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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hey Jul! Yes, I always try to remember that when I’m feeling down about the time I’ve let slip by. It’s much harder for bandsters to lose, thus our successes are seen at a longer time in the future. That’s okay with me, because I do know that I’m going to get myself in gear. I’m going to make this work! Sure I”ve said that before, but one of these times it’s going to be true! LOL :-P Hang in there Jul, you have yourself on the right track! J
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    TOMORROW is the day....

    Juliansmom, best wishes and happy banding! Let us know how you’re doing!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Miss Food...

    That book sounds very interesting, thanks vlo.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Failing Badly

    Jetsy, I think at this time the best thing to do would be to keep some kind of food journal. This way you will be accountable for everything you’re eating and will help you either maintain your weight loss or possibly help you to lose the 5 Lbs. you’ve gained. I really hope you feel better soon! It sounds like you have been through a lot lately. Hang in there and know we are here for you when you need us. Please also let us know how you’re doing! J
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Miss Food...

    Hey city! What you are feeling is very classic. You’re a baby bandster and of course as with all babies you’ll need time to grow. Stay on course. Your diet is for healing above anything else. Losing is a great component, but that’s all it is. A sidekick. Not exactly the main character here. The better care you take of your band, the better chance of success and long term banding. Please note: I was never given the go ahead to take solid pills right after banding. In fact I was told the opposite. I was told all liquids, including medication, and if it had to be in pill format I was to use a pill crusher. Consult your doctor before taking whole or even cut pills. This might cause some serious problems. Best wishes to you and your new band, and congratulations on a healthier you! J
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey suzie! Yes, every day is a struggle but it’s so nice to know we have a little friend tucked away for when we’re ready to really get down to business. But for now, get some rest and feel better soon! BTW how’s the toe? I’ve been away from here for a few…
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    That is so great you will never give up! I feel the exact same way. That is quite some rollercoaster ride you have been on, but the simple fact you wake up every single day and tell yourself this will be a good day is wonderful. I really believe you! Because I do the same thing. We have to keep pushing through! To be honest with the gastric bypass, I believe that too. I fully believe that when something happens in another direction which we wanted to go down then it was meant to be. I meant to learn something by this. I’m learning every day!! We can definitely support each other in this. We both have seen the crazy ups and downs so I think we can both be of help to each other!! The road may be long but the finish line is so worth it.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Good morning VV’s!! Ezma, how did the doctor’s visit go? Melissa, we’re so happy for you! A VV Band Baby!! So excited. Please keep us informed of all the fun stuff! J Jul, hey girl! So nice to see ya in here! Yeah the ring falling off was a huge sign. It wasn’t even falling off me when I was 227, so some weird weight shifting thing is definitely going on with me. I’ll take it! How are YOU doing?? In fact, how are all the VV’s doing? Please check in!!!! Myself, well I’ve had a terrible last two days. I've eaten over 40 points each day!! Ugh! I think my surgeon took out too much! This lion’s hungry and won’t let me forget it. I've also noticed I can take huge bites and eat tons! L Ah, well. I haven’t felt hunger like this in over a year so I didn’t handle it well. So today, I took a Slim Shot, and have my desk area surrounded in healthy choices! I have to show my nutritionist what I've eaten and I’m sure she’ll question those last two days. Today however is going to be really good! Those Slim Shots really work, and I can count them as a healthy oil. They are also 1 point too though, so I gotta own up to it. Whatever. I’m so gonna do this you guys!!!!!! I have to!! NO way am I gonna fail this. The average bandster loss to goal is 5 years. I’ll make it 3. Have a successful day too all!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi Tracey!!!! (((hugs))) mama! I seen your weigh-in. L But hey, it can turn around for you! Have you ever considered WW? I started a few months ago when I noticed for a brief second that I was back into the 260’s. This was such a heart wrenching thing for me because I had gotten back down to 227 (for a split second too… lol). I SWORE to all that is right in the world I’d never see that number again! Alas, I did. Well I knew I had to do something. I was way too tight and having a hard time eating, so I went to my surgeon, owned up to the massive gain. I got an earful believe me, but he said I was eating too much sugar because I was too tight. He let some air out (lol) and I decided to join WW. This girl at my job was being really successful on it. I figured I could do it too since on the band we