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LilMissDiva Irene

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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Hi Denise! Yes, don't let that discourage you at all! I did just get back from an actual WW meeting (my first ever) and I was allowed to go in for the discussion. I didn't need anything special, just told them I was on WW Online and was allowed to join. Maybe someone here might give it a try in their area? Anyway, the reason I mentioned that was we talked about this very thing in there! She said that "If you stumbled over one stair, would you throw yourself down the entire flight?" Well, of course you wouldn't. There will be plateau's and should be expected. They gave some advice, but of course are ones we've all heard before. NurseMelly: Congrats!! You're doing excellent!! (((hugs))) Bella: Have you tried The SKinny Cow ice cream sandwiches? Most of them are only 2 points!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Here is my food log from yesterday! Here's to another exciting upcoming week WW folks! POINTS® Tracker entries Sunday, August 16, 2009 Morning 1 cup(s) cooked hot cream of wheat Cereal 2 1 Tbsp whipped salted butter 2 3 slice(s) Natural sliced bacon 2.5 Subtotal 6.5 Midday 1 item(s) store-bought beef and bean burrito 8 10 item(s) Cheez-It 1.5 1 serving(s) Packaged BBQ Party Wings, 7 pcs. 5 Subtotal 14.5 Evening 1 piece(s) cornbread 3 1 cup(s) cooked pinto Beans 4 1/4 cup(s) Medium Grain Rice, uncooked 3 1 tsp whipped salted butter 0.5 Subtotal 10.5 Anytime 1 item(s) Low fat vanilla 2 1/2 large bar(s) Milky Way 3 Subtotal 5 Food POINTS values total used 36.5 Food POINTS values remaining 0 Activity 10 min stationary bike, moderate 1 20 min stationary bike, fast 4 10 min elliptical trainer, moderate intensity 1 20 min Elliptical trainer (cross trainer) 4 Activity POINTS values earned 10 Check off these important items daily: liquids Milk & Milk Products Fruit & Vegetables Multivitamin/Mineral Healthy Oil Activity Lean Protein Whole Grains
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Hello china! You are doing really really good! I think one thing for all of us to overcome is the feeling of guilt. We really must get out of that mindset. With WW, absolutely nothing is off limits (until you reach your points max of course). So, if you want one slice of Lb Cake... eat it. Just make sure you can budget it in that day, and you are still able to get in all your other nutrients as well. We also have our weekly points to help out if we go over our daily budget.. and if you get your workouts in, that helps even more. I'm working on my third week now, and I've never even come close to using all of my points. :tt2: You lost weight this week! Congrats!! Now doesn't this feel fantastic??? Heh, I think so! :sad: Hi Bella, welcome! No, it's never too late to join and all are welcome who are trying WW with the band. I'm so glad I starting this thread! We can do this, we really can. Best wishes on starting up, and be sure to check in and let us know how you're doing!! You're right, no one will really know what we are going through also having a lap-band. Wow you are low with points! I know I'll get to that point too someday and I imagine I'll be eating alot of Beans and salads!! Hey girl! I'm so glad you come to join us! The more the merrier and with each others support, we can do this.. oh yes we can!!
