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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Suzie, I have had a million issues with my band. I was good for up to the first four months and I’ve lost 50 Lbs in that time. I lost 50 before banding. I needed to lose 180 Lbs total. In that, I’ve gained 30 back and I have tried mercilessly to try to lose just that to get to where I started. This left me with still 100 Lbs to lose. Yes, I’ve tried everything believe me. I have night coughs where I wake up in a panic and struggling to catch my breath because I can’t stop. I have severe pain in my port area. My band is psychotic where one day its wide open and the next I choke on water. Even being so tight I was on liquids in which I somehow became awfully addicted to sliders. I’ve been trying to work with my band for more than a year now, as I was banded in Feb. of 2008. No matter what, I really need to have my band removed. My body rejected it, and I don’t see myself getting another one. What am I left with? I know for absolute sure I can’t NOT have anything. History will repeat itself and I will gain my weight back, likely more than when I first started. I can’t try with it anymore. It didn’t work for me so I’m moving on. You know, I know the RNY GB is scary. I’m afraid… but you know what? I’m more afraid of what will happen to me down the line if I just sit around and try to pretend this isn’t a problem. I’m almost 36 years old and I was diagnosed with high blood pressure at 31! Believe me, it was really high! That’s pretty darn pathetic really. I have a strong family history of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. So I hope you can see why I don’t want to take any more time trying to figure out this band thing. I just want to move on to the next step and I’m actually pretty positive this one will work for me. I know my eating habits and it will contain it. I have a good workout ethic and I can almost guarantee I will get to my normal weight range and maybe even a little beyond. Also, if I knew I could do it all on my own I never would have ventured into getting WLS. It’s just reality for me. However, it’s my reality – and it’s one I’m going to take the reins on, no matter what I have to do to win this battle of my health and my future. I really appreciate your concern! It wasn’t the easiest decision to make. I pondered on it for many months now, trying my darnedest to try to get this band to work for me. It just didn’t. Tracy, you better believe I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to share my experience with everyone just like I did my band. I'm just trying on a new pair of shoes, and probably should have been the first pair I try on. ;-P
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    I love my Band. Please Visit My Blog

    Hello Myra! Welcome to LBT! Take a look around, you will find alot of information and other blogs by those who were banded as well. All the best!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    I called today

    Hello mel! Welcome to LBT! Take a look around, you will find there are many others here on the same stage as you in getting the Lap-Band surgery. All the best!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Getting a Refill

    Hey Katie, so nice to have you! Yes, the beginning is always the best. I lost almost 50 Lbs in the first 4 months. It was so great! We do struggle after (at least some of us do), but hopefully you will find some great support here to get you through. I know I did! Hang in there, and the C25K program is a really good one. I started but had to stop due to arthritis in my knees. I’m very sure you will find it is one of the best feelings you can get during exercise. I loved to run! All the best J
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Officially 13 days post-op... hi!

    Hi Nicole! Welcome to LBT!! Congrats to you and your new band! That’s definitely something we are all about here and that’s support. I’ve been here for awhile and I’ve made some really great friends. All the best J
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hey Ladies! You know I did decide in the very beginning there was absolutely no way in God’s green Earth that I’d ever EVER get the RNY. But, I guess now I say… well… never say never. …and yes, it was the main factor in choosing the lap-band. So, once I’d made that decision I looked on Google to see what I could find out about it. That’s when I found this great place! It was so helpful and yes, I’d made some awesome friends along the way on my journey. I’m so very thankful for all of you! There is no way I could have done this and stayed sane (well, as sane as can be) without all of you. Do not worry! I won’t stop posting here, likely never will stop. In reality we are all the same. We all got WLS for a reason, and we will just be cousins instead of sisters now. J No WLS is a one-size-fits-all. I am glad I went through the Lap-Band first though. I think it kind of paved the way to the “big one”. I was SCARED TO DEATH of getting the RNY. But why? I’m just slowly killing myself by my daily choices. I have a terrible sugar demon, and in reality I hope I do get dumping syndrome. It will show me right off the bat not to do that. I told my Husband I need something to beat me over the head to keep from eating the wrong things, not just squeeze my arm. And we all know that the Lap-Band does not stop you from eating sugar. My Husband was a little hesitant by my decision I’d finally come up with yesterday when I dropped the bomb. He has been since I’d been talking about a revision and the sleeve. He finally caved and said he just wants me to be happy and healthy. That’s all I really want too. I won’t lie though! The thought of losing this weight quickly and hopefully be near goal in six months is making me feel giddy all over again. I will definitely keep you all in the loop. It just wouldn’t be the same without all of you! Hugs!!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Biggest Loser Fall 09

