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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. I was just wondering... are there any patients of his posting here? Would love to start conversing with you, see how you're doing! Maybe even meet up with one another at the support group meetings.
  2. Hi Troy…  That is great! Yes I agree, Dr. Koura and his staff are really great when it comes to preparation. He is also a very conservative filler and that is actually a good thing. I have a fill scheduled for 2/12 – one week later from you. I’m sure you will see fills are not really a big deal. Best wishes!
  3. Poppy, in my opinion I think there is way too much emphasis put on fills and restriction. You are absolutely right in thinking if you are losing at a good rate then it's probably not best to get a fill. Getting too tight is a serious problem and can lead to losing your lap-band quite quickly. It causes a great deal of problems running the spectrum from acid reflux to very poor eating habits. Absolutely the opposite of what the band was designed for! I personally want to keep my band as long as possible! One should only consider a fill if, #1 You're SOLID meals aren't lasting 3-4 hours AND it's obvious you can eat too much. When I say too much I don't mean you can eat more than 4 bites. I mean you can still eat a large meal. Do not consider a fill if you are constantly foaming on your food, if you choose more liquid foods than solid because solid is too difficult to eat, if you can only hold down several bites of food, or if it is too cumbersome to eat at all. We're in this for health - not the quickest route to size 6.
  4. Nice!! :thumbup: Sometimes I wish I could think of things to remark off the bat like that. Well sometimes I do I just don't say it. So it take some wit and guts. Good for you!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    dont lose too much comment- A Question

    Shelly, yes! I absolutely love my bodybugg. I can't say enough about it.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Palin joins Fox - right where she belongs!

    Two peas in a pod! FOX should never be held up as anything pertinent whereas news is concerned.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    dont lose too much comment- A Question

    Sometimes I think these types of comments are made out of competitive tendencies. They are especially prevalent in a family situation where most everyone is obese or overweight. I encountered this yesterday even. I was in the work hallway discussing weight loss with a thin man and an overweight woman. I think she felt intimidated because she asked me how my arm felt. I said fine, why? She said because I’m wearing that sling thing. I explained to her I’m wearing a BodyBugg and what it was for. She thought it was for bursitis or something… not quite. Well, the man said I’m doing great and I’m really serious. I agreed, but she just seemed like I was going overboard. She drinks apple-cider vinegar water to lose weight. She did lose about 20 Lbs but it’s been awhile now, yet she is still drinking this awful concoction. Then she explains her large stomach is from some unknown illness and her stomach ballooned one moment overnight. How can I listen to all this with a straight face? She talks about “bed exercises” such as lifting your legs up off the bed as some form of actual calorie burning. I’d say sure, if that’s all you can do. She can do so much more than that. Besides, she was only talking about it and never once mentioned she actually does it. Well back on topic and the reason I went all out to tell you this story is she said a lady we work with looks sickly and unhealthy. Both myself and the man she was talking to exchanged looks, and I simply told her that the lady looks perfectly normal. So you see, she is just skewed in her perception and she felt she needed to make an example of someone she might wish she could be like. To me she just seemed full of excuses on why she won’t do everything she needs to, to lose weight. i.e. eating right, smaller portions, less sugar, and exercise.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Noodle Soups??

    LOL! Funny you should ask. I just had a cup O’Noodles for lunch. Probably not the healthiest option ever, but according to WW it’s only 6 points and it actually holds me for hours. I do eat it sometimes when I’m craving something salty and warm. I’d only say don’t eat it because it’s full of fat and salt. J Please keep in mind though I’ve been banded almost 2 years now. I would not eat it shortly after surgery.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Clothing Exchange

