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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    worst first month recovery

    Yes Ms g, I did go through the same feelings physically and emotionally. For the first 4 months I doubted I made the right decision. It took awhile for me to start feeling better but eventually I did, then I realized I absolutely did do the right thing for my health. I don't regret one second of my VSG journey, it has made the person I am today. Stay the course, it will get better and you will look back proud at what you have accomplished. This is why WLS patients always say that WLS is NOT the easy way out. It is really REALLY difficult... BUT WORTH IT!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Is there a slower loser?

    I don't believe in "slow losers". We are all going to lose at the rate we are designed to. The main thing is that you are losing. Try not to think of it as "only" 18 Lbs. Those 18 Lbs are no more or no less important than the next 18 Lbs you will lose. Also try not to compare your journey with anyone else's. Just like all the cars on the freeway, there will always be someone driving faster than you. Stay strong!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Working out after being sleeved...

    As long as you're doing workouts that the other parts of your body can tolerate you pretty much can do whatever you like. I do suggest starting slow and build yourself up. Best!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Almost a year out!

    Have you tried the thrift shops? I had to do those while losing so fast. I would buy nice brand new clothes periodically but I'd be in and out of the within weeks. You will probably find some brand new clothes there with tags still attached!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Almost a year out!

    Congratulations you've done great so far! May I suggest smaller clothes? Show off that hard work hun.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    I love my hubby!

    What an awesome supportive Hubby! You both will do fantastic.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Journey

    Welcome inneed! You have come to the right place for support. There are so many of us who have revised from band to sleeve. I said "us" because I am one of them. I am always open for interpretation if you have questions or are curious about anything. Wishing you well on your upcoming surgery!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene


    Well done! That's a fantastic achievement.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fear of food... Moving away from purees

    IMO a little fear is good. It will keep you from over doing it. As suggested above, measure your food and definitely don't go over. Tiny bites, chew really well and anytime you try something new for the first time do the 2 bite rule. After 2 bites, stop and see how it agrees with you. Good luck! I'm sure you will be fine.
  10. I've had Instagram for a long time but just recently started using it actively. I love it!! =)

  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Take this short Bariatric Survey!

    Done. Being so far out from surgery I had to answer "other" on most everything. I can certainly take regular Vitamins, no chewable or liquid needed anymore.
  12. I am logging my food for the next 21 days, for those who are doing the 21 Day Challenge. Help keep me accountable! :) My rules are: NO Candy, Cake, Chips, White (Carbs), Fast Food, Chocolate, Ice Cream. If you'd like to join in... AWESOME. :)

  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Surgery date set:)

    Thats awesome Shannon! Wishing you the best in the weeks coming
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pre-Op Diet

    When it comes to all the many different surgeons out there, there really is no such thing as "normal". They all have their own ways of doing things. The better question is: Can I do a pre-op diet anyway? My answer to that is YES!! It will help you get in the right mindset for what you will have to go through after, because the truth is it will be a lot harder than you imagine. Everyday will be a new fight. Not only that, every pound you lose pre-op will mean you are that much closer to your goal post-op. Best!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weird Water Nausea...suggestions?

    Do whatever you have to do to get all your fluids in. This early out 64 oz per day is fine. Getting more later on will help a lot with faster weight loss. If you have to get it with decaff Hot drinks then do that. Protein shakes do count, as well as any SF drinks, even SF Jello. You certainly aren't alone in that area, my first few months were very difficult with nausea and getting all my fluids in. It just boils down to doing it no matter what. Hang in there it does get better. Be sure to take small sips. No rush, you have all day to get in 64 oz. Even rationing helped me - such as making sure I got in 8 Oz for 8 hours in the day. Sorry one more thing: If you are experiencing excessive nausea please contact your surgeon. He can probably prescribe something for you to help you alleviate that. Good luck!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Clear Protein Suggestions

    There aren't too many choices out there, but I liked unjury unflavored powder mix. It mixes in nicely with any broth. Also the Unjury chicken Soup flavor is really tasty too. Other than that, Isopure is a very good brand for clear Proteins. I didn't care too much for it, but when you're healing you gotta do what you do..
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Governor Chris Christie and the Lap-Band

    100 Lbs in 2 years is great! In one year is phenomenal! Good for him.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Question for people 3 to 4 years out

