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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Can I have unprotected sex?

    Hey this is a really serious situation! Don't ever feel like you have to apologize when looking for real sound advice. You should really re-think the Scandanavian. I really think you would be better off with some Bangkok Betties myself. I mean, you never know what those Scandanavian chicks might have. Please make sure you really think about betting on black. It's the safer option, for real.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    Yeah... give up. The trophy that is!
  3. I ranted in my monthly thread. I have been dealing with this feeling far too long and I want to know... does anyone REALLY know what good restriction is? TELL ME!!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Okay... WTF exactly is GOOD restriction?!? I want to know!!!!

    You are so helpful thanks!! I knew there was a reason why I befriended you a long time ago! :thumbup: You are right about the restriction and I've already noticed this. I was a bit tight last night - but not to bad where I couldn't even eat. Just enough to where I couldn't comfortably eat very much, and that is fine with me. If there is any meal I don't mind restriction with it's dinner. Now Breakfast I want to eat. Right now I'm having raisin bran and quaker granola mixed in. It's so delicious and I can eat it! In fact I had some for breakfast yesterday and it did hold me until lunch. I even brought a banana for a midmorning snack if I were to get hungry and I never needed it. Well, its still sitting here if I need it today. I have no self control when it comes to chips. I've tried for many many months to battle them. Tried to "portion control" myself and it never worked. It sucks! I have not eaten any chips since April 12, 2009. As time goes on I think of them less and less. Really now I only think about them when it is "that time" and I'm craving salty Snacks. Someday I will be able to eat them and stop when my serving is up, but right now I'm not willing to risk my good behavior to have to start all over again. One thing I can say is even though I have slowed down on my exercise, I do still do it. There is no way around this and it must be done with our new lifestyle. I actually love too, it makes me feel so good! I think I got bummed because I was just starting to run and found it was so great. My knees said no way though. I will need surgery on both, but that and weight loss will hopefully find me running again. I would be so happy! Thanks again! (((huggs)))
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    eating not so good...

    It sounds like you are too tight. You should make an Appt to see your doctor as soon as possible to go over these symptoms with him/her.
  6. Well for me it was more like 8 fills and 1 slight unfill. I said 6 because I believe I was good to go at my 6th fill. My problem was I listened too much on what others were doing on this website. So, please pay attention to your own body. You should still be able to eat *solid* food, just less of it - and it last until your next meal. As long as you are losing weight (without struggling to do it all on your own), do not consider a fill. JM2C. ETA: You will still need to eat good healthy food and exercise. There is no way around this.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    Haha!! That was true comedy. ;o)
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi jul, My band and I have had issues with one another for awhile now. My band has been overly tight since around Thanksgiving of last year. I remember it well, it was the first time I experienced being stuck and PB/slime. I thought it was strange because I'd never experienced that before and I thought that it was a good thing. I read on here so many times of people only being able to eat so much and I was always able to eat more than that. I think the thing I failed to realize is, I WAS LOSING WEIGHT STEADILY. My body was doing good with the amount I WAS eating... but I was comparing myself too much with other people who have the band. Things to consider before getting another fill: 1. Am I losing weight on a steady basis (1-2 Lbs per week)? Not: Am I gaining weight (this can be a side effect of soft food syndrome, a huge indicator of being TOO TIGHT) 2. Am I experiencing any pain with eating, even though I'm eating slow, small bites, chewing well, etc - again, you could be on your way to being too tight or already there. Not: How much am I eating (as long as you are losing) 3. What kind of food choices am I making? (Are you tending to stick with softer foods? Do you cringe at looking at most solid food?)(Please keep in mind, anything too well done or too much bread will still not pan out...) The band was designed for us to eat NORMAL SOLID food, just less of it. In fact, I just had a turkey breast on whole wheat sandwhich for lunch, and boy was it delicious! It took me 30 minutes to eat it. I chewed really well, and I feel SATISFIED (satiety). Again, *NO PAIN* I'm sure since I feel satisfied, I should be fine now until dinner time. Funny thing now is, since I've gotten some taken out my clothes are starting to loosen up once again. No sugar (or much much less anyway), and I can wait until my next scheduled eating time.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Loosing Weight without fills.

    juju you are absolutely right. I had this problem for almost a year now. I became too tight in the band and forced me to go toward more liquidy foods, and higher in sugar. It was no fun and made me almost resent the surgery. I recently got some taken out. Now I can eat solid foods once again, small portions and I'm done in 20-30 minutes *WITHOUT PAIN*. I don't believe you should feel any pain while eating as long as you take small bites and chew really well. My solids now last up to 4-5 hours. This is how the band was designed to work. Anyone out there, if you feel you may not need a fill THEN YOU DEFINITELY DONT! Do not risk becoming too tight. Too many bad things will happen, up to the possibility of losing your band altogether. Take it easy and slow.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    Well I see a congratulations are in order.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Okay... WTF exactly is GOOD restriction?!? I want to know!!!!

