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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    Okay, I have one for ya... Revelation 16:13 Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. How's that for Johnny on the Spot? :thumbdown::w00t:
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Should i have lied??????

    I don't know, I don't really like how that is going... it's not fair to make someone feel it would be their fault for someone else's lack of desire to do the right thing. Everyone is responsible for their own. Including myself.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hello from the Coachella Valley

    Hey! I know where that is!! LOL - I'm betting it's hot there right now, no? Welcome to LBT, you'll love it here. Best of luck!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    Can't we all just get along?... LOL
  5. OMG I miss you SOOOO much mama!! What have you been up to? I miss all you guys O_o Why can't it just be like it was back in the day??? Ack! I'm getting some unfill at the end of this month. I'm kinda nervous tho... LOL Hugs! xoxo

  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Should i have lied??????

    I'm in total agreement that losing 60 Lbs. doesn't show up that much for someone with several hundred pounds to lose. However, your friend only needed to lose maybe 135 Lbs or so. She has to have lost then almost half what she needed to, for her to be at a normal weight. I'm sorry but you would have noticed a significant loss if that were the case. I only still need to lose about 100 Lbs, and people notice when I only lose 5, so... Idk, I think your friend might be fibbing. :thumbdown: BTW, I haven't seen your pics in awhile and I did earlier.. YOU LOOK FAB GIRL!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Thank you Melissa... :frown: I was feeling so discouraged when I wrote that. I feel much better now since I got it out! LOL Anyhow, I'm still going through with the slight unfill. I seriously doubt I will have an issue with my Dr. In fact, I know he is going to get on my case for not coming in sooner. His pet peeve is for his patients to be too overfilled and going through what I'm going through. He has always stressed that alot. It took me 9 fills to get to where I am now, if you can believe that. My advice to you is, you sound like you are doing great. I know the feeling of wanting another fill, etc. but if you even think for one second that maybe you shouldn't - then you definitely shouldn't. I always try to tell the newbs that are still getting fills that ask that question this. You shouldn't have any doubt as to whether you need another fill to get one. YOU WOULD KNOW IF YOU DID NEED ONE!! :thumbdown:
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    650 Pound Virgin

    The belief that WLS will prevent one from recurring weight gain is a complete myth. You still have to do the right things to achieve it. Not over-eating (depends what your eating as well), maintaining a good physical workout routine etc. You CAN over-eat with the band and any other WLS. It's not fool proof, so people, please don't fool yourselves.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Good morning everyone! I just wanted to post here simply because I want to announce that I'm sick and I'm tired. Sick/tired of being too tight. ...of not being able to eat a healthy breakfast. ...of not being able to eat a healthy lunch or dinner. ...of not being able to eat. ...without having to force pinapple juice down my throat so I can get some food in my stomach without that piercing pain and glob of food forcing its way back up. I have an appointment on July 31st to have Fluid unfilled in my band. I think I want ALOT taken out! I'm truly done with this feeling. I even think I'd rather NOT HAVE ENOUGH IN! I want to be able to eat what everyone else is eating. Just not alot of it. Yes, I want to have some eggs once in awhile. Yeah, throw in some pork chops. Um, and give me some of that rice too. (My dear rice you have been vilified too long by too many!) Thanks! Here is what I think I should be able to eat for dinner. 3 oz. of any kind of meat (protein) that I want. I don't care if its fried chicken. How about a scoop of carbohydrate side, and a good helping of veggies. That is all I ever wanted. I don't want to have to take one hour just to eat that little bit (but I do). I'm sick of bingeing on crackers and craving ice cream afterward because I know in my mind that is all I can get in without that *PAiN* !!! I just want to feel *NORMAL* again!!!!!!! I NEVER HAD A SUGAR ADDICTION BEFORE BANDING! My main fat contributor was chips and soda. Well, I don't even think about those monsters anymore. I never cared too much for cake, ice-cream, chocolate, etc before. Now it consumes me! I have to really exercise some strict will power to stay away from it. It upsets me so much! I tend to wonder what really is good restriction? Is it to the point where all I can do is drink Protein shakes in the morning? Is it to the point where I can barely even eat meat without the gagging and sliming and get that retchid look on my face? To the point where my family is wondering as I'm clutching my chest if I'm having cardiac arrest? I'm sorry, but when I decided to get the Lap-Band, it was to come to terms with food and grow a *healthy* relationship with it. This IS NOT HEALTHY! I think more about food now than I ever have before! I'm constantly wondering if the food is too over cooked. If I'm going to be satisfied after eating. To me satisfaction isn't just knowing I was able to get that food down *finally*. It's eating my food, without pain or reservation and ENJOYING IT!!! NOT If my band is going to "nut up" or will it let me enjoy one meal. I'm so done with it.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    I am exfoliating. :thumbdown:
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

    tvg, hello! You know that going through what you are experiencing is very common. I have been stuck where I'm at for a really long time now. Maybe a year now. I'm almost downright sick of this lap-band - and I'm planning to get some unfilled at the end of this month. I have an appt to see my surgeon on the 31st at noon. I just can't stand this feeling in my chest every time I try to eat good healthy foods anymore. Josie, thank you for the advice! I really already know about all of those things... I think it really comes down to actually doing it. Hmmm... well I'm not that bad off. I mean - I still haven't eaten any chips. NOPE!! I've been sticking with it and holding strong. Bad thing though is I fell off the wagon with the chocolate candy and Ice cream last couple days. Ugh!! Good luck!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Another one bites the dust

