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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Awesome thanks!!!! Zero points!! :smile2:
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Online food journals~

    Yep you're right! The Sparkpeople is the one I used before! I couldn't remember the name of it. However I think Once my WW subscription runs out I'm going to journal with Daily Plate.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    So sorry for your loss... :sleep: Know what you mean, I got a nasty message the other day from someone who friended me on FB just to have me as a neighbor or sister for FB apps. She wanted to know wth I was. I had to set her straight... gave her ample time to figure out who I was. Now tonight when I go home I'll have the awesome pleasure of removing her and deleting her from my apps. :smile2: I was just going to suggest this. I always do a deep conditioning a few days after coloring and I was my hair. I use L'Oreal Deep conditioner with Sunflower oil. It works great. Yes it is very nice! We just have to remind ourselves why we are here. For support. I hate what happened, but I will try not to let it get in the way of this website that it was designed for. I was in no way directly involved in any of it, and I do not share the views of any one. Therefore I won't be punished by missing out on something I really enjoy! Just thought I'd get it out there. I'd thought long about just vacating LBT because it got so very ugly here. I was really offended by alot that happened even though it was not happening to me personally. It was happening to people who I considered friends for a long time, and I've been here since Sept. of 2007! I've gotten to know many people over the last two years. However, if I were to just run off that would be wrong of me. Many people look for me when I'm absent and they look to me for support just as much as I look to them. I just really hope we can move on and forget what happened. Take this as a learning experience on what NOT to do. Great NSV!! Just make sure you tell your doctor right away though. I tried to do this and my Doc had my hyde. She told me you're supposed to regressively (is this even a word???) stop BP medication... I think it's best to delete all those posts. They aren't serving any good purpose for the website really and it would be fantastic if we could all play nicely from here on. Also, just a simple request from all my friends here, *please* anything personal, take it to PM's. Thanks. I second that! Glad you're back Fanny!! Glad you had a wonderful Birthday. Heartfire I hope you get well soon! Coldsores... ouch!! Well, as long as people are still posting here, I'll post here too. I don't come around all that much, but still. If everyone posts somewhere else, I'll go there too! Wherever the wind blows!! Those all look delish!! :rant:
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hey mara! You are absolutely right! I have an appt to see my surgeon on the 9th for more unfill. I'll ask him what he suggests, but I know for sure I don't like feeling any pain when I eat. It gives me too much excuse to eat the bad stuff and too much of it. Here sending some pregnant well wishes your way! Don't give up. :smile2: Ezma, glad the kitty is doing good! I have some of my own and they are like my little babies. I know how stressfull it can be when they are sick or hurt. :frown2: YVW on the 5 day pouch test. You know I never did it, but I think I'll try again soon. Ugh! I've got to get it together before I gain back what I've lost from WW!! I need to stop stressing too much is probably what I need to do. ...and yes, HAPPY MONDAY! Let's start this week off right everyone! :smile2:
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Just thought I'd throw in my own 2 cents. I see nothing wrong with choosing option 2. Before doing that though, take a look at any of his pictures and compare them with the cadillac doctor. Ask if he also has any testimonials you can see. since you didnt notice any complaints then I say schedule that surgery! :wub: Bella! I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope youre feeling better! Glad you're okay too though. Week two that is normal. You're doing great. You're now averaging over 3 lbs per week which is above average! :thumbup: Josie! Youre right! We do need to keep our heads right or else this will never fly. Great advice for everyone! I'm so glad you're here. :ohmy: Congrats to you on the 60 loss!!!! Keep up the good work! Yes, tomorrow is the beginning of a new cycle. I'm getting back to tracking!! I second that! Let's start posting some great WW recipes that will be fun for the upcoming winter months. I love cooking in the winter. Helps keep the house warmer too. !! :wub: tchr, you don't have to join WW to chime in, please don't think that. I like the whole concept of tracking or journaling what we're eating. You're welcome anytime to follow along and post your ideas, recipes or milestones. If you post recipes though, try to tell us how many calories, how many fat grams and how many Fiber grams are in one serving. :wub: I HOPE YOU GET BETTER SOON! I think I had the H1N1, but never got tested. I just went to the doc and got some azithromycin. I have asthma too and don't like to wait until it's gets too out of control. I got better but it took forever! --------------------------------------------- Okay y'all. Tomorrow starts a new week for me. I'm fully back to tracking and I'm also going to start doing the www.5daypouchtest.com to break the carb habit and to shrink the pouch. I've been doing alot of carbs since they slip through, its almost TOM so my cravings are bad and I havent been tracking. I'll be fine! Don't worry - I'm so thankful to have all of you here to kick my behind when I need it!!!! :w00t:
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi STL! Nice to hear youre doing good! Wow congrats on the weight loss! Kinda makes me wanna be banded all over again... As for me, I don't think I"ve slipped. I'm not tight like this all the time. Some days are ok, but the ones that are tight are a real b*tch! Scuse my language but it's the truth. :scared2: I'm just going to keep having him take a little out at a time until I can get to the point I don't feel any pain at all when I eat. Ive felt good restriction. I'm actually going to do the www.5daypouchtest.com starting tomorrow. I need to break this carb addiction (again) and start over. I know its time when I just start feeling really sick all the time! Then after my slight unfill I should be ok again. TTFN VV's!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene


    (((RSG))) I'm a slow loser too! :mad: But really, I just wanted to second, or third or tenth that I am really thankful for this site. I've never left because the support here is always been the best. I've been to other sites and they are great too, but LBT has always been my first choice for forum posting. Thank you Alex, and thanks to all the moderators. It truly truly is a thankless job. Have a great weekend to all!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Constipation....holy ^&*%*

    Constipation is a VERY common band thing. Mine has never gone away in fact. I really try to keep my band looser so I can make sure I'm getting in all my Fiber naturally. Sometimes it's still not enough. I was adding some liquid fiber to some of my foods but its pretty expensive. I've done much better recently with keeping my band on the looser side. However for some reason recently my band has gone tight on me again and I've scheduled another small unfill on Oct. 9th. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I"ve noticed since I've been tighter, I"ve noticed my constipation has returned. I'm positive we just don't get enough fiber as we should. Thanks for the advice! You know really all this time I never thought to use stool softener? LOL I will try it soon though. Yes, stool softener! Laxative will probably be a really bad idea... unless It's the weekend!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Thank you denise.. sometimes its the smallest things that seem to remind you what you're doing. Here I am, I started an entire thread based on Weight Watchers and I haven't been a good role model at all these last few weeks. :mad: Ever since I got sick is when I stopped tracking. I can't let that make me lazy in getting back to it! That's right!! Get back on Track!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Jul, lol! Thanks for the butt kicking... :mad: I will post in here more - you're right. Good times, bad times... we should keep in better touch! RSG, hey girl! Photography sounds like a blast! I hope it helps to keep you occupied. Hmmm... maybe I need something to keep me occupied too! I hope you get to see Marcie soon as well!! Maybe the Lake is something I can do... and not bring any food either, eh ckk?? hehe Everyone have a great weekend! I'm not planning much at all, but maybe a good sleep in. Ahhh already sounds nice. :biggrin:
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Hey Lilly! We've missed you! Glad you checked in. Definitely best wishes on your appointment for your plastic surgery, please keep us updated! I can't wait to see the pics after and just get greeeeen with envy.. lol Hi Jolly, great job on keeping up with your journal! I've been bad since last week by not doing mine! I just keep falling away from it! :eek: I need a kick in the butt you all! I need to be journaling for sure! Jolly, in no way is losing 10 lbs in a week a healthy choice. The best rate of weight loss is 1-2 Lbs per week. I would like to remind everyone here of that. I've even noticed that when you type in your weight at the journaling site it will tell you this and gives several reasons to stay on a 1-2 lbs per week plan. I did lose 11 lbs my first week being banded... which was fantastic! But I also knew my body should not continue losing that rapidly. I also felt just beat down as a result. I did see BL, and was a bit dismayed with the whole concept of making them lose so much in one week. It's so ridiculous, and not healthy! Calories In: 1200 Calories Out: 6000 In what world is that a good thing? Anyhow, wishing everyone a successful week! I really need to be sure to get back to my tracker! I can't lose it now...
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Melissa, I'm so sorry to hear youre moving again! :thumbdown: However, that would be really great if you could end up buying a house. You wouldn't have to move again ever if you didn't want to. You're right about life without the band. It does frighten me quite a bit. I think that's why I'm already accepting some kind of alternative. I don't want surgeries over and over again, as it seems to be the case with the band. Some people are really lucky and their bands last a really long time! I wish it were me, but I already can figure out where this is headed. I've read lots on here and I can tell I'm going in the direction of the majority that have lost their bands... Ok everyone I'm off for the night. You all have a fantastic night.
  13. Thanks! I've been in touch with her already, though not to ask about her surgeon personally. lol
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Does anyone else feel like the Monty Python

