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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    i have a before fam pic can you tell a difference??

    What a lovely family, thanks for sharing! How are you by the way?
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    april 2009

    mstrina, you are really coming along nicely! You have a great smile too! Now a girlish figure to go with it... uh, oh -- look out you heartbreaker! LOL!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    No caption

    Fantastic! You look amazing and so pretty!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    78lbs gone!!

    Wow look at that figure! You are really getting it done girl, Congrats!! :-D
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    April 2009

    Kat, you are the same woman - just a better one! (((HUGGS))) I'm so proud of you!!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    150 lb weight loss

    You're doing great! Keep it up, and while you're at it... tell me your secrets. LOL!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    6 months postop front and 72.8kgs - 55lbs lost, 5lbs from goal

    Wow you look great! Wonderful job! :-D
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    No caption

    Wow you look fantastic! Where ya been hidin? LOL
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    OMG I totally forgot about this thread!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    Good morning everyone! The sun is shining and all life is grand! I'm really sticking to my daily routine. Getting my morning walk in and making sure I'm just doing my slim fasts and oat cereals. My snacks consist of fresh fruit, and my Slim Shots are really keeping the hunger pains in check. It is TOM for me so I'm feeling a little extra head hunger, thus it's not as easy as maybe it was last week to stay focused. I always have my workouts to fall back on though. I'm really good about that, and I've been working out regularly for maybe 4 years now. However one thing I notice is I think my snacking needs to cool some when I'm at home. I've been eating cheez-its not only to squash the cheesy salty flavor I crave, but to shut up the Dorito Demon. It's working, but I still could stand to eat less of them. Am I eating a gross amouint? No, not really - but maybe I can do with them what I do with my Almonds. I can ration them out to one serving baggies. However, being that it's Earth Day today - using a hundred little plastic bags seems selfish!! :thumbup: Seriously, I should just do it right and pull out one serving and put the box away. I won't totally prevent myself from eating some of the foods I enjoy, as long as I know and realize it's not completely damaging me or causing me to slip away from my better lifestyle. I just have to learn to eat them like a normal person would. Thing is too, when I eat Cheez-It's it doesn't cause a major catastrophe with other foods. That said, all is well in Irene Land. I'll check in again tomorrow hopefully if the site doesn't crash big time like yesterday!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    Woohoo!! I'm glad to hear your fill is working!! It really sucks not being able to eat good healthy food. I truly miss it when I can't. Once you are used to eating in a certain way, your body actually begins to crave it. It just makes you feel so energetic and ready to take on fight. Definitely take your time with it. I'm sure it will all turn out to be okay. How is the candy & oreos coming? Hopefully you're still sticking to it! You're body will love you for it! Well, better luck next time for your boys boxing matches. They'll get it together I'm sure. So how is everyone else doing? Hanging in there? Need a kick in the pants? Hope you're being good bandsters!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hello everyone. All I know is this thread is hard to keep up with. Anyway, I've just been doing what I need to do - now to only figure out exactly what that is and I'll be set. My eye keeps watering, I think I got some make-up in it. Did you ever want to lower yourself to other poeple's standards, knowing that you could really ruin them? Ah, such a dilemma. "Never mess with another girls money" ~Tyra Banks. Very profound. Who knew? Have a great day everyone!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    I see we are up today! Whew!! I missed you all, and it looks like everyone is doing really well. I'm not doing too bad myself. I've made some personal choices for myself and it's making me feel so much better already. :thumbup: I think I'm ready to venture out and find another job somewhere else. Sometimes you just have to "start over", know what I mean? Also, why is it such a crime to be in a good mood? Wow, if that is a crime anywhere then I don't want to be there. Some people really think they have so much control of others, but I always say people who live in glass houses should never throw stones. Especially not at me, because you know I'm a person who you can trust implicitly. Just know this, never mess with my money - because you will be the one to come up short. Don't give me a reason. Period. That said, the sun is shining and it's going to be a warm one here in Sacramento, CA. I love it! I do well all day but for that darned TOM I end up eating salty snacks at night. I just do... ugh! However, I'm still losing tiny amounts here and there so I guess I'm still doing well in the grand scheme. It's such a struggle! I am truly proud of myself though! I can't complain too much, I've been sticking to my workout routines. I have also been leaving those deadly chips alone. Today is day 17 without them. Wow! I'm on a roll, can't stop now! One day at a time though, which is why I'm counting them out. There have been a few times where I wanted them badly, but I have not given in!! Jaime, get that elliptical back girl - a few workouts and you will be right back to it. I believe that, truly. Okay all, I'll catch you later - and I hope that you have a fantastic day!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    results not typical

