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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    You;re welcome with the recipe! It's really good and one cup is only 2 measly points.. who can argue with that?? I have a hard time with my metabolism too. I didn't eat right before either and now my body is readjusting. I didn't lose a pound last week! Ugh!! But, I did lose 3 inches off my body. Thank goodness for the measurements.. I'd be devastated right now for the simple fact I worked really hard. I do think I'm given too many points though. I cut it down to about 1200 calories per day or 24 points minimum, or 29 max. That's still 1450, give or take a few for fat or fiber content. I can feel I'm losing big time now but I'm not getting on that scale until my weigh-days which is Saturday. Good luck!!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Awww Angie, thats a terrible dream! :-(
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Oh I LOL all day at work. They'll ask what I'm laughing at, but I just tell them it was one of the voices in my head again. Awesome! Didn't I tell ya?? HUH?? :wink2: Ebony, good on you! Natural hair is gorgeous! I let mine go natural and it's been a litle over a year now. I had to cut my hair down alot first. I cut about 5 inches off. :cursing: I cut my own hair since I learned how and it came out really good. I haven't needed to cut my hair since. It's pretty amazing. I co-wash my hair 3x per week and wash with shampoo 1x per week. I never use heat stylers and keep my hair really moisturized. It helps! Like your hubby, my hubby loves mine too. He's always curling my hair around his fingers and says he can't wait til it gets so much longer, and I have mermaid hair.. LOL whatever that means! Do you ever visit the message boards for natural hair? That's where I learned how to care for my curlies.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    This is the hardest part of sticking to any one plan.. the down times. Just stay positive and yes, it is still a loss!! They add up! It's just an average, some weeks we'll lose big - some will come off like molasses of our * well you know... :cursing: Good luck with the classes! I have one starting on Monday too. Ugh the time off goes WAY too fast!! scorp, do not worry! Every day is a new day to start over. It's a lifetime of a journey. We will struggle every single day. Don't you lose that war!! One battle at a time!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    I've noticed I'm really slacking on making sure I'm getting enough fruits/veggies and dairy products for the day. I love this system so much! It really keeps my eyes open to what I need to be doing!! I'm also taking two days off this time from working out. I do not count my leisurely walks or anything else, so it shows up as if I did nothing. I did go on a minor leisurely walk yesterday. So how is everyone else doing??? Are you hanging in there? It's been really quiet in here! Oh well, I'll keep posting. It helps me, and I'm sure it's helping others out, even if they choose to stay quiet. This is a daily battle. I will not lose this war. POINTS® Tracker entries Thursday, August 20, 2009 Morning Pinto beans & rice 5.5 Subtotal 5.5 Midday 2 oz canned salmon 2 1/4 Garden Salad 0.5 Subtotal2.5 Evening 1 serving(s) LEAN CUISINE: Salisbury Steak 5 1 piece(s) cornbread, prepared from mix 4 1 Tbsp whipped salted butter 2 Subtotal 11 Anytime 3 1/2 serving(s) Fritos Chili Cheese Corn Chips 13.5 1 piece(s) butterscotch candy 0 30 item(s) Tiny Pretzel Twists 3.5 Subtotal 17 Food POINTS values total used 36 Food POINTS values remaining 0 Activity No entries for activity. Activity POINTS values earned 0 Check off these important items daily: Liquids & Milk Products Fruit & Vegetables Multivitamin/Mineral Healthy Oil Activity Lean Protein Whole Grains
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Fanny you look so awesome, lady in RED! Hahahaaaa!! Do you think they would let me use that as my wallpaper background for my work computer? It IS nature after all... :cursing: Your kid is amazing, best wishes to him!! Hey girl!! So nice to see you posting again!! I'm good. Just trying to find that healthy balance. You are doing so fantastic with your maintenance. I'll be looking you to for advice when I FINALLY get there. :wink2: --------------------------------- PJTP: Ok, I just have to say. Since I got up today there has been the subject of penises where-ever I go. That's just really bizarre. As a matter of fact, Marvin Gaye is on my Media Player right now. ...and, my calendar has a picture of a weiner dog on it too. Oh, and I bought a Magic Wand at the Wishing Well yesterday. If I've offended anyone right now, please accept my most non sincerely apology. :wink2: How much water is too much water? Does anyone take Diurex here? Can I go home early from work today? I have some really important stuff to do on Facebook. Like, I just expanded my farm on Farmville and I need to do some shifting. Ok, let's get this party started. This thread WILL NEVER DIE!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    lapband not working

    Hi WASa, I understand your point - but I also think that is only partly true. You still have to have some self control. I was taught this and chose to ignore it. I stopped losing weight and even gained. I had plenty of restriction, more than I should have. What I didn't have was self control. Now, I have proper restriction and self control. I'm losing again. You must have both to be successful. I mean, I wish it were that simply anyway...
