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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's Talk Movie Review

    Micheal Jackson's This Is It: :wub: :smile2: Spike Jonze's Where The Wild Things Are: :w00t: :wub: :wub:
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Tracey, sometimes we get hooked on something for the most unlikely of reasons. No worries dear, you can miss Victor Newman all you like. We’ll still love ya! J I’m sorry about your kitty. I’ve found myself having to do that before too, and I just hate even thinking about it. I have 6 right now. They’re all abandoned and recued… and SPOILED!!! LOL Hey thanks for the SPOILER!! I haven’t watched BL yet.. hehe. J Jenn, hope you feel better soon! Kat, wishing you all the best. Suzie, that is so funny you should mention how you get busier once you retire. My Dad has said that before, and now my Mom just retired a few days ago. She hasn’t had a moments rest since! As for myself, well I did get a .25cc fill yesterday. I feel absolutely jazzed and fantastic! I have NOT thought about FOOD since! Wow, maybe they can band your brain? LOL A small amount fills me up and carries me through. The only problem is now I have to remember to get my fruit/veggie snacks in between there. I don’t think I’ve had one serving since. L Not too good. Tomorrow I’m taking a business trip to Ft. Bragg to witness the “Fish Ladders” Ceremony. I helped in getting that construction off the ground as far as starting up the contract. It should be fun! I’m going with my good friend here, who actually finished up the contract process. It’ll be nice to get away for the day. Then I have Friday off! So yay me! I so love this time of year. It’s always so laid back. J Have a fabulous day ladies!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Whoa! I got so busy at work I totally forgot I was trying to reply to y’all.. How’s the VV’s today? Good I hope J Tap, no worries. My Doctor is very good and he refused to give me more. He is usually very conservative and it doesn’t happen often that his patients get over filled. I just wasn’t gauging how tight I really was to him probably. However, I didn’t know the difference so I wouldn’t exactly say it was untrue, more like a miscalculation. I know now what too tight feels like, so I’ll be sure to handle it right away. He gave me .25cc. I feel so awesome! I actually forget to eat and I get this “I’m full” feeling and actually put my fork down!! *scratches head* I never knew that could be possible. Thank you LAP-BAND!!!!!!! Here’s to the hope that it stays. I would be soooo happy. I’ve been searching for my SS for so long now. Good job on the Y! Hang in there, you’re doing fabulous! J Shonda, now why won’t your surgeon give you a fill? I think I missed the story… Shiny, I feel for you. Just remember it’s only temporary. Also remember that you have your little buddy there to help you out when the baby arrives and you are able to lose that weight again. Also think about how much the band can help prevent you from gaining too much back. You’re a rock star and I have every faith you’ll turn it around when you can! Ezma, each day does get better. I came across a stumbling block for a very long time. I started to feel like I’d never get that feeling back.. but I did. Every day is still a struggle for me, but doggone it I’M GOING TO GET THIS DONE!! Hugs! Ok ladies, I’m off! Have a great afternoon. J
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Hello and welcome Mariela! It’s so nice to have a new member join in J definitely check in and let us know how you’re doing! Yesterday was a pretty good day for me. I had an appt with my surgeon and he put .25cc back! I’m so happy! I feel a tiny difference but we’re going slow and will take it that way. I was too tight for too long! I’ve been feeling great since my little unfill. Here is my journal from yesterday: POINTS® Tracker entries Tuesday, November 03, 2009 Morning Coffee Black, Morning 0.5 IHOP Pumpkin Pancakes Breakfast 14 Subtotal 14.5 Midday 4 cup(s) movie popcorn, without butter 4.5 2 Tbsp whipped salted butter 4 Subtotal 8.5 Evening 1 serving(s) Starkist Tuna in Water 2oz Pouch 1 1 serving(s) Ritz Crackers 2 1 1/4 oz Cheez-It Cheez-It Reduced Fat 3.5 1 slice(s) 2% Milk Singles Reduced-Fat Pasteurized American Cheese Food 1 1 1/8 serving(s) Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Smoked Ham 98% FF 1 Subtotal 8.5 Anytime 1/2 bag(s) Buncha Crunch Candy Bar(s) 2 1/3 serving(s) Kirkland Weight Loss Shake, Milk Chocolate, 1/2 Can 1.5 Subtotal 3.5 Food POINTS values total used 35 Food POINTS values remaining 0 Activity 30 min Elliptical trainer (cross trainer) 6 30 min stationary bike, moderate 2 Activity POINTS values earned 8
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's Talk Movie Review

    I’m going to see MJ’s movie this afternoon. I’ll let you all know how it goes.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Ezma that is a very good point. In my opinion it could very well be. Especially since most of us are taught very low carb eating… Protein first, then veggies, then carbs if you can get to them. Early on we can’t eat much at all so we’re left with almost no carbs. If anyone has done the no carb diet before, you know how fast it comes back on when you do start eating them again. I did have one serving of ice cream last night. ONE SERVING!! I gained a half a pound! Whatever. I’m getting a fill today (hopefully). My surgeon just took out way too much.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Thanks bunches!!

