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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Good morning my fellow VV’s! Ok, I need you guys! I’m thinking of starting a monthly challenge that I hope you will join me in… What I want to do is set out for myself a very aggressive challenge for myself this first month. In April I challenged myself to STOP eating Chips of any kind. So far I have stuck to it, and trust me – it has NOT been easy at all! I really struggle badly some days. I especially struggle when I’m looking at someone eating them. Each day does get easier though. So now as of today *let me count real quick* it has been 51 days since I’ve eaten chips. YAHOO!! This truly is the longest stretch since I can remember of not eating chips. I believe I have finally tackled that life long demon of mine. Now it’s time to get back up on that wagon in a major way!! So please, join in with me! Together we can do this. Hey, it doesn’t even have to be a great big challenge and can be whatever you want it to be (for losing weight of course). Check in here and let us know how you’re doing. It doesn’t have to be every day or it can be, at your leisure. So you see, I’m not here on weekends mostly so you won’t likely hear from me during those times. However, I am really going to work hard to stick to my new plan. Here is the thing though… I think I need not worry so much about my weight and just try to get in the right mindset. Re-evaluate what and why I turned to the Lap-Band. Until I do this, I am destined to always be between 250 and 255. It’s much harder than I had anticipated, but well – I’m here and I have to get it done. Here is my challenge for myself for this month (June 2009) Exercise: Bike – Total 130 miles Walking – 36 miles Calisthenics – 390 minutes Aerobics – 390 minutes Eating: Breakfast – Slim Fast (or similar) Lunch – Slim Fast (or similar) Dinner – Lean Cuisine (or similar) Snacks – When hungry between meals only and fruit or nuts only. Yikes!! That sounds tough as I’m writing it out, but wow – I have really gotten into sugar and I need to break this ASAP. Besides, I feel so much better when I’m doing the right things. Why can’t I seem to remember this when I’m choosing to put cake in my mouth?? Ugh! So, how about it?? Anyone game??
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines June 2009 Personal Challenge

    Awesome tap on the NO GAIN! For me, I've held my ground with the Cookies, candy and cakes. yay me! However, I'm still eating some cheez its and other things like that. Can't complain. Baby steps. It's working anyway!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    I'm here sorry... been a few days. I'm so busy, and now all of a sudden I have a awful bad toothache. They made an appt for me for 8:30 AM, but they said if they get any cancels they will call me in. Oh goodness it hurts so bad... Other than that I've been doing ok.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Helloooo!! Well now, it seems struggling is more common than I originally thought. I just wonder why I never noticed this while I was still in the planning stages for the surgery. All I ever read was how fantastic the band is and never heard anything otherwise. However, I never went in search of either. I know there is a forum here for complications and otherwise. All I knew is I wanted it and it was going to save me from being obese. Wow! I had another thing coming. Come to find out, I still have to eat right, and exercise... hmmm... Well, knowing that - then that is what I'll do. I do love the fact I get full much faster than pre-band. Though sometimes feeling full equals sliming and much pain. I know I might be more tight than is really ideal, but frankly I am scared to death of getting any taken out. I'm afraid I'll blow up big time! I've already gained back about 30 pounds... enough is enough. I am re-challenging myself for this month. No sense in saying... oh I'll start next week or whatever. I'm just going to start now. So far so good. :thumbup: Great on you for getting your kiddies involved in recreation SHM! It will grow on them and they will learn the importance of taking good care of their bodies young. Welcome Back Crystal! I'm saddened to hear of your news, just know we are all here for you when you're ready - which it seems is now. tap, have a great and safe trip!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines June 2009 Personal Challenge

    Here's the deal folks.. I nearly put myself in a diabetic coma (not really of course) this past weekend. My belly is so tight from pain, almost like a small child after eating too much at the State Fair. It's disgusting! I promised my hubby that I am not going to eat anymore junk food for Snacks anymore. So bye-bye to ice-cream, cake, candy, popcorn, cheez-its, etc. I can however have fruit, Jerky, almonds or whatever as a snack if I get hungry between meals. It just can't be all that garbage food. Know what I mean?? I have to get right, because being wrong is making all my cute clothes tight on me!! UGH!! Sucks so much... Consequences. I have to remember that. It's over now anyway. Any promise I make to my husband is binding. I promised him I would stop eating chips and I have. I have not eaten one single chip since April 12th of this year - when I promised him the day before. So we are on this cycle again - round two. No junk food! Today is day one. :thumbup:
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines June 2009 Personal Challenge