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Oh and I really don't have any plans except a few things that need to get done. I have to get them done before my class starts on Monday. I tend to put everything on the back burners until my classes end. This class is only 1 unit, but it doesn't matter how small it is, I still have trouble squeezing it in with other things like a long work day and workouts. I need a loooooong break O_o
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    (((Ezma))) Though I know the dreams are so great to see him. Just hang in there.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    lapband not working

    It is absolutely and 100% false that you believe you can still eat anything you want and still lose weight. Let me clarify. Right now you claim that you have no restriction. So, you are eating everything you want without any regard to what a proper portion really should be? How often are you eating "anything you want"? Every meal? Based on the fact you have a lap band you must have not been eating the most healthy options, am I right? Well if you have answered yes to even most of those questions you are not going to lose weight. The band is not failing you, you are failing your band (so far). Don't give up hope so easily. You have only been banded for not even 6 months. You got the band to 1) Lose weight and 2) be more healthy. You are not going to achieve this by continuously eating everything/anything you want. There needs to be a healthy balance in there. You need to think of healthier options to your favorite foods. Trust me, you can find some really awesome ways to cook the things you love most that will provide more nutrition, less fat, less sodium and eating only the right portion size. Too much of anything is not good for you. Hang in there, this is in no way going to be an easy road. The band is not going to stop your decision making. It will only tell you that you are full faster and keep you there longer. Also, a healthy balance is this... "Well, I've been really really good for a whole week! I've been losing steadily, I've been kicking ass on my workouts. I think I deserve a treat (whatever you want). I'm going to eat it without feeling guilty, but I'll make sure I'm not bingeing on it either..." That is a healthy balance. 95% Angel, 5% Devil. I really hope this helps. I struggled too for a really long time. The band is a learning curve. Some learn immediately. Some like me take a really long time to figure it all out. It will happen for you though if you just stick it out, and also realize a healthy body does not come from unhealthy habits.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Oh slim, I understand. I really miss tap too. We used to talk a lot in our Victorious Valentines thread as well. She was a great motivator, and trust me, everyone is feeling her absence! I do miss her, and I hope she will come back someday – and soon. J ------------------------------------ HF, actually yes. I’ve taken several classes there. The ECCO training center (Episcopal or something). Anyway, it’s quite possible that was me. I did mention in one of my classes that I had just gotten my Lap-Band done at that time. I think it was only 3 weeks later. J Wow!! Small World!! Though apparently there are more than 7,500 CalFire employees… but I’m sure there are only a few Irene’s! No worries about the boss. I’m sure there have been some around here been stretching out those BVD’s Thanks for the welcome back! I’m so glad to be back! I need you guys to help me get across that finish line. Whether it is in the support forums cheering me on, or in here just to blow off a little steam! I really understand how your daughter might be feeling. When I went out on the fire to help out (Lightning Complex), the guys had already been there for nearly two months! Their kids would constantly call them and ask when they are coming home. I felt so bad for them, so I rushed through the papers to get them home ASAP. I did that instead of milking the time, and I really could have. I’m just not that type though. ------------------------------------ Ebony, you will knock it outta the ballpark. J
