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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Hey everyone!! How’s everyone doing? Josie, good deal on losing some of those pounds! I’m sure you’ll do great getting back to full time. I’ve been tracking everyday and doing a really good job at it. I’m finding that I’m eating all my points now that a lot of my fill was removed. I can eat quite a bit. I lost 9 Lbs last week though so I can’t really complain. I did gain 2 back but well, it’s that time and was totally expected. I was 249.5 – but at least I know I need to stay in check. I’ve been making really good choices, ones I can be proud of. I’ve not been perfect but hey, I’m not perfect. ) Here’s what I’ve had today so far: POINTS® Tracker entries Tuesday, October 27, 2009 Morning 35 item(s) Mini-wheats frosted bite size blueberry muffin 4.5 6 oz 1% low-fat milk 1.5 Coffee Black, Morning 0.5 Subtotal 6.5 Midday 1 serving(s) LEAN CUISINE: Steak Tips Portabello 3 1 Tbsp Reduced-Calorie Original Ranch Dressing 1 Garden salad 0 Subtotal 4
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Tchr, Reese’s Peanutbutter WHATkins??? OMG… where can I find those? Those WOULD be worth the points!! I heart pumpkin anything!!! I’ve been thinking about the pumpkin shakes at Jack in the Box. OMG OMG OMG. It’s taking all my will power not to get one. I almost did last night but talked myself out of it. It was almost a done deal! OK Kat with your post I just realized it just shaped like a pumpkin. *sigh* I don’t know why my family even lets me out of the house some days! But I have to say… pumpkin, chocolate and peanut butter sounds so good right now!!!! They should make that. It’s super windy here! I did a mile and barely made it. I have to walk under some really old scary trees and one was crackling and blowing around bark debris. I said that was enough for me for the day! LOL Suzie, what are you talking about? Five pounds is great! Have you seen one of those 5 Lb blocks of fat they use for reference? Yeah, that’s what you just lost. Congrats! J However I understand what you mean. For all that time being sick, more was expected. I personally have never been able to lose weight while I was sick. I’ve never been that lucky! As far as buffets go, I went once since being banded. I felt so out of place. I couldn’t go back for seconds and while everyone around me gorged all I could do was sit there and stew on why I just spent 20 bucks on a few bites of food. I couldn’t even bring home a plate! LOL Bandsters are a Buffet Restaurant owners dream! J I’m glad you had a nice time with your old friend! Hope for many more for you as well. Tracey, OMG FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! I’m soooo happy for you!!!! Let’s keep this up! I’m so wanting to just finish this up! Or if anything just get into onederland. I’ve been dreaming of that day for years now. It’s just TIME!! You’re right too… HE is a huge factor. I’m exactly the same way. I have to put it in HIS hands and realize that this is HIS temple. I have to treat it right! It’s the only one HE gave me. ;o) I’m not exactly sure I’ll even go out really. They said they would let me know by the end of the week or later. The fire is already more than half contained… however it was crazy windy today. I haven’t heard anything since. We’ll see. Hi Janie! I’m new here.. nice to meet you! J Okay all, have a fabu day. I’ll do the same. I didn’t do my workout last night like I should have but I at least did do 2.25 mile walk and 30 minutes calisthenics. I was supposed to also do 30bike/30elliptical. That part didn’t happen… hehe. I’ll definitely do that tonight. I only got a little over a mile walks today, so I have to do something.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Dr. ruined me financially.

    Absolutely good advice everyone! Happy, that is a surefire way to get the doctor’s attention. File a report with your local medical board too, and call his office and let him know you’re doing it. Preying on the week has been something happening since days long ago. Do not be one of the weak. Stand up for yourself, and do not let this be just another excuse to abuse yourself by overeating. You’ve made a lifelong commitment to yourself. Like Jack, I lost the majority of my weight right post op and even before my first fill. I think too much emphasis is put on fills, and far more in tightness. Best wishes to you!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Oh hey Tracey, I work for CAL-FIRE (The State of California’s Fire Department). These are invoices that are in result to the fire. It’s a little bit boring, but you know – maybe I just need a break from the office. I don’t think it will be too much of a big trip anyway. Jen, sounds lovely! Those are the best days IMO, when you don’t have a whole lot going on and you can just enjoy the sunshine. We’ve had some nice weather here too. But, ours won’t last. We’re supposed to be getting a few days worth of rain soon. L Hey is anyone watching that show Flash Forward? I must say… it’s pretty darn interesting! I started watching it last night. I missed the first few episodes and I’ve had a few hanging around on my DVR. I went to abc.com to watch the first ones and I’m already hooked! I’ll continue tonight with maybe one or two on the DVR.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    R U Kidding me!?!?!