    I know gg, that’s what I thought. That was kinda a turn-off for me regarding Danny. It’s quite obvious. I’m still rooting for him though. I hope this season picks up some! It’s really kinda boring imo.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good morning all! Michelle, absolutely! I’d love to meet you! I’ll let you know when I’ll be in that area. J I hope everyone was ok in the wreck you seen… I hate to hear about anything like that. L Jen, glad you had a good time girl! I love concerts. I went to see Def Leppard a month ago and it was such a blast!! I’ll never forget it! Speaking of which, I’m due again! Tracy, (((hugs))) It’s so very hard when we have so much going on in our lives and we can’t devote 100% attention to our weight loss. Because in reality that’s what it takes. Okay, I’m going to copy and paste what I wrote in my monthly bandster thread. I know we’re not really supposed to do that, but hey… I don’t want to type all that out all over again! So, there you have it in a nutshell. My life’s gonna change a lot in the next few months. I’ll check back in soon! Everyone have a great day!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Good morning taps and all my VV’s. Taps, I’m feeling you girl! I try so hard to stay on track but I must have some mental block or something I don’t know! Okay, you all are going to be the first to hear this publicly so brace yourself… I know some of you might have seen me post in passing that I’ve been thinking about a revision surgery. Well, I’ve looked deeply into getting the sleeve. However, I the only insurance that covers the sleeve is Kaiser. I REFUSE to change over an insurance that has been nothing but great with me since day one to one that I remember growing up as it was. Anyway, that’s not the issue here… My insurance only covers the RNY GB other than the LB. My surgeon has performed numerous RNY’s and if anything I trust him to do mine implicitly. So, as of yesterday afternoon and making the toughest decision to date, I’ve decided to set the ball in motion to get the RNY GB. I don’t want to make this a long-drawn out boring post by listing my history. I know most of you here already know it, as we’ve all been posting on this site for years now. Now here’s my dilemma. I am barely 100 Lbs overweight. That means I’m going to have to try my best not to lose anymore weight. So far that has not been too difficult!!! Lol In the grand scheme, I have become massively addicted to sugar. Now all of a sudden RNY doesn’t seem like too bad an option. Being that I’m barely 100 Lbs overweight the chances of me making goal are very high, especially with my workout ethic. I’m in no way shape or form going or trying to blast the band. It simply didn’t work out for me, but I’ve seen so many on here over the years who it has worked for. I’m very happy for them and their accomplishments truly. So as it stands right now, my PCP office opens in one hour. I’m going to schedule an appt to see her, as it’s time for my yearly exams first of all and in that I will discuss what I need to do to proceed with my band removal and RNY. Okay well, that’s my contribution for this morning. How’s everyone else??
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    October Exercise Challenge

    Good morning! Well I failed last night, I didn’t do my Calisthenics like I said I would. I had a weird evening and just ruined it. I CANT let that happen though. I have to get into the mindset where I’m doing my workouts no matter what! Today will be better. I’m having my oatmeal at 8 and then my walk shortly after. How’s everyone else doing??
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Monica, a warm welcome to you! I’m so glad you’ve found us. You will find we are a good bunch here, just trying to get through our struggles that seem to happen when the band’s honeymoon fades. It sounds like you’re starting off great! I’m pretty much struggling to get back to logging. I’ve been feeling kinda like I want to move in other directions, but I think the WW concept as a whole is a great one. It’s all about health and making the right choices. This isn’t a diet, just a guideline! Some of us need a map to find the destination. I’m one of them. J However I’m thinking I might need a very detailed map with some shortcuts! Lol J So how is everyone else doing???
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sadie's PS journey

    Sadie that is great news! I’m so glad your surgery was a good success!! You have done outstanding, you’re really knocking it outta the park. I really love to hear all the goodness that comes out of the band and the plastic surgeries after. Congrats!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene


