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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Had my surgery this morning...sore!!

    Congrats!! You will begin to feel better very soon. Hang in there and be sure to stick to your post op diet. It’s for healing above losing. J
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Are Bananas bad?

    Mmm nope… bananas are not bad for you. I have one tiny banana almost every single day. When I’m picking them out I always choose the smallest bananas available. They are packed with good nutrition and potassium. Some sugars are good for you, and a well balanced nutrition includes 5 servings of veggies and fruits daily. However with ANYTHING you can eat, too much of it can become bad for you. Good luck in your journey!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    It's alive!... ALIVE!!!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Ohhhh and PS… strange I would even have one, but I kinda had a very interesting NSV just last night. I was folding laundry and to my surprise I hear a “cling, cling, cling”. I looked down immediately because I knew what the sound was! My wedding rings fell right off my fingers!! I knew it was close but I guess last night put me over the edge. I panicked a little bit because I was scared I’d lose them! Anyway, they are size 8. I had to go into my jewelry box to find a ring that I could at least wear with my wedding band to hold it into place. I looked at all of them even into a size 7, all of them being still way too big. The only one I could find was a size 6 and it even fits a little loose, but it fits enough to where I don’t feel scared it will fall of. I even shook my hand violently just to be sure… LOL!! My body is changing every day. I think I don’t give myself enough credit. The fact I won’t give up or give in should really be a motivator in itself. All my tools are in alignment now! So I hear December 21, 2012 is going to be the end of the world according to many folklore and the Mayan Calendar. Well, I at least wanna be thin and able to run if I have too! :-P I just want to note to all of you I have made a concrete decision today. I know I can do this, with all my tools I have. I have so much support in my corner. No matter what the future holds and they need to remove my band, I will agree to be re-banded. I started this and I will finish it. I will NOT be a band failure!!! :thumbup: Of course the only way would be if it were medically impossible to get another one...
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Good Monday Morning! Tap, you are so close to goal now, you have to just get across that finish line! I’m sure you can smell the banner and line tape from here! J You’re right I do have a really good doctor. He really refreshed me and reminded me of a lot of things. Mainly that being too tight is the worst thing you can do. It will completely sabotage the entire program for yourself. It’s best to maybe even be a little bit on the looser side. I’m doing really good. I did notice I ate more than I probably should have yesterday, but I’m not going to mess with it. I think my body is enjoying the good solid food I’ve been giving it because as of this morning I’m back down to 252.5 Lbs. It’s not my official weigh in day so I won’t put that in my signature line yet but it’s nice to see that! Well hope everyone has a really great day! TTFN!!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Is my band too tight?

