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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Laura I completely agree with you 100% about Biggest Loser. Tracy really looked bad. Rebecca though (aside from her street walker wear and platinum blonde) looked really good. Tracy, congrats on the new endeavor! I’m sure you will be happy doing that. J Girl you have got to not abuse yourself for gaining some weight back. I think for those of us who this has happened to, we are a bit surprised by it. I think in our minds we always thought the gaining back part was over. At least I know I was. Gaining back 30+ was a definite back to reality moment for me. We all have our individual reasons for it happening, but we just have to stand up, dust ourselves off and start over again. I believe in you! You just have to try new things and recommit. I am recommitting after December. I won’t even attempt right now. December is way too hectic for me to even try. I do know though that after all the Holidays I have plenty of time all the way through Summer. Those are my optimal months. I have set a goal date for myself of Halloween 2010. By golly I played on my Wii for the first time last night and it told me I already lost almost 2 pounds. How? I don’t even know because I haven’t even been trying! I think I’ve just been way too preoccupied with weight loss. Too much thinking about it 24/7. Now I just want to do it. Jen, sometimes when we think we look a certain way, we really do look amazing to those around us. I get compliments too and I have to step back and realize what they see is sincere. I believe your dd meant what she said. Kuurtamo, for joining an actual group, look for the link somewhere at the top of the page. It will simply say “join this group”. I hope this helps! Nocticula, welcome!! Suz, hope all is well. Check in soon J As for myself a whole host of doors just opened for me. I think being loyal and hard working has finally proven that it DOES pay off. J I won’t say any more until I get the official records but things are definitely looking up. Also after a near 2 year struggle with fills/unfills I think I have FINALLY REACHED MY SWEET SPOT!! Hooray! I was so ready to throw in the towel seriously. I get full fast and I’m hardly EVER hungry. I only know I’m hungry when I realize I haven’t eaten in at least 5 hours and I’m super grouchy… lol I’m pretty happy about that! I’ll be holding on to this fill for a really long time. I don’t want to mess it up by getting more put in. I think that was my first mistake awhile back. Blessings my friends! I’ll be by soon to say hello!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fanny Moves to Phase Two

    WTG Fanny!! It will turn out great for you. I'm so scared to go down that road, but it's necessary - I know that. Hope you heal up fast!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Biggest Loser Fall 09

    If I were Shay, I'd either quit my job or get an extended LOA. Then I'd spend 8 Hrs a day at the gym and not eat one calorie over 1200 a day. 1000 per pound? I guarantee I'd get to 125 quick! That's 125 Lbs less than what I am now! lmao!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Good morning everyone! Mel, yes that is the first sign of being too tight... the reflux. I know better too now. My doctor and I are taking it super slow this time. I am doing my best to take the restriction I can get before my body starts rejecting my band. My stomach does not take to being too tight well at all. I myself am buying lots of new toys to recommit after the new year. Why wait? Well, if I start now I can already tell you it will be fruitless. This is our Anniversary, My Birthday and Christmas month all wrapped up into one. Too much eating and people taking me out to eat, etc. Not gonna happen. Between the six weeks of Thanksgiving all through New Years day I'm eating! I just bought a new BodyBugg V.3, an Wii Fit plus the biggest loser DVD (it challenges you against past players for a 12 week program!) plus my lap-band and workout room... I cannot go wrong! On January 1st I'm going to start up a new blog. I'm gonna write in it every single day, and I'm going to challenge myself to reach goal by October 31, 2010. That will be 10 months to lose 90 lbs. If I do everything right I can more than do that. Wish me the best! Luck ain't got nothing to do with it. :scared2: Ok, ttfn ladies! Hope everyone is doing well. :thumbup:
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Global Warming: Real or hoax?

    Ok Serenity, I re-opened it for ya. Happy polling! I voted yes BTW. Why? I just do believe it's true.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    Nope neither of these are what I'm looking for. However this thing has a very famous lady named after it.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    No, the type I’m looking for is not electric.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    None of these! Keep trying J You’re welcome! It does for me too, you wouldn’t believe it. It’s fun! Ok here's a hint. It's more entertainment that work related.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Global Warming: Real or hoax?