    I'll have to agree with you there, and I don't even have the sleeve! (Not yet anyway... LOL [of course that's wishful thinking at this point]) I was watching the newest Big Medicine and they did a sleeve gastrectomy on a very large woman. I haven't watched all through it yet (on DVR) but I did see to the point where the young Dr. Davis was spelling out all the advantages of the sleeve. It's basically as successful as the gastric bypass, just without any of the harm of one. Who can argue with that!! :thumbdown:
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    GOOD MORNING! Hi Tap, I'm always around. Well most of the time. I just don't have much to report on. Well, here's a bit of an NSV you all might want to hear about. I haven't worked a Friday since early November of last year. The reason is our State is in financial crisis. I've always already gotten every other Friday off, however with us having two Furlough days off per month it just worked out to where I hadn't worked one in a very long time. Now my Dept has been exempted during our most busy time. I work for Emergency Services so it makes good sense. Anyway, to Celebrate I decided to bring with me a dozen (very fresh) donuts, some bran muffins and orange juice. Everyone chowed down on the donuts, but the bran muffins havent been touched! ROFL!! Well, this brings me to my NSV. Even though I put out the money for the donuts I didn't have NOT ONE! Besides that, so many other Depts around me brought goodies too. They even made waffles in the Directors Office and was invited to get some if I wanted. Did I? NOOOOO!!!! So, that's my story of the day! Have a nice weekend all!!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Another one bites the dust

