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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. What are your expectations of having WLS, both short term and long term?
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hello all

    Well done Pasquini! It's nice to see you checking in. Great photo too, the electric slide is fun!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Food Funerals

    My personal experience has been that bingeing pre-op is an extremely bad idea. People will make up the excuse that "I'll never be able to have that again, so I better have it now!". THIS IS NOT TRUE. You absolutely can have anything you want to eat post op. The only differences will be that you can't eat as much AND you are just tacking on more pounds you will eventually have to fight for after surgery. You're only hurting yourself by doing this. I have had two WLS's. I did have the food binge before my lap band. Then a few months later I realized that it was all for naught because I can and did still eat those foods. In fact, I could eat more of that stuff than the good healthy food. They're called "sliders" for a reason. You won't get full on them. Then with my revision to the VSG I absolutely did NOT indulge pre-op. I already knew I had to go in with the right ideas about food. For anyone reading this, change that attitude. This surgery will save your life, but only if you get your mind right.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Veterans, why do we do it?

    Well said! I agree! Good job! Etc... that's me feeling empathy. In times when someone gets "snappy" back at me (and it does happen quite often), I just "shine them on". I will either reply around them or ignore it all together. But, no matter what and how long a break I'll take, you will always see me come back.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    emotional eating

    Good choice. Yes, you CAN do this!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    5 days and counting!

    How exciting! Your day is almost here. I think most of us here have felt the excitement and the scared thought of never wanting to go back. I caution you to remember that thought post op too when you're having a weak moment... because if you're human you will. Before you indulge, be strong and do not give in because if you do, you can and you will go back. I'm positive you will do well especially if you have read this website. The good, the bad and the ugly. All the best!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    emotional eating

    Hello Nikki, You had surgery 6 weeks and 2 days ago. My advice to you is that if you're already eating Cheez-Its you're going to find yourself sabotaging your Honeymoon phase. This is the time where you are going to lose the most weight, and every single cracker you put in your mouth, you are setting yourself that much further back. Take advantage of this special time! Please also know that if you're having trouble now, it never gets any easier. food is extremely addicting and if you have to get some help for it. Go to an OA meeting or pray about it. This journey is never easy and it's also very easy for any of us to tell you "don't do that!", but I think all of us need to realize that food has and did have a hold on us mentally. The physical is only the result. Stay stronger than your addictions and fix it. Only YOU can do that. Take care!
  8. Hello Jessica and welcome to BariatricPal, and congrats on your newly sleeved tummy! This journey will have a lot of ups and downs and you have only just begun. Take it easy, and for what it's worth, do not follow in your MIL footsteps. Avoid those types of food for as long as you possibly can. All the best to you!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    CHECKING IN: Part Deux

    Thanks Ms. D! I'm glad to be back too. I need the motivation just as much as I can give it.
  10. Welcome Kathy!! It sounds like you are well on your way and getting along great! Keep up the great work and look forward to seeing you around.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Loss & Obesity related TV Shows