    Good advice PHC. I agree, journaling helps so much. I do this too, and when I’m journaling like I should, I’m losing. When I’m not paying attention to what I’m eating I’m doing the opposite.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey ladies!! Suzie, yes! I hate the Halloween candy! We have some 3 Musketeers and I ate a fun size. I felt so bad because it cost me 1 point! I can think of such better things to use 1 point on. Like, right now I’m eating some salad with 1 Tbsp of lite ranch. It’s a huge bowl, and it’s also only 1 point. I can also tick off 2 servings of veggies. Nice! I can’t tick anything with a candy bar. L If you don’t think you need a fill, then you probably don’t. Don’t be like me! LOL Tracey, good deal! You’re really doin it! Feels great huh? Yeah I’ve finally been buckling down and it’s paying off. I’ll just keep praying for strength to keep going. I get sidetracked too easily… I got notified I might be sent out to the Santa Cruz fire to help out with all the invoicing. That can sidetrack me. I won’t have my workout room and I won’t have all the healthy stuff right next me. I’ll probably have to eat out all the time. That’s really going to be tough! I have my tracker though so I’ll really need it. I might need to keep it at 24 points per day since I won’t be able to burn it off. Hmmm… now I’m not even sure I want to go! See y’all soon! Hope you all had a nice weekend. J
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Good morning! Hope everyone had a better weekend than I did! I was so sick with a stomach virus. L I feel ok now but darn-it! I took up all my fun time!! Now I’m back at work and as usual do not feel rested like I should. But, I have an NSV!! Even though I didn’t feel good I STILL did my workout! I usually use not feeling good as an excuse to skip out, but not this time. It might have only been 20 minutes and 30 minutes calisthenics but still, I did it!! Tap, I so know how you feel, but remember – you are so close to goal now! Maybe you need a day to meditate and get back into perspective. Don’t fall off now… you can slack off after you get to goal. Not to the point of gaining though either. How do you feel? How is your health? I mean, maybe your body IS done. I know I’m just now contradicting what I just said, but that could be a factor too. There’s a lot to consider when saying we’ve finished. I put my goal up to 160. That I know is doable for me. I’ve been 160 before and I liked myself back then. But, at least if I get there I can always choose if I want to do more. The things my nutritionist really pointed out is that I need to substitute more snacks for fruit. So we agreed at this point I’ll up my one fruit a day to two. She also said no more liquid supplements, like protein drinks. She said a band patient really has no need for protein drinks and just tacks on calories needlessly. Also that if I’m not able to get my protein in through solids then I was too tight. I already knew that though! Lol She made a food suggestion. There are some food wraps in the deli section. They are rather good size and they are only 100 calories (2 points) and they have different flavors too. One last good thing she wanted me to do is make a list of 10 different types of breakfasts that fit nutritiously within 6-7 points. She thinks I’m being too repetitious with my eating and might help with my over snacking in the evenings. Okay, well I’ll check back in soon! Have a great day all!! How’s everyone else?
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Thanks tchr for your well wishes! I needed to do that desperately. Tracey congrats on the loss!!!! Woot!!! Hey y’all… just gonna drive by here and say hello. Not feeling too good today, I just wanted to say I lost 9 Lbs since last week. Hanging in there and I’m still going to do some workout. I promised myself that if I’m ever not feeling good I’d still do a little bit of something. Hope everyone is doing ok! I will check in again soon. Hugs!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hi G4E, its so nice to see you! Please know I’ve been thinking about you! I’m praying for you in your tough time. (((hugs))) I hope everything turns out good for you!!
  10. This has been on my mind for awhile now... and maybe it is a bit of TMI. I don't think it is really. Okay I'm creating a poll to see how many of you here actually floss your teeth. I mean EVERY SINGLE DAY like clockwork. Not just when you remember or have time, or when you know you have a cleaning or dental appointment. Actually, maybe I'll make that an option too. Not to worry, I won't make this poll viewable so you can be honest with your answer. The reason why I'm wondering is because, myself, I NEVER used to floss (I know, gross huh?). I was brought up with good dental coverage and all that. I just never did. Maybe I was lazy or whatever, I don't know why I didn't. Growing up my Mom would make sure I got my cleanings on schedule every six months, and even had braces. She took good care of my teeth! I've had three oral surgeries. One to extract extra teeth in preparation for my braces, then another to extract the same teeth (yes they were adult teeth) that decided they wanted to regrow. I was truly one in a million with that one! Anway, the last one was for the wisdom teeth. Okay I'm getting off track here, I'm just trying to say - I had no excuse for not flossing. I was taught better. Well, I went 6 years without a cleaning as of last year! Yeah, I know - gross again... LOL!! Turns out I needed to have some fillings fixed and a deep cleaning on each side. :thumbdown::scared2::confused: Yeah! That sucked!! Trust me, deep cleanings are a b*tch!! Anyway, I asked my Dental Hygienist how on Earth could I prevent this from ever happening again??? She simply said, well - floss. Simple as that? Well she did also then tell me making sure I'm getting my routine cleanings too will help as well. She said my pockets were ranging from 4 to 7's. Not sure if any of you know what I'm talking about, but apparently that's not very good. She said not super bad either for someone who has neglected my teeth for so long though. She said she had hope for me. So, I flossed every single day in between my deep cleanings and such.... Long story less long, I just went in for a cleaning and she told me I had the cleanest mouth of the week award! Wow!! She even called in my Dentist to check it out! He said wow, great job too. He said she's really tough when it comes to that and I should be honored... LOL!! Also, my pockets are all 2's now. So, flossing and regular cleanings really do work! Who knew? Share your stories if you dare. :sneaky:
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Biggest Loser Fall 09