  4. Hey girl! You are too sweet not to be on my friends list! Are you on Facebook too? If so, add me. We can keep in touch there too. :)avilabutterfly73@yahoo.com

  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Woohooo!! Great job!!! Don't you just love this??? Thanks.. :wub:
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    LOL tchr, I agree! I have her website address in my sig line. :thumbup:
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    My weigh in is today (fridays). Best wishes on the WW! It's such a great program . I have a support thread too if you're interested. Its picking up quickly! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f9/weight-watchers-online-support-thread-99685/ Hugs!! Just hang in there. This is a great chance to start over. I think you will do fine with keeping it off.. you have the right mindset
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Denise this is only my second week, so I'm still very new at this. I lost four pounds last week, and three this week. My total is 7. Mair, do the online version. It is super convenient and easy to use. You don't need any literature lying around either. All the information you need is all on the website. Best of luck, and check in! This thread is awesome for the support of Lap Banded WW folks. :thumbup: www.weightwatchers.com
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Good news! Hope it all works out! Hugs... hang in there. :smile2: Hello! ITA. It sucks when you're making a post and you have to specifically ask the dummarses to keep it to themselves every time. Best wishes... please let us know how it turns out. :sad: No kidding... Like, yeah I've been banded almost two years, so I really need the 2 cents of someone who's had their band less than a week. Or worse, even people who have not even had the band placed yet!! I was in the chatroom and I was spewing my love for Weight Watchers (and all of you are probably sick of hearing about that already but... :laugh:) but some dillweed asks me outright... You STILL need WW even though you have the BAND??? Why? don't you chew enough, blah 3. Eff yoo buddy... The honeymoon doesn't last that long. Come talk to me in 6 months... gah, get over your piney HTT attitude and go PB on yourself. :drool: OK, if I get banned right now you'll know why. :sneaky: Whatever someone's stats are pre or post band is really kind of off limits discussion IMO. Even 70 lbs can be a major hinderance to someone. For me right now it's the difference from being able to walk comfortably due to my bad knees and getting completely off my blood pressure meds. They can stick it. The fact is this website is really massive. It's is by far the largest message board I've ever come accross. Considering 74.9 % of the population today are total loser know it alls who really no much of nothing (AKA TROLLS), we're going to get them here too. I've had to notify the moderators of a few myself. I don't care and I'll do it in a heartbeat. This is a great forum, and one that has helped me so much. I'll do what I can to make it as nonassical as possible. Just doing my civic duty!! Hehe! Maybe I'll take up on your cause! :thumbup: It is really best to at least know what you're getting yourself into. You don't have to constantly read it of course - but at least you will know ahead of time what you can do to try to prevent issues with the band. It's still one of the safest surgeries.. but it is also one that doesn't not come with risk. You'll do fine, just be sure to stick to your post op diet, refrain from getting too tight, and avoid overeating. :wink2: If you still have issues beyond that, at least you will know it wasn't anything you did wrong. This deserved an encore. Keeping your DBIL in my thoughts. Hope it all turns out well! You have a blessed weekend as well. congrats again! I'm so glad everything worked out for you... now... exhale. :sneaky: Wasn't that nice?? :drool: I love this and intend to use it for my own personal and selfish reasons. -------------------------------------- PJTP: I'm having Chevy's tonight. I hope it doesn't make me gag! Have a great weekend all!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    WELCOME BACK! Oh My!! Sorry to hear of your troubles, but at least the end of the story turned out well - and you reached your GOOOOAL!! CONGRATULATIONS!! It's really important that we all pay attention to our symptoms. I was too tight for too long and started to have similar symptoms. That along with eating all the wrong things because those were the only things that didn't hurt going down. Definitely get back to your doc ASAP! Let us know how it goes too!! Ditto! WB Kelli!! I lived on Pineapple juice for months. It's the pitts. Oh yeah, and popcorn, ice cream, candy - all those things we are supposed to avoid (mostly). It sounds like you might be a bit too tight. You should go see your surgeon and ask him what he suggests. Good luck! Let us know how you're doing. :thumbup: Going great! WW is going fabulous. I've lost 3 Lbs this week for a 2 week total now of 7. I haven't been on a plan this long since banding and liquids were involved. Loving it!! Now, if we can just find some other missing peeps... like tap? Where are you???
