still seem to get stuck pretty easily. I just don’t think the band works exactly the same for everyone. I wish I was one of the lucky ones where the band helps to suppress hunger, but I’m not. That is why I have decided to find alternatives to do that for me. IDK, I just have a really hard time ignoring my hunger pains. *sigh* Welcome BTW!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    biggest loser - '09

    Ugh I'm telling you!! He doesn't give an ounce of trying. It so sickening, I can't even stand it! I know it's not because he truly feels he can't but because he is so pompous and self-assured he doesn't think any consequence from doing this will become of it. It's just wrong. It is also something that crossed my mind too regarding his tiny pouch. It's working, because he's working IT. He's eating right, and doing (some) exercise. It's showing itself, but of course no one wants to mention it. Not the producers because the whole premise of the show is: "See you can do it too!" (Diet and exercise) I wouldn't lose a wink if I never seen this dude again and his horrendous "BEFORE SHOT" (Kill me now please). I also agree with this +5, good idea Lulu. I'm on board with that! What a monkey wrench that would be!! :sneaky: :mad2: :smile2: :hurray:
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Jaime, it's so nice to see you!! I'm also glad to hear you are doing well from having surgery. I haven't had any problems with my gall bladder, but from what I hear it's pretty common with bandster or WLS folks. Losing weight quickly can cause some issues for us. I hope that you will join us more, we miss you! :sneaky: I love that sunshine too! I makes me feel so good and relaxed yet upbeat at the same time. Most are commenting on my tan I'm starting to get. It's so nice to go out and walk for a few miles during lunch. I just feel amazing and so in control afterward! I love it!! Well, I guess that has alot to do with you not drinking while eating. The band is restricted for you which is a good thing. I've personally never slimed either, but I think it has alot to do with the fact when I do start to feel stuck I'll sip tiny bits of pineapple juice. I've got a fear of vomiting so I do that for fear of it, and it really helps. I know that's not what you want to hear because you're trying to avoid the drinking. For me though, it's almost to the point where I can't even eat without it. No matter though, along with my slim shots a small meal, even if I'm drinking my pineapple juice will last until it's time to eat again. WoOoOHoOo Shiny!! You rock on girl! You keep me motivated, thanks so much for that. You're doing such a great job. And what a great idea, doing jumping jacks and entertaining the little guy at the same time... LOL!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    Thank you! ...and YES... it's really bizarre for me. I've always been a salty girl too. However, since being banded I'm totally digging the sugar. I don't know how or why that has happened but it has. Luckily I've been able to ignore it lately, but I've definitely noticed an increase since banding. I'm wondering if it may have anything to do with how easily they slip through the band. It's pretty much the only thing that I can eat that doesn't hurt. I know one thing though, I refuse to get any removed until I get down to where I started!! I will consider a slight unfill at that time. Don't worry about getting all that off your chest, that's what I'm here for!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    I've got a new thread... again.