    Hello Mel! I’m not sure who this was directed to in particular but I’m glad all went well with you. J Keep those running shoes on, you will need them for many years to come.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hi something! It’s nice to have you join us here. You will find so much information here from people who have first hand knowledge. Best wishes!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Newbie - Banding and Cardiac Syndrome X

    Hello Goldie! Welcome to LBT. I do not have nor have I heard of cardiac syndrome X. I do have high blood pressure though. I started out taking the max dose for HCTZ twice a day and 1 other pill once a day. I am happy to tell you that I am on the lowest dose of HCTZ once a day now, and I don’t even need any other medication. I am very close to being off all medications altogether. Best wishes on the 17th! J
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Tomorrow's the BIG Day!!!

    Congrats on your decision and best wishes tomorrow. You will do great. J
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey y’all! I haven’t checked in for a few days, so just thought I’d say hi. J Not much to report except I’m being a good girl today! I felt a little bit light headed this morning and my equilibrium was off but I feel ok right now. Ok have a great day all.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    problems with mashed potatoes?

    Actually yes, this is pretty common. I was really tight a few months ago and I couldn’t eat potatoes for any reason. Not sure why. No worries though, you’ll be okay. J Try steamed and smashed cauliflower instead.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Dr. ruined me financially.

    Interesting point cate, and I think you might be right. Something similar happened to me with my dental insurance. I have Delta Dental and recently needed to have a root canal and crown placed. When I went to the endodontist the root canal cost me about 120+ dollars. That’s fine and all but I really expected to pay more than that. My insurance covered the rest. However when it came to getting my crown placed I received a statement from DD that the total of everything was about 2,000 dollars! I expected to pay something on my final dental visit but was charged nothing. I think DD and my Dentist were working out payments and things. I was never billed anything else. So, that might be the case. OP hang in there, something like this might be going on right now too.
  14. I totally agree! My nutritionist and surgeon do not prevent us from eating snacks. She says that’s a great time to get in some extra Protein, or some servings of fruits and veggies. She believes in getting our full days worth of nutrition! I just don’t see how that is possible from only 3 meals a day. We don’t eat enough per meal to do that. Not only that, but really… who gets so hungry that you can’t think straight but is still able to go home and make the right choices? I can’t. Why I needed help in the first place.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Or better yet, I just need to leave the chips and candy alone!! No matter of tightness is going to prevent that. I know this too. L
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    OMG I did so terrible yesterday! I’m definitely getting a tiny fill tomorrow. Just a little more help than what I’m getting is in order. Hi China! Hang in there. I think it’s completely normal to feel that way sometimes. I’m doing what I can to stay in the game. Below is my terrible day. Again, I need a fill bad… POINTS® Tracker entries Sunday, November 01, 2009 Morning 1/2 cup(s) Low-Sodium Vegetable Juice 0.5 1 serving(s) Banana Small 1 1 package(s) Lunchables Lunchables, Ham & Cheddar 8 Coffee Black, Morning 0.5 Subtotal 10 Midday 1/2 cup(s) Micro Cup Meals Chili with Beans 2 1 serving(s) Packaged BBQ Party Wings, 7 pcs. 5 1 1/2 oz Cooler Ranch Tortilla Chips 5 Subtotal 12 Evening 3 oz cooked center rib pork loin, lean and fat 5 2/3 cup(s) cooked white rice 2.5 1/2 cup(s) cooked broccoli 0 Subtotal 7.5 Anytime 1 medium orange(s) 1 6 item(s) jelly beans 1.5 1 1/2 item(s) sugar cookie(s), commercially prepared 2.5 2 oz Kettles Sea salt & pepper potato chips 7.5 1 1/2 oz Cheez-It Cheez-It Reduced Fat 4 Subtotal 16.5 Food POINTS values total used 46 Food POINTS values remaining 0 Activity 80 min Elliptical trainer (cross trainer) 16 Activity POINTS values earned 16
