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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Olive, well you did pull off a loss so I'd say no worries. The only thing I'd suggest is definitely don't let that become a habit like I did! I've found myself only journaling half the time now. NOT GOOD! You guys, I seriously need to get back my mojo to make sure I'm journaling! I don't know what it is. :-( Well, maybe once I get some unfilled I'll take better tracking more seriously. It's almost like I don't want to see what I'm eating. Okay, well I'm sure that's exactly what it is. I really need an app on my phone where I can carry it all around with me all day. I just can't imagine not having verizon though. I think the major reason being majority of my family has it and all the free minutes and texts is just too much to give up. Why does life have to be so unfair?? lol Ok, now where's everyone else? Check in please! :smile:
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    How are cravings after being banded???

    That's great Lana! I'm actually going in on the 9th to take just a little bit more out again. I think I've been really stressed alot lately and what was a good fill a few months ago is now giving me issues again. I just want to be able to eat! :-( One pound at a time is a safe a sure pace. You're doing a great job. :w00t: ITA Heather. I used to eat up pancakes like no one's business but really, I don't even think about them anymore. Really. Sweets though? Pre-band I would eat candy once a year at Halloween. Never thought about them at any other time. Now? Some days it's all I think about! :thumbup: Once I get my band tightness like it should be, hopefully I can work on that too.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Oh hey, its the cool thread. How's everyone? Hey does everyone like my new look? Re: Roman Polanski. He's a nasty man and is getting (less than) everything he deserves. No way would I support someone like that. Well, everyone have a great day. I'll try and do the same here too.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    How are cravings after being banded???

    OT: Lana! Wow you’re only 11 Lbs from goal! You go sis! J For me, well strange as this may seem my cravings have changed but in a bad way. Well not totally, but I’ve found that I crave sugar more than ever now. I never really did before. I really can’t call it. *shrugs* But, I’ve grown some good cravings too that I never had before. I really love garden salad now, but before I never thought about them. Ever. Like a previous poster, I also have started craving bread. It’s kinda hard to eat, but I can eat it. I do choose whole wheat rather than white. I think we get set on eating things that we know we can, so we start to crave them.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Plateau myths?

    Thanks for the great article sunshine! It was very helpful. I personally believe the theory to be true. I’ve been stuck in the range I'm now in for a good year possibly. I’m working on it though! It’s going down more than up at least!
  6. Hello lds! Welcome to LBT! I will try to answer your questions to best of my ability. So do I have to do three months of supervised diet/exercise? Six months? None? - That will depend on your insurance or your Surgeon’s program. My insurance, Blue Shield required I complete 6 one-month dietician appointments. Then, my Surgeon also wanted me to have 1 appointment with his RD. So do I worry about my BMI falling? - This also will depend on what your insurance will require of you. I was too high of a BMI at the time so I was in no danger of going under 40. Also, I did have a co-morbidity so that is also different than yourself. You’ll want to contact your insurance advisor or surgeon to find out if this might be a problem for you. I want to do something that will curb this! I want to feel better. I want to not be in pain just for trying to do what I love to do. I want to think that I can chase my future children around the house and ENJOY it! I want to think that I can make my husband think - ooh, she's all mine. I want to FEEL BETTER! - Well I can tell you from personal experience that all of this happened to and for me post banding. I’ve lost around 100 Lbs and even though I’m only half there I can already tell you I have so much more energy. My husband DOES tell me, oh yeah you’re all mine! How awesome is that? I feel so much better about myself, and best of all my high blood pressure is all but cured!! But will this surgery "fix" me? I'll eat less. But can I not do that on my own? I served in the military for a decade. I understand discipline. I am a motivated person, always have been. I am competitive - makes me a fast swimmer. - Well, yes and no. The surgery will do two things for you and those two things only. It will prevent you from over eating, and it will help to keep you satisfied with what you’ve eaten for a longer period of time pre-band. Here’s what it won’t do for you, it won’t stop you from eating the bad stuff. I won’t make you get up and workout. It won’t magically slough off the pounds for you. Nope, won’t do that. Also, don’t put so much merit into it preventing weight gain. I can tell you from personal experience that you CAN and you WILL gain weight with the band, IF you do wrong things. I’m not just talking a few pounds. I mean, you really can gain all your weight back if you don’t catch it soon enough. That being said, it sounds like you are a very dedicated person to a healthy program so you will likely do an awesome job with the lap-band! I really hope this helps. If you need anymore support, this is a great place to get it!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Okay yeah, I’m all in! My weight loss goal for this month will be… hmmm… I’ll say 8 Lbs. That 2 Lbs per week which is the higher end of what’s expected of us… Yikes! That’s quite a goal! I think I can do it though!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    What else have you lost?