    Yes, it sounds like you are too tight. As everyone already mentioned, go to see your surgeon ASAP and tell him/her of your issues. Likely they will take some out, how much would be up to them. They are the experts, not you or any of us. However, they will never know there is an issue unless you tell them. Please take it from someone who was too tight for too long. It caused me a lot of grief and way more problems than I really should be dealing with right now. Best wishes on your journey!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Hellooooo everyone!! I have not posted in this thread in awhile, and for that I’m so sorry! I was going through some crazy band stuff, but to make a long story short I’m now on band probation! My Surgeon put me on a food log and told me to take it with me to my appt with his Nutritionist next week. So yesterday was my first attempt in awhile where I gave my logging 100%. Yippee for me!! LOL J Funny too I lost a whole pound in one day. I’m back down to 255 again. *sigh* Another thing is that I’m going to be required to see my Nutritionist at least once a month for a look at my journal and a weigh in. Hmmm… something tells me I’m going to be losing again and will big time. It’s what I need though! As my surgeon put it, I can’t do this alone. I’ve tried that already and always it fails. This I’m positive will work. I’d love to hit goal by next summer! However I’m taking it one day at a time and I’ll get there when I get there. If you are still posting in here, I’m so grateful for you! Do not give up, on yourself or the rest of us. I really hope to get this thread super active again. !!! Here’s my journal from yesterday: POINTS® Tracker entries Saturday, October 17, 2009 Morning 1/2 serving(s) Kirkland Weight Loss Shake, Milk Chocolate, 1/2 Can 2 1 serving(s) Banana Small 1 Coffee Black, Morning 0.5 Subtotal 3.5 Midday 1 serving(s) Packaged BBQ Party Wings, 7 pcs. 5 1 piece(s) Mozzarella string cheese 2 Subtotal 7 Evening 3 oz Pork, country-style ribs, cooked 6 3/4 cup(s) Stir Fried Vegetables 2.5 1/2 cup(s) cooked white rice 2 Subtotal 10.5 Anytime 1/2 cup(s) grapes 0.5 1 packet(s) Special K20 protein water mix, strawberry kiwi 0 1 serving(s) Hostess 100 Calorie Pack Strawberry Cakes w/Cream 1 2 oz Pretzel Sticks 4.5 24 item(s) Mini-wheats frosted bite size blueberry muffin 3 4 oz 1% low-fat milk 1 Subtotal 10 Food POINTS values total used 31 Food POINTS values remaining 0 Activity 20 min Elliptical trainer (cross trainer) 4 20 min stationary bike, moderate 2 30 min Calisthenics (moderate effort) 2 Activity POINTS values earned 8 Check off these important items daily: Liquids XXXXXXX Milk & Milk Products XX Fruit & Vegetables XXXXXX Multivitamin/Mineral X Healthy Oil X Activity X Lean Protein XX Whole Grains X
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Heya VV’s! Well here is how it stands for me at this time. My Surgeon did tell me my insurance would not cover a revision surgery. He said I chose the lap-band® and that is what I’ll have to work with. However he did take note of the issues I’d been having and will set up an Upper GI for me. I’ll need to call his office to make sure they’re doing that. He also wants to see me back there again in two weeks. He really gave me a pep talk too because he could see I had just wanted to give up on the band. He told me he really believes I can do it with the lap-band®. I’m being sent to his dietician next week and he told me to keep a food journal until then. So, I’m surely going to lose a few before then! Keeping me honest is something I really need. He also wants me to keep some kind of monthly schedule with her. He was very concerned with my emotional well being, so he was very kind, but he also reminded me that the reason I got surgery was because I can’t do it alone. That is what they are there for, so I need to start coming to see them more for awhile until I can kick my bad habits. I actually feel great! My mood lifted and I’m starting to feel like maybe I can do this. I’m so thankful for my Dr.’s office. They are so wonderful, and it’s true. We’re just starting over now as he put it. He did also remove 1cc from my band and I felt great eating dinner. Here’s the best part though, since he took out that 1cc my band has been feeling so great! I haven’t been having any pain with eating at all!! I slept all night with no waking up with coughing fits or heartburn, my chest doesn’t feel so constricted, and I get that full sensation super fast. Not a bad full like pain, but like an actual full feeling. My meals have been lasting 4-5 hours too! I’m so happy!! St.Louis, thanks for that! J It’s really nice to know there are people out there who care! I hope you seen the part where I mentioned, it doesn’t hurt to eat anymore! I’m so excited… and I’m beginning to wonder, could that have been my problem all along? Being too tight? Ezma, congrats on your home! I’m sure I already said that, but it just sounds so much like you are enjoying it a lot! That’s so great. J No worries on the money, its there to spend – as long as you’re spending it on something you’d love to. I’d say that’s the case here. If you get the chance, maybe you won’t mind showing us a few pics? :-D Well I’m headed out! Have a great weekend! :-D