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    PS, i know I havent posted my journal in the last few days, but I really have stayed under 30 points. Of course, as the scale shows... :thumbup: Today's won't be posted either. I'm off today!! LOL
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    I agree about eating what we want, but only once in awhile. That is the difference between being fat, and being a normal weight or losing weight. The best way to keep the pounds off is to let yourself indulge from time to time, that way the cravings don't get too out of control and you just totally blow it for months or longer. I have myself on a rewards system (my own personal) with Weight Watchers as my guide and my little Band Guy in place! I made a deal with myself that if I lose at least 1-2 Lbs or more per week, I get one day of rest/indulgence. I've been doing this for 2 weeks now and it really is working for me. :thumbup: I know now how many points I need to eat every day to achieve this, of course that can change at any time. The more you lose the less calories you need every day. I lost 3 Lbs this week!!! Yippee!! This is the first two weeks in a really long time that I can remember losing consistently. It was always up and down a few pounds (and up and up at first) for almost an entire year now. THANK YOU WEIGHT WATCHERS, AND ESPECIALLY THANKS TO ALL OF YOU HERE!! I love this thread! (((hugs))) It's nice to have a place where we are going through the same system. All of you are really doing good. :thumbup:
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    denise, Nope I haven't had a difficult time at all eating my points (which I purposefully stay under 30 now because I've noticed I don't lose if I don't). Thanks! I'm glad I started up this thread too! I'm just so glad it's picked up so quickly! Everyone has been great so far and I hope we can find a few more here and there. The support is so valuable! I know what you mean about finding this fun. It's almost like a game where you do your best to stay in your points, no matter what!! Every day I'm finding myself finding things I know I can eat that will keep me full for long periods of time, and that I can tick on my healthy foods tracker. You know what? I didn't really notice my bad choices either until this program forces you to really pay attention to what you eating. I mean, it's more than just how much you're eating - it's also WHAT you're eating! Wow great job so far scorpio! Hope your meeting goes well!! You can post here anytime! Based on what I see so far, I think you will do excellent in the program. Let us know how it goes! I used to have so many intolerances. I mean, I'm not totally always wide open. In fact for lunch I had 2 pieces of french bread and it gave me some fits at first. I had to just slow it down (because it was soooo delicious!! :confused:) and all was well within 10 minutes. Some days are tighter than others. Today must be one of my more tight days.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Sure! I'd love to! You already have me on FB, you can reach me on there or here. :biggrin: I know you will love it.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Ready, have you tried Weight Watchers? I was in the same boat as you only worse. I did so excellent in the beginning but maybe 5 months in it all came to a screeching halt. To top it off I gained nearly 30 back... This has been such a godsend for me. Every morning I wake up is a new day and I move on and start over. I understand that feeling of starting over again and again. This plan though allows you to do this, and makes it okay. Most days I do good, sometimes I don't, but I get to make a new effort when I wake up in the morning. I can't say enough good things about it! www.weightwatchers.com I lost 4 Lbs last week. I don't see that happening this week, but everyone is already noticing a difference... even me. I can see my face again! Also, my pants that were once too big, then became too tight again are starting to have some space... Sometimes we just need a little extra help, and of course I'm so glad I took that extra step!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    POINTS® Tracker entries Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Morning 1 1/4 item(s) red Beans and rice Soup in a cup 4 1 serving(s) banana Small 1 Subtotal 5 Midday 2 oz canned pink salmon 2 1 Garden salad 2 Subtotal 4 Evening 20 item(s) Scoops tortilla chips 3 Taco Soup - Quick-added food 5 Subtotal 8 Anytime 1 item(s) chocolate vanilla swirls 1 3 piece(s) Kisses brand milk chocolates 1.5 1 serving(s) Hostess 100 Calorie Pack Cinnamon Streusel 1 1 piece(s) Pecan crowns 1 6 oz 1% low-fat milk 1.5 1 serving(s) Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream 3 Subtotal 9 Food POINTS values total used 26 Food POINTS values remaining 5 Activity 40 min Walking (>3.0 mph [20 min mile] and <5.0 mph [12 min mile] on level surface) 3 Workout 1 (BILLY BLANKS BOOT CAMP) 5 Activity POINTS values earned 8