    I have lost: My inability to find confidence to shine, wherever I go. My High Blood Pressure. The sense to always back down (guess that falls under confidence again). My size 28/3X Clothes. Now I’m an 18/XL. My keys many times, but I don’t get winded lookin for em. About 100 Lbs. The fear that I might not fit into a chair or possibly break them! The deep crevice that was on my old mattress and it hasn’t returned! My Size 10W shoes. Now I’m a 9M. That laziness and procrastination that used to fill up my motivation. My mind trying to take off this last half! It’s all good people, keep them comin! What an awesome motivational thread. J
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Hey china girl! Welcome back, I’ve missed ya! You have to let us know how your vacation went. We don’t have to be all numbers here ya know. J
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Oh my goodness and one more thing! Thanks tchr! You’re such an awesome lady!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Jennifur, wow… I haven’t been around but for a few days now and don’t know all the in’s and out’s of your situation, but it sounds like Kat has given you some really great advice (as always she does!). I really hope that you can move on from here. It sounds like “Kev” moving on was the best thing for you. It’s like a band-aid. After we have used it for what we get out of it, we still keep it there for longer than necessary. Both because we like the comfort of having it there “just in case” and also because we know it’s gonna sting when we take it off. Sure it does sting but only for awhile. Also, the love of your life is yet to be found. The love of your life is going to be someone you can rely on as much as he relies on you. Someone you have (nearly) perfect compatibility with. Someone you can trust 110%, will forever have your back. Someone you never have to EVER guess if he’s the right one. Trust me. (((Hugs))) to you. Tracy, you know what? That is exactly what I experienced too. When my band became way too tight from both too many fills and too much stress I ended up eating sugary sliders. Yes, it doesn’t hurt going down, but it hurts us in much more ways. It gets addicting too! Happily I can say it’s been 2 whole days without sugar! Yay me! Lol but really, every day is a major struggle for me. It’s so easy to say I need to do it, but it’s so hard to actually do it! I was doing great for the last few months but the last few weeks have found me struggling again. I got sick, stopped tracking and then my band found itself tightening up on me again. *sigh* Oh well, I’ve scheduled another small unfill for the 9th. I hope I can get my numbers down a little more before seeing my surgeon though! I’m still 10 down from the last visit, but it could have been 15! *cry* Ok, lady – pity parties over! Let’s get to rollin! Olivia, so what’s the scoop with the work situation? Suzie, wow! 600 Lbs little girl? WOW!! That makes me so sad!! Sometimes I wish I could just go spend all my time working with obese people. But first things first, I have to complete the “me” project first. PS, you are awesome! How lovely of you to offer your room up to Jen. You’re a real keeper! So, everyone… do we put up a new goal once a month here? What’s the deal?? J
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Heya jolly! Hows it goin? Well yes I do love BL. I don't usually get to see it but until Weds evening because it stays on later than I like to be up. I DVR it and can also blast thru the entire commercial, including the ones that are done in the show. :ohmy: This last episode was a huge tear jerker. I felt so bad for everyone. This new season is really pulling on the heart strings. Josie, I really really understand where you’re coming from. Maybe you and I can motivate each other to get back on that horse and keep one another accountable? But, you have to check in! I really want to see you get across that finish line girl! You don’t have that much more to go!! I believe in you! Now you have to believe in you too. You can't ever say "maybe" or "hopefully"... You just have to say "I WILL!" You've come so far and now you can see the finish line in the near distance. Cross it! Hi Susan! Of course you can pop in - anytime! You know my friend, the one who brought me to WW now has the new app on her iPhone. It looks so simple to use and simple is the way I like it! I think that's why I like WW so much. Sad thing is I don't have an iPhone. Well, sure I'd love one! I do love Verizon though and I don't think I could ever move on to another plan. That really is the only thing that keeps me from getting an iPhone. But there are other phones, blackberries, etc. and I never took the time to find out if they might have this app too. I'm eligible for a new phone in April which since time flies will be here soon. I think I'll do some research and get a nice upgrade. ...and that said WELCOME!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    100LBS Down ? Major Milestone

    That is fantastic Kartman! You’ve done so great! What an inspiration. J Well, here’s hoping for your final goal of 15%, which since you’re doing so great, it really won’t be much longer. Hang tough trooper!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hey everyone