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Surgery Date Nov 4

    Hello and welcome inhisplan J You might want to check out the monthly bandsters section. You will find many there who are getting banded next month. It’s really nice to share similarities with them, and to keep up with them even years out. Enjoy!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good news Tracy! So glad that’s getting smoothed out. I’m pretty sure she means it, otherwise why would she even waste her time telling you two that. J Wonderful!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey y’all just getting ready for another weekend. I don’t know why since they are always over before I can really enjoy it. Suzie, I hear ya about the jumping out on someone. I don’t know if any of you have seen the movie Zombie Land yet? Well if not I don’t wanna ruin it for you but it does have one of those kind of moments in there. Also, if you haven’t seen it yet… definitely do!! I love cookie dough too. Ben & Jerry’s makes an awesome cookie dough lite ice cream.. I’ve been avoiding it for a few months now. …and the cookie diet? That’d be a sure fire way to get sick of them fast. It might be a good thing. Where do I sign up? :-P Tracy, hey girlie!! I’m still here.. work has been a bit busy and I usually post at work so, well there ya go. J If I don’t do this crap, trust me when I say no one will.. lol!! I’m beginning to think I’m relied on way too much. I wonder what they’ll do when I’m out during my surgery! I shudder to think what I’ll come back to! About the six year old thing, some here in my area think that might have been a publicity stunt. Don’t know one way or the other, but maybe, just maybe Dad wanted to get his nifty balloon on TV? Not such a crazy thought in this crazy world we live in! Kat and tchr, I’m so sorry to hear about what your DSD are going through. I’ll keep them in my thoughts. I hope it’s a very minor thing tchr, that is such an awful thing to live with. Please keep us informed of her. Also hope your sons ankle heels quick! Kat, yay on the too big clothes! I’ve outgrown some clothes myself since last summer and was able to fit them again just recently. It’s always a battle! Jen, hope the court thing went well for you. All, I am taking my journey to Facebook. If you're interested in following my journey, please send me a friendship request using my handle in my sig line, or send me your email address in a PM. Thanks y'all and have a great weekend!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hey hey good morning VV’s!!! St.Louis – trip sounded so nice. I really need one! SHM, so glad you finally found a house!!! Yipee! J I just hope for you that you will be able to settle in for awhile… I know that’s been an issue for you for awhile now. Tap, I just wanna give a holla out to you! Thanks for always keeping us glued together. I think if it weren’t for you we may have all disbanded by now, which is sad to even think about. We really need each other, who few are left. I still haven’t decided how I’m going to journal my journey to a revision. I really hesitate to do it here on LBT. To be very honest I have been getting quite a bit of negativity which is kinda sad. I think we should all remember how and why we are even here. I wonder why anyone would even question my decision. I’m never giving up and that is why I’ve decided to tredge on even if that means I have to revise to something “stronger” so to speak. All I want to say to those who think I’m giving up (and so far that’s really no one here): Please for one moment put yourself in my shoes before laying judgment. No way do I consider this giving up. I consider it moving forward and NEVER giving up until my goal is reached. One more thing, try to think back on all those people who disagreed with your decision on getting a lap-band. How did you feel? Why would you want to bestow those same standards to someone else? Frankly, you should know better. I have been having many issues with finding a sweet spot, with my port being in pain a lot and getting worse… and to top it off I still have over 100 Lbs to lose. I just can’t keep beating a dead horse here, I have to try something new. I’m simply not healthy. Okay I’m done whining… lol. Again, that was not directed to anyone in this thread. You all have been so amazing, and thank you. I doubt anyone who is being negative will even see that, but it’s just nice to get it out there. J One thing though… I may take all this over to Facebook. So, if you have not already, please send me a friendship request. You can send it to the one in sig line, or you can ask for my email address via PM. Have a great weekend everyone!!! J
  13. Testing... testing... 1... 2... 3...