    Hi Dan, I'm 3.5 years post op. YES!! It really does get better. I noticed that about 6 months post op I started to feel more normal but my sleeve did keep me in check big time. I just didn't feel tired or sick all the time. To be perfectly honest I doubted I did the right thing for the first two months post op because I just had a general feeling of unwellness and it was very difficult to get all of my Fluid oz in and my Protein. As far as dehydration, yes it can continue to be a problem if you don't stay diligent with getting your daily allowance in. About 6-8 cups per day, every day for the rest of your life. As long as you stay on top of it though it's not a problem at all. Good luck!
  19. Sometimes setting such rigid goal weights upon ourselves ultimately leads us to feeling like failures if we do not meet them. Perhaps figuring out a bit higher weight goal just for yourself might be a little better on your psyche. Not to say you'd never make your lower goal... it's just that I've been around a long time and I've seen those who don't make their super low weight goals suffer mentally for it. All that said, I do believe that with the VSG any goal is achievable. But I think that everyone's number one goal should just be to become fit and medically healthy.
  20. I wouldn't mind hosting any online/virtual support groups as well. That's a really fantastic idea!
  21. Ohh Noo!! I accidently left my phone at home. No Facebooking for me today. Am so sad!

    1. kll724


      Oh no, oh no!

  22. LilMissDiva Irene


    Perhaps you answered your own question?
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    need some tough love from my fellow vets!

    Good morning my darling friend from across the pond! Sit down and listen up. YOU must ALWAYS be STRONGER than YOUR WEAKNESSES. You are explaining a lot of things I've gone through in the last few years. Sometimes there comes a time when we need help. Not from an online community but from someone who we can sit down with, face to face and get some mental issues out and as they do they float up into space. Like a balloon and once it gets to the edge of the atmosphere, what happens? Yes, they pop. You're a lovely, courageous, determined, supportive, incredible, strong, enduring, and VICTIMLESS woman. What I mean by victimless is no matter what happens to you either it be changeable or not you move forward and always do what you have to do to be healthy. For no other reason that just. To. Be. Healthy. Life billions of moments are rarely ever perfect or well going, but us as the human species must always do what we have to do to survive and ensure the survival of our loved ones. Am I right? If we have no choice in the matter of our loved ones then we are only left with our strength of character and doll you have a lot of it. I seen somethings on Facebook and I'm attaching it so you can see them. They are great and really quite brilliant... just like you... just like me... just like every soul on this Planet past, present and future. Take care!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Rosie odonnell

    IMO its incredibly unfair of anyone to judge another based on how much weight they have lost post op and guess that they must be doing something wrong. I only wish her the very best and welcome her to the community. I think she looks healthy and happy and I'm sure she feels great too. May she continue on her wellness path! If I were someone on here reading through the threads and wasn't "measuring up" to the fast losers or someone else's opinion of how fast I should be losing weight, it sure would not make me feel very good. Even if I was doing all the right things. As far as Christina I have no idea if she had any kind of WLS. Does anyone have any further information on that? If so that's awesome!
  25. I am considering the following items: Monthly or quarterly meetings. A fun or educational activity at each meeting. Examples include preparing a weight loss surgery-friendly meal, filling out a customized meal plan, or going for a group-wide nature walk. Presentations by surgeons, nutritionists, other professionals or bariatric product companies at local meetings. Annual national meeting of BariatricPal Local Chapters in a location such as Los Angeles, New York, or Huston. Option to go on an annual cruise What Do You Think about BariatricPal Local Chapters? What I would like to ask you for is what you think about the above suggestions. Also, what are your answers to the following questions?All of the above sound great! Would we be allowed to bring +1 to the cruise? Such as spouse or what if someone has children but no babysitter? Would you be interested in attending regular local chapter meetings in person? Would you be interested in being a leader (or co-leader)? Yes!! Absolutely. Would you like BariatricPal to provide agendas for meetings?This would be ideal and very helpful. What additional support could BariatricPal provide to encourage your participation and/or leadership?BariatricPal is super helpful already. Maybe a yearly conference with all of the local chapter leaders, maybe in person or on GoToMeeting would be good to share ideas/stories/etc. Also, some help with venues would be good. Should there be limits on the minimum and maximum numbers of members that each Local Chapter can have?Yes, I think this should really be a stipulation. The maximum should be around 30. Any more than that and it seems like not everybody gets noticed nor the one on one that someone should get in a live support group setting. What other ideas do you have?Setting up different meetings tailored to individual needs such as pre-op, post-op, over 1 year post-op, longer and perhaps by surgery type though I would not be opposed to running any of the above. Also perhaps special sessions for people who are struggling and need help with getting back on track, weight gain, transfer addictions or other.

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