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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Well I'm in Sacramento, and this is the area that Kaiser refers their patients to the area mentioned in another thread. Also, my Mom works for Kaiser (which is why they were my provider growing up) so I'm asking her to get some insider info or brocures on their bariatric department. That will probably help alot. I will contact my Personnel Dept to find out all my health care options to help with my decision. It doesn't sound like my health providers cover this surgery though. I know Blue Shield that I have doesn't (which really stinks!!)
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Kaiser Permanente - Bay Area

    Oh wow!! This is fantastic news! I didn't have any idea that Kaiser might accept this WLS. I always figured I'd have to do this out of pocket. It's open enrollment at work so I think I need to do a little shifting of PCP's.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Self-Fill are you doing this?

    I don't care who you are... that's funny! ...and for anyone who thought these might possibly be real posts... *sigh* To answer the topic seriously, no I would never attempt to do my own unfill - unless - everyone one earth disappeared and I was the only person left.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Online food journals~

    My friend has an iphone too and she is able to play around with her WW too. True you have to pay for WW but I have tried Dailyplate and was never able to really get into it. However, maybe it was just my feelings at the time. I never wanted to start doing journaling. Oh well, WW isn't really all that much either. It costed me 50 to start up for 3 months and will be 16.95 every month thereafter (paying up 3 months at a time). I'll see how I feel when my subscription comes up.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Portion Control?

    LOL! Okay then, I guess they are truly wondering.. Thats a funny story though.. :biggrin:
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Online food journals~

    Ive been very successful with weightwatchers.com - you might want to check it out too.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Portion Control?

    .Wow people can be so rude!~ Do they really stop to think before speaking at all? It is true though. When I'm out eating at a restaurant, I always seem to catch the look from the wait staff and my plate is still almost full every time. Then they look at me, or sometimes they even ask, "what didn't you like your meal?" They are usually genuine in their question, but you can't help to wonder if they would still ask me that if I were at a normal weight. Oh well! and in answer to the question... I just started not too long ago logging and measuring all my food. I did find out that my maximum is usually the normal portion size. I do pretty good when I'm eating good food. It's the chocolate and ice cream and chips I need to watch out for !! :smile2:
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    first fill - down in the dumps.

    Exactly what I was thinking! Since when are we not supposed to be able to eat chicken? Sorry but we ARE supposed to be able to eat solid food, including chicken. Protein.. it's good for ya. Same with complex carbs. Same with veggies and fruits. :biggrin: I just lose my mind almost every day reading some posts.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Hello Katie! Welcome to the home for Banded WW folks. You will do really great with it along with the band if you just keep on keeping on. You're not going to be perfect, oh no - but WW will always give you another chance every morning you wake up. :eek: LILLY!!!!!! HOORRAAYYY!!!!! (((hugs))) That is SO fantastic! I'm waiting for that day... It's really hard to get our minds wrapped around the fact that we aren't that person we left behind. It may take a really really long time in fact. _________________________________ Well WW friends, this week wasn't the best. I think I'm up 2 lbs. I think that weight I lost last week was solely from starving from being sick... :biggrin: However I'm still way into the loss column and I can't let that set me back. Okay... okay... I can also blame all the popcorn I'd been eating... hehe. I didn't have any yesterday so at least I'm not losing that battle! I'm so glad I start over tomorrow. I'm going to track track track! I'm not going over 24 points a day if it kills me! I know it won't but hey - it feels like it sometimes.. lol. If I can stay at 24 pts or under for the whole week then I get my day of rest next Friday. If not, well then I'm going to have to forfeit that! Okay and I'll post my points like I'm really supposed to be doing! Everyone have a great day! Hugs and much success!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    I have no idea what is going on??

