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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    People are just Rude!

    Hi Tracy, I know it’s so easy for any one of us to say, “well don’t listen to them” or anything like that. I won’t though because I know I would be hurt too by those comments. In fact I KNOW I would have been because I’ve gotten plenty myself. I remember how I felt at that time. All I can offer is an ear to hear. I’m so sorry that happened to you, and I truly truly understand. Hugs.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Suzie, my prayers are with you! I truly hope all turns out well. I know for a fact that it can turn out ok. I hope the same for you. Jen, I also hope the best for you too. I hate to hear you sounding so down. Tracy, no that wasn’t a dream. Actually turns out I didn’t need to go after all. I’m ok with that, I wanted to stay home. J Everyone, sorry this is such a quick post. Just stopping by to see how everyone’s doing. I’m doing good, just a super busy day at work. TTFN!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    China doll, hey girl! Thank you soooo much! You keep me focused on the right things. I can easily get sidetracked with always feeling down on myself. Why can’t I just focus on the positives? I mean for goodness sake I’ve lost half my excess weight so far. I did gain some back but at least I stopped it before it got too out of control. That is something I have never been able to do in the past. I would just keep gaining and gaining to the point where I’d be the heaviest I’d ever been. So I gained 20 back. So what? I’d lost over 100 POUNDS!!! I still need to lose maybe 80-100 more (that is with the weight gain) I can do this. I just have to keep tweaking a few things until I can get it straight and the scale will start playing along. Yes, it is true my clothes have been feeling different. I can’t explain why the scale doesn’t show it, but something right is going on. I’m positive with this new tweaking of the WW system I will be able to finish it off. China, one thing though, you have to cut yourself a little slack too. Don’t let too much get into the way of becoming a better healthier you! You have come a long way too, and I believe 100% that you can be successfully complete as well! Hang in there!! Sweet, hang in there! I’m glad you are getting things situated to get back to normal. I also had a primer of 3cc in my 10cc band. Funny thing is, I also didn’t know about it! I’d always thought I’d had about 5-6 total cc in my band after all my fills. Turns out I was close to max!! No wonder I couldn’t keep anything down!! Crazy huh? I now am at about 6.5-7cc. I am super close to being comfortable enough. I think I am going to need another small fill though. I’ll wait til after the Thanksgiving Holiday. I just got one and it’s best to wait a few weeks to see how this fill really fares. Just keep in mind it’s not good to be too tight. You should still be able to eat solid food. It’s the solid food that keeps us satisfied for longer periods, and offers us the best nutrition for our bodies. Best of wishes everyone! Check in if you haven’t in awhile! All are welcome here J
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Shalee, congrats to you on all your success and on your second Bandiversary!! My second is coming up really soon, and I’m hoping I can get my stuff together so I can post better numbers. Regardless I too have lost over 100 Lbs. (though I’ve failed to keep it ALL off) LOL J Jenn, that is the state of the economy right now for many of us. Yes, including myself. I feel for you. However, do not let that be a reason to abuse yourself. Love yourself, as everyone does love you too. J Great job on the walking, you rock! Tracy, I have been doing my workouts!! If anything I can say that I have been doing that! LOL Jolly, wishing you and your family the best in these tough times with your MIL. Hugs. The blanket sounds wonderful. I’m glad you have found something positive to put your mind to in your stressful time. I need to try to do that too.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene


    Firstly, welcome to LapBandTalk.com Well I must say that was quite a whirlwind decision. Just my opinion but I think this sort of thing should have been a little better planned out. There are so many factors going into this surgery and should not be taken so lightly. I'm sure you will find lots of information here useful to you. Best wishes to you. Your life will certainly change from here on.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Ok y’all.. I have finally broken down. It seems like I simply cannot lose weight on this WW thing. I will do great for the first few days but even though I stay within my points I still end up staying the same or gaining some back… grrr!!! So I have decided to try out the simply filling approach. I’m almost positive I will lose weight on this. Everything you have to choose from is strict and very healthy, not to mention… very filling! LOL You also only get 35 extra points PER WEEK!! That really doesn’t allow for very much wiggle room at all if any. It also keeps your portions en Pointe. If you eat more than your normal portion then you are going to have to add the points. I’d much rather save my measly 5 points a day for a nice evening snack thank you!! LOL J I pushed over the points to this week and It looks pretty foul. LMAO!! I’m going to wait until my new cycle begins which is Saturday. Best of Luck to you all!!!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Valentine's Day Wt loss Challenge 2010