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi Shonda! You look great, as always J Hope you had a great time. Tap, good deal on the challenge with your Hubby. I know that always gets me ready to move it. That might be just what you need to get you over that finish line! SHM, just start slow. Take it easy, but even 20 minutes a day is better than not doing anything at all. We’re all here for you! Ezma, welcome back to the fight! I know you can do it. One things for sure, if I can get back in the program, anyone can. I was out for the count for a long time. As for my self I’m pretty positive I’m going to get a small fill tomorrow. I can eat way too much. I was back up to 251.5 this morning. L I think some of it just might be water, so I’m going to be extra good and flush all day. I even lost my equilibrium a bit this morning while I was getting in my car to go to work. I think my ear might be a little plugged. I checked my blood pressure and it was fine. But, here is a little NSV I enjoyed… while I was checking the blood pressure I noticed the cuff was too big! I’m graduating to a medium cuff now. No Large, No Extra Large. Just a nice normal size cuff. LOL! Who would have ever imagined that would make someone so happy? On the good side I have been blowing through my workouts. I stayed on my elliptical for 80 minutes. I did a first 15 minutes until some company came over, but after they left I finished up with an additional 65 minutes. WOW!! I felt so tired and could barely walk but hey… I did it! I get to do my walk today too since I’m at work. I’m just going to do some muscle toning tonight though. Not a lot of cardio. Ok then, talk soon! Hope everyone has a great day. J
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Hi Melly! It’s so nice to see you! To me, as long as you’re still losing you’re doing great! Slow is no matter. Time will pass and weight will drop I always say. Hey everyone! Ok, I’ve officially upped my weight by 1 pound this week. L Too much candy I think. Thank goodness for the workouts!! So, as of today – no more candy, no more pastries, and no more chips!! Even the little bit I’ve been eating is adding too much I think. Well, to me it’s not that much knowing how much I COULD eat if I were to just eat as much as I wanted. LOL Here’s my journal from yesterday. I will compare tomorrow with my journal for today, tomorrow. Get that? J POINTS® Tracker entries Saturday, October 31, 2009 Morning 1/2 cup(s) Low-Sodium Vegetable Juice 0.5 1 item(s) Bowls & Salads Chicken Tostada Salad (Without Shell & Sour Cream) 8 Coffee Black, Morning 0.5 Subtotal 9 Midday 1 1/2 oz Sour Cream & Onion Potato Chips 6 Subtotal 6 Evening 1 cup(s) Light Soups Light chicken noodle 1 1 1/2 oz Kettles Sea salt & pepper potato chips 5.5 24 item(s) Mini-wheats frosted bite size blueberry muffin 3 6 oz 1% low-fat milk 1.5 Ham Sandwich Thins 4.5 Subtotal 15.5 Anytime 1/2 serving(s) Oreo chocolate sandwich cookies 3 1 serving(s) Life Savers Gummi's 2 1/3 serving(s) Twizzlers Strawberry Twists, 3 Pieces 1 2 serving(s) Smarties Candy Roll 1 Subtotal 7 Food POINTS values total used 37.5 Food POINTS values remaining 0 Activity 35 min stationary bike, moderate 3 30 min Calisthenics (moderate effort) 2 35 min Elliptical trainer (cross trainer) 7 Activity POINTS values earned 12
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's Talk Movie Review

