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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Port Questions

    Hi sun, I do get some port pain periodically even to this day. I’m a little over a year and a half out even. As far a two different masses under your belly, well yes likely one is your port. I’m not sure about the other, as I only have one myself and is in fact my port. Definitely bring these up with your doc when you see him soon. Hope all is well, and let us know how you’re doing!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Introduction - Newbie

    Hello and welcome! Nice to have ya! J Well, really I never pureed one thing. I completely skipped the pureed foods and just did an extra week of mushies. The reason is exactly what you mentioned. The thought of some of those food pureed was just not appetizing at all. I pretty much lived on protein drinks, V8, pudding and cream of wheat. Best wishes to you and welcome to BandLand!
  3. Hi ld, hopefully I can help ya figure some of this out! I was sent to an RD by my insurance company and was in now way affiliated with my surgeon. I had to do 6 – 1 Month appointments. She pretty much just talked to me and asked me what I did for the last month. She would weigh me in and pretty much at the end of the appointment she would write out suggestions for me to complete by my next appointment. Funny thing was she never made me follow up. It wasn’t until I completed my six months that my PCP was able to recommend surgery for me. However, yes, all insurances and doctors requirements are different, but at least you have one point of view to go on. IMO those appointments were pretty much a waste of time. I do though have an appointment to see the RD that works for my Surgeon. I think since she sees only WLS patients she might have a better view on how to handle my personal situation.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    IMO I personally want to tread very lightly with it. I have asthma, and while me being in the high risk group I think It’d be more risky to try something out that has not been tested enough. I’ll wait it out and see how the reactions to it are before taking it.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Oh yes definitely it’s before my appointment. My doctor and nutritionist do not like the liquids only approach. I agree to an extent. If it helps to curb the sugar demon and to maybe loosen up the swelling/tightness then I’m all for it. Now if you’re doing liquids on a daily then I say no way! Monitor me please! Sometimes I forget who’s going to get hurt the most if I don’t pay attention to what’s going on with my band. Sometimes I like to pretend it doesn’t exist. Sad to say it but it’s true. Thank you taps for keeping me straight. I do promise though that if my liquids and my nutritionist and eating habit changes don’t work out then I’ll go get some more unfilled. And when I say eating habits, I mean – eating too fast, eating too late, taking too big of bites and probably even eating too much. In reality I should be able to eat most anything I want. At least that’s what my surgeon tells me. He said I might need to eat some things more carefully but I should still be able to eat things like meat, breads, etc. He’s very conservative. I mean VERY conservative! Hang in there taps! I feel you girl! It’s so hard to get back from taking even a little time off. I have faith in ya!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Ya know, once I cancelled I wondered too if it were a good idea. I think I really need to try to change some habits I’d gotten into first before getting unfilled. Really, I’m only very tight sometimes. Other times I can eat a football. Seriously, I’ve tried. Tap, I know what you mean about the nuts too! I love them, and especially love almonds! Yum! I’m going to seriously do the www.5daypouchtest.com come Monday. I know I’ve said that already but I’m really going to do it then. I have Monday and Tuesday off. Those are the hardest days to get through so I can just hole myself up and gitrdone. I’m probably not going to be the easiest person to get along with on those days so best to do it at home. Ezma, fantastic! Good on you with the weight loss. It’s always the best when we’re not even trying. Hopefully I’ve got a few of those in my future too! Also, Queen for a day? You’ve got it goin on right now! J Ok yall! Have a lovely day!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    CC: Hope you had a nice trip home. So glad you had a good time! Now see, didn’t I tell ya?? Let us know when the baby arrives!! Fab: LOL! Extremism at its best. You know… that’s the one thing that I can’t think rationally about. Abusing children or animals in any manner. So, I don’t disagree at all! That’s great about the new do! Got pix? J I’ve heard about that and chemo. My auntie lost her hair too and it came back curly. That’s really very interesting! Sorry to hear about your money setbacks as a result of your condition. That’s what we’re here for! Rant away!! (((hugs))) don’t you feel better?? J Re: Phones, etc. Ah, I see you got the Samsung something… I got a Samsung Glyde awhile ago. I was happy at first but the darn thing keeps clunking out on me. I had to replace it again and I’m on my third one now. I hope yours turns out okay! I was at Verizon yesterday and of course received good customer service. I asked them about the iPhone possibility and the manager told me the ATT exclusivity ends as of 12/31/09 midnight. He said they’re working on it! I have high hopes! :-D Tchr: I see you with some red hi-lites and big curls! J Susan: I never see my gray’s until my roots are longer than the rest of my hair.. lol – but they’re few in between too. I’m almost 36 so I say I’m not doing too bad! My Dad is almost 60 and STILL doesn’t have many. My Mom is the same age and is 100% Gray. Crazy huh? I think I’ve taken after Dad.. yayyy!!! Kat: I LOOOOVE Survivor girl! I’ve not missed one season since it started. This new season is the best yet! I can’t believe it just continues to get better. Strange but I’m digging Russell the conniver. I don’t usually like the connivers but he’s special. He’s probably likely going to win this one. If not, I’ll say so far he’s the best player I’ve seen on Survivor ever. Fanny: Oh you lucky girl! We’re now starting to get the freezing cold and no sunshine days. Okay, I’m moving to Australia for the next few months! For some reason I can’t see the pics (at work) I bet they’re great. I’ll check em out at home. Tap: I’ll see you over at VV’s threads. Will miss you here though!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I'm praying for you! Please check in and let us know how you're doing.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    Yes, miss tap. It is a very pretty shiny trophy. In my glass case! :-P
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sadie's PS journey