    Hey sounds great! I’m in, but I’ll have to update the spreadsheet later. I cant access it thru work. Awesome!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Best wishes today! Let us know how it goes when you can! J
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Christmas Weightloss Challenge

    Ok I’m game! It’s 6 weeks away so I’ll put myself down for 6 Lbs. This way I’ll at least be trying to lose the minimum. If it’s more then great!! Name.......................Goal............................To Go FluffyJen...................20lb............................20lb mccall......................20lb............................20lb 123crod....................20lb............................20lb carbgrl.....................10lb............................10lb Rangergirl..................15lb............................15lb LollyMoe...................12lb............................12lb lamber2299...............15lb............................15lb Anii.........................20lb............................20lb leighinMS.................20lb.............................20lb mina-bandit..............20lb............................20lb emtsusinq................15lb............................15lb sjm1965..................18lb............................18lb drtoliver..................20lb............................20lb sandi1011...............20lb.............................20lb Foxxy.....................20lb............................20lb Pappyny.................20lb............................20lb okiegirl79................20lb............................20lb heyred1...................10lb............................10lb juliansmom2003.........20lb.............................20lb chatty826................20lb.............................20lb SylviaM....................?..................................? Astramom.................10lb.............................10lb dbeers.....................14lb..............................14lb Mona40....................20lb..............................20lb bristlecone................18lb..............................18lb we3601......................?..................................? lingra........................20lb..............................20lb LilMissDiva.................6 Lbs............................6 Lbs.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hi Jenn re-welcome to LBT! Did you mention you chose to get the gastric bypass instead of going for the band? I’m only curious because you probably won’t get much advice from this website in regards to the gastric bypass. We mostly focus on Lap Band WLS. You are 100% welcome here regardless, just thought I’d mention that. Best wishes on whatever you decide. It’s all about getting healthy and taking care of ourselves. You will do great, and keep up the good work. It’s a long road and one that never ends. It’s going to be a lifelong battle!!
  11. I think that is wonderful to get banded right now. This will be one Holiday season where you will lose instead of gain! Keep in mind your post-op diet though. If you’re not supposed to eat mushies that quickly then best not to. That time is for healing your stomach and for the best survival of your band. You can always tell people you are ill with the flu or whatever to get out of the family function or to prove you don’t feel like eating much. That is if you want to keep your surgery private. If not, then no one will bother you with your food choices. Just enjoy your family which is the true meaning of the Holidays, no? You will do great, and congrats!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    How to burn more calories at the Gym

    Hi! Different machines produce different results. I know for one, the elliptical will burn 800 calories in one hour for me. Keep in mind too it does depend on how heavy you are, wether you are male or female etc. All the best!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hey thanks for that info Ezma! I have Safeways here and im in CA. I might look out for it. Hope everyone’s doing good! I”ve just been doing my workouts and trying my best. I can’t seem to lose weight for some reason. Idk. It’s the weirdest thing ever…
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Michelle, nice! I bet you feel so much lighter. J Suzie, I know right? I always only last until dinner time. I did last through 3 days once (not including my post op diet) but by the time I did eat I blew it almost immediately. Sometimes I think it’s just not worth it. Sometimes. Jillian Michaels has a flushing system that does not include fasting, which really, that is what the liquid diet is (almost). I might give that a whirl and see how it works out. Tracy, aw I did see I wrote a J. Typo really, but I’ll just say it’s because my middle name is Janel. Hehe :tongue_smilie: Thanks for the idea. I can always try to remember where I started too. I was a big girl!! I’m way better off now, but the fact is I still have so much to lose. I cannot figure out why it’s not happening. Now, if I started at the weight I’m at now.. I’d be close to goal by now. It’s just so weird to me. Jen, don’t blame ya on just going off Tracy’s post.. lol :-P I try to remember all, but sometimes I don’t come in enough to do that. But hey, I’m here! :-D Have an amazing day ladies!! I’m gonna do what I always do. But hey, maybe that’s why I keep getting what I always got! No? heheee J
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Hi China! Hope you feel better very soon. Keep us updated. J
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you drink soda?

    Agree Boss Lady. They’re really serve no purpose. They don’t even taste good to me anymore… except as one person mentioned, the rootbeer floats. That at least is worth it to me.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do you drink soda?

    Sodas aren’t all that nutritious. I’d rather drink water. I have a tough enough time trying to make sure I’m getting enough H2O to worry about drinking a soda on top of it.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Drinking water ? big ol? drinks! Questions?