    Here is the direct link to the “Clothing X-Change”: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/groups/clothing-x-change.html I’m not sure exactly what you mean by disorganized. You simply either place an add by creating a new conversation, or you can reply to the OP and exchange information how you want to proceed. There really is no reason to “pay for a service” which you can get here for free. Just my personal opinion.
  10. Please everyone let’s keep this thread on topic. It is good for new people to hear all truths about the band. That does not disclude any one’s personal experiences and does not make any one’s experiences right or wrong.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    Oh sorry! Here is your answer to the last one:
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    I am on WW Online again and I'm on a 31 points per day allowance, plus the additional 35 per week. I am able to eat all of my points, however I don't always. I don't mind though because along with this I'm using my BodyBugg. I'm burning an average of 3500-3800 cals per day. One WW point is approx 50 calories. I multiply my daily points used by 50 and that give me my calorie count. I'm always in a huge deficit. Sometimes well over 2,000! That's alot. I do not want to starve my body. I know that if I do I will blow my metabolism out of whack and it starts going into plateaus. I've been there and this time I'm going to do it in the healthiest manner possible. WW is also great for ensuring we're getting our nutrients all balanced. It has clicks for water intake, fruits & veggies, lean protein, healthy fats (yes we DO need this!), whole grains, activity, etc. All of this is necessary for weight loss, maintenance and maintaining a healthy sound body. All the best!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's play a game: Who Am I?

    Hi Apples Actually I am going to have to abandon this game. I am busy at work lately and when I get home I find I have even less time to be active online. I don't mind if anyone wants to continue on this game. Maybe a bunch of you can get together and make it work. So sorry! Things have just been super hectic for me. I need to keep time to do my workouts! I'm sure you all understand.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    check out my new Longaberger Christmas Pottery! lol

    Cute!! Keep up the awesome work girlie! <3
  15. Hey Dee! How's the elliptiKILL been treatin ya?? :)

  16. Thank you so much! It's so hard but I promised myself that I am getting to goal this year. I'm halfway there and have been stalled for almost 18 months. It's time! I'm on a roll (no pun intended) ;o)

  17. I wish I would have been told that you absolutely CAN gain your weight back. I was always being told that you will lose the weight "forever".. Not true, unless you stay en guarde and keep it off yourself. It may not be as easy, but it is still easy to gain weight back. Beware of this going into the surgery.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Restarting after 2 years of slow weight gains

    Wow Kygie I'm so sorry that has happened to you. You are a very strong lady for overcoming the depression that followed. I wish you all the best!!!!!!!
  19. I have posted a new entry in my online journal. Click here to view: http://lilmiss-diva.livejournal.com/
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    The First Week is Almost Over...

    I have posted a new entry in my online journal. Click here to view: http://lilmiss-diva.livejournal.com/
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hey hey VV’s… how’s it goin? Melissa it sounds like you’re struggling a bit. Well, at least you had an excuse! I gained (an additional) 10 Lbs over the Christmas Holiday and only because I was doing whatever I pleased. That’s not a good thing! Ezma, sounds like you had a good Christmas too! One thing tho ladies is we are super determined to work it out. We can do this!! Hang in, and keep an eye on my blog. I’m posting all my thoughts in one central location. I hate to keep doubling what I’m saying everywhere. I’m just going to post randomly here and there. J Take care!! I’ll always check in here tho, you all know that!
  22. Hey lady :) Thanks for the add! Be seein ya around for sure. I'm gonna really do it this time. So far so good. Could do better, but every day is a new day.

  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Happy New Year VV’s!! I hope you all have a great day and an even better year ahead!! Welcome back Blessed! It sounds like you're staying very busy. Congrats on your weight loss! I only wish I had done so well, but I will from here on.
  24. Cingulus, you can do that easy and then some. First of all, men lose weight really fast. Secondly it seems you have your priorities is check and that is going to help tremendously. Best wishes for your upcoming surgery.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Cheers and HAPPY NEW YOU!!

    12/31/09<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Welcome! Well, there is less than one day left. What do I want to do with it? Have I partied enough yet? Have I gotten it out of my system? I should have! For Pete’s Sake I weighed in at 266! That’s borderline shameful. No, in fact it is SHAMEFUL!! It wasn’t but a week before Thanksgiving that I was down to 247. What goes on in this brain of mine that I make up every excuse known to man to allow myself to sabotage all my hard work?... To read more please view my online journal: http://lilmiss-diva.livejournal.com/

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