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Isn't this the best?? Just to be fair with you, I hardly think you ate 15 points worth of food. :cursing: But I understand your reasoning. Sometimes the points counting gets in the way of having an enjoyable meal, so estimating is better. Once in awhile doing this is not going to hurt, and will only make your journey more doable in the end. Hi Melly, welcome! Isn't WW just a fantastic program? I've already had a few slip ups, but I really love the idea of starting new and fresh every morning. I was able to pick myself back up immediately. Me falling and not getting back up has always been my biggest problem with weight management. I've always been able to lose weight... I stalled for almost an entire year and finally I realized I needed to change up some habits to get accross that finish line. I'd even started to go in the wrong direction, but that's all changing now! :cursing: Someone in the chat room asked me, "wow you need WW even though you have the band?" I was kind of taken aback by this question because, well in my opinion - yes I did. The band is not going to lose the weight for us. Only eating right and getting a workout in is going to do that. The band will only help with getting the most out of our meals. THAT IS ALL!!!! I don't know how many times I've had to say this on this website. It's astonishing what people expect from their bands... I completely agree with the idea of being on the looser end of tightness. It's better for us anyway. The tighter the band, the higher risk for complications down the road, including removal. I'm going to be good to my band. :rolleyes2: I can eat anything. Bread, Pasta, rice - all meats... anything! It's so much healthier. I'm not limited in any way. One huge thing I've noticed since I got some fill taken out is that I'm able to get all my Fiber in during the day. It's really difficult to do this with a tight band. Fiber is just as important as Protein... but is most often forgotten. Anway, glad you can join us - let us know how you're doing with the plan. I'm new too, so we can compare notes. I'm only a bit less than 2 weeks in. :thumbup:
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Scorpio, no worries about yesterday. You still have your weekly points to fall back on if need be, which you did. Don't feel guilty about that - that is what they are there for! You need a little wiggle room in order to enjoy yourself once in awhile. I really believe that is why so many other "diets" fail. Once you feel like you fell off, you just blow it (well at least I know I have many times in the past). Well with this awesome plan, the points start all over again every morning. New day, new start. :cursing: You're actually doing much better than you're giving yourself credit for... at least I think so. :cursing: Thanks for this, sometimes hearing this from someone else really sets the mood.. I really do appreciate that! I agree, we can all use a vacation once in awhile. I just took some time off a few weeks ago to recharge my batteries. I didn't do anything.AT.ALL!! It really was what the doctor ordered because right after I felt a whole new motivation to get over that finish line. True I still need to lose at most 100 Lbs (we'll see how I feel after 80), but I just have a sense of desire once again. I haven't felt this motivated since a few months after banding!! We all can succeed, I really do believe that! Last night I did the Billy Blanks Boot Camp with the resistance bands. Wow it's killer!! LOL My arms hurt so bad - but hey, nothing worth doing is going to be easy right? :cursing:
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I have spoken via posts and PM with this person before. To be honest I always thought some things just didn't add up with her. I found her a little odd to say the least and just discontinued conversation with her. That being said, she was always a very nice person and she really was sincere when one needed motivating. Of course though Beth you are right. It's not good to pose other pictures and claim it is yourself, and I'm almost feeling embarrassed for her. And I seen someone say good job Beth on the Scale victory - so I'll say the same. Kickin butt!!
  20. Does anyone here watch these shows? I remember when they cancelled Big Medicine sometime last year right in the middle of the season - I was so devastated. I loved how they went back and showed The Davis Dr.s patients from time to time to see how they were faring. Especially Allen! What a major wonder this guy is!! Also this show went away for a good year, but has finally come back on the Discover Health channel and recently showed about 5 new episodes. It's been a few weeks since any new ones, but it has been great to see some of the patients from a ways back. Allen has done phenomenal!! His excess skin surgery was pretty astounding too!! Ruby, she is absolutely fantastic and I think she deserves every bit of praise she gets!! I so wish I could just wake up one day and have half the mojo she has. This lady IS all that. :biggrin: She started at over 700 Lbs is now down to 333!! No surgery, no nothing - but willpower. Wow... I mean, just... wow. She really truly inspires me, and watching this show helps me to realize that I had it in me all along. No excuses really. What a battle to overcome and she's doing it!! Brookhaven, I don't think this show has had any new epi's lately - but I still like to watch the repeats. You know, and maybe I'm wrong for even thinking this but it keeps me at a resonable level to try to keep the weight from coming back. The pain these people go through... I never want to go through that. Anyway just wondering if anyone else has been keeping up with these shows lately...
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    TV shows about obesity; Ruby, Big Medicine, Brookhaven - etc.