    Hey VVs! I have started over (again). I don't care how many times I have to start over and over, I am going to get my weight loss back into gear. Anyway, I just wanted to invite you to my new thread. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f15/do-you-need-lose-those-pounds-youve-gained-91795/ I will post my accomplishments/thoughts there. Just thought you might like to check it out. I've kind of abandoned my other thread for right now. I need to start up a blog even. Ya know?
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Shiny you should always post, ESPECIALLY in times like this - not in spite of. This is a support website, and we are here to support you! Times are going to be tough for us, and we aren't always going to be perfect bandsters. That's life, and I'm definitely a testament to that. No doubt! One thing I know though, is I'm getting through it, but I'd never have been able to climb out of this hole I'm in without all of you. You gals have been so helpful, even if maybe you don't think you have! I am very grateful to have you gals there to cheer me on, and to remind me to be successful you have to work on it! My only advice is, yes, get rid of those cookies! LOL, someone brought in a pan full of brownies today at work... grrr... I could just knock em out with that pan! Great deal on the house, I hope you will love it! Thank you so much tap!! I so appreciate your kind words. I will succeed and do you know why? Because I'm working at it, that's why! I could just give up and say, whatever.. but I won't do that. I have a goal in mind and even if it takes me 5 years... I'm going to get it done! As far as the symbicort goes, I don't know what else to say besides that I will take it as needed. I know how it feels when my asthma is flaring up and the first sign I will take it as prescribed until the symptoms go away. For now, I'm okay. I have to balance it out. If I were to take it everyday I'd blow up like a house. No matter how diligent I'm being with my healthy lifestyle.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    PS, today is day 11 and no CHIPS!! WOOHOOOO!! I can DO THIS!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    Well, I don't know if any of you have noticed but I have undertaken a few choice changes recently. First of all, I have come to the conclusion that no matter what, or how tight I am, the Lap-Band will never be able to quiet my growling stomach. So I have decided to try out this new little thing called Slim Shots. They look like little coffee creamers, and are about 1 oz. each. A box comes in 30's. So far and this is day 3 taking them for me, it has really sincerely helped keep the hunger down. Not only that, it does also help with portions size too. The Lap-Band already helps with that right now, so I'm left eating very little. Or rather, a little bit seems to go further now. That is all I wanted... I felt I was still eating too much. The reason being that whatever I was able to get down didn't seem to last very long. Now it's lasting longer, and I'm getting that satisfied feeling with just a small bit. FINALLY!! When I get hungry it's fierce! My stomach growls really loud and I feel ravenous. The Lap-Band has not seemed to control this in any way. I also get hungry around 3 hours after eating too. I really wanted each meal to get 4-5 hours time. I really hate the idea of having to snack between meals. It adds up! So, with that - I"m now able to go those 4-5 hours between meals without the need to snack! That is so wonderful for me! I'm saving so many calories now! Each little oz. is about 20 calories. What a trade in!! The taste is pretty bad however, and that would be the only complaint I'd have. Oh, besides the price... it's pretty hefty. The ingredients aren't bad either, it being oils and Equal (sweetner) which really isn't all that bad. Other than that all is well. I'm doing very well on my eating habits... sticking to the healthier options when choosing what to eat. It feels good! I'm also sticking closely to my exercise routine. I feel heathy and strong again. Which brings me to another point... anyone else notice how awful you feel physically when you eat bad and don't exercise? Once your body becomes accostomed to healthy living you feel great, and when you make poor choices, you seem to be able to really notice it. Well that's me in a nutshell right now. At least my weight is inching down once again since I stopped taking those darned steroids. Wow that was really bringing me down! I was being really good and to gain weight... I could just feel the frustration building up inside me! UGH!! Talk soon all! Tell me how you're doing out there!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    want, I understand how tough that must be! I have no idea about the non-support, my husband is overly supportive at times. Annoyingly so to be perfectly honest. I guess the hubbies just can't win no matter what. LOL!! We'll both just hold out hope that everything is ok. It is actually quite common also for the person doing the fill to "miss it". It could just have been that the last time. Take it easy and do the liquids thing for a few days, however your doctor wanted you to do it. I'll keep you in my thoughts, even so - so far so good. I get you on the stepson thing. It seems that when something is on my mind in a negative way, everything and everyone gets on my nerves big time! Probably just best to avoid him to an extent right now, until you get your mind in a better place. It might be awhile.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Tried Slim Shots Liquid with Lap-Band?

    You can mix one as a coffee creamer, but just a warning of anyone who wants to try it... it tastes terrible. You might ruin your whole cup of coffee doing this. Just thought I'd share. Anyway, day three and wow it's really helping me so much! I went through the whole day with only one snack and that was at night. I ate a very small dinner, small lunch and small breakfast and one small snack. I don't think I've ever done that before! I like it and I give it 4.8 out of 5 stars. The .2 is for the taste -- but well worth it.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Tried Slim Shots Liquid with Lap-Band?

    PS... no I'M NOT getting paid to say all this... haha!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Tried Slim Shots Liquid with Lap-Band?