    I've noticed that I have really picked up with being interested in Weight Loss & Obesity related Television programming. Once I see something that I notice is going to be about these subjects, I set my DVR to record them. I'll even set a Series Recording to catch any repeats I may have missed coming into the show late. I find these topics absolutely fascinating, and I look to them for inspiration! I see folks weighing up to 400+ Lbs working out and working hard to lose the weight. I love this, and I laugh, I cry and feel their pain with them. For only someone who has been in their shoes can. Here's a list of shows I'm currently viewing: Biggest Loser: http://www.nbc.com/the-biggest-loser/ Most definitely and I've been watching this show since day one. Yes, absolutely they do certain things on the show to boost the ratings and Jillian is a monster. However, I do not watch the show for those reasons at all. In fact I usually turn their 2 hour show into more of a 1 hour viewing. I FF so much of the craziness and things that do not interest me. I do love watching them struggle with eating, working out so hard and of course the weigh in. The finale and seeing how far they have come at the end of the show is so incredible and touching. I never miss these. I Used to be Fat: http://www.mtv.com/s...at/series.jhtml This is a relatively new show and I've found it is such a positive approach to how hard and difficult life is being obese. Young individuals strive for a few months to lose a certain amount of weight. This show is what inspired me to write down every single day exactly how many days are left to reach my mini goal I set for myself to my goal day. I do not believe I would've come up with this all on my own. I can't say enough about this kind of programming and how much these folks I do not even know have helped "ME" along the way!! Ruby: http://www.mystyle.c.../ruby/index.jsp This is probably the most heartwarming, touching and REAL show I've ever come accross. Ruby is the most inspirational weight loss person I know. She's not perfect - she struggles so much, yet she keeps picking herself back up and keeping on!! I think I look up to her so much, and every single time I feel like I'm failing and wondering why do I keep trying, I simply think about her. She started out at over 700 Lbs!!! I do believe in the last season finale she was down to the low 300's. Her new season begins in March, but it does mention she gained 60 Lbs back. Yet, she still decided to continue with her Television show and keep on keeping on!! She's so totally amazing and awesome, and just a genuine sweet lady. Heavy: http://www.aetv.com/...esity%20surgery This is going to be a new Television program and my DVR is set!!! One Big Happy Family: http://tlc.discovery...g-happy-family/ I haven't seen this show around in awhile, and I do hope it comes back soon. It follows around a Mother, Father and their son and daughter as the entire family works to shed the weight. I really liked it. They were doing so well the last time I seen it. Brookhaven Obesity Clinic: (Sorry couldn't find a link) I also haven't seen this one in a very long time. These folks were in a live in Hospital where they needed to lose anywhere from 300 to so many pounds. These folks, some struggled a lot even in the hospital and yet some worked really hard to lose the weight. I miss this one! Big Medicine: http://health.discov...g-medicine.html Oh how I wish this show would come back!! It just wasn't around nearly long enough - and I truly enjoyed watching the WLS patients and their journeys. Even to the point where they would need plastic surgery once they were complete to their goals. Come back!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do you have any that you watch?? Please share it here - I'd really like to find some more shows that I can watch... for maybe this is my transfer addiction!!! LOL Ok not that, but you know what? I'm really finding some motivation with watching these programs. I need all the motivation I can get!!!
  12. Having the VSG completely changed my life. I am a very healthy woman today! I have lost a lot of weight, I wear much smaller clothes... I am super confident in myself whereas I cannot say this before my surgery. I always felt held back... But my life has meaning. I don't think I needed a WLS to finally realize this, but was the path destined to get me here. Life's good, like I always say. All this said, it's your journey and your decision. It's normal to have cold feet. Absolutely! The only thing I'll recommend is while it's good to have a positive outlook for your longtime future - please don't dismiss your everyday positive battles and outcomes. Don't be too eager to lose really fast. Just take each pound and Celebrate them individually and proudly. Best wishes!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Happy Valentine's Day from BariatricPal!

    For myself I weighed in as a sneak preview. The reason is my usual weigh day is Monday. I lost 2 Lbs last week and desperately want to keep the mojo and momentum going. Well I seen I lost a whole pound a few days early!! It's important to find as many tactics as one can to keep themselves on track. For me, I want to hold on to that one pound loss if anything so it will keep me logging my food and staying on track. Loved the article!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Happy Valentine's Day BP!

    Good FRIDAYYYY Morning Friends. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! May you always find time to tell those you love "I love You" daily. Remember to nurture your own heart everyday too. Choose heart healthy foods and do your cardio!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    Hi Bella Yes i am still losing but due to some gains I've had in the last year. I am re logging my food and doing a lite workout routine. It's a life long commitment, thats for sure! Hi Kiap thanks! Thank yoU! I have had a few minimal PSs but no skin removal. Of course I cover the wrinkly skin.. i do have some. I plan to have my bat wings removed and a full body lift someday.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Please see the new continued thread: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/297668-i-want-to-see-before-after-pics-contd/ This thread has gotten quite a response! Great job everyone.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Bariatric Surgery Do's And Don'ts

    Good morning all! I am adding a few new entries: DON'T believe the myth that your tool has an expiration date. Yes, it's true you will lose the most weight in the first year and it's also true the farther out you are and the close to goal, the harder it is to lose. However, as long as you keep up with your healthy eating and fitness routines you will continue to lose weight and / or keep it off in the years post op. It all boils down to calories in vs. calories out. DON'T believe the myth that having WLS will keep the weight off forever. That is our individual responsibility.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    My husband diagnosed with terminal liver cancer. :'(

