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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    O Please! No need to apologize at all. I do this all the time. :thumbup: I hope you get better very soon. I was on Zithromax due from getting the flu (not sure if it was H1N1, was never tested) last month and now just starting to feel better. I'm also Asthmatic so my Dr doesnt waste time with thinking about wether or not to give it to me. I'm so sorry yours turned into Pneumonia... :scared2: and Ugh! on having to take the steroids. I hate that! I will send good thoughts your way and hope it doesn't sabotage your efforts. I've been there done that. Get some rest, plenty of fluids and some Vitamin C! Your students are missing you I'm sure. But hey, you can always hang here with us all day! That's always a fun way to pass the down time. And definitely yes! It's so great to know the band has helped with the weight loss, which also helped with the asthma, which helped with not getting too sick with the H1N1.. lol Lot to say all at once but still. That's a real blessing. :tongue:
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight watchers and the Band I cannot believe this!!!!

    Hi Everyone! I am currently on WW. I really love the idea behind it. I only do the online version which works for me. I've had to adjust the points to work with my bandster lifestyle and when I'm sticking to the plan, I'm losing the 1-2 Lbs per week. I think WW and The Band work really well together and I'm all for it. I have a WW support group, and anyone is welcome to chime in anytime. The door is wide open for any kind of discussion and to post your ups as well as your downs. I know for a fact that sometimes people who don't understand or have the knowledge or WLS can sometimes be a bit negative about it. No, not everyone of course but it does occur. I join in the weekly meetings from time to time, but I don't disclose that I'm banded. I just try to avoid the questions and stereotypes when I'm out looking for support. I get that here. Much success to you all! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f9/weight-watchers-online-support-thread-99685/
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I took that not too long ago for my Health Ed class a few months ago. It's a really good test and I hope everyone takes their shot at it. I think I got about 37 which isn't too bad I don't think. I'm going to be 36 in a few months. Now, I should go back and take it with the mindset of when I was at my heaviest and most unhealthy. I probably would be shocked! ...or maybe not!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    That sounds like a really great snack! Thanks for sharing. :tongue: I actually have a recipe you all might like. It's like a bean pasta salad. Might be a little problem with those who have issues with pasta, but really its healthy and low cals. I got it out of a magazine so I'll have to type it out (eventually). So hey, how's everyone doing? Been quiet in here! I miss you all! I know some of you left for Holiday, which is great... but hey not all of you I know! So get ur booties in here and posting! I've actually done really well today so far. Here's what I've had: Breakfast: 1 Cup Oatmeal w/splenda and cinnamon... 3.5 Points Lunch: Lean Cuisine Chicken alfredo... 6 Points Snack: Half Peach... .5 Pts. 12 Almonds... 2 Pts. So, not bad eh? And for dinner I'm going to have some Reduced Fat Cheez its and a Tuna Fish Sandwich! That would only be another 9 Pts. Totals: 21 - so I can have one tiny snack later of no more than 3 Points!! Yippee!! I think I'm back on track. :scared2:
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    :scared2: Well, I think we all get get what we want out of any work of art we see. Isn't that what people say?
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    ONEderland at last!!

    congrats!!! I dream of the day...
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    New years 09

    OMG!!!!!!!! YOU LOOK SO FABULOUS!!!! HUGS!! I miss you girl.. where have you been?? Stop by and say hello soon please. !!!!
  8. Thank you so much! I'm probably going to look into these doctors when the time comes. I think I'd rather pay to have it done than go with Kaiser. I'm very comfortable with my Health Plan. I'm still talking a ways down the road but that's ok. I can't give up my band until it's run its course either. It is helping lots with weight gain prevention if anything. I've already come a long way. Who knows? In time more insurances will start to pick up on this procedure. I don't think I'll ever get the Rouxen-Y though. I'm not knocking it at all, I just already have nourishment issues. I'm sure that surgery would be bad news for me.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I'm trying to tell you - I love punkins!! Pumpkin Soup, pumpkin pie, pumpkin ice-cream, pumpkin guts.. oh yeah that's kinda gross. lol! You're always welcome here. Don't even *think* about leavin'! Wow.. everyone's getting sick it sounds like. :-( Feel better quick, drink lots of fluids! Don't be sick tomorrow... save it for a better day.. like when you have to be at work. Yep.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I bet you didn't get one quite like that.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    OMG! A Yummy Snack:)