    Happy, it is wonderful of you to apologize, that is very big of you. Thank you for that. I personally hope we can all move on and would definitely love to see old friends make up.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Heya Suziecat! Yes, I’ve been feeling that way for awhile now. It’s so sad for me, and might be my biggest struggle of all! I get off track… I feel guilty and like a loser… I eat and be a lazy bum and get more off track… ack! When does it end? What does one do? I won’t give up though, I really have to get this weight off me. In the future I don’t know how that will happen or I might be looking for help in other ways, but the fact is, being overweight is unhealthy and I still have the rest of my life to live. I want to be free from this cocoon! Jen thanks for the reply. I know what you mean, I actually came down from a size 28W/3X to a now 18/XL. I was almost in 14’s!! How could I have let myself revert that far back? I don’t know but I did and there’s nothing more left for me to do other than get with it. I really wish I knew the answers! I actually picked up the drinking with eating when I became overfilled. I would take a tiny bite and wash it down with a iddy biddy sip of pineapple juice. It was the only way I could get food in my belly! I have gotten some unfilled a few months ago, but I notice on my tighter days (not as bad as before by a long shot) I tend to revert to this practice again. I actually end up overeating doing this. I’ve also gotten some really strange habits I’ve never had before, like a candy and chocolate addiction. *sigh* Heart, I haven’t really decided what I want to train for yet. I’m actually thinking I might become a recycle tech, but really I’d just like to go out there with my unit Foresters if they ever go out. Or, maybe I won’t go out at all. Idk, I’ll think about it when training starts back up which is usually February. I’m pretty sure though they’ll talk me out of it! It’s likely I could be in your area. I travel all over, North/South/Central… it just depends. I really love the Yosemite training center ECCO. It’s beautiful there! Like a resort and I plan to take a training course there whether it applies to me or not next time! Lol Glad your DD is starting to feel better already! Tracy, so glad your appointment went well! Yes, please PM me when you get the chance. Here’s hoping it can be resolved quickly and pain free! Ok, have a great rest of the day ladies!! xx
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Awww Bella thanks for the vote of confidence. J Sometimes its nice to hear someone’s positive outlook on how we’re doing, even if we feel differently. You know, I have really seriously considered the simply filling approach myself. I do find that counting points all day can get really frustrating. I do love salads so that fits right on in. I am thinking about taking that on. Let me know how you do with that! I’d like to see if it’s worth the try.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    October Exercise Challenge

    Thanks for the welcome! Well, I’m saying! I do exercise and that’s not too much of a problem. However I really need to get back to logging my food! IDK, will I ever get it? Lol I’m really trying though. J I just need to make sure I’m buckling down with my workouts more than ever. I find that if I’m not at full speed with my workouts I’m not losing and in some cases I’m gaining. Sad but true…
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Latex Allergy

    I believe all those questions will be posed to you during your pre-op appointment. I know I was definitely asked if I had any latex allergies and I said no. They’re going to want to know this. Even if they don’t ask, just be sure to have a list of concerns to bring with you to your pre-op appointment. Be prepared, after all it is surgery and you want to protect yourself as much as possible. Best wishes!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    October Exercise Challenge

