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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Before and today...

    Great job!!! I know you feel awesome! :confused:
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Band removed due to trauma, reBand or RNY?

    I agree with tantus and karey. Seriously consider having the surgery that is right for you. Do not discount anything because it seems scary or it removes part of your body or whatever. Living with a deadly disease like diabetes is much more scary than doing anything you can to cure it. If you needed to have your appendix removed would you decline because it's removing part of your body? I wouldn't! I have it removed immediately to save my life. Well, the GB has saved many, many lives and if it's the best choice for you then you should do it. First get a second opinion, but as I've been reading these types of boards for years and have gone to numerous GB and Band support groups for years - I know that GB works wonders for those that are diabetic. All the best! :confused: Let us know what you decide (with your Dr.s advice of course!)
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Wow... just wow. Are there really still people in this world that think that? We are all but human and we all bleed the same red blood as anyone else. That earthquake could happen anywhere, and we've had our share. I applaud you Kat and anyone else who would go out of their way to help a neighbor in need regardless of their geographical location. :confused:
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey Tracy! At first I didn't care who won the Superbowl but I'll root for the Saints just for you. :confused:
  5. It's going to be a long time before I feel comfortable thinking I'm skinny. But once that day hits, I swear I'm going straight in to get my boobs done! ;-P

  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    before and after pics TT/BA & Thigh lift :)

    Oh I definitely plan to you better believe it. I would have worked so hard to get myself exactly the way outside as I feel inside. All the best to you, you have done great! Thanks for sharing!!
  7. Let's try to keep on the subject matter. We all have different situational means and I think it is important to remain tactful when posting opinions on this matter. Thank you all for your consideration of all the many people who post on this site.
  8. Hey darlin, you doing okay? Havent seen you in awhile. How are you feeling?

  9. Manny how are you doing little brother?? Miss you!!!

  10. LilMissDiva Irene


    Who's this?
  11. Please remove that picture of me in the shower. Thanks.

  12. Cyn where you been? Miss you! I hope you're doing great!

  13. OMG your profile picture is too cute with your skinny ass! Hope your having a great day! :)

  14. wth you been at girl? You need to stop by sometimes u know! All these voices can't keep talking to themselves!!!! :)

  15. How are you Super Star? How's jolly ole England? :-D

  16. Elaine, how are you sweet lady? I miss you! :)

  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    before and after pics TT/BA & Thigh lift :)

    Fabulous!! Your Dr. did a fantastic job, you look great! :wink:
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    "you're not big enough for surgery"...

    Paula, this is going to be an extremely stressful time for you. You are going through a great deal of emotions and likely many things are going to seem negative to you. I personally don't think your Mom was doing it in a bad way, she's your Mom. She cares about you and is worried for you. I wouldn't take it in such a harsh light. It would be good for you just to set the record straight with her and maybe educate her some on the idea. I did with mine. I even took her to one of my seminars even though I had already gone. It was then that she was on board with me and felt comfortable with the whole idea, Dr. and staff. I hope it works out for you!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    How do you change your tracker

    Once you press "ok" as in accepting the changes it should just automatically update any existing you have in your signature line. Mine always work that way.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Congrats to all the mommy-to-be's!! :biggrin:
  21. Hello gorgeous lady!! Just stumbling thru and thought I'd send my love! xoxo :)