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    nurse, I completely understand how you used to feel about having to start up a whole other program. However, like you I also was hit with the realization that the Lap Band is really only one little part of our new healthy lifestyle. I've heard this saying said over so many times, yet I really never truly understood the concept. That saying is "They band your stomach, not your head." It isn't going to keep up from putting anything in our mouths. You can cheat the band very easily, but if you use it properly, it is a very very good tool. My doctor constantly preaches about being too tight and making sure I am still able to eat normal food. I just have to make sure I'm eating the proper things, to get the most out of my tool. My band is so awesome!! But, so is my Weight Watchers!! These two things combined are a powerhouse tool for losing weight, and keeping it off in a HEALTHY way. I am so thankful for both of them If you decide you would like to try WW, you will always have a home here. It's so great to go through a journey where the people are practicing the same programs.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Here is an awesome recipe from Dotti's WL Zone! --------------------------------------------------------- Taco Soup This recipe was given to me at my W.W. meeting from another member (thank you Barb) who found it to be delicious and low in points. I have tried it and it is indeed delicious! Enjoy! Makes (12) 1 cup servings Ingredients: 1 lb. ground turkey (or lean ground beef ) 1 large onion, chopped 1 pkg. Hidden Valley ranch dressing mix 1 pkg. Taco Seasoning mix (use 2 tablespoons of taco seasoning mix) 1 can Pinto Beans 1 can Chile Hot Beans 1 can whole kernel corn 1 can stewed tomatoes (Mexican flavor) 1 can stewed tomatoes (any flavor) Brown meat and onions, drain. Mix Hidden Valley Ranch dressing mix and taco seasoning mix into meat. Then, without draining, add all of the other ingredients. Simmer 1 hour. If you can find the reduced sodium taco seasoning (we already have this mix, don't buy extra) and the reduced sodium Hidden Valley it is very helpful because of the high sodium count in both the seasonings and the chili hot beans. This is delicious served with Baked Tostitos (buy a bag... chips (they aren't in the point count per cup serving). SERVING SIZE: 1 cup soup POINTS: 2 The Baked Tostitos chips are 2 points for 9 chips.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    I'm going out for my morning walk, but since it's on my mind I just wanted to give you a quick good alternate recipe for french fries. Get a fresh large potato. Clean the skin and cut up shoestring or thicker as desired. Spray a baking dish with Crisco Butter spray or PAM (all zero calorie). Spread the potatoes on the dish and spray over the potatoes once over with the cooking spray again. Salt as desired (I used seasoning salt yum!) Put in the oven at 450 and let bake for 20-25 mins (unless you like it crispier or lighter, adjust time). They are awesome! One large potato is only 3 points. I put that in my tracker, but didn't subsitute for the fact I didn't even eat a half of one potato. I forgot, but oh well, I didn't go over my points anyway. BBS!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    POINTS® Tracker entries Wednesday, August 19, 2009 Morning Pinto beans & rice 5.5 Subtotal 5.5 Midday 1 serving(s) LEAN CUISINE: Spaghetti w/ Meat Sauce 5 Garden Salad 2 Subtotal 7 Evening Burgers & Fries 10 Subtotal 10 Anytime1 serving(s) GNC Amplified Wheybolic Protein 1 1 bar(s) Chocolate Caramel 2 8 oz 1% low-fat milk 2 2 item(s) Creme Sandwich Cookie(s) 2 Subtotal 7 Food POINTS values total used 29.5 Food POINTS values remaining 1.5 Activity 40 min Walking (>3.0 mph [20 min mile] and <5.0 mph [12 min mile] on level surface) 3 30 Mins Calisthenics 2 Activity POINTS values earned 3 Check off these important items daily: Liquids Milk & Milk Products Fruit & Vegetables Multivitamin/Mineral Healthy Oil Activity Lean Protein Whole Grains
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    That's really not all that bad Kelli, glad you are feeling better. One thing I've noticed for myself is that one day my band will be non-existent (which it is, just able to eat a little more without feeling restriction). Then the next day I need to take tiny bites and give a few minutes after my first one. I really never know how my band will act at any meal until after that first bite. It's just life with the band. You probably can give it some time before getting some taken out. You might just have reached your sweet spot. It sounds like it. As for me I'm doing pretty good. Just hanging in there! I won't weigh myself anymore unless it's weigh day. I let the scale rule my moods too much!