    Hey Georgia girl, I’ll join in J I really need to be more accountable with my workouts so here it goes: Today, Walked 2 miles in the am and tonight I will do my Calisthenics. Tomorrow, Walk 2+ miles and 15 on the elliptical and 15 more on the stationery bike (I’ll call it the SB from now on ) in the evening. Friday is my OFF day! :-D Saturday, 20 mins elliptical in the am and 30 Mins Calisthenics in the pm. Sunday, 20 mins elliptical in the am and 30 mins on the SB in the pm. I’ll check in and let you all know how I did, and post next weeks goals!! Thanks! ETA: Good for you for getting back to the C25K. You'll do great!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Jul, I totally agree with waiting on the sleeve! Yes, it very well could be that it is covered down the line. My insurance only started covering the band but a few years before I got it, so you never can tell. Good idea about the scales. I'm just the opposite... if I'm not weighing I'm being bad. It's the morning kick in the *** I need to have a good day. Everyone is different though, and you need to do whatever keeps you on track!! Hugs! I do like the idea of the nestegg too! T’would be very twerrific!! Lol Taps, it’s cold here too! I’m going out for my morning walk and I’m going to have to bring the ole sweater along. Not used to the whole bundling up idea yet, but I don’t want to freeze my buns off! Or maybe I do? LOL So VV’s I’m going to be good now. Yep, gonna get back to being a good Diva and losing that weight. Boy I sure would just like to finally get into onederland. I was close at one point. Maybe it scared me? Don’t know but that’s neither here nor there! The fact is I dug myself a hole but I can get myself out. I just need to stop the back and forth and just move forth. So, where the heck is everyone? Hellooooooo??? We’re missing you in here!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Bella and China, Just like both of you I have been struggling way more than I should too. This morning though, I am going to do the right thing. I can’t allow anymore time like this! I need to just get my buns moving and finish this out!! I’ve allowed myself to stale at this weight for far too long. I know what I need to do, and I’m just going to do it! I have the calculator coming any day now, and I have tubs of all different sizes, so in all honesty I really have no excuses. I just need to do it now. So starting right now I’m back to logging… 24 points per day max!! China, I’m so sorry you’re going through that! So many of us are losing our jobs right now, and it is just miserable to have to deal with. I hope your husband can find a job again very soon, and yes – definitely avoid the CC’s for as long as you can. Then if you absolutely must use them, use them for only life/death needs, like food/water/utilities. CC’s are such an awful thing to accrue! I’m trying as hard as I can to dig myself out of the mess they create!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Heart, I hope your little one gets better fast. L Awful to see the mini’s getting sick... And don’t worry about your rant. It’s not selfish to not want to be sick. You don’t want to get others sick, and it’s hard to take care of yourself and everyone else too. You have a lot going on! That’s great too she’s that into school where she wants to go even though she’s sick. I would have gladly run back to bed myself! lol Glad your husband is doing well and hopefully will be home soon. Suzie!! Awesome on the scale victory! Hugs! It’s very true about the getting back on the exercise. I try so hard not to NOT exercise because I know it’s like climbing a mountain to get back into it. I’m climbing that mountain as we speak. But, I’m going to do it! I did my elliptical last night, for only 15 minutes and I felt like I ran 30 miles! Every time I do it though, it gets easier to do it again. I’m making a promise here and now that no matter what, if I’m sick or whatever I’m still gonna get my butt to doing at least something. No more excuses… ever!! Re: weather… it’s really cold here too. It’s 44 right now I’m really not used to this at all. I don’t mind it really, it just bumps up my walk until lunch hour. I might still do a small morning walk just to get the metabolism moving. One extra mile never hurt anyone! Jen, that’s great you talk to your daughter about staying healthy. It starts from an early age! I’ve been battling my weight all my life. I was always 10-20 Lbs overweight until pre-teens when I started doing some crazy stuff to lose weight and be thin. I was never schooled in how to do it while being healthy. Hey Tracy! Good morning! I hope your legal appointment goes well. Please let us know!! Kat, I hope you and yours gets better soon. That really sounds like a good time watching all the hot air balloons! They need to do something like that here, I’m telling you!! You know, my boss and I have cultural differences too. Besides that, he’s just a very strange guy. I’ve been working with him for some time now, and I pretty much just brush off his weirdness to a degree, but not always! I do let him have it sometimes! Respect? Hmmm… I’ll have to think really hard about that one!! LMAO! His cool day was yesterday, and Monday for that matter. We’ll see how today goes. Hope for a better day for you today! Well, I have decided that I’ve put off all this weight loss long enough. I’m so done with this tweener stage. It’s all me and I really know this. I can come up with all the excuses known to man on why I’m not losing, or going like a seesaw on my scale. I really can’t do that anymore. I don’t know how long my band will last and I really need to take advantage as long as I do. I know what I need to do, so I need to put those known factors into action! Like right now and ASAP!! I need to really stop screwing around and just do this. I also have to find a plan where it doesn’t feel so much like a diet and make it more of a lifestyle. I do love to workout, but I also have to refrain from going lax on it too. If I go lax for too long I end up getting lazy and nonchalant about it. I cannot do that!! I also need to bring my portions back to reality and stop DRINKING WITH MY MEALS!! I know that’s cheating but I do it anyway! Why? Well, I don’t think that’s as important as just STOP DOING IT! Other things that I need to do. I need to set up an eating plan. Pick things I know I like and allow only certain portions. Yes, this would be great and I would definitely lose weight doing that. I have a really great workout plan and I think it, and my band are the only reasons I’ve not gained all my weight back! Yuck!! I need to stop being a fraud and do the right thing. I’m expected to be support around here, and how can I do that if I’m not living a good bandster lifestyle? There’s no way. I’m really serious and I’m still going to do that 8 Lbs for this month. Oh yes, I am. In fact, I’m going to shoot for 8 Lbs per month until I get to onederland, then I’ll adjust for it’s much harder to lose when your goal is closer in sight. Okay ladies, sorry for the crazy self deprecating rant. I however really need to step up to the plate and finish what I started! Thanks for listening (for all who listened!) Have a successful day all!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Jen, you look great! Tracy, good on you for staying on your appointments! That's really important. Ok, now that I've touted your horn, I really need to schedule mine!! Oh, and goodnight to you too! Kelly, I've always wondered what the deal was with your Shalee name. Nice story, thanks for sharing. Suzie, take care of those toes.. :biggrin: Kat, sounds like you had an interesting day. Ups and downs, but without that life would be boring!! Bosses can be *** one day and cool the next. So expect a cool boss tomorrow. Nitey everyone, off to do the elliptical and hang out.
  23. Hey jen, welcome to LBT! Hope you enjoy your stay! Check out the Dr. forums. You might find some who have been banded by him/her.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Starting the process in NC!

    Hi yoli! We don’t share the same doctor, but I thought I’d drop by and welcome you. Hope you like it here! Check out the Dr. forums, you may find some people who’ve been banded by the Dr. you mentioned. Have fun!
  25. 2fly congrats on all your hard work! Wow! You’re totally amazing girl! You’re living proof that it CAN be done with the band if you just get it done right away and not let anything get in the way of that. Keep on rockin that band!!

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