    I do that too, it's a great idea. Especially if it's something you know you can eat more of than a single portion size!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good for you! Always stand up for yourself. You can always do this in a mature and proper manner. I hope everything works out for the best. Please keep us updated! Wow my goodness!! Here's hoping your hubby get well soon!! :tongue2:
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    OMG! I just saw the funniest thing ever! We were sent an email at work to prevent H1N1... blah blah blah! But we were given a website to watch on "how to cough, sneeze properly". Sooo funny! Why Don't We Do It In Our Sleeves?
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Tyty!! :clap: Well my boat is nice and has plenty of room. I never, never rock it!! Unless I hear some Def Lep in the distance! lol I'm in very good company!! I'm pretty sure everyone's jobs are like that. The grass isn't usually greener unless you're fertilizing it yourself. What does that even mean? I really don't know. Go ask your Pop! Hf, worry not! We are all troopers and if we fall off, we get right back on! You will be fine, here's my hand - I'll help you back up. We have all gone through alot to win the battle of weight loss, and together we will meet and beat our goals - and stay there. Keep us updated! Hope your move is smooth as ice. Feel better soon! I went through that last month and I'm only barely starting to get my energy back. I hated taking that much time off but sometimes rest is for a better purpose. You'll be back and at em in no time. I've noticed for myself that since I've been taking better care of myself along with workouts, plenty of fluids, eating better... I tend to get over my illnesses better (not necessarily quicker). But I also know when to take it easy. My rest period is over now though, so it's back on the saddle! I'm going to go out for my morning walk in a bit. It's still too cool outside, so maybe in a few hours. It's so nice to see everyone! Have a blessed day all.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Struggling With Some Of The Changes

    Excellent advice! Especially if you're very young... you may not even need to spend the money on plastics. "I am calm, peaceful and in no hurry. I have an entire lifetime to live and develop" ~~ Positive Affirmations. The good thing is, with our lapband we just prolonged our life and health! :smile2:
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hey! Now should I feel offended you didn't quote me in there? Gawsh! lol
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Good deal! Let us know how it goes :frown2: I'm positive it will be a blast!! The ExWife sounds like a very gracious lady to ask you to come - and to send you a plane ticket at that! You are a very upstanding lady to accept. :smile2: Youre welcome about the picture comment! You've done awesome! Well it's been quiet today if anything - but it appears safe! :crying: So glad to see you BBK!! ---------------------------------------- PJTP: Does anyone have the type of job where it's like a box of chocolates? It's up and it's down like the Katy Perry song... I'm telling you. Let's just say today was a good day. It was quiet and I got to play around alot. Now THAT'S what I'm looking for in a career!!! :smile2:
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    :smile2: Wow! That's a threat of physical violence... and you should definitely report it!! Work... it's a challenge!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    me before July 7, 2007 and June 25, 2009

    O...M...G!!! I'd never seen your before, so I'm just totally blown away. GREAT JOB AND CONGRATS!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Glad to hear you're doing good STL! Hang in there and keep up updated! You're right, the weather is fabulous! A friend and I enjoyed a 2 mile stroll then took a look at some information booths about Cat Adoption, Homeless Services, Health and a few other things. It was great! Hope everyone is having a great Monday too!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Have fun on your trip (even though I'm sure you will!) Don't worry about the motives on why you were invited by the ex. My Mom started inviting my Dad's Wife years ago and the intent was completely genuine. They get along really good and my Dad doesn't mind either. It's especially relieving to us the (well grown now) children so we don't always feel we're missing someone or leaving anyone out. I'm sure it will be great!!
  22. Having your band too tight is a very bad thing and will cause many many problems - most importantly up to life without the band. I'm too tight right now and I have an appt to have some removed. Please everyone, don't keep your bands too tight. It's not good. :smile2: Terry I wish you well! Do whatever you feel is right for you, and to help you with your road to success and health. Let us know how you're doing!
  23. I'd like to make a quick suggestion for acid reflux: Has anyone tried Aloe Juice? I just started drinking it and my nights have been cough and choke free! :smile2: I'll keep using it to get the full effects, but apparently it helps with digestion too. I drink about 4 oz about an hour before bedtime.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    OMG! A Yummy Snack:)

    Almonds are a great healthy snack, as long as you only eat one serving at a time. They are very high in fat and calories, but the fat is a good one. They are high in fiber and in Protein as well. It will stop the hunger pangs for awhile... but like someone mentioned - how can you stick to only one portion? I have a really hard time with that!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Free pastel mints at restaurants are NOT "Free"

    Just an FYI... if you love chocolate or caramel etc... and want to savor it - See's candies makes a lollipop that lasts a really long time! It's 80 Calories and for me that's not bad.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