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Plain, thanks so much for that compliment. It’s really really hard sometimes, especially when you dig yourself a bit of a hole. However, holes were meant for climbing out of!! Or were they? LOL -------------------- HF, Yes, I’m glad to work for CalFire because right now we are the only few CA state offices not being Furloughed (3 days OMG!! Well, right now anyway). Yes, I do work in the HQ Bldg. I’m a Grant Analyst, but I have a lot of accounting background with the State and with CalFire so I am trained to go out as a Payment Processing Tech Spec. I’m still considered a Trainee, and have only gone out on one other fire last year (thanks to Boss again). He’s getting heck for it though!! LMAO! Anyway, they let me do more than half my incident call on my own. I got raving reviews… hehe (just had to throw that in there!) As far as Billy was concerned, well I had to break our date. I felt I’ve been doing way too much cardio recently. I have so many new tools and I’m just blowing right through them, because I feel great! We have the rest of our lives together to get it done though. :-D I hope you feel better from your fill. I’m surprised he would give you so much. My doc wouldn’t even give me .5cc when I needed a huge fill. He’s crazy though, so don’t take that to mean a darn thing. -------------------- Shonda, LMAO! Hey don’t apologize for feeling like you do about work. Because if 126.6 Lbs is all of you there’s not enough! Haha!! ------------------- Glou, sounds like you are a bit of busy today. Save some time for us too! ------------------ Lu, it’s Thursday now. Got anything done yet? Glad you like the shoes! I love them, but I”ve also realized that it gives me almost too much workout. I need to scale back just a bit. Never in my life thought I’d say that, BTW… Awww, so many are reading my thread. J That makes me happy. I’m just thankful to have found something that I can work with! ------------------- Re: Tap. I went through it too. I took a very long extended break from LBT. I was not doing well, and to top it off when I was looking for support I was treated bad. That’s not support. I don’t know exactly the extent of her reason of taking a break – but I fully understand. I needed a break from the entire LAP BAND world… I have been posting more now than I have in a really long time, but most of it is my mood too. PJTP: I really have nothing to report at the moment, so Hi Everyone! I hope everyone’s day is successful and as wonderful as each of you are. J
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Ezma that is fantastic!!! WTG!!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Isn't it just strange that one day you can feel super empowered and the slightest thing can break that confidence? It was just day before yesterday that I wast telling you to hang in there. But now, I've noticed I have not lost any weight at all in almost a week now. Looks like there will be no Off Day's for me this week! .. I think I need to make some adjustments somewhere. I think it's either too much workout and not enough nutrition - or vice versa. I'm going to start with taking a break from workouts this weekend and see how that works for me. wow! You don't eat very much at all... but if it works for you that's great! Just stay healthy!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    POINTS® Tracker entries Tuesday, August 18, 2009 Morning Raisin Bran Cereal 5.5 Subtotal 5.5 Midday 3 slice(s) Cooked ham, water added, 96% fat free 2 1 item(s) Pasta Primavera 5 Subtotal 7 Evening 1 serving(s) Maruchan Instant Lunch Cup 6 1 Tuna Fish Sandwich 6 Subtotal 12 Anytime 1 serving(s) Banana Small 1 18 item(s) Tiny Pretzel Twists 2 1 item(s) Low fat vanilla 2 Subtotal 5 Food POINTS values total used 29.5 Food POINTS values remaining 1.5 Activity 60 min Walking (>3.0 mph [20 min mile] and <5.0 mph [12 min mile] on level surface) 5 Activity POINTS values earned 5 Check off these important items daily: Liquids Milk & Milk Products Fruit & Vegetables Multivitamin/Mineral Healthy Oil Activity Lean Protein Whole Grains
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Oh but now he is using tools! resistance bands and tae bo anyone? :biggrin:
  22. cb, you are right on with the tightness issue. I think however yes, many here do prefer to be tighter. I do disdain from it though because I don't think so many really realize the danger in having and maintaining a tight band. It is really not healthy and one can end up losing their band. I certainly don't want that to happen to myself. I lived with a tight band since last Thanksgiving. It was the worst experience of my life. I thought the tighter I am, the more weight I will lose. Quite the opposite. I began to gain my weight back because I could not eat properly at all. I started to get used to drinking my calories and of course you can get over consumed with calories quite quickly with that. I got some unfilled about a month ago, and