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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Jul, that’s so great your restriction is doing well for you! It’s so hard sometimes to find that spot where you can still eat healthy solid food and get all your food groups in, but still be tight enough to where you’re not hungry all the time. I might be looking for an iddy biddy fill maybe next month. And I mean iddy biddy too. J Melissa, good job!! Excellent!! Ezma, that is so great you found some will power again! Isn’t it just the best??? Hang in there and things will just start blasting back full speed for you!! Tap, baby steps. I know you will be back to your workout self soon! Mara, you’re so right! There was a reason behind not getting preggers right away. It turned out to be for the best. Anyway, no biggie on how it happens, so long as it does. I pray you & hubby will get your bundle(s) of joy soon!! Jul, CONGRATS!! I’m so excited for you! Wow, 198??? I’m gonna keep racing until I get there! Of course I won’t stop once I do, but it will just be so awesome to see a 1 in from instead of a 2 or 3. I haven’t been in the ones since I was a teenager… Angie, CONGRATS to you as well!!! You’re so lucky you can do that. I envy you! Question though, why wouldn’t you be happy? Well as far as me, I’ve posted another 2.5 Lb loss and I’m back into the 240’s I’m happy to say!! Wow, it’s been over 4 months since I’ve been here. I let my vacation lag much too long. Tomorrow is my official weigh in so I have to be extra good today so as not to gain any. Everyone have a great and blessed Holiday! Try not to drink too many Cerveza’s and eat too many chips and salsa. Ok, maybe I’m really talking to myself here… lmao!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Good job on the only one piece of cake. Piece of cake huh? LOL Okay, corny I know... I hear ya on having to just leave stuff alone. I am like that with my chips. Ah well, every day is a learning curve! josie, welcome! I always like full house parties! Best wishes! :sneaky: Looking forward to hearing from you next week! :sad: Have a nice Vacation Holiday!! Good job!! Keep up the good work china doll! denise, I was considering it and thought I'd give the regular plan a few more weeks to see if I'd lose anymore. That first 7 Lbs just flew off, then almost 3 weeks of nada! However, I've now posted another 2.5 Lbs lost this week! My actual weigh day is tomorrow morning so I have to be super good today to not gain any. Of course it's TOM since yesterday. I'm weird though and I always lose big once I start TOM and through the next week. We'll see what happens! I do tend to eat alot of the filler foods though, so I'm kinda doing a bit of the hybrid. Maybe you can start out by incorporating more the of the filler foods and see how you do? Have a fantastic Holiday everyone!! :wink2:
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    Just when you think a thread has died and a winner chosen...
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Great news!! I'm so glad that you can get re-banded with insurance (if nec.) Yay!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    StLG, I'm hoping the band/stomach can make amends. I've heard happen many times before so definitely don't lose hope, and keep your prayers going! Jul, you're right and that mindset (changing up my routine) was really the only thing that has changed my direction. Great advice! Angie, great job! SHM, I know what you mean. I was loving to run myself, but it just wasn't meant to be for me. I've found my elliptical kinda gives me that great feeling like running used to. So glad I found it! Have a fantastic day VV's!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    LOL!! My friend had some leftover Birthday cake from her son and she brought me in a tiny piece. Now, I'll probably only eat a bite or two. I always count one bite, one point. Any more than that and I'll look it up, but that's just a rule of mine. The reason is because even if it doesn't come out to one bite, I want that listed on my tracker. I need to make sure, "If you bite it, you write it!" Nothing at all wrong with a little bit of good stuff from time to time. That is what's so great about WW. You can eat WHATEVER you want. Just not AS MUCH as you want... :wink: Stay within your daily points and it's all gravy! Ohhh Gravy yum! Anyway, a little indulgence is okay. Hi Scorpio, welcome back~~!! Actually, GOOD JOB on not gaining on vacation! That's hard to do! Thanks both Scorpio and jolly for the great information! I just want to chime in, this was truly the best 55 dollars I've spent on myself and my health. The band is the best friend of WW. Especially if you have to live on tiny points per day! :tt1: I'm having a little bit of trouble these last few days. I've been eating chips!! :eek: I went months without eating them, but since I've found this plan I'm using as an excuse to eat them again. Well, that in itself is not a bad thing. Like I said, a little indulgence, right? Well, NOT 5 FREAKIN PORTIONS WORTH!! Ugh, I'm so glad I"m all out of them, and no more until my next TOM round. Though next time I'll make sure I just buy a packet of the 1 oz servings, and no more than one bag a day. Ok, that's only 3 points. However 5 servings? Yeah, well you get the picture. I do great during work and eating my salads, etc. But then I get home and eat my healthy dinner and I feel like I get free range to eat as many chips as I want. Gotta stop!!!!! Ah well. I'm not perfect by a long shot. At least my tracker is telling me to my face I've been acting badly!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ohhh my! Don't turn your back with that lil cutie while I'm around... :frown:
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    OMGoodness... :cheers2: I was really hoping for much better news for you! But, as it is - I wish I could make up your mind for you so you wouldn't have to fret so about it. One thing I do know is that you are a tough lady and you can overcome it. All your options have problems, but if you like at least try to be re-banded. You never know, I'm hoping my insurance would do it for me if I needed it! Bypass? For me that would have to be a no. I already have nutrient problems and I'm sure I'd be too sick or die from it. Have you thought about the sleeve? Not sure, just a suggestion. Brighter side? Yeah! You just might make it to onederland!!!!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Treadmill VS Elliptical

    I just wanted to say, my elliptical offers all these options too. It can be adjusted as if you were walking uphill, has many different set of resistance and has workouts that can burn 400 Cals in 30 minutes time. (Keep in mind this is for the average 150 Lb person too!) You can really get a great cardio workout with the elliptical once you get used to it and can pick up the speed/resistance on it. I used to be a runner before my knees blew out. When I'm done with my elliptical workout I'm sweating and feeling even more energized than I ever did when I used to run! :frown:
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Treadmill VS Elliptical

    I'll give a hearty vote to the elliptical. My doctor banned me from treadmills because of the damage they can cause to someone. The elliptical burns almost twice the calories and is toning up my legs like I've never seen!! I'm in love with my machine!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Thanks soo much! It's been so difficult to get back what I'd lost somewhere. I"m just so glad I did. I seriously was scared to death that I was going to gain all my weight back and what a failure I'd be. No matter what now I know that would NEVER be the truth. I'm a winner in just the simple fact that I kept it in the back of my mind of all the accomplishments I'd had. I wanted that back so I TOOK IT DANGIT!!!!! Lori and RSG have been in and out from x2x. Wish they'd stay (and I really hope they see this...) What's for lunch everyone? I'm having a Teriyaki chicken breast salad... oh yum.. mouths watering just thinking about it. Oh one more thing. Tap, DONT YOU LEAVE (ONCE AGAIN). Do you know how loved you are??? If not, I think you know now.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Are you kidding me?!? I think you're just peaches! (((hugs))) Yeah, I'll even include Plain in that. However, I don't like to admit that publicly. Ever. :frown: Have a successful day everyone!!!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    www.weightwatchers.com in case you're interested. It's 55 dollars for the first three months I think (at least it was when I signed on). I go to the weekly meetings too, I just plop my big booty on a chair and listen in. I might consider going on full board and paying the monthly pass so I can help keep track with weigh in and whatnot - but for now I'm pretty comfy in what I'm doing. The Daily plate is a good one too. I actually steal alot of the nut facts from that website to put into my tracker!!! :frown:
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Yes! WW whole concept is based around logging food. I never knew how important that was either until I started to do it. :frown: I've never been happier to do it. I have been doing so great, I'm actually fitting into my pants from my smallest last year! Yipeeeee!!!!!!!!! <3 Hugs to all my VV Sisters.. it's soooo difficult - I know. I'm just so glad I was able to find something that streamlined what I'm supposed to do. I fall off, I get right back on with a new day.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    All are welcome!! Look forward to reading your progress!! :biggrin: china, you did really good. Don't be too hard on yourself! Life's gotta have a few goodies here and there, or we will go looking for it and too much of it. You stayed at a reasonable level. For that be proud!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    ITA!! Each day we wake up is a whole new day to start to get on the right track. I think that's why I love WW so much. Every day I wake up, my points start over again. Some days I'm really bad - but when I'm tracking I see the damage in black/white. It hurts to see that, so I wake up the next day and I'm super good the next day. And so on and so on until the next time I have a bad day. It's going to happen. We are only human and we are battling issues that have been with us really our whole lives. Some have had weight issues since the beginning some not, but we still ended up in the same boat. I am still at the same weight now, but I lost another 2 inches. It's coming off, but I think the thing that's changed in me from when I was first banded is I'm more patient with my self and my progression. 95% Angel, 5% Devil. My good days are showing more than my bad. Stand up and dust yourselves off VV's - you are worth it to yourselves. This will be a lifetime of ups and downs, just have more ups (well, actually downs :biggrin:) and you will be fine. HAVE A GREAT DAY ALL!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    I'm so glad! I was wondering what happened to you! :blushing: That is smack in the middle of what you should lose. Feel good about that! Never get in the mindset that you aren't measuring up when you are. That leads to failure feelings, and I think we all know where that leads to from there. You are doing awesome! As for me this week, I didn't gain and I didn't lose. I'm still at 252 but I've lost another 2 inches! It's coming off, just not showing up on the scale yet. When I'm lying on my back I can actually feel my ribs and my tummy is so flat! Wow, I wish it would stay like that when I'm standing up!! LMAO! I think I'm going to start posting here again what I'm eating like I used to. It really helps me to stay on track. I'm making it a point to do 24 points per day up through Friday. I'd really like to see a drop on the scale on Saturday!! How is everyone else???? Where my girls at???? :biggrin:
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    lastest pics

    OMG you look so great Papa!! Can't rightly call u big anymore now can I :-) See ya on FB. Oh, and your Farmville is looking great too!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Oh you will love the taco soup! I actually made a mistake with the points for the pouch tuna. It's actually only 1 point!! Yippeee!! So that is a good mistake, no? I ate 26 points yesterday all! I did really good. ...and today is a new day :w00t: How is everyone else doing?? Hanging in there? Getting your workouts in? Drinking enough water?? We can do this... WE REALLY CAN!! :blushing:
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    poolgirl!! That's awful, I had no idea! Apparently you posted this on FB? I didn't see it... Well, just hang in there and do what you gotta do, know what i mean? And, you are forbidden to leave - period!! Have a great day all!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    So sorry to hear your having bad issues. I'll keep you in my thoughts, and please let us know how the appt went. congrats to you on onederland!! I hope to get there soon too! I actually didn't lose anything last week. However I did lose an additional 3 inches from the week before, so something's going on!! :thumbdown:
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Melissa, what a fabulous post!! Hang in there, because you are right. We are in this for life. We aren't going to stop or slow down at any stage. In fact, I've heard maintenance is the hardest part. :thumbdown: I know how it feels to gain back. One would think this is not possible with WLS or the Lap-Band. Ha!! Whoever thinks that better do their homework! The good thing about the Band though is that it is REALLY hard to gain it back fast. So, in theory, by the time we realize we are making a mistake, we won't have already gained all our weight back and then some. Best wishes to you! You have the right mentality - stay strong and fight, fight, FIGHT!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Oh I forgot to mention: My salad is the 2 oz. pouch of tuna. So it adds 2 pts and is 18g of protein. I also add a dash of salt/pepper and some splenda. Try it!! I know you'll love it :thumbdown: Again, this total is 3 points for a huge salad!! YUM!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    CT, funny you mention the black beans! I did that too this last round and I've found they are great in the taco soup. It actually adds a little coloring to it besides just the reddish. I bet the FF Chedder is great too. I have some reduced fat Mexican and 1/8 serving is only .5 pts. Happy Eating!! Let us know when you do... I'm so excited for you :frown: Thanks for the kudos!! WE do need this here, because no one's really going to fully understand unless it's someone going through the same exact thing. Re: China, as long as your body is accepting of it and you continue to lose at a pace of 1-2 Lbs per week then that is great. Some metabolisms are just run differently than others. Mine is super high and I can lose 5 Lbs in one week doing 1200 Cals a day. I was just saying to be careful and to make sure you're getting fully nourished.. Motherly figure feelings I guess. :eek: I can't even wrap my mind around eating under 1000 a day.. Awesome, and welcome!! Feel free to jump right on in.. :thumbdown: Hi Bella, thanks for sharing :w00t: The only thing I would suggest is, perhaps instead of drinking your protein, eating them instead. There are so many super lean meats out there or beans you can eat that are very filling and leave you satisfied (and better tasting!) for much longer than the protein shakes. One oz. of lean tuna in water is only 1 point and 9g of protein!! I love to eat it on a green salad with a tablespoon of light Ranch Dressing and lunch is a measly 3 pts. It keeps me full all the way through dinner hour. I also just believe that our bodies do better eating real food than supplements. IDK, I have no proof - except the way I feel when I eat solid protein vs. liquid supplemented protein. Sound like you and I are on the exact same train!! I was sooo super bad yesterday. I blew it big time, but every other day has been really good. I'm definitely noticing a difference in the way my clothes feel and people are already noticing I'm in the right direction again. Clothing that was starting to get toooo tight is fitting well again. I can't beat myself up over it though. I just have to leave yesterday's baggage there and not carry it with me today. Today is a whole new day, and a whole new set of points. So far so good!!! It's noon and I've only eaten 7.5 pts. Of course lunch is ready to come out. :eek: However, I'm having that Green Tuna Salad I just mentioned. Yum!! I'm also having some of that Taco Soup w/black beans I mentioned earlier too. Have a great day all!! (((hugs)))
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Hello Sberrys and welcome!! Thats so awesome you chose this plan for your pre-op! I'd rather say this is a very healthy option rather than any liquid diet you might be put on. You get your full range nutrition from the foods you eat, not in any supplement type form. Not only that, you get to pick whatever you want to eat (and I keep stressing this) as long as you can fit it in with your points and proper nutrition! Good luck and please keep us posted on how you're doing. When is your surgery?

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