    hi lsv, I'm so sorry to hear your having issues with your band. I really don't have any advice for you, only that sometimes it just happens that the band was not right for you. I know that's probably not what you want to hear, but in your case it just might be so. You're right, that really does suck! But just so you know there are many of you out there. I might be one of them too. I love my band, but the truth is I'm doing 95% of the weight loss on my own. I'm constantly in pain from my port and eating, my band's tightness fluctuates from one end of the spectrum to the other (no middle ground) and it's VERY FRUSTRATING! I still get really hungry most of the time and I have to fight the urge to constantly eat. It's really really tough. I'm coming up on paying off my bills and getting some money and I'm starting to seriously consider some kind of revision again. I lost almost 60 Lbs since surgery and over 100 total. That's great, right?? Well, here's something that many don't think can happen after getting banded... I gained over 20 of those Lbs back!! The cold hard fact is that 60 Lbs was due to the post operative restrictive eating plan. I have really struggled ever since. I still have to lose 80 Lbs max!! I was banded over a year and a half ago even. I am on my way back down again which is great... but seriously - I'm kinda doing it all on my own. I just wanted to chime in and let you know that you are not alone.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Whoot!! Let us know how it goes tomorrow! I really want some plastics done myself. Mostly a breast augmentation and to have skin removed from my arms and thighs... it's just.. yuck. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: ...and yes, I LOVE WW!!! :thumbup::biggrin: Welcome by the way, you're doing fantastic! I still stayed in my points yesterday all, but for some reason I've been eating too much popcorn. It makes me feel bloated the next day so I need to make sure I stop doing that for awhile. Once in awhile is ok, not every day - even if I am staying in my points. I should used those points for healthy options like fruits and veggies which I must say I have not gotten enough of lately. Wishing all much success!! :smile2:
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Awww thanks china! I missed you too when you were gone. So, hang in there while on your cruise - but don't restrict yourself too much either. Vacations are just that. Vacations! :tt1: hockeyson, I hope you feel better soon from your being stuck. That's no fun, I do know all about that. Sometimes leftover chicken can do that to us band patients. lilly, that sounds delicious! So how was it? :thumbup: Well ladies, I have been back to my program for a few days now. I've been keeping within my points. I thought I kinda blew it last night with some butter popcorn, but when I added it all up I was still .5 points below my daily allowance. I think I'm really starting to get into the flow of my new routine. I never feel hunger really and I'm eating anything I want in moderation. I love this program!! Hey, does anyone like See's Candy? Did you know that one cream chocolate is only 2 points??? Did you also know that their chocolate or butterscotch lollies are also only 2 points???? WOW!! I loooove the lollies now... so good and they last a really long time. 2 points you can't beat that for a sweet tooth fix. Okay all, chat tomorrow. Wishing you all much success!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Rationale behind not drinking before you eat??

    hey RM, you know - my doctor never advised of this. I do drink all the way up until I eat. I personally need to get in my fluids whenever I can. I've never had any issues with this whatsoever. I mean think about it. I'm not going to drink any fluids again until up to an hour after eating. I try to keep my solids in my pouch as long as possible. IDK, I've seen this posed here many times and I'm even curious as to why? I like to drink a good cup of Water before eating. Actually it helps alot by taking some of the hunger pangs away while I'm eating and thus I eat less. Good luck and please let us know!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    biggest loser - '09

    OH... MY... GAWD!!! :mad2: THATS JUST... INCREDIBLE...
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Thanks Melly! Yeah, you're right I really need to make sure I'm getting my fluids. I'm finding I forget while I'm sick. :mad2: josie, have a great trip! Don't stress, but life is back to normal when you come back! Hey everyone, quick check in. I did my points yesterday since I'm back to eating normally. I weighed in last night and I'm down 2 Lbs since my last weight in ! yeppee! I know I've not been eating good for sure. I haven't worked out in almost 2 weeks and to lose 2 lbs in one week that means you aren't eating much. Ok, hope everyone is staying on track! :thumbup: Much success to all my WW Bandsters!! whoot!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Thanks so much! congrats on your loss too, that's so great!~ I sure hope your Mom feels better soon.. :-( Hey Bob, thanks! I'm glad I started this up too. It's a great plan and it does work very efficiently when used properly with the band. I don't even feel like I"m on a monitored eating program really :thumbdown: woohoo!! congrats!! I will sign up during my lunch hour, great idea thank you! I'm feeling better group, finally. I'm about to go out and do a quick one mile lap. I haven't done any workouts since I've been sick. I still don't feel 100% but I'm getting better everyday. I just finished up my 5 day prescription of Azithromycin and it's helping. I haven't weighed since last wednesday. I haven't lost any at that time, but I've been sick and haven't really worked on it at all. I haven't eaten much at all either, except crackers and very small portions. I just haven't had much of an appetite at all really. OK, I'll check again really soon! Have a successful day people! :wink:
  17. LOL thats great girl. It's nice to hear from you. Your face looks skinny! :)