    Janet, thank you again so much for talking with me and letting me see that what I desired was a good thing. It really made me decide to get my band loosened sooner. Lulu, I hope that one day I can have a good relationship with chips. I really do miss them, but I think for now I want to go a good long time without them. Maybe a year or more even. I had to do that with soda, and now I can just take a few sips from time to time and be done with it. :crying: Okay all, since I hate repeating myself, I'm just going to copy/paste what I wrote in my Victorious Valentines thread. I'm so happy!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    I'm here! I just usually myself don't post on weekends. This is what I do at work ;o) Ezma, good deal on the weight loss! I'm taking some vacation time starting Wednesday thru next Tuesday. Maybe I can drop a few myself? However something tells me I won't because my only plans are to be a major bum. I'm not going to do anything but sleep and play on my computer. I have not ever done that unless I've had surgery or been sick. Now that's no fun! I wanna do it because that's just what I wanna do. LOL!! Anyway, just a quickie update on me. I got in to see my Dr. about my band being to tight on Thursday afternoon. He was righteously upset with me. He made sure I was aware that he always tried to tell me not to get too tight. He asked how long I'd been like that... I told him since my last fill in February. Actually it had been a bit longer. I knew I didn't need my last fill as I was already a bit tight. I was just gaining (didn't realize I had soft food syndrome even then) and thought that would help. It made it much worse. Oh well, I'm much better now! I can eat solid food without pain! I think he took out more than his last fill. I didn't ask how much, and really that doesn't even matter. What does matter is how I feel, and I feel GREAT!! I'm not thinking about food constantly. I can eat a normal portion in 20-30 minutes. It lasts in my pouch from 4-5 hours. I'm so stoked!! How can that be? From super tight to sweet spot in one stroke? LMAO! My Dr. is the best! Another wonderful thing that is going on with me is my best friend growing up (we have been friends for almost 30 years now) has decided to get a lap-band. At first I would tell her maybe she doesn't really want one, but for the last few days I have been really pro-band! I even went with her to the Pre-Op patient seminar, and stayed for our support group meeting. OMG, I haven't been to one in almost 9 months I think. IDK, I even got up in front of everyone and spelled out my troubles, being too tight and gaining... but to tell them it's ok. You can always start over - as this is going to be a lifetime struggle. Well I miss ya VV's. Post!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    OMG... I'm so sorry. If ya wanna flog me, I'd deserve it.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Favorite books/arthurs

    OMG I havent seen this thread in a really long time... thanks for the laugh!! Here I thought my joke was fruitless. Hey any other Arthur's anyone can think of??? ETA: RIP Bea Arthur. I made this before she passed.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Loosing Weight without fills.

    ditto!! ditto!! Ditto!!
  16. A normal size portion of any meal is at least 3 oz of Protein (meats or beans), some veggies and a little carbohydrates. If all you can eat is three bites, there is no way your getting a well balanced meal. I do not suggest to anyone get a fill in this state. It is not a good thing to be too tight, you risk damage to not only your band but your stomach and esophagus.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    I ate a DONUT!

    So awesome! A donut early in the morning would KILL ME right now... oh how I wish I could eat one... or anything for breakfast for that matter. No this is not a diet! It's so sucky being too tight!!! Then, once I get over my sugar addiction - its smooth sailinnnnn.
  18. Oh I wouldn't necessarily say its because they are miserable in life. Sometimes people, including myself say things that we probably shouldn't have - and don't even think about how what was said could hurt someone. Haven't you? I doubt there is a person alive that hasn't said something innocently that they wish they wouldn't have. Anyway, to the OP, don't worry too much what others think about you. You didn't get this surgery to get compliments out of people I'm sure. You did it to be more healthy and to learn a healthier lifestyle. In all honesty, the bigger you are, the longer it takes for others to notice. We had similar stats and it took me to about 50 Lbs for ppl to really notice. It will happen, just stay positive and keep doing good.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    The rule is one and simple. Be the last one to post.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    I'm glad to hear that! Give him a hug for all of us.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Biker hell!

    Hey Papa! (Can't call u big anymore...LOL) I don't know... I haven't ridden a real bike since I was like, 10 or something. I imagine it's different. Just like how when I walk on a TM vs. outdoors. The TM for some reason is much harder on my knees, yet I can walk outside fine. Brisk and painfree. I also think the seats on the real bike is much smaller too.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    :wub: My entertainment piece of the day I see...
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Everyone, I have decided to start over from my destructive behaviors. I'm doing the 5daypouchtest.com fasting to renew my senses. I really need that right now. That along with my unfill on the 31st, I will "start over" with my band. I know I've said that so many times before. However, I must also acknowledge the fact that I've seemingly overcome a terrible addiction I've had for a very long time. That being the chips. I truly know this is something I will never be able to enjoy again. It triggers too much, and I cannot control my intake. I tried for a very long time. So, I wash myself from the past by fasting for a few days. Then move on to a better me. I will get to goal (which right now is 170, and we'll see from there). So it took me awhile to come to terms with alot of things - but as the saying goes, its not how long it takes but how you get there.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    Sorry, all out... as you can probably tell. *ahem* *cough,cough* OMG now that is freakin hilarious!! :crying: Almost spit my G2 Blue all over my nice State Issued monitor. Aww, c'mon. The stone throwing is a legit argument. Some of us can cast stones at those others who cast stones, but yet should not cast stones because they are sinners. However, does one not know that by simply casting stones you are committing sin? Ugh.. it's very complicated. Reserved only for those with a direct line to the Almighty. :crying: I have it in my Blackberry BTW. Seriously though, I do believe in the Almighty. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN RELIGION. It's man made. Anyone dispute that?? I didn't think so.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Okay... WTF exactly is GOOD restriction?!? I want to know!!!!

    Thanks to everyone who replied. Its so much harder than I thought it would be. But I am DETERMINED to make this work. I didn't do this for nothing, I just want my band and myself to have a good relationship. I'm tired of resenting it! I want us to move forward and work this out together. :wub:

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