    Wow!! Congrats to all of you for doing so well!! I just wanted to point you all in the direction of a sub-forum here. It is specific for those who are fast losers. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f138/ I would also just like to chime in here a bit, some do struggle here - and being that this is a support website it would be nice if we could all be kind to one another. If it is your preference not to read threads where some people are reaching out for help while struggling, then simply don't. That being said, again CONGRATS!! There is nothing wrong with losing quickly, and really the only way that is going to be accomplished is to do the right thing 99% of the time!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need some help getting back on the bandwagon

    Hi Jaime, First let me say that I am so glad to see you're back around!! I've missed you. However I do understand you were going through some very bad times and you needed space to grieve. You will likely grieve forever, but I just want you to know that we are all here for you. Even when you hit a rough patch, which is now. Gaining a bit with the band is actually more common than some might have been led to believe. However, the good part is, we could have ended up gaining a great deal more had we not had the band. So, it does help some with that regard. If and when you are truly ready, and are looking for kind support - I would like to have you visit my thread. I also had a set back, for months and I also gained some weight back. But, with the help of my friends and their awesome support, we are all working in getting back on track. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f15/do-you-need-lose-those-pounds-youve-gained-91795/ I do hope to see you there! You can do it, and it IS possible to feel that drive and dedication to doing it the bandster way again. I'm proof of it!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hi! It's been awhile... How is everyone??
  17. Awww... Sorry to hear about your gall bladder problems Susan. I hope you get well soon!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    Well now that the weekend is over I guess it’s time to get back to business as usual! I was a bad girl this weekend. Well, for the most part… I would be good all the way up until lunch hour and then I would backslide. My scale showed it too. I ended up gaining a whole pound in that time. But… thank goodness it wasn’t more! It could always be worse is what I try to tell myself. How do I know? Well I gained almost 200 Lbs in a matter of 5 years (maybe less), that’s how! I know I was on a tear – a good one – or however you want to phrase it. I know one thing is for sure though, I WILL NEVER AGAIN allow myself to get like that. This time was different… I caught it and now I’m trying with all of my might to take a hold on those reigns and bring it back in. I don’t think I’m doing too badly, and I will definitely not let any of my setbacks end this journey for me. The journey only ends when I reach Kingdom Come! So, today I have been a very VERY good girl. J Yay me! I’m drinking all my water; I’m setting my food rations for the day and I’m sticking to it! I got my walk in already even. Whoop! I feel really good! The reason I went out so early was it’s getting so warm here in California already. I love it though, truly! I’m a Cali Girl through and through. It is also that time for me. I can feel the cravings rearing it’s ugly head. It’s no wonder I had such a terrible weekend with my eating. I do want to say this though, and it’s a major NSV… I DIDN’T CAVE IN TO THE chips CRAVINGS!! Oh and I wanted so soooo bad! You have no idea, really. In fact, we were all driving to San Francisco to see a Giants Baseball game, and someone in the car had a big bag of Lay’s Potato Chips. Hey, don’t get me wrong, I’ll eat those up too given the chance. My brain was all fired up, wanting some of those little devil creations! I could smell em too… oh my… OH MYYYYYY!!! But, I didn’t do it. I closed the bag up and threw em in the back seat. I succeeded! Normally I just eat them and don’t even think about it – but not this time! I did great as far as I’m concerned. Especially knowing that this is TOM, where usually I’m tearing em up! Well, I won’t give up and I won’t give in. So that makes today, DAY 16!! Yeah! Over two weeks and counting!!!! Right now I’m drinking my Slim Fast shake and I’ll have some jerky after. I drink my shake first so my belly gets full, then I eat the jerky so it will prevent hunger later. Here is something I’ve noticed too however and maybe I’m onto something? With those little Slim Shots it seems my entire appetite is different even. The reason I say this is, I didn’t have any on Saturday or Sunday, yet my appetite was crazy. I’m really talking about that head hunger here. But, today I took one again right before my Cereal, and the head hunger seems to be quiet today. It’s a bit strange, but I think (for me) it’s helping with the head hunger too. I haven’t felt any REAL hunger at all yet today, except for right before my cereal. Well, I guess that’s it for today. I’ll see what the rest of the day holds – and I hope it’s good!