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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Steak, vommitting question

    Just take it easy for a day, and slowly get back to eating solids. I doubt you have anything lasting, but better to be safe about it. If you notice you're still uncomfortable for more than that you should seek your surgeons advice. Steak has been known to cause some problems, however you don't sound that bad. HTH
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Steak, vommitting question

    ITA, next day steak can be much more tough and dry. I notice the OP was only banded two months ago. My doctor suggested such foods as steak be saved until perhaps six months after banding. It is definitely one of the SOLIDS of solid food. After an episode like that you are better off settling with liquids for a day before irritating your stomach any more. Also, you may have done ok with the steak last night, but that doesn't mean it didn't irritate your stomach a little some. Take it easy and best of luck!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Does anyone eat fruit in this forum???

    I do love fruit and I do eat it. I have anywhere from 1-2 per day. I also love veggies just as much. I try my very best to make sure I'm getting all my fruits and veggies in. I've noticed since banding I need them to "function" normally if you get my drift. Funny thing is, I'm pretty tight but I don't seem to have much issue if at all with eating fruit - even apples with skin. Good thing because it is very dense with fiber. I love fruit! It is clearly the better choice for the sweet craving.
  4. Heh, well fruit? Could be worse! I've been eating ice cream last few days... I'm so terrible! Now I've got myself on liquids for the next few days. I need to kick my own butt!


    Don't worry though, just be cool again from today on. Once in awhile is not bad... more than one day? BAD! That would be me.

  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    dressing room at old navy...crying like a crazy person....lol

    How does it feel to look perfect? Hmmm... well I think you know the answer to that! :-) U look so great! I just need to get motivated again and finish what I started.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Banded 05/01/09 and discouraged already

    Hello! The best thing to do is just have patience and keep your body guessing. Throw in an off day here and there. Keeping your body steadily at the same caloric intake, and your body adjusts to it and burns only what you give it. Drinking plenty of water is key to losing weight also. It flushes your system and keeps it washing all those excess calories and "bad stuff" out. It also keeps you feeling energized! ...and yes, you are 100% correct, it is a slow process. Exactly! I'd even go so far as to say that it is 25% band and the rest is mental. All the band will do is keep you from eating TOO MUCH. Most likely you will still be able to cheat the band with high fat high calorie foods. Good luck to all!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's Talk Movie Review

    You are not the only one with a crush on Spock... in fact I've also had a crush on Leonard Nemoy since pre-teen too... LOL! *SPOILER ALERT* It was weird the relationship in the movie, but if I were her I'd do the same thing too. :smile: No more spoilers... for now anyway. LOTL will be great, especially with Will Ferrell. I have disliked nothing with him in it so far. Which reminds me, I also recently saw Step Brothers. I liked it alot! Very corny, but hey thats how I like em.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    tap, I have to remember this too! I'm on liquids today (with fruit snacks mixed in) because I was a bad bad girl this weekend. Ugh! BBQ and Ice Cream... :patriot: But it's back to the drawing board. As long as I don't do that kind of thing for long periods of time I will be ok. Moving and whatnot really set me back some. I haven't had much chance to workout like I should do and love to do... but I've got my workout room all situated and ready for use. Tonight I will do it, and I will do my two mile walk here in a few moments. I should do it now since it's already 65 here at 9am in CA. :tt2: Our weather has been outstanding all weekend! This was a nice time for my family and myself. Sounds like everyone here had a nice time too! So glad to hear it. :thumbup: Well, I'll check in again soon! PS, Boob job? Definitely! I have so much I want to work on, but I guess winning the lottery is the first step.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    My Memorial Day was nice, BBQ and sunshine with family. !! :smile:
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's Talk Movie Review

    Going to see Land of the Lost this upcoming weekend... whoohooo cant wait! That used to be one of my favorite shows growing up. The graphics were hilarious but dangit if it didn't keep me quiet for awhile... rofl!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's Talk Movie Review

    Recent new movies: Star Trek: Loved it!! 4 out of 5 Terminator: Good! 3 out of 5 Older movies: Pinapple Express: Hilarious! 3.5 out of 5 The Wrestler: Very good! 4 out of 5 Bride Wars: Silly but entertaining. 2.5 out of 5
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    Liz, the best thing to do is just take it one day at a time. There are so many of us out there that have gained. Granted it's not alot of weight, and not nearly as much as could have been gained if we didn't have the lap-band. I guess the thing to do is just to get out there and do what we are supposed to do. The weight is not going to drop all on its own. The band is not a magic device, but only there to prevent us from eating too much. It's also not flawless. It's quite easy to eat around it. I'm maybe a bit too tight and yet I was able to gain a bit for awhile. I have stayed steady since, but I know I'm not going to go back into the right direction until I give it 100%. It's just the way it is. I bounce up and down the same 5-10 Lbs. What can I do about that?? Well I know the answer, but I just don't follow through. I can't be upset at myself much either, I have come a really long way! I received a picture message from a friend today asking, well hey, why didn't you mention you lost 100 LBS??? I mean come on... look on the bright side here!! Haha! I really need to do that. The fact is when I sit down and compare me now and then... I pick NOW anyday! I really love who I have become, but I also realize there is so much more I can do to become even better. Life just keeps getting better and I keep getting better. I wish you all the best! How is everyone else doing? I've just been a bit busy and haven't been around. I weigh the same today as what my ticker says. Funny huh? I wrote that like a month ago. Shame on me! Get with it Irene!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Not bad Beth, just super busy - ack! How about you?? Cera, yeah - can I borrow that line? JUST DO IT - and I'll slam it shut with a DAMMIT! LOL! Hang in everyone. Tomorrow is a new day and another one which to chat on this thread.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hello! Been awhile... so how is everyone doing???
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    I'm eating Santa Fe Style Rice & Beans from Eating Right (Safeway Brand) meal for lunch. Yum!
  16. Hi Kris!!! I miss you too girl... :D I was on chat last night, been a whole month I think. Maybe you can stop by and so will I and we'll chat together again. Haha!!

  17. LOL! I guess I always seem to forget that part -- you know, about losing 100 Lbs. I have to stop focusing on the negative... ;o)

  18. Im just hanging in there.. keeping myself from falling backwards anymore. Heh, now if I can just go back in the right direction!!


    You look great! Good job!!

  19. You too? Meh, I still havent seen mine. :( They come up with one thing or another, but Friday is another day! I'm praying. :D

  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    rocking that thing like......lol

    OMG... give me some of that willpower plz!! You look so great! Big hugs!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    Hi Barb. :redface:
  22. Hi tappity tap! I'm good, sore bruised and scratched up too... LOL! We still have a lot more to go too. Ugh!! I know I've been out of it for awhile, it'll get better I promise! :D

  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    Think again. ;o)
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    Hello? Anyone there? Well, I'm checking in to say today is day 30 and no chips. Yay me! want, thank you so much for checking in with me. I'm still doing okay as far as the chips, but I havent had any time to do any exercising so my weight has not moved at all, Unfortunately. I'll get with it again next week after we are all moved into our new home and all is well again. Hey y'all check in! I want to know how you're doing! :frown:
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Ah, drat!! PS, no I still HAVE NOT EATEN ANY CHIPS!! YAY!! Today is day 30... :-D

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