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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    I personally have never been good at counting calories. I honestly have no idea how many I eat per day. I think I'm in love with this points system. I was not hungry much yesterday and still stayed in my points. BTW absolutely welcome!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    POINTS® Tracker entries Tuesday, August 04, 2009 Morning 2 slice(s) Cooked ham, Water added, 96% fat free 1.5 1 item(s) Canadian bacon, egg white and cheese on a honey wheat muffin 5 1 serving(s) banana Small 1 1 serving(s) Protein shake 2 Subtotal 9.5 Midday 1 serving(s) EATING RIGHT: Five-Grain Beef & Vegetables 5 1 medium orange(s) 1 Subtotal 6 Evening 1 serving(s) Roman Meal Wheat Bread Slice 1 1 tsp whipped salted butter 0.5 1 Pork Stew 6 Subtotal 7.5 Anytime 1/2 cup(s) strawberries 0 Raisin Bran Crunch Bowl of Cereal 7 Subtotal 7 food POINTS values total used 30 Food POINTS values remaining 1 Activity 45 min Walking (>3.0 mph [20 min mile] and <5.0 mph [12 min mile] on level surface) 4 20 min Elliptical trainer (cross trainer) 4 Activity POINTS values earned 8 Check off these important items daily: liquids Milk & Milk Products Fruit & Vegetables Multivitamin/Mineral Healthy Oil Activity Lean Protein Whole Grains Notes Wow my first day!! I"m so jazzed about this - and why didn't I do this before? Afraid of failure I guess, but this with my lap-band will equal success!!!!!! © 2009 Weight Watchers International, Inc. © 2009 WeightWatchers.com, Inc. All rights reserved. WEIGHT WATCHERS and POINTS are the registered trademarks of Weight Watchers International, Inc. and are used under license by WeightWatchers.com, Inc.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    That is fantastic, and welcome! I was just thinking this morning how wonderfully this system works with our bands. It's like they go together like peas and carrots! Are you online too? I think this plan is so well thought out and organized - it's like my new best friend! It keeps tabs on everything I'm doing without alot of fuss and guesswork. I've tried The Daily Plate and a few others before, but for some reason it just seemed like too much work, IMO. Good luck on dropping that 20 Lbs. before your trip!! I know you can do it, just stick to the plan to a T! I bet you'd get more help if you just use your points without using the extras, at least until you hit your target. Get there first and deal with the rest later. Just an idea! Who knows how low you can go? Anyway, just glad you can join me in this fight. Every single day is a challenge - but if we continue the battle we will win!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    2nd day pre-op full liquid....I CHEATED!!!!!