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    I personally think Doritos must put something in them to make people so addicted. Seriously! I mean think about it, when you think about them and your brain is lighting up saying “oh just one, JUST ONE!!” LOL!! Of course we all know it would never be ‘just one’. JRF, I’m so glad you found this thread! It has been helping several of us, and of course this is a NONJUDGEMENTAL zone! All we want to do here is help each other, and pick each other up when needed. You sound a lot like me with the dinner and then it turns into a weekend of pleasure! LOL!! OMG, I need to stop doing that. Thursday night is my good dinner night. From then on, I’m just going full steam ahead with all the delightful delectable foods I can get my hands on. It’s moments like that I thank my lucky stars for my band! Thanks for the encouragement! Wow, I feel so great when I make sure I get my butt out there to get some sunshine and good exercise. I really do! The whole eating thing on the weekends might be something we struggle with for our whole lives. I believe though that if we have more good moments than bad moments, then we are on the right track. I don’t believe in being perfect! No way! Of course there are a few things I know I can never eat anymore (yes, I’m talking to you Mr. Doritos!) because it’s cause for a big downfall. I cannot stop eating them once I give myself that “inch”. Know what I mean? It’s like a freight train full steam ahead! Before I know it, I’ve consumed way more than I should have and then I get all that Water retention, weight gain, etc… Ugh! Enough of that already! I don’t mind the 170 calories for the nuts, it’s a healthy fat and calories, but it’s also best for me not to indulge too much! Those calories add up fast! Grrr… Oh, and they are soooo goooood!!! Your tiredness might be a result of not getting enough nutrients. It’s really important to get all of our required daily allowances. Just though I’d bring to your attention it sounds like you’re not able to do that anymore since your fill. If it doesn’t let up soon, it might be a good idea to seek a slight unfills. I’ve heard that even as little as .25cc might do the trick. Most likely since you have been unfilled for so long, it would have been better to start in increments again instead of a huge one all at once. I don’t know, I’m of course not a doctor, just a suggestion. I just don’t like the idea of you sounding like that! J How did the boxing go for your boys? How did they do?? Welcome! We all get caught up in a little of the eating what we shouldn’t. I especially think this is true for those who have been banded for more than 6 months maybe. After that ‘honeymoon’ phase, it’s so easy to slip back into bad habits. I think what we need to learn is boundaries, and we also need to realize what our ‘trigger’ foods are too. If we avoid those foods that get us into a dangerous place, then it’s best we don’t even eat them. Likely those foods carry no nutritional value, and even if they do, we still should just let them go. Aside from that, you will have much encouragement here! That’s what this thread is all about. We can have encouragement without negativity!! Mamato3 Welcome to our little family! It is so easy to get sidetracked, in fact your story sounds very familiar – hmmm… Heh, well it was me. Not the same circumstances of course, but my personal life took a negative turn. Within that I ended up losing ground, and gaining weight back. It was so devastating! Okay excuse me while I wipe my teardrops! Now that I have said that, I have to try to remember where I left off. Even if I did take some steps backward, it’s okay. That is why I created this thread! I think the more of us that get together and stick it out until we reach goal, the better! We can do this! Don’t beat yourself up, you went through some seriously emotional moments. I think majority of us would have ended up in the same result, to be honest. Losing a husband or the fear of it is a huge major deal, and one I don’t even like thinking about… L You did great though, just consider how much more you could have gained without your little friend, the Lap band? It could have been much worse, really. Now that you are ready to get back into it, we are here for you! Good luck on a speedy race back to onederland! I never quite made it to onederland, but this time I’m gonna meet you there. :-D Princesa, PB is a Productive Burp. When your food gets lodged in your throat, and you feel that food “dragging” – then all of a sudden it comes back up. Mine does happen during a “burp” if you will. I’ve heard others mentioning a slime that comes along with it. I have never experienced any slime, but I’m glad to be honest! HTH
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    You lookin at me keri?