    Oh hey! We were banded around the same time! Hope your surgery goes really well... please let us know how you're doing as soon as you can. :frown:
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Michelle, nope. My unit has been short staffed all summer, plus last months battle with the flu I haven't been out all summer. Oh well.. I guess it was just meant to be that way. I think though I'm going to train to do something else while I'm out there next season. So until then I'm hanging out in the office getting lots of work done! Shalee, thats fantastic! In fact that's the original reason I signed up with MySpace. I seen a long time friend (from when we were 7 years old!) was there. Then she told me she spends most of her time on Facebook so I signed up too. I caught up with tons of my old friends there! It's been a blast! I love Star Wars!! Glad you had a great time and thanks for posting the pics! You look so great girl! :frown: Suzie! OMG girl! But yeah, post some pics... lol! Wow that fungus must be something if you have to see a podiatrist for it. I hope it gets cleared up really soon! Sounds fierce.. You were in Sac? You probably went to the Rusty Duck. That's where everyone goes when they come here. Or rather used to... its closed down now for about a year. Tough economic times! Okay y'all, check in soon again! hugs if you need them!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    YAY!!! Im pregnant!

    Yayyy!!! congrats!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Salsa Pumpkin Soup!

    Heya GG, thanks for that! I looooove pumpkin so this would be wonderful. Don't even need to try it to know it. :frown:
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Biggest Loser Fall 09