are pretty much allowed to eat what we want. Of course it fit right in with the promotion of healthy eating. I lost back down to 247. But, I started getting super tight again and deflected back to the sugars. That leads me to today. My surgeon took out 1cc. He also told me no way on the gastric bypass. I felt upset but he really gave me a good pep talk. He told me he believed in me and he thinks I made the right choice with the band. He knows I can do it, as he’s seen me do it! He said we’re gonna start over from that day. He put me back on logging my food. Well, I already have WW online so that was that. He also put me on band-restriction! I’m now required to see his nutritionist (with my first appt being tomorrow already) and to keep regular appointments and weigh in with her. Yay! I know that will help greatly. He said I can do it, but I can’t do it alone. That’s what they’re there for! They are all in one a great big tool for me to use to get to my goal. What I’m trying to say here is Tracey, you CAN do it. Use all the tools you have available to you. Some of us just need more tools than just our bands. Our bands will only help with portion control and appetite suppression for longer periods IF we’re eating healthy. That’s all! I care about you and I believe in you too. I also know 110% what you’re going through because I’ve been there. I’m still there! It’s just taking me a long time to figure this thing out, but I’m going to! I promise. J I’m here for you anytime! You know where to find me.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Hey china girl! J Glad to see you posting again. Well I’m not even going to post what I’ve ate the last two days. Since my surgeon took a whole cc out I’ve noticed I can eat like a trucker and I’m constantly starving all day. I really tried to keep my appetite in check but I’ve eaten over 40 points the last two days, without blinking!! And that was struggling too! He definitely needs to put some back. I’m not used to feeling hunger like this. I guess my band was really helpful in keeping that lion caged over the last year. My first 6 months were heck but I go through it and lost almost 60 Lbs. I have to keep trying though, no one else is going to do this for me. Anyway, I’m sure my nutritionist is going to have a field day with me tomorrow. She’ll hopefully have some neat tricks to help out, besides the “oh eat a piece of fruit instead of a handful of almonds” type thing. I mean, I love almonds because they taste great and are super salty. I’m glad I’m going though. I need to be supervised! I think I’ve lost a few pounds anyway since I was last weighed in on Friday. We’ll see and I’ll definitely let you all know! Have a great day all!! Get back to tracking! We need this J
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    Hi!!! Just wanted to *bump* this old thread. How’s everyone? I’m doing pretty good! Looking for some fellow Sacramento bandsters that might wanna chat. I’ve been banded for almost 21 months now. I’ve had my ups and down, but I’m glad to say that I’m still 80 Lbs. lighter than I was at my heaviest. I really know I can do this and I’m so ready to let the weight drop once again. I was just recently given a 1cc unfill but now I’m finding it hard to stop eating! I’m super hungry all the time. L I see my surgeon again on the 3rd so here’s hoping he’ll be nice and put a little bit back. I’m feeling good and I know my band is way too loose now. I’ll never stop fighting! I will make this work!
  12. Hey mommy! Congrats on your upcoming surgery! I will be willing to answer any questions you might have. I have been through a lot with my band, and I would really like to give you some personal experience that you might find useful. Dr. Koura has a support group but I don’t really attend. It tends to be fuller of his gastric bypass patients. While I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just not helpful to anything I’m really going through. Best wishes!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Josie (((hugs))) I so know what you’re going through! I just had MORE unfilled from my band. I’ve noticed that I can eat more (painfree which was the main reason to have some removed) but it’s almost leaving me starving all day. Will I get more filled back in after an upper GI? I don’t know. Right now my body is able to eat more and still lose. I’m battling the urge to eat sweets in a big way right now! So I can eat more.. so what? I’m still staying within the points that WW allows me and I’m losing again. I just want to continue to lose without the pain and discomfort that a tight band brings. I really don’t think that’s what its all about. I really honestly don’t think we were meant to be tortured into eating only two bites of food and throwing up all the time. I do have some head hunger too though, besides real hunger. I feel physical hunger for protein but once I’m satisfied I’ll find myself craving the bad stuff. I’ve been on the bad stuff for a long time so it’s probably going to take a long time before I can get over the addictions! jolly that does sound like a great recipe! Thanks for sharing!!!!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Oroweat Sandwich Thins

    Haha apples! I was thinking the same thing! :thumbup:
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    I admit, you got me at first!! Hehe!! Congratulations Melissa and Hubby and family!!! (((hugs))) J
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Oroweat Sandwich Thins