    I agree with everyone else, it's probably best to just not put yourself in that situation. Stay away from any type of restaurant right now. You aren't going to have to do this forever. Just hang in there and always keep a good supply of what you can have on hand, so you're also not going to the store at this time. Good Luck! You'll be so glad you followed the rules, trust me.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Oh I never click on those at work. That also means I never click on them. Wow great price on the shoes! Let us know how you like them, even though I'm sure you'll love em. Mine blocks Spanx too. Weirdos.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Great idea Ezma, whatever works - take it and run! :huh2: About the article written by a rocket scientist. Thank goodness for the rocket scientists of the world, where would we be without them? Tap, it has really taken me alot of effort and a complete revamp of my routine for me to get feel like I'm finally back to that awesome feeling you get. I had to get a new pair of shoes, a new piece of exercise equipment and total accountability with WW Online to get back here. It didn't happen overnight at all. I seriously began to feel like I would never get back here again. I really hope you find that niche that's going to get that back for you. Or who knows, maybe you just need a little time.. Hey Lori! I'm so glad your sale was a success! Giving out the cinnamon rolls as a thank you gift was a very nice gesture. I'm sure they all really appreciated it! That sounds great your getting your mojo back, and especially now that your back into the 150's - that is totally great! I wish I were there too, but hey I'll get there soon! Hey Jul! Sounds like you had it rough for a minute, but then you finished it off in good fashion. I am truly sorry for your losses - and I hope everything from here on is all good for you. That's so great about the rides! Oh how I want to do that!! It;s been so long! It's ok though, I'll just live vicariously through you until I get the courage to get on one. I was thinking when I finally break onederland I'll treat myself to a fun time at an amusement park. My fill has been great, and I have never been happier to have done something like that. I can eat, I can eat small portions and be satisfied, and be satisfied until my next meal. I'm good with small Snacks in between such as fruit, etc. Thanks for asking! :thumbup: For me I've been plugging along, trying to find new ways to get back on track. So far I;ve found a winning match. A new elliptical, new shape ups shoes and a new accountability tool. I signed up with Weight Watchers Online. It's awesome! It's akin to Daily Plate, but I think it's much more user friendly. It's going to be my new buddy until I take it accross the finish line. I mean I better utilize it, it's costing me money!! Talk soon all!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Beth you are absolutely right with the eating disorder therapist, and I have also considered this. I have had eating disorders ever since I was 12 years old, from one side of the spectrum all the way to the other. It's something that really needs addressing. That is so great you are tackling your demons, and you deserve to be free of them. I thought about OA, but I really don't believe that is going to get to the heart of the matter. Skechers... still love em!! I did two miles today (thanks to WW online to get me to produce more activities!! :wink2: ) and my thighs are kinda sore now... LOL Oh, I forgot to mention, I got my elliptical up and running and I absolutely love it!! I burned 200+ calories in 20 minutes... awesome! Hi Lulu! Me too... sadly. FB and addiction in the same sentence? Say it isn't so! One this is certain, I would seriously never get anything done here (at work)... Ha! Now I have LBT and WW!! I'm in love with WW already. My home addiction is FB. Are you serious? Some people should just be led to walk the plank. XXX at work ?? Can you spell idgit? PoolGirl, I do not have to crush any of my pills. I chew my vitamins though (Flintstones). BW on the getting off pills, I'm living proof it can be done. I'm down to one BP medicine pill per day and it's the lightest dose even. I was taking 4 max doses per day. I was bad off. Ebony, thank goodness you clarified! I thought when you said "are you done talking yet" that they were asking while you were answering your questions during your interview... hehe, but that's just me. ADHD. Now that you mention it though, that was a good question. Shows you how others are seeing you, and they think you look great!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    good morning! Hows everyone? GL on the interview ebony - but what's weird is the "are you done yet question?" Maybe I misundestood IDK. Weight Watchers online anyone? I just signed up. Feeling jazzed about it! I need a little fine tuning. I've already been being good and going back down again. I just need to top if off I guess, that with my new elliptical. It's all good. Hope everyone has a great day!!
  9. I really loved your post I read! You have some very insightful information and I do hope many will listen to that. Thanks, I really needed that. :)

  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Ears are Full

    Pegs this does not sound weird to me. I was tight for a good long time. Much longer than I should have. I got some unfilled and I kid you not - I felt instant relief and followed a massive head rush/ache. I know it was from the relieved pressure. Best wishes! Don't stay too tight, it can lead to many complications down the road.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    glimpse at my future body!!!

    want... don't even go there with that person. Wow. Not nice. Anyway - congrats so much on your success and you can Celebrate any way you wish. You absolutely deserve it. :biggrin:
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    TV shows about obesity; Ruby, Big Medicine, Brookhaven - etc.