    Don't know what to make of this season. I mean, I like it but perhaps there have been better seasons in the past? ?? I guess I'm still rooting for Dan and his partner. She has a really massive amount of weight to lose and I'm very interested to see how much she can lose before she goes home, and then at home. Tomorrow is a new episode... but I won't watch it until Wednesday, so until then... OT: Hey Mana, I see you're getting a revision. Best wishes!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Tracy I live in Sacramento, CA. But don't tell anyone! :frown:
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Dang tap! That's probably the longest post Ive seen in awhile! Awesome!! So nice to see you're back, i've missed ya! Been quiet since you were gone. :frown: Girl the 5 lbs. is actually not bad. I can do that in one single "bad" weekend. You'll lose it quick, so mount up! We're here to see you through. As for me, nothing much has changed. I have been looking deeper into the revision, but I'm thinking that's going to be a ways down the road. Even if I get to goal with my band years from now, I know I can never go back to just nothing. I can gain way too easily and I really don't want to be right back where I left off or worse. I cancelled my unfill appt and instead made an appointment to see my surgeons nutritionist. Maybe I just need to be lead back into the right direction? We'll see how that goes. I know I am having issues though because I woke up almost all night the other night with my coughing fits. Some last night too. :-( I'm going to try not eating too late and see how that holds. Shiny, at least you're doing you're workouts! I know it must be really very frustrating though, battling the sweet demon. So sad!! I wish I could just slay him once and for all and he is never able to return. He's like Jason from Friday the 13th!! Just when you think you've conquered him... well... you know how it goes. I'm on part 299 right now! Ezma, I wish I had some good advice for you with your son. But, you're a great Mom and I'm sure you'll get it right. I never had a lot of boyfriends growing up and held down my virtuosity for a bit longer than other girls my age and for the time it was in. Now a days it would seem like I was an old woman! lol What I remember though is that my Mom would always be open with the discussion and always tried to tell me the things boys would do to try to convince me. She would also tell me that I'm special and I should wait for someone that I loved - and when the time came, just to be open with her about it. It wasn't too weird ( I mean it was a little but I'm glad she did it).. anyway what I'm saying is, just try talking with him a little bit. My Mom didn't mind talking to my brothers either. It can't hurt and even if he doesn't receive it well, at least you know you did what you could. :eek: Ok well, hope everyone's doing good for a Monday. I'm slammed at work and I've had this spreadsheet due forever. I'll check in again soon! :wink3:
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hello and good late morning! Hello to you too Michelle! :frown: Also, keeping your hubby in good thoughts for a safe return. Kat, Happy Birthday to your whole family! :-D Tracy, Hope all goes well with that awful house issue. That just stinks! It's probably going to be a huge problem, but we're here for any venting! As for me, well - just boring report. I had a great day yesterday watching football with fam. Yay Niners!! Don't care if they beat the worst team in football. Nope. Like my brother said on Facebook - They ate a big bowl o' booboo for breakfast! ROFL!! Hey Kat, remember that loud crass family you mentioned? Well mine's just the same, and gawd do I love them!?! Okay everyone, busy day at work. Just thought I'd say helloooo!! Hope everyone has a funtastic day! :eek:
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Tracy, I rarely post on weekends. I just had a little free time and thought I'd check in. Well everyone have a fabulous rest of the weekend. Shine on!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Oh yucko! BTDT!! That's definitely a fungus. Be sure to take care of that ASAP girl, you sure don't want that spreading to other toes. Have fun at the party! Steer clear of those goodies (yeah right huh? lol) Well as best you can anyway. :thumbup: ETA: Ok I see you're already back and did well. Good on you! You have way more willpower than I do... hehe
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Um, well... this does not sound like a very good situation. I'm not really sure how you can proceed except that you have to pay up on the Mortgage to hopefully prevent losing the house which would destroy your credit worse than it already is. Then sue her to get the money back. That really stinks!! I'm sorry you're going throught that. (((hugs)))
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    getfit, I had to lower my daily points too. 31 per day plus the 35 per week was just too much. Even with all my workouts. jolly, I think that happens to all of us! Ugh the dreaded scales. Though I'm looking forward to seeing how much I've lost since I've seen my surgeon last! I'll be sure to let you all know. :thumbup: Olive you're doing wonderful! You should feel very hopeful! Thanks for the website, it sounds great! China, your trip sounds so fun, now howcome I never seem to be able to get away and do that kinda stuff? I really want to take a trip to LA and go to Disneyland next June. But I'm not going if I'm not in onederland, you can bet on it. I want to go on all the rides and fit comfortably. Most say I already would but you never know! I'd be super embarrassed otherwise. Okay y'all. I'm dropping WW!! LOL, well the website that is. I bought myself a WW point calculator. I really need to have that puppy with me everywhere I go. I can't think ahead so I end up blowing it when I go out or whatever. If I have that with me, tied to my hip then I really have no excuses right? I bought the more expensive one with the workout points and water tally, etc. I hope to get it really soon because my Online WW expires on 11/4. Take care everyone! Hang in!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Jul, well so far the answer is no on the insurance and the sleeve. I might just have to go out and pay for it on my own. That's fine, I mean if it means getting to goal and being more healthy then yeah. I didn't do the pouch test either. I'm just so far gone with liquids I don't think I can even think about them anymore! :-( But oh well. I'm feeling good. :thumbup: Jul, at this stage in the game being on pause is much more than normal. I feel so bad that Im feeling that way too. I was losing again for a few months but since I got sick last month I'm finding hard once again to pick up where I left off. How or why does this happen? We went through so much with the surgery, pre-ops and everything else. Well, sorry so short on time! I'll check in again soon!
  23. LOL Me too! Now, why can't they make a WLS where nothing tastes good to eat. Like cardboard or something. I would lose weight quick!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Tracy, I think that's a great goal! I have mine set for 170. I don't care if I'm heavier. I'm almost done with my blood pressure meds and that is why I did this from the start. I personally feel great and healthier than ever. Then if I get there and am there for awhile and decide to go further, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. You can do it!! Suzie, that is a very interesting study! Maybe I can go back to my childhood, eat lots of candy, then I'll come back here and let you know. :smile: Kat, have a great weekend! Family is the best. Michelle, have fun with the gardning and hopefully you'll have a headache free weekend too. Those things are no fun. Jen, I really wouldn't worry about the 2 Lbs. I can gain that in one day and lose it by weigh in the next morning. Our bodies fluctuate throughout the day. Okay everyone, I really have nothing to report. Just flying through the day and it's quiet here at work today. Life's good. My co-worker and I are going to do some Halloween decorating here in a bit. My weekend will be pretty quiet too. However next weekend... Well, I'll travel a total of 700 miles in 2 days. yay... :thumbup: Oh well, the reason is a very good one, or two. Have a good one y'all!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ah why thanks. :smile: I can't even fathom someone doing that to a child, and most importantly drugging the child at the time and claiming it was consensual. Did the law suddenly change and someone not tell me? Very bizarre.

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