    LOL angel, I was just thinking the same thing. That being said… *yawn* off to the next thread.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Only on step 1

    I’m glad to help! If you need anything let me know. Maybe I might pop into one of the support group meetings one day and we can chat! Hang in there, the road is long but the destination is worth the ride. J
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Kat, saying a prayer for you dear Mom. My Mom is having her procedure next week finally since one of her exams came back “abnormal”. I’m a little worried and I’ll need to take care of her for a few days next week. Moms are truly precious. Size 10’s? I also can’t imagine. I was at Goodwill today buying some clothes and looked at some 10’s. Boy they were small!! I browsed some more and picked up some size 28’s off the rack. I have to tell you I had such an epiphany. That is the size I started all this in. they were so huge, I just couldn’t even imagine myself in those anymore. I thanked God I’m no longer wearing that size and moved on. I will probably remember that moment in my life forever. Tracey, Get ur Gym on! Hang in, it gets easier though you already know that. Sometimes it takes me a good 2 weeks to get back in the habit myself. I think I’m there *finally*!! Suzie, sorry to hear about that Charlie horse! Ohhh those are so awful!!! Keep on getting better every day. Sorry to hear now your fam is getting sick… it will surely make its rounds… PS, the size 8 comment made me LOL!! Thanks!! J Jen, that is quite a difference in calories! It makes me wonder why the ppl on biggest loser can continue to lose. They are doing 1200 in and something crazy like 3000 plus out per day. I wonder how “healthy” that really is? Michelle, (((hugs))) to you. I’ve so been there and I feel you girl! Definitely keep an eye on your blood pressure. That was the first thing I thought of when you mentioned your symptoms. I hope you feel better soon. Well everyone my nutritionist appointment was super successful. I did get chewed out a little bit, but she couldn’t really say too much. I weighed at the office last Friday at 256.6 and yesterday it said 250.6 if you can believe that! I couldn’t!! I thought for sure 2 Lbs. 3 max. lol I’m so super motivated, and with the help of my nut keeping on my case for a few months, I’m ready to go!! As a matter of fact this morning I weighed 249 exactly. It’s very close to my Dr.s office scale so I know it’s right. J I’m sooooo happy!!! I came away from my appointment with some great ideas on how to eat for the next month… stay tracking and most importantly I’ve re-married my band. We are now a cohesive unit once again. Yay!! Well hope everyone has a great day!! TTFN J
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last person to post WINS!