    Oh I used to watch I Lost It too! I took it off my DVR because I started to be able to know what they were going to say in the next clip... lol! Ive never heard of X Weighted or Diet Detective... what channel?
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Has Any one else experienced this?

    shanny! Good job so far! I don't feel the same, but reading the last poster gave me a possible idea for you. You mentioned that the clothes in the Plus Size stores are now too big. Well, go to a department store that has both sets. Start in their plus size section and get the largest size you feel comfortable getting. Move on down until you find the size that fits you. However, likely you are too small now for even those. So, then go to the Misses section of the store and try on the largest size on down. Usually the Misses section will have up to a size 18 and XL. Maybe that will give you the courage to try on some new clothes. Regardless though, you should feel damn proud your wearing any size smaller than you were when you were banded. I know it's hard to get our brains wrapped around the idea, but I'm sure if you do go try on new clothes, you will be so glad you did. Also, make a day trip out of it so you don't feel rushed. :biggrin: Savor it!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene


    Awesome, way to go!!!!!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Stuck at 260!

    nebber Im sorry you are going through this. I went through it too for awhile. I do not advise a fill however. It sounds like you are too tight already and resorted to the soft food syndrome. It is hell to get out of and getting tighter will only exacerbate the situation. Our brains are smarter than we think! It will find ways to eat foods that we know won't "hurt" us. My doctor stressed it shouldn't hurt to eat. The band is only designed to make you feel satisfied faster and longer than without. THAT IS ALL THE BAND IS SUPPOSED TO DO!! Ack, it pains me to have to repeat this on this website over and over... Everything else is up to us... eating healthier, exercising, etc. It sounds like you are on your way back to doing the right things. I would make a suggestion though, are you drinking plenty of Water? That might help to flush out what the fat cells are releasing as your getting back to a healthier you. If you need any guidance, or just someone who is going through this too, feel free to PM me anytime. Best wishes as always.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    o-my. Im tight this morning. Eating a Jimmy Dean D Lites Turkey sausage something or other. This thread is entirely crazy active. No way can I ever read back... so to everyone, hope your day is as great as mine is tight :biggrin:
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    If you can read this then you will know - that YOU are the loser. :biggrin: Have a fantastic Day!!!!
  18. Hi!! I have been on LBT for awhile now. I have been banded for awhile now. For some reason, when one has been around for some time like me - and there are others here who have been here much longer, we tend to move on to other areas. For me it's Facebook - but I still need that support and whatnot from other bandsters. So, if you want send me a friendship request there and let's chat. :sad: My link is in my signature line. PS, please be sure to tell me where you seen me. I don't just accept friendship requests willy-nilly. :biggrin: Thanks!! Happy Banding.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Wow congrats!! That is fantastic!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    FACEBOOK: Are you on it? If so, send me a friendship request!

    That is so funny!! Mine is the Krazy Cat Lady Farm. I've got maybe 20 cats. I still want more too... ;o) There has been lots of people requesting the makers to expand the game beyond the Level 34 since so many have gotten there now. I think they just might do it too. kc, no worries - in fact I think it's best you stay far away from it. It's like torturous.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ack my whole post deleted.. i hate that!! okay round two: Heartfire, anytime. I've met peeps on here before and it has always been a nice time. :crying: Glou, check out the person's profile and do a search on some of their older posts. Do one that looks like they've replied in alot. Likely someone has "quoted" them specifically. Look at the top of the quote where it says, Originally quoted by: or something like that. It will say their old name.... GL!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Um.. TMI... :laugh:
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    You're right they are, and I'm glad I found them on sale - even though they were still a bit much. I needed a kick in the butt of sorts. I have been down in the dumps regarding exercise ever since I found out I can't do what I'd grown to really enjoy. I'm glad I found these shoes.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Who knows about your surgery?

  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    The bottom of the shoes have a few extra layers of tread (if you will), but more spongy. They are also shaped on a Curve... Like a long "U". Or another example would be like a rocking horse. They are also heavy - so you have to work harder to make your movements while walking rather than just your average walking glide. Every step feels like you are walking in sand almost, except more cushiony. I couldn't even pick up my normal walking pace. It probably took me about 25 minutes, where I could normally do a mile fast walking in about 16-18 or so minutes. You can really feel the burn in the calves mostly. You can feel it a bit in the thighs and in the waist area. I could already feel this before, but I wouldn't start feeling it until almost 2 miles in. I'm going to need to do some training in these shoes! I'm going to have to get to at least 20 minutes before I pick up an extra mile.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