like you I WILL NEVER get that tight again! I can eat normal food again, and I have never felt healthier in my life. I'm able to do my strenuous workouts again, which I stopped doing because I never had the energy or proper nutrition to be able to do it anymore. I make sure I'm getting a well balanced meal all the time, because like you I have found a healthy eating plan to go along with my lap band. I'm doing weight watchers. I do sometimes take the Slim - Shots liquid too to help control my appetite even more. I don't always, but it does help when I need a little extra something. All it is, is coconut oil. It's actually a healthy oil and coats the stomach. I like them, but they are pretty pricey. Anyway, I just want to say that's great for you, and I am in total agreement with your decision. I too refuse to ever feel that softball in my chest, or vomiting or sliming or whatever else comes with a band that is too tight. We did this to be healthier... THAT is not healthier. That's just another form of an eating disorder, and I've had enough of those in my lifetime - from one end of the spectrum to another. Now it's time to eat well, healthy and balanced and get my workouts in order and take good care of my body and my band. Best wishes to you!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    ebony, sounds like things are going in the right direction for you work wise! I'll keep you in my prayers, you deserve it so much after all you have been going through recently with your current employment. heartfire, I work for CalFire too. They tried sending me out on a fire last week but my boss denied them. :sad: Well, he found out what happens here when you prevent properly trained employees from doing the departments mission. However, now that I'm allowed to go they have nothing. Interesting! I'm still next on the list though. kc, are you serious???? :cursing::eek::mad2: Um, my first thought would be my grandma died. I'm surprised she didn't. That is just sick. I can't even properly comment on that. :biggrin: As for myself, well I'm just continuing my fight. I REFUSE TO just give up with my weight battles. I have been really sticking to my plan and have been bumping up my workout routines to when I first started. I have been re-energized by my equipment, shoes etc! I finally did 3 miles today in my Skechers. OMG, it was tough but I did it! Tonight I have a date with Billy Blanks. It's our second one, but he really put an impression on me with our first. We'll see if he can give me that same ole feeling. :thumbup:
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Kelli, I can eat a cup or more of food at a time. A cup and a half is my max. Depending on what I'm eating that amount of food will last me 4-5 hours. I can eat relatively fast most of the time. However I will have a few days (usuall TOM) where I'll have to be extra careful with eating because I will feel some restriction. I don't really have issues with eating much at all. I'm able to sustain my program Weight Watchers with little or no effort, and most days I eat several points lower than what I'm allowed daily. It's so awesome! I do know that once my points are lowered I might have a little bit of issue and might at that moment get a iddy biddy tiny fill and see if that might help some. I just hate to hear when so many are overly tight. I think that happens way too much, and I also think that is not how the band was supposed to work. I mean, it wasn't until I was too tight that I started to gain my weight back. Now that I can eat normally again, I'm back to losing and have plenty of energy to sustain my vigorous workouts. I feel really great!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    POINTS® Tracker entries Monday, August 17, 2009 Morning Raisin Bran Cereal 5.5 Subtotal 5.5 Midday Taco Soup and Tostitos Baked Bowls 4.5 Subtotal 4.5 Evening Jimboy's Shredded Beef Tacos Meal 13 Subtotal 13 Anytime 1 cup(s) watermelon 1 Peaches & Cream Pie (One Bite) - Quick-added food 1 1 serving(s) Hostess 100 Calorie Pack, Strawberry w/ Filling 1 1 piece(s) Kisses brand milk chocolates 0.5 20 item(s) Cheez-It Reduced Fat 2 Subtotal 5.5 Food POINTS values total used 28.5 Food POINTS values remaining 2.5 Activity 40 min Walking (>3.0 mph [20 min mile] and <5.0 mph [12 min mile] on level surface) 3 10 min stationary bike, slow 1 20 min stationary bike, fast 4 30 min Calisthenics (moderate effort) 2 Activity POINTS values earned 10 Check off these important items daily: Liquids Milk & Milk Products Fruit & Vegetables Multivitamin/Mineral Healthy Oil Activity Lean Protein Whole Grains

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