    I’m the last person to post, especially since I'm homeless too. :closedeyes:
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Lisa, that is fantastic!! Keep up the good job and never take your eyes off the prize. J Chris, the only rule for this thread is to be who you are say what you feel…
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Ohhh and I forgot to mention… I weighed in at 250.6 on the doctors scale. I was 256.6 last time I was there. I was only there last Friday. I was only expecting to see maybe a 2-3 Lbs lost. I was a bit shocked! This morning I weighed 249 on the nose. My scale at home and the one at my Dr.s office is pretty neck and neck so I trust what it tells me. I was pretty stoked! So, in spite of my bad days I’d say I rocked it this week. :-D But… tomorrow is my official weigh day for WW so I have to stay on point all day today, especially since today is my rest day from workouts. Onederland here I come *finally* lmao! J
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Happy Friday ladies!! Melissa, I’ve always wanted to be a teacher, so forgive me for being just a little green with envy! Lol :-P I would love to teach 2nd graders too. That is the best age as a kid. A little older than the pee in your pants stage and too young to start mouthing off to adults. Cute as little buttons to boot! They are such gems at that age! Definitely keep up with your workouts. I mean not as much as before, but a little goes a long way. Good health will work for you and your baby. I remember a few years ago during my walks I’d always see this pregnant lady doing her brisk walk every day. She looked great and her little bubble would grow right along. She was adorable, and I swore if I ever got preggers I’d do the exact same thing. J One more thing… it seems like everyone around me is pregnant right now! You’re one a few on this board I know are preggo right now, and there are even about 4-5 ladies around me at work who are a few months along. That is so fantastical! Tap, nice to see ya! You have to check in here! Now that I’ve finally decided to nip this in the bud all my VV’s have vanished. L It makes me very sad too, really. Ezma, I really like the slim shots. I just ran out and I have to tell you that day I had one helped so much. They are all natural except for the fake sweetner equal they put in there and the fake vanilla or chocolate flavoring. In fact I’m all out! I need to go get some more. Juls, where are ya? Miss you! J All, please DON’T get down on yourselves. Yes, it is true that it is expected of a band patient to reach their goals between 3-5 years. We lose much slower than the average WLS patients. We have an advantage though IMO. Please note I’m not knocking any other WLS because I did consider several others, and will still if there is ever a day I can’t have my band anymore… but with the band and over the years we learn what works and what doesn’t. That being good, well balanced and healthy eating, getting exercise and plenty of outdoors. We are the healthiest of any other WLS group. We retain everything we put in our bodies. Now is our surgery worry free? No, not by a long shot! This is especially true if we don’t pay attention to if we are too tight (guilty!!) or if our bands are acting awry. I’d say that of any of the WLS out there and of anyone who has the band and has learned all this information, we have the biggest chance of success of keeping it off. I really truly believe that. We may gain some back, we may fall off the wagon and take our times getting to where we want to be, we may stay the course and lose 1-2 Lbs per week until goal, or we can fast forward the process and race to the finish… regardless of how we get there, we do it in the most healthy manner. You can’t argue that. Ladies, we can do this – but we will all do this on our own time. Never feel down about all that you haven’t done yet. Rejoice in remembering what you have, and better yet always remember how far you’ve come! As for myself I had a good visit with my nutritionist. I did get picked apart, but you know that is what I wanted from her! She’s really great and attentive. She gave me some great ideas I can try for the next month until I see her again. I asked her if I could keep coming back monthly until I get this down. She seemed very pleased by me asking, I believe because that let her know that I’m very serious now and I want to finish this out. I’ll never get too tight again. It was a learning curve for me with this tool. Too tight does not equal weight loss! In fact it did the exact opposite for me. I do however still think I might need a very tiny bit put back in. Maybe .1cc or .2cc and see how that does. It might just get me to the perfect spot. I will forever now stay on the looser side. I have re-married my band and I fully intend to get every little bit of help from it that I know now I can get. Hehe, that is what I told my nutritionist about re-marrying my band… she got a kick out of that. Okay gals, as you know I’m very quiet on the weekend. You all take care, and be blessed! J
  18. Hey girl, where you hiding out at? Your VV’s miss you.