    DJV, you may not post much - but when you do, at least it is worthy! Thank you so much for your insight. If only I had read into more of the "complications" section, I think I might have not ended up getting the band. I have struggled for majority of having the band. It's so difficult to know what I can eat at that very moment and what I can't. I used to love to eat healthy food, I just ate too much of it. Now I find it so cumbersome and painful to eat it, so I became addicted to "slider foods". I gained almost 30 Lbs back doing that! I'm finally breaking those habits, and getting back to doing the right thing. However now I drink with every meal (fruit juices because of the acidic effect to break up solids) so I end up eating more than I should. It's still less than I would have before, but alas - its still too much. Whatever. I'm starting to lose again! Best wishes in all you do. :tongue_smilie:
  15. Having the band will always have its challenges. You will always wonder if you did the right thing. I mean, I know I do all the time. I don't totally hate my decision though... I did lose over a hundred pounds. I did gain some back but I'm on my way back down again. I think the one thing people don't really grasp when looking into getting the band is just how much you really have to put into losing. You still have to eat right, you still have to exercise, and you still have to remain positive to getting to your goal. Having the band is not a miracle, and the only thing its going to do for you is control how much you intake. Then you can cheat the band, so that doesn't always work if you don't make it. BEST OF LUCK! You can do it, you just have to put your mind into the game too.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    Holiday Is Over. :tongue_smilie:
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi ALL! Doing a quick check-in! Hey Tara, I hope Marcie did well on her speach. I would freak out if I had to get in front of an audience, so afraid I'd blow it... ugh! She's so brave! My 4th was fun and yet a little disappointing. We couldn't see the fireworks as well as we'd hoped, but I think we might have discovered a really good spot for next year. I guess I'll have to wait a few days to find out. ;-P I did good on the 4th, but yesterday I ate all day. Hmmm... absent mindedness snuck up on me. However, it wasn't anything I wasn't allowed so I can be happy in that! Also, people are starting to notice my losses again, even though its still only 3 pounds. Maybe next weeks weigh-in will be noteworthy! Have a great day everyone!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hidee hoo everyone! Thanks Lori, and Happy 4th of July to everyone as well! Please be safe and sane, no injuries or fires! We are going to have a tailgate party at a Costco parking lot and wait for our Fairgrounds to have their Fireworks Spectacular at 9 PM... should be a *blast*!! Staying strong today. Someone brought in Molassess cookies... oh yum! I almost absent-mindedly grabbed one. Then I remembered, oh yeah! No cookies! That made me think about all those years of absent-minded eating I would do all the time. I lied to myself all the time saying, "oh it's not THAT much". Well it got me to be well over 300 Lbs. Sad... but now I'm much better, and everyday I'm learning to get back to my Bandster Ways! Quiet day in the thread today huh? Well everyone must be busy at work to make sure they can enjoy their Holiday Weekend. Talk soon! Again, have a great weekend!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    I've even tried the 5 day pouch test and THAT didn't even work. It's too much, and one thing I learned is that nothing so strict is going to get me back on track. Only taking baby steps and slowly remembering what I need to get done. I crashed big time and maybe even cracked my skull! But, one month at a time and I'm getting it all together. It's the head stuff that holds me back from losing anymore. Great idea with the cup size portions! Ziploc would make a fortune off me... LOL Thanks for the welcome back. :sad: I've been super busy at work since I work for the State of CA and its are bad time of year. I usually log in during lunch hour, but lately have been working through it. Yeah I know, I need my time - but I usually take that for my walking hour. I think you can pull it off Tap, I have tried numerous times to get down a new habit - but one thing I did was keep trying. Then one day I finally said, look Irene - THIS IS IT!! And sure enough it was. I have been holding strong, and for that I'm very proud of myself. Never give up! Speaking of goals, you know Tap that really is an extremely low target set by your Dr. I'm also 5'5 and was told to try for 150. That is the higher end of our height for being a normal BMI. However, I'm even going to go higher than that. I would be very comfy if I could make it to 160-170. I'm not looking to be skinny, of course that isn't for everyone. I want to be a little chunky since I've got it in good places... as my husband always says - SHAZAMM!! HAHA! THANK YOU! I was very glad to see you back too! I already mentioned that awhile ago of course, but it bears being said again. I last spoke to QOH a few months ago. I would love to see her post again! She was always so positive and upbeat - made me feel good!! OMG how can you say that??? Of course we would miss you!! :ohmy: :crying: No worries, I believe you will make it to goal. I believe any one of us can do it, if we really want to and we make sure we're sticking to the plan! Well everyone, I must confess. I must take back the fact I said I have not lost any weight. I did lose weight this month. A whole whoppin 3 Lbs! Of course I've been there, done that. I really hesitate even mentioning this. However, I don't know what it is, but this loss just feels different. It's like I'm settling in and realizing what I really need to do to get to where I originally intended to be. I also feel very comfortable with it too. I don't think about it much. I also think I've finally overcome the chip demon. I don't even think about them much anymore, which is great! It only took 3 months! LOL!! I'm still battling the sugar demon though, but I'm sure in just as much time I'll be over it. Every day gets easier. I simply cannot eat these things. They are so destructive to my mission. I simply can't control my intake with it, trust me I've really tried. It just doesn't work, and all it does is throw me off to want to eat other things all day that I shouldn't eat. I can do this!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    I hear ya! I've been thinking about getting a boob job for awhile now. The longer time lapses from my surgery date, the droopier they seem to get. No, I have not lost any weight (which I can't figure out) but inches seem to disappear from me in the oddest places. Happens to be my chest area, BIG BUMMER! Jaime that is fantastic!! I'm really hoping I'm right around the corner for that... Sounds like you had a great time! Good on you for not gaining, its very hard to do when your not thinking about "being good" every moment. Terra! It's so nice to see you on here! I see you on FB all the time. Tell Marcie good luck for the interview!! It's so tough these days, but I'm sure she will do excellent. PS, great job on the 4.0!!:cursing: As for myself, I STILL have not eaten any chips. I'm starting to get discouraged with it because I STILL have not lost any weight. It seems to me like, why am I forcing myself to stay away from something I thought was a major problem when it's not fixing itself. I've also stopped eating candy cookies cakes ice-cream, etc. Still nothing...:wub: I just don't freakin get it??? All I can think of is to stay on course and bump up my physical activities. I've been really lax with my workouts, which I know doesn't help at all. I started off really strong and lost lots fast. Then I crashed into the wall I think and just "gave up" for awhile. Slowly but surely I've started taking things back on, one by one. It's working and doesn't even feel like I'm dieting, but I think if the weight would start dropping I could feel even better about it. Anyway, that's me in a nutshell right now. Maybe next time I have an update it will be better. :thumbup:
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    Well I'm back too... and the trophy belongs to that who first gave it away.
  22. Hi my name is Irene. I currently have a Lap Band, but have found the Sleeve very interesting. I was at LapBandTalk since Sept of 2007 and got my band in that time. I don't think my band has turned out to be what I'd hoped, but only a few months of being banded in Feb. of 2008. I have been in that time looking into this procedure. I haven't made any conclusions yet on what I want to do, but first I need to get my head on straight. I need to learn how to eat properly again and get back on track. Just thought I'd give a hollar and say THANK YOU for creating this great website geared specifically for the Sleeve!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Green's passing.

    Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about Green's passing. She was so well spoken and I will always rememer her wit and way with words. She was a very special lady!

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