    Poll closed already? L
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hey Ezma! Good morning! I did see the Slim Fast recall, they’re plastering it all over the news. Lots of us dieters in CA or something! I just bought a whole new stash not too long ago and have already drank half of them. I haven’t felt sick at all, I’m sure I’ll be ok. I could also just call Walgreen’s where I got it and exchange them for some new ones too. I don’t get Facebook at work and I’ll lookout for you when I get home. Hope everyone’s day is going good!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    Ok here we are moving forward. What a crazy debacle, I guess I need to be more aware of the answers coming through! I must have been half asleep when I was reading through the answers at that time.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    OMGoodness!! I just noticed samantha had the answer Oriental Rug. While it's not exact, it is a rug so I'm going to award the point anyhow. Sorry bout that Samantha! I thought I seen all the answers... Congrats! It’s a Persian Rug. It was a toughie no? bfastaaa.tiff LBT USER………………..SCORE……………..........….PIC GUESS samanthazzz.......................2..................................G rass .............................................................................Persian Rug lbndoc..............................2............................. ......Cubicle ...................................................................... .......Cactus Northern Mist.....................1....................................Plastic Bottles Apples2............................3.................................. ..Hair ...................................................................... ........Baseball ...................................................................... .......The Color Blue
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Helloooooo homeless sisters! Sorry I’ve been out of commission for a bit… I’m always so busy on the weekends. By the time I have a few minutes in the day I either am too tired to hang at the computer or I just want to settle in and watch a little bit of TV. Suzie, hugs and prayers! Please hang in there; you are way to sweet a lady to have to go through this. Hey Tracy, congrats on the weight loss! Dangit if I can’t just lose a few and keep em off. I know you saw my post on Facebook that I’m getting a BodyBugg. You know if that doesn’t work (or rather if I don’t work it) then I’m just gonna give up. JK, I’ll never give up but still… sheesh! I can’t see you tube at work… I’ll have to check it out later. All the more reason to get mini up and running. I really need to do that! It’s so cool working in an office that’s so lax. J I got my fill on Friday and I still feel like I already need another one. I will be in a lifelong battle to find proper restriction I think. I’m just doomed. Speaking of Anniversaries, my hubby and I will be married 14 years on Dec. 9th. That’s nothing compared to others here but wow, I can’t believe it’s been that long already. And I love him more today and everyday since. I’ve truly found the love of my life and my most bestest friend. Yay!! Congrats to all the other celebratees. LOL! Jen, hugs girl. I hope your court date turns out well for you. Kat, sounds like you got some good stuff going on right now! Yummy roasted p-nuts! Ohhh yummmmmm!!! Lol TTFN ladies! Talk soon. J
  14. China, the slim shots are found in the Diet Aid section of any drug store. They actually look like little coffee creamers. I will take one then drink 8oz of water with it. Firstly because they taste awful, secondly because the oil in the slim shot is better coated along your stomach wall that way. It coats your stomach alleviating hunger pains. It really does work for me, as the Lap-Band never really gave me the hunger suppression as it has for so many others.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    Sorry for my silence! I'm just so busy on weekends... Anyway, ok here is a super easy hint: It's not really something you wear, but more like something you stand on. OMG. You should so get this now.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hey everyone, Melissa good idea with the pants. I don't know why more pregnant ladies don't do that. They just go up in size and end up not losing the weight after. I wonder if that might help to make sure you do lose the baby weight. I'm sure you don't want to wear maternity pants long after! As for me well, my fill still feels non-existent. That's ok though. Me and my Surgeon are taking it really slow. He's only putting in the smallest amounts. Each one I can feel a miniscule difference but still not enough to where I'm comfortable with it. It's been almost 2 years now since I've been banded and I have yet to find good restriction. I don't know how I keep staying positive really about this whole thing. I'm either too tight or I can eat a whole side of beef. I just don't get it! Every day that goes by the more I keep thinking about running off to MX and getting the VSG or something. I really wish my insurance covered this stuff! That's the only thing that really keeps me from actually doing that, if something goes wrong I have to pay out of pocket for all of it. Sux. Jul and Ezma, hang in there ladies. I think this time of year can lead to a little bit of down time for many, for lots of different reasons. Just know all of us here (whatever few of us are left) are in it for the long haul. Ezma, you can find me on facebook under Irene Avila. If you cant find me, let me know. Have a lovely day ladies!!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    Nope these are not right. However it is a bit fuzzy.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    Sorry... :-( I try to do that on purpose so it's not so easy to figure out.. Nope. These can be seen as a bit cozy.
  19. Hi! I'm currently banded and I've been having some issues with banding. I have been reading about the VSG for some time now and am getting more and more interested. I am not interested at all at getting re-banded, and even if I couldn't be Sleeved then I would probably just end up having my band removed all to gether. It just didn't work out for me no matter how hard I've tried and the side effects of it is more than I can take anymore. Anyway, It's open enrollment at work and I'm able to make a health care provider at this time. However, I've heard Kaiser does perform this surgery - only I'd like to avoid Kaiser to be perfectly honest. I grew up with them and I really don't care for them at all. I purposefully stayed away from them from the time I was able to provide my own health care. I have until October 9 to make any changes to my HCP. Thanks for any help you might be!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    Nope it’s neither of these. Some of these are really old.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    No, none of these. Think more flat than round.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    And we are on to the next guess:
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    :w00t: :lol: :lol: You are wrong, because you are right! Ah, I knew that clue was too easy! LBT USER………………..SCORE……………..........….PIC GUESS samanthazzz.......................1..................................Grass lbndoc..............................2............................. ......Cubicle ...................................................................... .......Cactus Northern Mist.....................1....................................Plastic Bottles Apples2............................3.................................. ..Hair ...................................................................... ........Baseball .............................................................................The Color Blue
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    No… Not right now… No… Hint: For all intents and purposes, it is very primary.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