    Great job!! Every day is a challenge, I know so yes that is awesome. Hang in there... every day gets easier! Wine? Well, I guess it could be known as empty calories - but in my opinion it has good effects. To me junk would be something that is high in fat/calories that have no good effect on our bodies...
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    My name's Irene *yeah* ...and I'm here to say... *yeah* That I'm the last to post *yeah* So I'm the winner today!! (Crowd goes wild) Thank you!! Thank you!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines June 2009 Personal Challenge

    Welcome back babedoe!! and most importantly welcome to the challenge. I know we can all get this done! I did my exercises like I was supposed to last night. Even my weight training, and wow! I feel great!! I finished up all my walking this week too. Yippeee!! The eating was a big bad NO... darnit! Well today is a new day and another chance to do the right thing.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines June 2009 Personal Challenge

    How did I skip over this?? Wow, thats a big challenge. I hope you can stick to it! :mad2:
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines June 2009 Personal Challenge

    Sounds great tap! Just do the best you can. I'm not even following my new regimen and it's only freakin the 3rd! I really need to big time! I have been doing my walks though! You know it's really tough when you just move. Always so darned much to do. Then I get sidetracked and miss my workouts. However as of last night I finally got my workout room completely finished. I even bought my DVD's, Billy Blanks Bootcamp. It looks fun! It's a four week course and comes with some rubber bungees that tie to your feet. I think I will have a great time with it. Then I seen a course from Biggest Loser but didn't have enough money to buy it. Maybe that will be my next workout course when I'm finished up with Billy Blanks. My eating has been very good. I need to amp up my workouts again though and I'm sure I will start to lose again. Well, no excuses now! I have a huge room dedicated to it... LOL!! I'm thinking when it comes to my eating though I'm going to have to stick to one idea at a time. So I'm changing my eating to NO EATING PAST 7 PM. Now if I'm hungry there is always 8 oz of 1% milk or something like that. Something simple that will just curb that beast. One thing the band really hasn't helped me with is actual hunger. It has to an extent, but I still get hungry. When I get hungry, I mean I'm really HUNGRY!! :mad2: So, how is everyone else doing with the challenge so far? Tap I know this just started for you... best of wishes on that!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hey hay hayyy!! So my weekend was much of the same... BUSY! I never have time to do anything fun, but yet I always seem to have a great time no matter what I do. There just simply is not enough hours in the day. I even slept 10 hours Saturday night! Wow!! I need that sometimes since I get up at ten to four during the work week. Yes that's right 3:50 am! Shhheah! So early... Sounds like alot of us have a few struggles here and there going on, which I'd like to steer you the VV's June Challenge. You can challenge yourself to whatever you like. I've already done good today for my exercising, but I failed to bring my slimfasts to work (nice for day one!) so I had some oatmeal for Breakfast and a ham sandwhich (dry) for lunch. That was a tough one. Dry sandwhiches are no fun to eat. I did however walk my two miles for the day. Now I just have to do my calisthenics and aerobics. Here's the kicker... I don't have any aerobics DVD's yet!! Got to stop off at Target to get one before heading home. I am going to DMV to update my new address and take a new picture on my ID card. Then I'll do the same again on the 26th for my DL. I have to have at least one at a time! I suddenly realized I look NOTHING like I did then... wow - what a difference. Maybe I'll scan it and show you all what I mean, its way different. Lori, here are what I mean by Slim Shots. They actually work! https://www.slimshots.com/ver11/index.asp Now I mostly use them because that plus the band and I never feel hungry. It does nothing for head hunger however... LOL!! ;o)
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines June 2009 Personal Challenge

    Awesome Angie! LOL, I know what you mean about the ice-cream. I have been way overdoing that for the last week. It's time to stop. Well, you have to let us know how you're doing - and I know you will do fantastic. Best of luck on the 10k!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    *found it!*
  14. Anytime, I went through a seperation last year and it was a total nightmare. I understand. Oh I sooo wish my Insurance covered it. I'm always in here secretly dreaming and wishing. I might have to find a way to get it somehow... Is there a message board anywhere that discusses only the Sleeve?
  15. Oh it will do that... it slows for pretty much everyone. Thats when you know its time to put in that extra 100% LOL!! That I haven't done at all in a long time, so I sit at my same weight. Once I know it's time again it will be to the finish line in no time. I lose weight very quickly when I want to.