    Dear Lisa, my prayers are going out to you for your strength and power of love at this difficult time. Stay strong, but be weak also when you need to. If anything take this time to love your husband and to tell him that. I don't think it's a bad thing to let him know how much he means to you and how difficult it is to be strong for him. I cannot imagine how painful this must be. Hugs.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    CHECKING IN: Part Deux

    Checkin in! I lost 3 Lbs since my last weigh in. Yay!
  20. I still drink Protein shakes being 3.5 Year post. I don't "need" them per-se but they are a great snack if I'm hungry and don't want to go crazy eating things I shouldn't. If you can get all your protein in without them then you don't really need them. They're good to have around in a tight spot though.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Nausea 18 Days Post Op

    Hi Bry, I created a new thread for you in the Post Op section. Hopefully more folks will be able to answer your question here.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    2014 - Where have all the "ole-timers" gone?

    Um... Sandy? Where did you get the idea that you aren't liked around here? That's silly talk. I've never once heard anyone say a bad thing about you nor any one of us. Not that I'd care really. Usually when someone stands to point the finger at someone else, their thumb is pointing right back at themselves. People will only notice the bad in another that they see in the mirror... etc. So forget them and work on YOU! I'm terribly sorry to hear that you are going through those problems. I will pray for you my WLS sister. Keep taking your supplements and eat well balanced meals. I never would have considered yogurt and granola a bad food. Or bananas, for goodness sake they are chock full of potassium. I eat it and it makes me feel good. Idk... we all have our own thing though. If it works for you then so be it. I'm not sure what's going on with Cheri but I will reach out. I hope she is ok and I'll also pray her well being. For me I guess the name change is just my little way of re-defining myself. I don't want to be known as a "workout crazy woman" because I can't even workout half as much as I used to. I have to do it with two bum knees, so I'll just do the best I can. I just want to be seen as a successful woman who overcame the odds! Getting back to goal in a healthy moderate manner. That's all. Good luck and God bless!! And you surely will see me around. I'm never too far away! Irene I just read another post where you are changing to LMD2. Good for you, and keep up the good work! I changed my name once I hit onederland. Now, I have gained back and need to lose 10 lbs to get there. I joined the Valentine's challenge, my first one really in 2 years and 3 1/2 months. My stomach has bloated out and I am pissed. I get frustrated, get back on here then get on it for a few days, get hungry and it starts all over again. I have worked the 5:2 but, my hubby is living away from me (my bestest friend) due to a promotion, so when he comes home, he BBQ's. he is the main chef, and I want to eat with him and my son who will be leaving soon, to the Air Force. I try to eat small portions, generally skinless chicken breast or tri-tip. Never drink with my meals, BUT lately have been sneaking in, banana with peanut butter or Greek yogurt with granola and dried cranberries. Falling back into some crap eating, recognize it change for a while then here I go again. I swore I was not going to diet after the sleeve but, now I have no choice. I am now thinking liquid diet like before I was sleeved. When the boys eat, I will just go into my room. That is my food issues, I have been hospitalized twice in the past 14 months, most recently with a grand mal seizure. I am taking a medication for my Low potassium, and for seizures for the rest of my life, my driver license was revoked, which has been hard. I am deep into menopause with hot flashes and heart palpating issues regularly, but all in...I am doing fine. Our friend Cheri has had some tough times, and I would like to put energies into good vibes for her - I pray but, if that is not what other folks do, please think positive thoughts for her she has been supportive and given straight forward advise for a long while in this forum. So, all in while I am not the popular kid on the block, I have found in this circle - strange as it may seem, sharing success, failure, encouragement and stories with complete strangers - helps. Maybe small steps but, we all have one common thread - we have lost portions of our stomachs, most likely have suffered co-morbidities and more than likely have in some fashion had to face our habits. I wish you well LilMissDiva2. See you around the board. Sandy
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Dr. Oz...oh puleeze

    I also saw the episode with the 56 Lbs lady. So sad for her. I don't really watch his show unless it has things like the 56 Lb lady. Other than that he is just promoting all kinds of supplements that no one really needs or scaring us into thinking that drinking apple juice and milk will kill us. He's all about shock value IMPO.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    accessories for a formal cocktail party - the little black dress

    Yep earrings that shine, no necklade and some bangles. You're going to be gorgeous! hair semi up and down.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    wish you got lap band?

    No. BTDT. I love my sleeve.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