    LOL!! Well I guess no one know what I'm talking about or hasn't tried it. I just wanted to give an update on it since I'm trying it. It's actually not all that bad, the ingredients are natural (mostly), so I'm not too worried. I find that if I just down it then gulp some water with it the taste can get squashed. However since I burp alot, and I eat a meal directly after I burp up the flavor for a few minutes. I don't mind though because for some reason this stuff really works. It actually works better than I had imagined it would. For once I'm actually making it from breakfast to lunch without the need of a snack. Pretty amazing from my standpoint, its saving me a good several hundred calories per day. Last night even I had a Lean Cuisine for dinner and it satisfied me well. THAT'S saying alot! LOL!! Just in case you were curious...
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    ((((((want)))))) I'm so sorry you're having a rough day! :sad: That is a fear of mine, and it is a very credible fear that something could go wrong with the band. It's actually more common I think than some might realize. I'm so afraid of what could happen if I were to lose my band or get totally unfilled for an amount of time... ugh! I totally can feel your urgency and pain!!! The best thing to do at this point is to stay rational... and definitely do the bandster rules. If it was just a fluke and your band is ok, then you don't want to risk any other problems by eating too fast and having a PB. Just try to remain patient and see how it plays out. Take care of your band! Our husbands just don't understand what we are going through, but I agree he could use a little more tact when addressing the issue. It's a very sensitive subject for us, and any little thing goes wrong and it can send us over the edge! I know it!! Get your feelings out hon, but when you are done just try to stay sane. What would your husband do without you?? LOL!! Keep in touch and let me know how it goes...
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    Good job all... you all are definitely very competitive.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Great! I'm glad! I think if people see the "victorious valentines" it might gather some attention to other vv's. I do miss so many of them! Thing is I did not indulge one bit. Sux to be me, but as it is my weight is dropping finally a little bit. I'm sure it's because I stopped taking that Symbicort. Darn steroids, they affect me wrong. Best wishes with the fill - and I'm sure you WILL get those WOWS... I still get them even though I've gained then stopped losing. It's really bizarre. I know my fat is shifting. I've never had a shape that I have right now and I've been thin before. Thats right girl! Get your exercise on! I have been doing good too, and I always feel so much better when I do. I'll definitely give em the heads up, we need them back over here! They are out having fun I'm sure. I need to get out more... Thanks tap, I'm really working hard on it. Still not perfect, but I've been more motivated and better than I have been in a long time. I surely do and I will stick it and I WILL succeed!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    me taken 13 April 2009

    Look at those beautiful girls!!!! xx
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    me at 268

    You're getting skinny!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's Talk Movie Review

    Re: The Ten Commandments: Truly one of the best films ever created! I love that movie! In fact its that time to pull it out and watch it (again) Re: The Time Machine - 2002: I totally agree with the 1. What a ripoff. If you've seen the original and loved it, you will be very sadly disappointed.
  19. YES... Big time. I have to burp myself even. After I eat, I have to get up and do something or walk around. Then I burp and I feel content.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    MBT, it is quite possible you might be too tight. Sometimes when a pt. is too thight they will substitute the good food for slider foods, like the ice cream you mentioned. Not sure if you have had this looked into yet or not, just a suggestion. I totally agree with the emotional eater, I am very much so an emotional eater too. I think majority of us are, and sometimes some of us will fall off track with the willpower not to do this. I believe it probably might benefit any one of us to seek help in this matter. I'm not sure it is something we can deal with on our own. I'm seriously considering joining OA. That in itself I think will take every ounce of courage I have. I know there is a meeting this Wednesday evening a few miles from me. I hope I can get myself in there! Best of luck on the fill! I haven't personally felt I've needed one in awhile. I might even consider getting a little taken out. I'm not super tight where I can't even drink or choke on my own saliva, but eating a solid well balanced meal is really difficult for me. I don't think we should have to be that tight. There is no amount of tightness I've learned for myself that will work to curb my hunger. The only thing the band is helpful to me is to keep me from eating massive amounts. I'll just have to learn to live with that at this time. I hear ya with the sodas even! Wow, I was so addicted to Pepsi and A&W Rootbeer. So good! But so bad for you too! Now I look at people getting those buckets of soda and I just feel disgust. Maybe I shouldn't and instead feel empathy, but no - I just can't stand it!! Hi! Thanks for your reply! Finally someone who understands my plight. It just sucks! Yes, I was prescribed the Advair before and gave much of the same side effect. I also hated how the powder felt in my lungs. I know I really should take it like I should. My doctor was a bit upset that I hadn't been taking it... But oh well! I'm trying to lose weight, and I've even heard that losing weight helps with Asthma. I'm trying to find out if that's true! LOL!! I've had to take Prednisone before, and it's been several years since then but I do remember gaining some then too. I really hate steroids!! Ugh! :smile: I also have HBP, and my doctor really tries to keep me from taking Prednisone, especially now since I've had the Lap-Band. She was going to prescribe that next if I didn't get better, but I've been feeling much better now since she gave me the Azithromycin. IDK, it's just stinks! My Asthma only really gives me issues during the spring time, and mostly when the Oak trees are giving off their pollen. Crazy thing is I work in Downtown Sacramento, and those suckers are everywhere!! Oh well, what can I do. Just deal with it when necessary. Speaking of allergy shots, my doctor did mention them to me a bit ago. As of right now I take Zyrtec, Chlorpheniramine and of course as I mentioned my Cingulair, but that's more geared toward my Asthma. My asthma is a result of my bad allergies though. I also sometimes will take Pseudoephedrine as needed (Sudafed), but it adversely affects my HBP, so I have to use that in moderation. I'm all messed up!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's Talk Movie Review