    Oh no worries everyone, I can eat bread. I prefer it really, I need my fiber. Anyway, two halves are good – it’s only 100 Calories and apparently only 1 point for WW. I can so do that! With a serving of lean turkey deli and lite mayo a sandwich can be about 3-4 points. A whole meal for 3 or 4 points is great! J I think Oroweat and Arnolds may be the same thing. Kind of like Best Foods and Hellman’s. It’s Best Foods where I am (west coast) and it’s called Hellman’s in the East.
  18. Lilmissy, I strongly suggest you contact your surgeon. They will be able to help you with these issues. They possibly will think of ways to help with hunger but keep you on track. The diet is designed to shrink your liver, although this diet does sounds pretty rash. The last thing you want to do is go into surgery just to come out and find out they couldn’t do the surgery on you because you couldn’t shrink your liver. I actually have seen far worse however. In fact, a good friend of mine was told only clear liquids for a month before surgery. She pulled through fine, but not without a few breakdowns! J Hang in there and contact your Dr., then let us know how it went.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fatty Liver and WLS?

    Actually a fatty liver can hinder the surgeon to perform safely. Some will still try if they feel they can, but most of them won’t. It’s really unsafe if they were to accidently cut into your liver, of course. Follow your pre-operative diet well and this most likely won’t be an issue come surgery day.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    R U Kidding me!?!?!

    Good call dicarlo. Keeping our bodies well hydrating, especially with a good workout routine is really important. Our bodies can hold onto water by a lot. Try ensuring you have enough fluids and see if that helps. However a ten pound gain is quite a bit. You may want to consult with your Surgeon, they may have some input that could be helpful too.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Oroweat Sandwich Thins

    Ohh I love sandwiches. I could have one every single day! Of course being banded I have to watch my bread because too much and it hurts. I’m going to have to break down and find them and eat them. Thanks for the replies! I think it’s a great idea, and yes good for burger buns too!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Hey good morning WW peeps! Well I’m doing really well so far. I ate a lot of points yesterday but well, I’m losing so I won’t let that get into my head. I have to take it one day at a time and give my body what it needs. Good nutritious solid food! If I’m losing then I’m doing something right!! ------------------------------------------------------ POINTS® Tracker entries Sunday, October 18, 2009 Morning 1 serving(s) Banana Small 1 1/2 serving(s) Kirkland Weight Loss Shake, Milk Chocolate, 1/2 Can 2 1 serving(s) Packaged Frozen Burrito - Beef, Bean & Green Chili 8 Coffee Black, Morning 0.5 Subtotal 11.5 Midday 1 serving(s) Packaged BBQ Party Wings, 7 pcs. 5 1 piece(s) Mozzarella string cheese 2 Subtotal 7 Evening 15 item(s) Baked! Scoops tortilla chips 2 1 medium flour tortilla(s) 2 1/8 Taco Soup 4.5 Subtotal 8.5 Anytime 1 packet(s) Special K20 protein water mix, strawberry kiwi 0 1 oz Crunchy Cheetosn 4 1 medium peach(es) 0.5 1 cup(s) Heart to Heart Flakes with blueberry clusters cereal 3 oz 1% low-fat milk 2 Subtotal 9.5 Food POINTS values total used 36.5 Food POINTS values remaining 0 Activity 30 min Elliptical trainer (cross trainer) 6 20 min stationary bike, moderate 2 Activity POINTS values earned 8 Check off these important items daily: Liquids Milk & Milk Products Fruit & Vegetables Multivitamin/Mineral Healthy Oil Activity Lean Protein Whole Grains
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Restarting after 2 years of slow weight gains

    Tat that is fantastic! There is nothing wrong with “starting over”. My surgeon and I have decided that’s what we are going to do. I am going to keep regular appointments the his Nutritionist on staff and keep a food journal like your doing to show her. Getting back on track is twice as hard as falling off is easy. Just keep in touch and let us know how you’re doing. There are so many tools out there, your biggest one being your band. You can do this!! J
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Can anyone eat rice at all?

    I pretty much gauge if I’m too tight or not tight enough on rice. If I can’t eat rice comfortably (provided I'm taking small bites and chewing well) then I’m too tight. Being able to eat some carbs, especially whole grains like rice or whole wheat breads (one serving) is a good healthy thing. Our bodies need the fiber for staying regular. HtH! J
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Is this normal?

    Definitely contact your surgeon and let them know how you’re feeling. Likely they will tell you to go back on liquids. In fact I wasn’t even told I can eat soft foods until a month out so that’s a bit fast. However I’m not a doctor so I cannot give you good sound advice on what you should do, either than talking to your professional. Best wishes!

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