    You're looking great though! Be proud!

  16. My husband is always saying beautiful things like that. God truly gifted him when it comes to chat. But that one thing truly touched my heart... made me cry even. I LOVE HIM!! :D

  17. oH WOW that really sucks... but you know you can't do this for her. She went through a very invasive procedure and yet only two weeks in she's eating like she never had it done. I would be freaking out and scared to eat all that two weeks out. Tell her to go see the doctor about not going #2 in 9 days. Thats very odd. Hope all is ok with her! Let us know how it turns out.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    is this normal... or am I wierd?

    Hi Chubby, Sounds to me like you are feeling good restriction. One thing I do with myself is, if I have to wonder if I need another fill then likely I don't. If you really NEED a fill, there would be no question about it. You would feel hunger quickly after eating and you would be able to eat most anything without recourse. Don't over-do it. Our bands are fickle and temperamental. Wait it out awhile before getting another fill. This isn't like buying a car, you don't need to keep up with the Jones's to fit in. We are all different. In fact, some bandsters never even need their first fill. HTH ETA: I don't think you are weird for feeling your food go down or through your band. I feel it too. Not sure how common this is, but just know you are not the only one.
  19. ((((Susan)))) I wish you the best.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Happy Birthday also Rhap! I'm so glad to hear you're doing well in the eating Dept. You're doing fine! Now, once you get your exercise on girl, you will smoke it! It's not an easy thing to get into, and very VERY easy to fall away from. Just think about how awesome you feel when you do it though. Together we can do this! Tap, try not to focus so much on the scale, it will drive you bananas... I'm knowing you really want to see those numbers before your eyes, but you have done such an excellent job since being banded - you can only be proud of yourself. Awesome on all the trips! Sounds like you're having a blast! Wish I were you. :w00t: Speaking of Gardens, we now have a backyard big enough for one. Ha, maybe I should tend one. The thing is... where would I get the extra time for it? Hmmm... good question. I've actually been a good girl somewhat. Its that "time" for me and I only went up two pounds. Can't complain... except that I am so sick of going up and down. I just need to go down, down, down then a little up. It's just a natural thing for a woman to go a little up every fourth week... LOL! I haven't even been needing to use my slim shots. I had a protein shake this morning and nothing else again until right now, which is a "Smart Ones" Chicken and rice noodles. I know, kinda salty - but heck... one can't live on Slim Fast alone. Gets tiring, especially when you do the "shake" thing for breakfast. I also did my two mile walk already today! Wheeeee!! I plan to do my bike tonight and my Calisthenics. I missed the calisthenics last night because I was cleaning up the old apartment and was dead tired when I got home. I have the whole livingroom building into my HOME GYM/Books/DVD's and a Room for the cats to romp around in... It's the only room in the house with carpet. All I have in there so far is a TV/DVD player for exercise videos, and my exercise bike. I also have some hand weights ranging from 2 Lbs to 15 Lbs. I think that is quite enough for now as far as weight training goes. I plan to eventually splurge on an elliptical machine and some really great workout DVD's. Or I can set my DVD Recorder on and make my own... I think that is a good idea. So what's everyone else into?
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    biggest loser - '09

    Excellent, I totally agree! It has to be more fair for those who really workout harder.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Thanks tap! Glad to be back! Ugh I know all about the moving. Sucks! Hopefully I won't have to do that again for a very VERY long time. I was without internet at home for almost a whole week. Anyone else noticing this website looks like an early 90's version of posting boards? weird! About me: I just took and passed my promotional exam at work. I scored a 95% which places me in Rank 1 and I'm eligible for promotion as of September! Wohooo!! Hope I find something quick! Lots of responsibility though. Next venture will be management, which I don't really think I want to get into. I can lateral to other classifications though to make more money in the future. How is everyone else doing???
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    A Wannabe Newbie

    Hello Annie and welcome! This is a super huge website, and I'm sure you will find people of all walks where the band is concerned. Best of luck!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Finally Did it!!

    bball, welcome to LBT and to Bandland! I hope it all works out good for you.. keep us posted.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene


    Sounds Great! Welcome to LBT, there is so much to learn here.. this place is HUGE! Let us know how you're doing, and maybe post some pics in the Before and During threads. It's very motivational to yourself and others.

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