  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Only on step 1

    Hey cups! Why didn’t I see this sooner? I am also a band patient of Dr. Koura in Sacramento. He’s a really good surgeon, the best in our area in fact. If you have any questions I’ll be happy to help you. You can send me messages if you need anything. One thing though we do not share the same insurance, so I am no help in that area. Best wishes!!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hi ya'll - I'm new here!

    Hi Adrie! Welcome to LBT and most of all welcome to Bandland! Hang in there, it’s definitely going to be a bumpy ride. You have a great outlook though so I’m positive you will do fantastic! If you need anything let me know, send me a message and I’ll be happy to assist. Have a great(er) day today! J
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hey Mel, it’s nice to see ya! Boy oh boy do I ever know what you mean. You’re so good though and to only be up and down a few pounds is such an accomplishment in itself. You have no idea! Hang in there! It could also be you’re going through some stressful times and that really doesn’t help matters at all! I’m thinking about you and have high hopes that you’ll find a house soon and that your hubby does well on his interview. I kinda had a blasé day yesterday myself. I just fixed up my farms on FB and whatnot. Nothing much else to report except for my Dr. Appt. It was kinda crazy yesterday having to brave the storm. I went to Wal-Mart too and left almost 20 bucks worth of stuff! My mind was elsewhere, but I’m telling you, I’m going to call Wal-Mart and get the stuff I bought back. I’m so disappointed in myself! I’m going to start journaling my approach to getting revised, so look out for it! When It’s ready I’ll post a link in my signature line and you all can peek in on it, and of course all feedback is welcome too. J Have a great day VV’s!!!!!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Kat, I’m not sure who Heather is but please pass on my condolences. I’m very sorry for her loss. It’s raining here too… imagine that. Could it really be fall? Summer seams to last so long, starting in early May that I forget we have a cold and rainy season too. Actually it’s very nice and the fact I’m off today and can enjoy it makes it more peaceful. However tomorrow I do have to go back to work. Blah! I’m also going to have to hold on to my time now. I need time for surgery… *sigh* Jen I hope you feel better soon! I also hope you’re not getting that bug, it’s a real villain. Suzie, enjoy your warm cocoa! I have a Dr. Appt for yep, that so I can’t enjoy my day all day but maybe I’ll come back with some good news. Have a great day everyone!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hey good morning! Awesome Taps, sounds like you’re back to the bandster way! I myself just had a really busy weekend so that’s why I haven’t posted, and all yesterday I was trying to get my FB cleaned up. It doesn’t take but a few days and the gifts and requests get really out of control. I went to see the 49ers in San Francisco and that was a miserable disaster… ugh! I’ve never been to a losing game ever and of course I had to go their their worst loss in a very long time. Oh well, we still had fun for what it was worth! I’ve not been doing much more so my report is not all that interesting. I’ve just been eating like normal as I’m not trying to lose anymore. I’ll just let myself float up and down this 5 Lbs. I don’t want to gain either because that will just be further away from goal. I want to get there as quickly as I can then do my maintain thing which I seem to be a pro at. How’s everyone else?
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good girl Tracy!!! Hugs!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Of course! It was still fun to go if anything. It was a good break from the monotony! J
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good morning good morning! Hope everyone had a better weekend than I did. I went to San Francisco to watch the 49ers play and they never showed up it seems. *sigh* Oh well, it’s just gonna be one of those years where we’ll get some ugly wins, but that goes along with some ugly losses! Just sucks I had to be a part of one ugly loss! Kat, wow that’s a very strange and sad story. I think everyone in their life will go through a traumatic friendship story and is all a part of our growth. I have myself and though I’m still friends with this person it’s just never been as close as we were when we were younger. I always keep my guard up at all times. Thanks so much for your support! I really appreciate it!! J Shalee, thanks! It really was a tough decision, but as the days go by I’m believing it will be a good one. For yourself, I hope you can get your issues handled quickly! I think it might have been a contributor of myself I didn’t get to mine in good time and it ended up causing a whole host of other problems. And here’s hoping you find a job quick!! Tchr, thanks so much! I’ll definitely still post here at LBT but what I’ll probably do is post my journey at a RNY forum somewhere. I’ll always have a link up in my signature so others can follow that part if they want, they will just need to click it. No need to force others to read about that if they don’t want. J Suzie, no worries! I was never intending to leave this thread or LBT. I am just going to post my journey elsewhere but I’ll have a link in my signature. So, those who would like to follow along can simply click on it to read it. I’ve been here at LBT a long time! No way will I just leave! :-D You have a great job! I wish I could just run away from the grind and find something so peaceful. I think I was kinda born to do my own thing. Maybe someday! Tracy, love the pics! So cute! Good deal on the no weight gain! You see, that’s me too. I’m excellent at not gaining any more than what I did in the beginning. I’ve been at this weight for over a year now. So, I know I can maintain. But losing? I just can’t seem to do it! Heart, thanks for the support! That was a crazy ordeal with the bear! Wow… scary. Still glad I’m a city gal.. lol J But we deal with bears of a different sort here. Sorry you’re still sick. Get better soon! Whatever’s been going around is a real monster. L Sunny, I completely understand your frustration. If you ever need someone to talk to, my door is always open. Send me a PM anytime. J Okay whew! All caught up! I’m off today so I’ll probably come back a bit later to talk some more. Have a fantastic day everyone!!!
  22. Wow… Leatha. This is probably the best and most well written post I’ve seen about WLS anywhere. I’m actually going to copy and paste this and keep it forever. I hope everyone on this site sees this and not only reads it, but fully comprehends everything you had to say. How are you doing? I’d really love to hear from you. I see you wrote this 5 months ago…
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Suzie, that means so much – thank you. I understand what you’re talking about doing the right thing. I just wish it were that easy for me, I hope you understand. J I really won’t say anything more about it. I’m probably going to start up a new thread about my journey somewhere else. I don’t want to give anyone the wrong impression; I don’t hate the band in general. I just hate what mine has become. I really in all honesty wish it would have worked for me. I really do. That way, no one will be forced to read what I write about what I’m going through. All are welcome however. I completely respect anyone’s decision to get the band. How could I not? I got one! I’ve seen so many become successful with it, and that is fantastic!! You all just keep rockin’ your bands and doing your thing. I will cheer you and support you 100%! Okay, now that that’s out there… let us continue with our daily chatter. J Heart, feel better soon! I’m so glad hubby is back home too. Jen, best wishes on the romance. I’ve personally seen many people find the love of their lives on the ‘net. I ain’t hatin sister. J Tracy, it’s been so cold here! Hey, you’ll get it together next week. Hang in there. J Well it’s Friday everyone! I came into work even though I wasn’t scheduled too. Why? I don’t know. Call the psych ward will ya? LOL It’s no biggie anyway, I’m leaving at noon. I’m finally going to go see Zomie Land. Then next weekend it’s Where the Wild Things Are!! It’s about time they made that into a movie!! J Have a great weekend ladies.
  24. Hello elfie and welcome to LBT! You will find this place to be a great source of information and support. There are well over 70,000 registered users on this forum so you will find many similar or dissenting opinions here. However I think that’s what makes this place so great. We may be on the same path, but what we choose to see with our eyes will be completely different that who is walking next to us. I really hope you like it here. Your introduction was excellent, and maybe you might want to save it as your blog. Many look to the blogs as a means of support, and I think yours would fit in very nicely. Enjoy!!
  25. Hello elfie and welcome to LBT! You will find this place to be a great source of information and support. There are well over 70,000 registered users on this forum so you will find many similar or dissenting opinions here. However I think that’s what makes this place so great. We may be on the same path, but what we choose to see with our eyes will be completely different that who is walking next to us. I really hope you like it here. Your introduction was excellent, and maybe you might want to save it as your blog. Many look to the blogs as a means of support, and I think yours would fit in very nicely. Enjoy!!

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