    Hi Rachel! Welcome to LBT! This is such a wonderful place and you’re going to find many resources to all your questions, just like I did when I was researching the band two years ago now. Looks like your surgery is only a few days before Christmas! What a great gift that would be huh? No worries though, I’m sure you will pull through with flying colors… and yes, welcome to the “club”. J
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Jolly, I know what you mean! It can seriously be a little scary when dealing with other people children. Well, other people’s anything really. Had I witnessed some crazy stuff like that I would have made the same decision as you when asked to watch someone’s child. Tracy, if you don’t mind my asking – what do you mean “I’ve lost it before”? Was that before the band or just the gain since banding? I’m just curious. I've gained quite a bit myself. I was all the way down to 227 at one point late last year. Since then I’ve inclined almost 35 Lbs!! Wow!! But I’m back down to 247 at this time (yay!). I’ve found WW to be almost a life saver. Well, food tracking in general. I also bought some Skechers Shape-Ups shoes and an elliptical machine to change up the workouts, so that’s really helped a lot too. That being said, I hope you enjoyed your nap! Lol! :-P Well hello there suzie! So nice to meet you! I especially love it when someone knows someone with my name. It’s pretty rare. J But here’s a pet peeve of mine… when someone starts singing “Goodnight Irene”. Blah! Haha! Kat! You are such a dear friend to me! Thank you so much for your kind words, it means so much. J Though I must tell you, you probably are the fairest minded, non judgmental, clear headed, well spoken lady I’ve ever met. So glad to have met you! Thanks for the compliments, you have made my day!! I’m so sorry you had to go through that drama with your Step Daughter. I can’t even imagine how awful that must have been. You came through wonderfully though, so keep your chin up! About your job, well – I can relate! Oh boy can I? Every single time I get sick I get bad flack. But you know, it only comes from the realization that not a lot will get done there when you’re gone. Believe me, you’re valuable there, or no one would notice or care. J Okay one last thing, I’ve always meant to tell you how much I love your signature “You’re born an original, don’t die a copy”… It’s the best I’ve seen. Well, that’s it for now. I don’t really have anything else to add right now. Hope everyone has a peaceful, easy going afternoon. Toodles!
  16. Hi!! Just spreading love and joy today! xx

  17. LilMissDiva Irene


    lol! Well darlin' I've always loved Miss Piggy. What a fabulous Pig to be.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene


    Yes, this is very interesting and great to get educated on. CC, I too found this quote especially interesting. Apples, you are very smart in being apprehensive on what you share. Good read, thanks Susan.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Not losing weight - need advice

    I think the weigh in’s and monthly one on one from your Bariatric Staff are such a great thing. I don’t get that and I for one am sure I’d be doing much better if I were… Hang in there is all I can say. It takes time and lots of personal effort. The band is simply there to keep your portions down, and some lucky people (not myself) are able to keep hunger to a minimum. But that’s it. You still have to workout and eat the right things. (((hugs to you))) I know it’s really hard!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I gave this thread it’s due, it’s a very nice one! Tracy, hello! Nice to meet you, I’m Irene. Thanks for the welcome! J I’m really sorry to hear about the gain. I’ve been there, but I’m not giving in or giving up!! No way!! So if you all are into challenges, I’m game! The story about the lady getting into trouble… that’s so silly. Life definitely is a little backwards sometimes. You try to do the right thing and comes back to bite ya in the behind! Kat, glad to hear your husband is starting to feel better. I also really hope you’re not getting sick yourself! Too way too wonderful to deserve anything like that. I was sick for awhile too and it was NO FUN! Hang int there and if necessary hang out here with us all day! J …and that whole coughing nurse and retina thing. Gross!! But just in time for Halloween eh? I completely know where you’re coming from. Dr. Oz is pretty good! He’s really informative, and I didn’t think that would be the case really. I’m glad I gave his show a chance.
  21. Well here is what I've found. I don't see Kaiser mentioned anywhere but I did notice the Blue Shield mentioned which is my insurance provider. Maybe I can dig further and see what I can find out. You never know, insurances tend to change what they will cover daily... Laparoscopic Associates: Hospitals Where We Practice Weight-Loss Surgery
  22. Hi Steph! Thanks so much for your reply. :001_cool: Dr cirangle sounds great! I wonder if I could find out more about him by checking the net. That would be great to find out if he does work out of Kaiser, then I would feel more comfortable with possibly making a change to them. Word of mouth is always the best. Thanks again!
  23. Hi Slim! Nice to meet you. :) I have had surgery but it is the Lap-Band. To be honest it really isn't all I thought it would be, not by a long shot.


    How did you like your Dr? I've actually been considering changing plans from Blue Shield to Kaiser to hopefully maybe get the sleeve at some point when my band needs to be removed. Which to be honest might not be too far on down the road.


    Let me know what you think! Thanks so much for contacting me. :) Talk soon!

  24. Hi Chele,


    I just read your thread. We should talk! I've struggled ever since being banded too and have only barely lost 30 Lbs. But, there is hope.


    I'm off work now and have to go - but send me a PM if you'd like to discuss!


    :) Hope to hear from you!

  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Oh that's great! I bet you missed your kiddos! Seriously, I get what you say about the subs... teehee! You're talking to an age old Class Clown here. Glad your back at work though. Hang in there! :scared2:

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