    Hi Angie, Good question. I was really tight for a long time and ended up causing me problems with my band. I ended up with bad nite coughs and reflux. My doctor removed some fluid twice. Now too much has been removed and we are working on finding a happy medium. I might mention though how very important eating fruits, veggies and whole grains are. They are just as important to maintaining a healthy digestive system as is protein is for creating the building blocks of our cells. If you are so tight you cannot eat these nutritious foods, then I would think about having some fluid removed. You can still lose weight by being and eating as healthy as you possibly can. The band was not designed to put us on an all liquid all protein diet. That isn’t really the most healthy way of anything really. Besides our bodies only process no more than 25g of protein per serving. The rest just turns into fat. Our bodies need more than just protein to survive. Best of wishes to you! PS, I drink my water fast too. It’s the only way to get my minimum in between meals. J
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Sweet, I hope you feel better very soon! Don’t let too much time pass between logging. I’ve done that before because I had the flu and I really lost the desire to do it. The only reason I started up again was because my nutritionist started requesting it of me. I’m back full force, but it’s just really hard to get back up on that wagon! Lilly! Good for you girl! I’m so glad to hear you’re doing well. I really can’t wait to get my arms done. The scars will be okay to live with, but the floppy arms aren’t. I won’t want any reminders of how big I was like that. Scars will be enough. Yesterday I had 33 total points. Not bad! Today though I have to be extra good because I see my nutritionist in 7 days. I have to give her at least a weeks worth of journal. So, Irene will be a good girl! Hope everyone else is doing ok? Keeping your log is so important! Some can do it by themselves.. I just need a little bit more, ya know? J
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey y’all! Yeah Jen I know what you mean about the water. I think that’s me right now. All I did was my calisthenics last night and drank lots of water! I’m feeling like I’m flushing pretty good. As a matter of fact I think I’m gonna do liquids here come next Friday. I’m not really supposed to but I really think my body needs it. I have my Dietician Appt next Tuesday so I can do what I want after. I think in reality I got my mojo back, so I’m gonna be ok for awhile after that. All I know is I really need to lose a few more pounds before seeing her! I don’t want to have gained, that’s for sure. Sad thing is I don’t remember how much I weighed in that day? LOL :-P Hey Tracy girl! Thanks so much for all you do. You’re awesome!! Michelle, you getting a new do? Gotta post some pics so we can see! I cut my hair short last summer and my husband hated it so much. He likes long hair which isn’t abnormal I guess for a guy. LOL Suzie, hope your doctors appt went good. Okay ladies! Chat soon again, and have a successful day! J
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey “Homies” lol :-D Sorry I’ve been away for a few… I’m always out and about on weekends. I find it hard to get on LBT on those days. I’ve been doing okay, but the weirdest thing.. since my last weigh in I’ve been gaining about a pound a day!! I can’t figure it out! L I’ve been eating well and balanced, getting plenty of water and doing lots of workouts! I’m thinking I might be doing too much of certain types of workout, so I’m gonna lighten it up a bit and go for a little more mixed in. Hope everyone has a great day!! Hugs J
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    I’m personally eating more than 30 per day right now. My workout schedule is still leaving me a bit hungry, and I’m able to eat more still right now. I’m already thinking another fill might help some. Will I ever find my sweet spot??? L Sweet, you didn’t do too bad imo for someone who’s band is completely unfilled. How much are you allowed? I’m allowed 31 per day and 35 per week. So that’s more like 36 per day. I’m eating a little less than that per day, especially on work days when, as you put it, we are more structured. How’s everyone else doing? Hanging in there?
  23. Kplant, I’d say it would be a really good idea to see your surgeon. Discuss with your surgeon your symptoms you mentioned here. I’m almost positive he or she will give you a small unfill. I’ve had one (well actually 2 now) and it’s not so bad. It’s nice to be able to eat without sliming and pain every time. We got the band to learn healthy eating habits. J Best wishes to you.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Band removed - "Did" and "Did not" work for me...

    Bigboned, Thank you for sharing your story with us! I just want to point out that it has been my personal experience that it never really was the BAND that has gotten me to where I am. Nor will it be the BAND that gets me across that finish line. It will be ME!! Always has been and always will be. Best wishes, and most of all congratulations on taking the steps to a healthier more fit you. J
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's Talk Movie Review

    Next up: The Fourth Kind Wednesday; 2012 on Friday and may go see Wolfman and Avatar when they come out.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