    I totally agree! I find watching these shows motivate me. I mean, really... this lady was once over 700 Lbs! Last mentioned weigh in she was 333.. I was floored!! and she's doing this all on pure willpower. What a fantastic lady! In her last episode she was going through some of her old pictures and she was trying to figure out why she has so many holes in her memory. I'm almost sure she must have been molested or sexually abused in some way. I've heard it's very common for women to subconsciously gain lots of weight to remain unnattractive. I think that might be what's going on there. She'll do fine though. It will be a very tough moment for her when she really does remember what happened.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Good job scorpio! Awesome, and it sounds like you made some really healthy and bulky choices! china, I'm so glad that the online version looks good for you. I'm so sure you'll find it easy to navigate and find everything you need. It's very user friendly!! Let us know how the meeting goes! It's really hard for me at first, but I'm getting it a little more every day. I was so tired and ravenous yesterday... so sad - but I still am within my points for this week. I think what happened is that I've not been making sure I'm getting in enough lean Protein for my active workouts. I had 1-1/4 cups of red Beans & rice for Breakfast this morning. Only 4 points and it held me for 5 hours! I did two walks already even and I'm still doing ok. I had some good protein last night too. I had a tuna fish sandwhich on Roman Meal bread (the best!) and it was delicious. My body really needed that because today I feel great and not looking to snack all day either. I am really dedicated into getting into this program full swing, I just need to be patient with myself and realize it might take awhile to really get it down pat. Thanks to all of you out there listening! It helps so much! For lunch today I'm having a large garden salad with tomatoes, carrots and cukes - and on the side FF Hidden Valley Ranch. I also have 2 oz. can of salmon. Need that healthy Omega 3's and lean protein! I did remember too that I've stopped taking the protein supplements. I need to start learning to get my Proteins from my food and not rely on those liquid calories. How's everyone else doing? Hanging in there? Need some advice?
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks for saying this! I am journaling my food with the WW and it's really not coming out to that much. I was left over with more than 40 points last week. My face is already starting to take on that gaunt "damn girl eat something" look... My body is definitely telling me Time Out! Good idea on the milk. It's such a healthy drink, I will start adding a cup at night with my little bedtime snack. The extra 11g protein couldn't NOT help. :thumbup::wub: Hey isn't that the IN thing? Get the band so tight people start calling you "Salad Shooter".
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    POINTS® Tracker entries Sunday, August 09, 2009 Morning 1 item(s) Canadian bacon, egg white and cheese on a honey wheat muffin 5 2 slice(s) Cooked ham, Water added, 96% fat free 1.5 1 serving(s) banana Small 1 Subtotal 7.5 Midday 1 serving(s) Packaged BBQ Party Wings, 7 pcs. 5 Subtotal 5 Evening 2 item(s) red Beans and rice Soup in a cup 6.5 Subtotal 6.5 Anytime 1/2 cup(s) unsweetened applesauce 1 17 item(s) Tiny Pretzel Twists 2 1/4 package(s) Rolos 1.5 1 piece(s) Caramel Medallions 1 7 piece(s) Kisses brand milk chocolates filled with caramel 3.5 1 Raisin Bran Granola Crunch Cereal Made 8 Subtotal 17 food POINTS values total used 36 Food POINTS values remaining 0 Activity 30 min Elliptical trainer (cross trainer) 6 10 min stationary bike, slow 1 20 min stationary bike, fast 4 Activity POINTS values earned 11 Check off these important items daily: liquids Milk & Milk Products Fruit & Vegetables Multivitamin/Mineral Healthy Oil Activity Lean Protein Whole Grains Notes Much better day today! I really cleaned up! Well got through weekend one on the plan. I did okay, but next weekend I'm going to have to do much better. I killed it with the Sun chips yesterday. Maybe if I remember I can have whatever I want, just in portions of 1 or 2. Also I think I've been feeling just a bit weak so I'm going to use my additional 5 weekly points every day. I have already used alot, but with my activity points it should still be ok. So, I'm using 36 points per day. © 2009 Weight Watchers International, Inc. © 2009 WeightWatchers.com, Inc. All rights reserved. WEIGHT WATCHERS and POINTS are the registered trademarks of Weight Watchers International, Inc. and are used under license by WeightWatchers.com, Inc.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    China, of course, I don't mind :thumbup: That's what I made this thread for so you and I and anyone else can get the support we need while working within the Weight Watchers program. Good deal on the slight unfill. I'm sure you will find it much more comfortable to eat. The band was not placed on our bellies to be a "choke chain" as I've heard it called before. It's only meant for us to feel fuller and longer than a normal person. That's all. It was NEVER designed to prevent us from eating altogether. I find the WW Online version to be extremely convenient, and as you've already seen much less expensive. Someone here even mentioned that WW can be a bit negative toward anyone who has had WLS. I hope that doesn't happen to you. If you need any help, I'm glad to. I posted a print screen of what the program looks like online. You'll see on the bottom right is a ticker system that makes sure you are getting your proper hydration and nutrition while staying within your points. I've found this extremely helpful! Irene Talk soon!

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