    I agree completely! I am usually very vague however when giving movie reviews. Just saying its not a feel good family picture doesn't give anything away I don't think, besides its absolutely true. I don't usually like to read any lengthy reviews or even the backs of the DVD's before seeing something the first time either. I like to figure things out on my own. It makes the movie experience so much better. Side note: Kat, I don't think you did anything wrong either. It's all good people! Keep the reviews coming!! Anyway, back on subject here - I only caught one movie this weekend: Burn After Reading: Blech... 2 stars.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Random musings...

    Shiny, I'm so sad to hear that! :smile: But you're remaining positive, that is so great! I need to be more like you.... LOL!! Fact is, we're looking for rental homes too. I'd like to find one that when it comes to buying, I wouldn't mind just asking the owner if he/she would sell it to me. That would be ideal.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    want, just forget about yesterday. Something I say to myself is, I can't change the past - I can only change my future. I have days like that too. I'm trying to eliminate them as much as possible. It's not easy! That's what we are all here for though. Support, in good times and bad times. At least the band helps keep the volume down! :smile:
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    Hello is anyone out there? LOL! I understand it was Easter weekend. I'm sure everyone was out having a good time. Hopefully you were able to stay away from all the chocolate bunnies! :tongue: I am seriously angered right now! I have no clue what on Earth is going on with me! I have been almost perfect for a over a week now and I gained weight!! How is that even possible? I'm starting to suspect it might be the Symbicort inhaler my doctor prescribed me for my asthma. It apparently has cortico steroids in it. I don't have any other ideas... because I have been eating good, and have maintained my exercise routine. I'm even doing more than usual even!! I feel like I'm in a nightmare or something. I even went online and googled "Symbicort weight gain". To my surprise it does seem to be a side effect of this drug. My doctor must have known this when giving it to me. The thing is, all these people mentioned eating alot. I haven't though. I've really been exercising my better judgement and my will power has been above par. I haven't even so much as touched a chip in 9 days now. Why am I gaining weight??? :smile: It gets so frustrating! Anway, back to the Symbicort, apparently it can cause some water retention. I have been drinking massive amounts of water too, so maybe it is that. I have decided to stop taking the Symbicort. I do take Cingulair and for the most part it does help with my Asthma. I just had a rough patch after getting sick this time around and she gave me something more. I cannot deal with Steroids and I'll avoid them at all costs, unless I feel like I'm dying. LOL!! So, hopefully I can remain strong minded and vigilant - and not "give up". I really don't want to, but sometimes it doesn't even seem worth it. Don't worry about me saying that, I know it IS worth it, for my health, my looks, my self-esteem - all that. Ugh... I'll still keep on it. I'm just really feeling down right now. Plus, it seems the Symbicort results in mood swings too. This stuff just isn't for me. On a side note, I have decided to try the Slim Shots, and looks like little coffee creamers. It has helped me with the hunger I get. Maybe Lap-Band + Slim-Shots = Successful-Diva... hehe! I hope! The hunger has been my only issue. However, my choices to curb the hunger have been much better lately. How is everyone else doing out there???
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's Talk Movie Review

    Tap, you watch alot of 2's & 3's... are these movies you've never seen before?

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