    I haven’t watched any movies in a few weeks, but I think I might this weekend. I’ll let you all know which I decided on. I want to see where the wild things are. I also want to see MJ’s This is It but I think I’ll wait on that one till next week. Tap, I take it you didn’t like that movie? LOL!! J
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    GOOD MORNING!! J Jolly, do not worry about the slight unfill. I was scared too, but I’ve found I’m losing big after. Who’d have thought being too tight might contribute to no loss or some gains? Seems illogical but for some of us is the case. Take care of yourself and your band. Tracey, good luck on your fill today! I’m planning a tiny fill too on the 3rd. I’m saying maybe .1cc or .2cc max. I really don’t even want to be tight again, but I know I’m eating too much. Bread doesn’t even bother me at all. That’s just crazy. I’m very close to my sweet spot. I think a little top off just might do it. I’m also not really worried even, because I’m working with my nutritionist for as long as I need to get this down. Jen, hope your family court goes well as can be expected. I bet that is very stressful for you, but you seem to hold your own. I really admire that. Kat, enjoy the snow! It sounds so lovely and cozy. J Michelle, so sorry you were feeling so bad. L I really hope you’re on the mend; whatever is going around is just the worst. It’s really nice to see you though. I completely understand you about the HCTZ. I’m still on it, but on the lowest dose possible. I’ve been being weaned off the strongest dose twice a day since surgery. Every time my doc lightens my rx I end up gaining within days. It just stinks!! I’m dreading getting off all together because the gain is going to make me feel depressed. Just try keeping your body flushed and it will work itself out. Watch those salts too! Congratulations by the way! That is my ultimate goal (even thought I’m avoiding it) to get completely off my hbp medicine. That’s awesome!! Suzie, sorry it’s raining so much there. L I know that always puts a damper on my mood. I can’t get out for my walk during work and I just feel so sluggish. I hope it lets up soon! We need our Vitamin D!! Well as for me yesterday was not a good eating day. Oh well, I feel over it today and I’ve been good today. I can’t stray anymore anyway because I’m out of my weekly points. Now I have to stay on point through Saturday. No biggie, that’s what the points system is for. Keeping it real! My Mom’s agnormal diagnosis had us in the hospital until late last night. It turned out good though, she is completely cleared of anything that might be wrong. Praise God! J So, I think I can sum up my bad eating day with the stresses of that. Other than that, regardless I got my hour workout in, so it covered me just in case. In fact, I’m getting ready to do my miles here in a few. It’s 59 here right now and slight breeze. I love California! Turns out they are already closing up shop whereas my work trip is concerned. I’m not too broken up about it. I think I just wasn’t up to it really. I know there are alternatives, but I’m such a major creature of habit. A place for everything, and everything in its place. Know what I mean? Change one little thing and I seem to fall off track. Hope everyone has a successful day! J
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Hi pfrance and welcome! WW is such a great tracking tool. Remember that bandsters typically eat less, so you can always make the point system fit to work well with your program. It’s all about eating the right foods and losing 1-2 Lbs per week. Well, that is what our band program focuses on too. How much more perfect can two programs be for each other? Hey everyone! I was NOT a good eating day for me yesterday. I didn’t even feel like I ate that much – but my choices were very bad and full of fat, sugar and calories. So I ate almost 50 points!! I have to be really on point until Saturday. I’m all out of weekly points already. L I have to get through today and tomorrow staying at 31 or below. I think I need a fill really bad. It shouldn’t be so difficult to stay within that. Before my little unfill I could do 24 a day no problem. I can’t even imagine that right now. Weird. Well I’ll post what I eat today, tomorrow. So far I’m doing good, however it isn’t even 9 am! J How’s everyone else doing? Josie? Melly? China? Anyone? J Hang in there you all. It’s going to be a long road but SO WORTH IT!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Oroweat Sandwich Thins

    Great thanks! It’s almost time for some fresh bread. I’ll have to give them a whirl. J
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Tracey! You had me ROFL’n!! I loved the “I loved it so much I wanted to do it again” hehe!! :-P No doubt though you’ll never have to go through that again. I have faith in you. Get back to onederland! I’m thinking you can get there faster than your Anniversary. J Thanks for the vote of confidence. I just have a soft spot at… er… certain moments of the month. I can feel that going away so I should be ok for the next 3 weeks! I did gain 2 lbs back since Saturday, but I’m positive it’s just water. I really haven’t been *that* bad. In fact, it’s almost a victory because normally at this time, it’s like a 5 Lbs gain is a given. I guess I can’t feel too bad. OMG how did I miss that? Jenn had a date? How did it go? Inquiring boring married for 15 years minds wanna know… lol J 2 Sizes will go quick! I need to put my incentive pants next to my bed so it’s the last thing I’m looking at before I fall asleep. Suzie, maybe it’s just a little momentary insanity. Hey I just went through it. Try this, every time you think of candy, imagine it chasing you down the street trying to permanently adhere to your behind. That’s what I do! It works… most of the time. :-D Sometimes I say, I don’t care.. stick away! M4M, wow we are all having some candy issues aren’t we? This time of year, starting with this crazy candy holiday always gets me. Every year (except last because I was too tight to even eat cranberry sauce) I fight the urges and lose. This time I’ll win. Not because (like I said) I’m too tight, but because I have to battle the demons before I can defeat them. The 3 musketeers won the other day but it caught me at my weakest moment. I’m gonna toss em in the back yard and hopefully the birds will carry them off. Nitey nite everyone!
  24. The band was never designed to put us on a liquid diet. You should still be able to enjoy solid food. I’d definitely say you are too tight. Especially given you gave your stomach ample time to calm after the fill. Go to your doctor and explain your situation. Chances are very good you will be seen again for a little bit of defill. Do not wait too long. Being too tight can cause many more problems than necessary and you could possibly lose your band. Best wishes!
  25. I have struggled a lot since being banded… but above it all I have learned so much. I would definitely do it all over again if I had to. I don’t mind the road I’ve gone down. It will only strengthen me and make me a better person, and will ensure lifetime success. J Good question.

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