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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey Tracy! Yeah, so far the plan is working for me. But I do know myself really well. I tend to get “bored” very easily. I will ride it for as long as I can though, it’s helping a lot. Sounds like you had quite a day Kat! Fun. J Wishing you all the best today Suzie. It very well could turn out to be nothing, hold on to hope. That plan rocks for you Jen! That’s so awesome… 181, wow I haven’t seen that since High School. That was when I was on my way up. I think it was around that weight when I stopped stepping on that scale. Funny how a few years goes by when I finally did weigh again. I was 315!! Imagine my shock! LOL J Donna, I’m very happy for you! Ah, to have that baby bandster feeling again. Hold on to it for as long as you can! Good morning everyone. J Just another blasé day for me. I’m feeling good though, and even though it’s only 33 degrees this morning I’m have such a warm feeling inside. I posted a picture I found in one of my albums. I really REALLY can’t believe that was ever me. I even felt embarrassed posting it. L But, I’ve really been working so hard lately to get back on that horse and ride it until I’m finish. I’m more than halfway there, and I can’t even tell you how amazing it feels for me to even come this far! Have a wonderfully blessed day ladies. J
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    That’s right northern! It’s Fred Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street. Okay all, I will be back shortly with your next guess. Hang tight J
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    No the picture is not upside down, and it’s not the Grinch (good guess). Okay here’s another hint: He’s a teenagers worst nightmare. Ok that’s a gimme hint!
  4. Hello all, it has been a really long time since I’ve posted in here. I just found a relic (I’d like to call it) of me at my very heaviest. And just recently I’ve re-entered the losing game, so I’ve been feeling pretty darn good. All the best! 330/300/260/227/Me Today.
  5. Hi girl! How have you been? I haven't talked to you in a long time. :) I hope you're doing well.

  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Halloween 2009

    You look really good Guy. Awesome job.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    after 62 gone

    LOL I have so many shorts/lounge tops that fit me like that. I really need to get rid of them but they are too comfy. You've done really great so far.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hanssen All Images 124[2]

    That is really cute... I love it.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    im deciding to lose 25 pounds before surgery

    A head start is always a good idea. Good job and taking the reigns now!
  10. Hey how are you doing?? I see you've been MIA for awhile... check in!

  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    New with tons of questions!

    Hello Deb welcome to LBT! Congrats on you choice to be banded. J I’m sure you will do really well. Just keep in mind the bandster rules and you will get really far! All insurances are different, but if you have Blue Cross/Blue Shield, I do know that they only require a 15 dollar co-payment for fills.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    Still no guesses? Okay, here’s another hint and a very easy one: He loves to wear Christmas colored sweaters…. Okay c’mon now folks… that’s too easy!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Am I "lucky" or just "clueless"?

    Wow what a great post! I especially enjoyed the highlighted! I really only wish I’d have known this before wasting so much of my honeymoon phase being too tight. I really like to stress to the newly banded, if you don’t think you need a fill, or are having to wonder if you do need one...then you most likely don’t need a fill. Do not do what I did! This post in no way is being negative toward the band either. Just a few words of advice from someone who has been there, done that. Eat healthy, eat small portions, exercise regularly and you will soon realize this plan really does work. You can't rush a good thing!
  14. Hi Radio, no that is not a stupid question at all! It’s very commonly asked and a really good one. I lost 60 Lbs in the first few months, about 3 and a half really. That’s pretty fast. I’ve stalled for awhile but I’m so glad I have my band!! It’s working again now that I’m working IT…
  15. Wow thanks so much for sharing this with us. You have done so well, I’m so happy for you. J
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Help! Does this incision look normal??

    Jessica actually your incision looks really good from what I can see. I personally had lots of bruising around my insicions too. Bruises have the tendency to “drain down” which is what looks probably the worst to you. As long as you aren’t feeling ill or feverish you should be fine. However if you feel overly concerned you may want to ask your surgeon. I’m sure you’re having a post-op visit soon, no?
  17. Hi bay! Welcome back J I’ve had a lot of issues with my band too as far as finding proper restriction. I became so down on myself for gaining weight back I let it take over my mind. I am working on my fill situation. I’ve gone in for so many fills/unfills I’ve lost count! I’ve been trying for nearly 2 years now. However, just recently I had a reflective moment and realized that no one’s going to do this but me. My band…yes, I do love it! But, until one realized all its designed to do, it’s probably not going to work. What’s it designed to do? Help you eat less and keep you fuller longer. That is it. Too tight is not good… too loose is not good. Medium runs a big spectrum, and for me I choose to be on the more loose side. Best of luck to you! You might do well by trying this: www.5daypouchtest.com It will help you break some habits you might have formed and to help you shrink up your pouch some. That will help greatly with your “full” signal.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    Nice try Gracie but no Cigar…
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    does anyone eat bread or pasta?

    Since I have had some fluid unfilled in my band I can pretty much eat whatever I want. I don’t mind this at all. I just want to eat less of it than I once did. I really don’t feel I need to be moderated so much that I’m leaving out good healthy food from my diet. I eat rice, except brown rice now. I grew up on rice as it was a family staple. It’s not bad for you, but if you eat too much of it, then it becomes bad. I eat whole wheat pasta and bread now. I’ve always ate whole wheat bread, but not the pasta. They both have good nutrition that our bodies need. I eat healthy cereals and just about anything that will help me ensure I get as much fiber in a day as I can. I think poor fiber gets left out of the “healthy mix” and many things that are packed with it go along for the ride.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    Nope, not Pinocchio. Let’s just say this character gets all fired up when he gets mad.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Took "before" pictures tonight....

    I recently found an old picture of me at my heaviest. Needless to say I needed smelling salts to wake me from my faint! Never again. Never. Apples, you got it right on. Follow the rules and you are home free. It won’t fail.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    Nope it is neither. J Good guesses though.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I’ve been doing kind of a “part-time” liquid diet. This is what I’m doing. Breakfast: Myoplex protein shake, Snack 1: Banana, Lunch: Slim Fast shake, Snack 2: Other fruit, Dinner: Lean cuisine type meal and a side green salad (or a lean tuna sandwich to shake things up a bit, or something along those lines), Snack: whatever as long as it’s not more than “3 WW’s points”. So far this is really working great for me. The liquids are helping to shrink my pouch like I can’t even begin to describe! But I’m not burning myself out on all liquids too. It’s helping break some of this crazy sugar addiction I’ve been working so hard to rid of. Right now I’m trying to choke down my protein shake. I’m telling you… I’m getting full off of this! Girls, we can do this!! I’m just going to be so ecstatic the day I reach Onederland. Do you know how long it’s been? LMAO! I won’t even go there. J Kat, have fun today!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Should we have a draft?

    Kartman, I do agree with you whole heartedly. However I'm not sure by making the draft is the right way to prove this. I think most of us do know that the war in Iraq was pure propaganda; however I won’t go into why I think so. Most would call me crazy… lol I don’t usually tread into the political threads. I’m way too far left extremist for most taste.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Advice with giving up soda?

    Stopping soda is really tough! I would try the weaning approach. Stopping all caffeinated sodas to me would be like giving up coffee cold turkey. I think if anyone is looking to get the band surgery and has to give up sodas, take yourself off of them as slowly as possible. Unfortunately though 10 days is right around the corner. It probably would have been wise to start once you realized you had to stop drinking them. I’d say have one soda a day for the next 5 days to help with the headaches. However you’ll want some cushion of time between that and surgery day. Good luck!

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