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Motivation: It runs away from me this time of the month. Where does it go? Why does it like to hide from me? Will that be one of the questions for when I go to Heaven? LOL! It's a tricky one, that's for sure! The weight issue has not been too bad for me. I gained about a pound over the weekend, but Golly Gee, if you'd seen all that I ate, you'd think it should be so much more! However, it's a new day, a new week and I'm back on track. I do weigh myself every morning too. I have to, or else I let myself get way too comfy. It's at those times the scale goes up and up instead of down up down... know what I mean? LOL!! I even have some elaborate excel spreadsheet that calculates +/- from yesterday, last week, last month, etc. Crazy huh? Oh me too! I have a hard time on the weekends. Half time is good, half is bad. Half is too much IMO. But, then I tell myself - well, it's okay to treat yourself or you will go berserk.. I have gone berserk before, so maybe it's not really that bad. Hmmm... then there is that crazy plateau stuff. Non-self induced I mean. If you trick your body by being all over the place as far as calories are concerned, your body has a harder time getting into that starvation mode. At least it's true for my body anyway... I think that is only human, to want to take a break once in awhile. I think also that as long as you get back on track quickly, then no love lost. Nothing wrong with that I believe. Now if only I could give myself a break and just forget the bad times, I think I could do so much better too. Way to go Tara!! Whoot!! :wink2: Happy Monday to everyone as well, here in CA!! It's getting really hot here. We're already heading into the 90's and yesterday left me with a daarrkk tan! LOL!! PS.. pics?? Sounds adorable! I also hope your fill is good for you! I haven't personally had a fill in months, and this one seems to be doing really well. It's fickle though, sometimes its too tight - sometimes it's not. I'm leaving it alone for awhile. Oh how I wish I could run... Ohhhhhh... That is so awesome SHM... you're doing fantastic!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    Very sneaky sdeale! I'm on to you though. No one gets by me.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    Thank you, thank you -- yes, the winner has arrived. You may all now be seated. :rolleyes2:
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    want, today is day 12 and no chips!! OMG I'm actually doing it, I can't believe it! The longest other time that I know I recorded going without chips I believe was 35 or so days. That's a good long time, and for some strange reason I brok that and have been eating them ever since. I believe it was April of last year even. I lost about 20 Lbs. that month too... so sad I gained it back. :crying: But, today is a new day and I won't dwell on the past. I will only look to my future and and what I can do to improve my attitude and my willingness to succeed. That is a wonderful idea to cut out the Reese's. Make sure you count the days, I do and it seems to work wonders for me. Almost like how an alcoholic counts the time in from their last sip. That is exactly what it is for me, and addiction. I won't down play it any more than a drug addict should. It not easy but I have to do it, for a better me!! So far I have been doing an excellent job. I just got back not to long ago from my 2.25 mile walk at lunch time. The sun is starting to blaze here in CA so I might need to consider upping the time which I go out there. I feel overheated by the time I get back. I'm sure the smaller I get the better that will be, as far as overheating. Too much padding = too much over heating!! :rolleyes2: LOL!! I'm doing so good even that I'm making sure I'm even splitting my healthy snacks into servings. I took my almonds and made them into 1/4 cup servings which is one serving. It's about 28 almonds. I know it sounds like alot, but when your eating them, trust me it's not!! Haha!! :laugh::laugh: All week I have had my small dinners too. I had two Lean Cuisines on Monday and Wednesday. Then on Tuesday I had a half sandwhich and a bowl of soup. Not bad! It's starting to show finally on the scale. I was starting to think I was never going to lose weight again. I won't let that stop me though, I won't take a breather until I'm under 200 Lbs. I'll need to let my mind catch up to my body. I don't know what happened before but when I lost all that weight so quickly, my mind just flipped a switch! It was kind of scary to be honest and I did lots of things I wouldn't normally do. I think it was also a major contributor to my gain (along with BC pills) and falling off the wagon. I won't let it happen again though, ever! I have way too much at stake, and I need to take care of myself. Many people depend on me for that. I have to LOVE me too!! One thing I have been working on specifically is ensuring I'm getting enough fiber in my diet. I'm eating more whole grain cereals, along with the milk. That is a great meal packed with Protein, Vitamin D and Fiber. Being a bandster a tiny bowl makes it. It makes me feel good! A good snack also is the Fiber One cereal bars. They are about 170 calories, so I break it in half and mix it in my FF yogurt. It's really delicious and there again is that Protein/Fiber mix! I think when I'm regular, I feel "normal"... LOL!! I don't know, I just feel more energetic and ready to take on any task. Now again I'm usually really good during the week. It's the weekends that I have the most trouble. Wish me luck because it starts in about 2 hours. :crying:

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