    oh.. ew!! That guy was disgusting throwing up in buckets and exploding in the end.. gross!! But yeah, I do agree! My friends affectionately call me "Salad Shooter"... hehe
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    I hope you get through your personal family crisis, I know those can be really stressful on us. Congrats on your 5 Lbs!! That's great! :tongue2:
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    LapBandTalk Member Contest

    lol! me too! I never imagined I'd win... sad thing is that I was right! I'm not lucky at winning things either. I've only ever won a bicycle when i was a kid. Another funny thing... I never realized I was in contest. Maybe that's the trick! :tongue2:
  17. Thanks for this.. I was just looking into them right now. I guess no need to look further. My only other choices are the one I have (and they don't cover Sleeve) and Kaiser. :biggrin0: I will look further into Kaiser, and please do let me know what you find out from your friend! Much appreciated!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    hello ljm!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hey good morning everyone, Hope everybody is doing well! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile in here. I've just been reading about complications and revisions, etc. I am starting to seriously consider a revision. The band doesn't work for everyone and I think I'm one of them. I'm still losing thank goodness. The band gives me lots of misery though. I'm really tight all of a sudden again and I'm back to my surgeon on the 9th to get some more taken out. I'm also going to have him note that my port has been hurting really bad. Not all the time, but when it does it really is painful. I'ts my open enrollment period for health insurance at work and i'm going to do some research on which ones I can choose that will perform the sleeve surgery. I so afraid to live without my band, I think it's the only reason I haven't gained *all* my weight back. I can surely eat around it though, and I never had a sugar addiction before banding. Now I do. I'm so unhappy really, but it's my struggle. I try not to bring anyone down so I only post in threads where people are experiencing what I'm going through. The band works miracles for some people. For me, it has made my addiction to food worse than ever and is very painful for me. Anyway, I do hope everyone else here is doing good. I've lost a few more pounds since I've last been here, been really strong staying on course. Have a great day all!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    We are ALL winners krt!! :tongue2:
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Free pastel mints at restaurants are NOT "Free"

    Good point... :tongue2:
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Free pastel mints at restaurants are NOT "Free"

    If you like a mint after eating, pop a Certs. They are only 5 calories a piece. You'd have to eat almost a whole roll to equal 1 point. Those pastel mints must be chock full of something to be that high in Calories!! However, you have to wonder how obsessed are we that we count mint calories?? lol! :tongue2:
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    LapBandTalk Member Contest

    Congrats phc!!!! You lucky gal you! *grrr* for myself not winning, bc I'm a poor sport.. lol
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    Hi laney. :tongue2:
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Wow.. where have I been.. O_o That said, G4E - major prayer to you. Yes, there are real humans behind the screen names. I really hope you will be okay! Slim!! Congrats!! HF, I feel you girl.. I'm going in for MORE unfill in two weeks.. I hope I can hold out. Kat, you rock! Restless, nice post. I hope it will be taken seriously. Good night everyone, I hope we can wake up and realize we are all here for a common purpose (or we were at one point or another). Also, I wonder why I get the feeling who the bully is everyone's talking about? And that's really sad.

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