  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Thanks everyone! This will be a very quick post. I have been really ill since last Friday. My Holiday was in the crapper! I just now seen my doc and she put me on Azithro 5 day to start, we'll see how that goes. I haven't worked out but haven't really ate much either. In fact, today was the first day I'd really felt like eating anything since! I haven't gained/lost. I just had to throw in there though that I was 13 Lbs less than what they last weighed me in as there!!!! They even said they can tell the difference! yppeee! Teach, my elliptical is just the WalMart special called the golds gym 500. Its the better one (or midgrade) I think but it works great. Its smooth and has all the resistance and uphill like the better ones do. I paid less than 400 for it, so I give it a thumbs up. I do about 4x per week and anywhere from 30-40 minutes ea. I can only go up to 2-3 resistance yet, but im working on it. I don't usually like to go too high on resistance anyway. I usually like that sort of thing for cardio, and save any resistance for my toning. :thumbup: Ok y;all gonna jam. I'm actually blessed enough to be working from home so I better get this thing out to my boss by cob chop chop!! Have a fantastic next few days. I'll check back in when I'm feeling better. PS I skimmed and I'm so glad everyone is still posting!!!! Love ya!!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    This marks my fourth week since starting WW. I am super stoked this weekend! I am down 9.5 Lbs since starting, and that puts me at 1.9 Lbs per week!! Also I have lost an astounding 12.5 inches from my body! OMG!!!!!!! That elliptical has helped to shed 4.25 inches off my thighs and 2.75 off my waist alone! Can you believe that????? LOL, anyway, just though I'd share that great news with everyone. This plan really works! If you've had a hard time with it in the past due to hunger, you will find it's such a lifesaver now. The band takes care of the small portions and the hunger part! :thumbup: I LOVE MY BAND, AND I LOVE WEIGHT WATCHERS!!! But most importantly, I LOVE MYSELF!!!! xx I am doing 24 Pts. tomorrow. Monday will likely be a BBQ day so it might be too hard that day. No biggie. I'm hanging in pretty good! Have a great weekend all!!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    For anyone who posted losses this week, great job!!!!! :-D I will ask the site Admin if Alex might consider making a Weight Watchers room, or how we might be able to create one when we are on there. I'm in CA, and 5PM my time is great if it's on a Tues. Weds. or Thurs. Let me know! Welcome!! I'm so glad you have decided to join WW. The band doesn't stop you from making poor food choices. WW is the map. The band is the compass. Workouts are the energies it takes to get to our treasure! Some of us just need a little bit more than others. Nothing wrong with that at all, and this in no way makes you a failure. It makes you more of a winner than ever because you are willing to do whatever it takes to get to your goal. Best wishes!! LOL! I haven't been tracking as well as I should either. Not good!!! I am still down, thank goodness. However tomorrow I'm doing 24 points no exceptions. Especially since I'm probably going to have BBQ on Monday. LOL!! Nuff said girl! That is such a great NSV!! (((hugs))) rayne, I have only one time gone into my activity points. I think it was only 1-2 at that. I usually gather up between 40-70 activity points per week too, so I seriously don't think I'm ever in danger. They are there for that reason, however I really do try to keep those in the bank. Good luck!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Hi Belkys! That would be fantastic for you to join in! You don't have to wait until your mushies are up, you can join in the conversation and in the meantime get some good ideas from everyone (they are all such great motivators) until you graduate to solid foods once again. That is a fantastic idea if we could all get together and discuss. I was thinking maybe we could all log into the chat here at LBT and talk for about 30 mins or so. Anyone have any ideas of a set day of the week and which time? We could make it really brief in the beginning, and maybe give suggestions for a common weekly topic for the next meeting. Let me know everyone if this sounds like a good idea to you..
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Oh that is fantastic that you have support on the other side too! I never even really tried, I guess it wouldn't hurt to open up and see the response. If they accept me, that would only solidify a more complete support group! Good deal with the shopping! Please check in and let us know how you're doing!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    josie, just a suggestion but, while you are still learning the new plan try to eat the bulk foods they offer? Are you doing the online version? For every oz of lean meats you get one point. (The tuna pouches of 2.6 oz is also only 1 point!! :sneaky: ) One cup of fruit is one point. Most veggies made fresh and no oils added are all ZERO points!! Fill up on lean proteins, fruits and tons of veggies. You'll likely not feel hungry much at all! Wishing you all the best! Even if your first day isn't the greatest (you are just starting, and my first day wasn't the best either) at least you know your points start over tomorrow too! :sad:
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    biggest loser - '09

    Yes I did see this!! I really can't wait, and that is so awesome that Dan will be back. He's lost almost two hundred Pounds ?!? He's incredible!!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Well, this might sound surprising but my difference has been 3 things.. It's my TOM week, I've lessened my workouts and have upped my calories. :sneaky: Yes, it's true. I think I was doing too much with not enough fuel to keep my metabolism burning. Also, my body releases the water retention when I first start and through the next week. Best of wishes for changing the WW routine. I know that might help alot! You get to bulk up the food on low points. It has saved me alot when I would get a little hungry between meals. Lotsa fruit and veggies and lean meat! yummy!!

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