  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hey y’all! Melissa, I’m very sorry to hear about the position. Maybe that means something better was meant to happen. I wish you all the best. Ok, it’s been way too quiet in here! Where is everyone?
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    Hi Vickie and Smilin! So thankful to find some ppl who live nearby. J It might be a nice idea to come visit for the monthly meetings. The only one I have near me has mostly bypass patients. I don’t have a problem with bypass, but they just don’t know what I’m going through, and I them. It is just that. Thanks for that! Smilin, you sound like me and the fills. I haven’t been able to ever find my sweet spot. I’m going back to see my Dr. really soon to get a little bit put back in. I had a second de-fill just last week and it seems 1cc was too much out. I’m thinking maybe .1cc or .2cc max might just cinch it. But you never know! I have an appt on the 3rd. It would be nice to see this thread resurrect… anyone else around???
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Suzie, yep! Those are the ones! I do love them so. Jen, don’t let them scare you. I won’t lie, you’ll feel them at first but once you get used to them it’s like second nature. They do awesome shaping up the legs. I can’t say enough about them. Suzie! Get better! Sounded like you were on the mend…
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Tracey, you have lots of support and love here!! We’re all going to do so great. I can feel it! I totally understand about the hunger pains. I think it was even worse since I was kicking a sugar habit at the same time. Oh the last week has been so trying for me! Kat, I’m so sorry that is happening to you. You are such a wonderful lady, and I know that. You are very loved and needed here. Know that!! I know what it feels like to be ostracized and not know why. I do not wish that on anyone. Are you looking for a new job? Sometimes the powers that be tell us when it’s time to move on in the strangest ways. Suzie, so glad you’re feeling better! Let it continue. J Jen, I have the Skechers Shape-Ups. Those things really do work! I love em and I was taking a look at them closely the other day. I really put some work in those things – it’s almost time for a new pair. I just bought these less than 6 months ago! They’re not cheap either so I’ll make sure I get every last mile I can out of them. I have no idea what size I’ll end up in. I’m in 18’s right now at 252. I want to get to 160, as I do want and know I look better a few pounds heavier. I just think I’m naturally heavier than others who are my weight. I’m also 5’6 so you can really see that’s true. Hi A lot, welcome! These are some awesome ladies here, you will be so comfy and happy. ***************************************** I’m so proud to say I’ve stayed within my points and I’m down almost 4 pounds since last week! I myself MUST weigh every single day. I too get the idea that, oh it’s okay I don’t even know how much I weigh or whatever. It’s really easy for me to fall off the wagon unless I’m completely structured and on point! I do it same time every day too, first thing in the morning after doing the potty thing… lol sorry if tmi. I just figure best to do it that way to keep it as accurate as possible. Okay ladies, what’s your modus operandi? I’ve found that getting back to tracking, especially with the looming thought that a professional will be watching me is helping so much. I can’t even tell you how much that is motivating me! Also, having you all around to give me the support we all need is such a great thing too! Definitely weighing every day, as well as making sure I’m drinking plenty of water and doing my workouts. So far it’s working!! Hope everyone has a fabulous day!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Question about being "too restricted"

    Betel very good deal. I’m glad you’ve decided to get an unfill. Take care of yourself and your band. Tighter isn’t always necessarily better for a great many reasons. Best wishes to you!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Oroweat Sandwich Thins

    Thanks Ann! That sounds like something I’ll look into as well. Also, congratulations on your losses and especially on your fight against breast cancer. You rock!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    LOL! Jen, that’s cool – I guess that’s why we’re all in the homeless thread! :-D Absolutely lets do this gals!! We CAN and we WILL do this! Some of us only have a few to get to goal, and some of us like myself have 95 Lbs. but no matter! We will support one another until we get there. You're so close to 8's, that's fantastic! I've still got these super cute 14's sitting on my door waiting for me to get my cr*p together. But if there ever was a time, it's now. I'm chowing down on salad. It's always been super filling for me. Don't know why I don't have it more. I truly love them. The only thing with calories I put on it is 2 tablespoons of Hidden Valley Ranch light. Sooo good! You all are some awesome ladies. I just wanted to tell you that. I’m so grateful to have found you all! :thumbup:

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