  22. Yes this is surely the case for me! I have a huge butt and the more I lose the lower I feel (or sink into) chairs or anything confining... ie, car seats...
  23. 1/20/2010 So I am officially 18.5 Lbs from where I was right after Christmas… all the while I chow down on an Instant Lunch Noodles. LMAO! Well, I can’t always be absolutely perfect. Sometimes I forget to bring my breakfast AND my lunch and I have to settle on what I can purchase down on the first floor market. This may seem like a blow to my diet, but I can’t ever look at it that way. It’s when I do that I fall off the wagon. I start getting that whole, Oh well, I blew it today already so I might as well just have that chocolate candy bar! No more! I just ran to the ATM and grabbed me a fistful of dollars and bought the best meals I could. Here is what I bought: Quaker Oatmeal and a banana for breakfast, cup a soup for lunch and a yogurt along with a leftover apple for a midday snack. I know I’ll need the snack because I’m running out right after work to go view houses and I’ll have a late dinner. I don’t want to go home too hungry, as that can be a big problem for me. I’ve actually been doing amazingly well I must confess. Last night while I was on my Wii it said I was just under 247. Well my home scale first thing this morning said 247.5. I always go based on my home scale, so that is what I recorded. That is still fantastic! I can not complain about that. I went all the way back up to 266 right after Christmas. I thoroughly enjoyed myself without reservation, and that is my result. I was a bit shocked; I didn’t think I’d ever see that weight again as long as I’d live! Well, I did. I don’t know how many times I can keep thinking that. I don’t anymore though! I know now. I’m starting to get the compliments again. It’s been awhile since many have noticed I’m losing weight. I keep hearing, Wow look at your little waist line! Ha-ha! It’s pretty nice I must say! I have to keep in mind though that I still have a ways to go. I’ve been at this weight many times. It’s actually at this very weight that I seem to creep right back up so I’m in my danger zone. Now this time instead of giving up I must keep moving forward… or backward… however you want to think of it. I have a fill with Dr. Koura on the 12 of next month. My restriction is very un-noticeable so I felt I needed to maybe get one more. I do get full on normal portions but it just doesn’t sustain as long as I’d like. However, I must always keep in mind that my stomach isn’t as kind to band tightness as some others are. My stomach goes into fits of rage, acid reflux and terrible night coughing. My throat gets hoarse and I’m always uncomfortable. So, I’m making this my absolute last fill. As a matter of fact, once I reach goal I definitely plan to unfill my band by a little. I have noticed a downward trend in how many calories I’m burning per day according to my BodyBugg. I’m down to right around 3,000 per day with workouts, and only if I’m at work. At work I tend to move around a lot. At home I’m a lot more sedentary even though I workout more. At home I burn about 2,800 calories per day. This an only mean it’s time for me to make an adjustment. Personally I feel I workout enough so I need to change my eating habits. Probably not a whole lot either. I eat from 1500-1800 calories per day. That’s still 1,000 calorie per day deficit (barring one of my off meals are not eaten that day). If I eat one of my off meals during any one day it gets pretty close to my calories out. So to remedy this I’m making sure I eat a little less on my other meals and throw in an extra workout. It still doesn’t help a whole lot but at least it prevents me from having an overage for the day. In fact, since I’ve started my new regimen I’ve only gone over one day and it was for about 75 calories. Nothing to cry about really and I fixed that really quick. Thank goodness for my BodyBugg and my Weight Watchers – and of course my Lap-Band! I have lots of tools to help along the way. However I must say this. There is no one better tool to have in order to complete this mission other than having the heart of a Champion. You will never cross that finish line AND REMAIN THERE without it. That I do have now. Ask me that 2 months ago and I’d take my time answering you. But as of this second, I absolutely do! Okay, well another week down and another 2 Lbs. lost. I’d say it’s been a successful one! I hope all of you out there are doing just as good, if not then better. Take care of yourself and your Bands! All the best and until I write again, Irene AKA LilMissDiva http://lilmiss-diva.livejournal.com/
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Who says you can't have noodles for lunch? :)

    1/20/2010 So I am officially 18.5 Lbs from where I was right after Christmas… all the while I chow down on an Instant Lunch Noodles. LMAO! Well, I can’t always be absolutely perfect. Sometimes I forget to bring my breakfast AND my lunch and I have to settle on what I can purchase down on the first floor market. This may seem like a blow to my diet, but I can’t ever look at it that way. It’s when I do that I fall off the wagon. I start getting that whole, Oh well, I blew it today already so I might as well just have that chocolate candy bar! No more! I just ran to the ATM and grabbed me a fistful of dollars and bought the best meals I could. Here is what I bought: Quaker Oatmeal and a banana for breakfast, cup a soup for lunch and a yogurt along with a leftover apple for a midday snack. I know I’ll need the snack because I’m running out right after work to go view houses and I’ll have a late dinner. I don’t want to go home too hungry, as that can be a big problem for me. I’ve actually been doing amazingly well I must confess. Last night while I was on my Wii it said I was just under 247. Well my home scale first thing this morning said 247.5. I always go based on my home scale, so that is what I recorded. That is still fantastic! I can not complain about that. I went all the way back up to 266 right after Christmas. I thoroughly enjoyed myself without reservation, and that is my result. I was a bit shocked; I didn’t think I’d ever see that weight again as long as I’d live! Well, I did. I don’t know how many times I can keep thinking that. I don’t anymore though! I know now. I’m starting to get the compliments again. It’s been awhile since many have noticed I’m losing weight. I keep hearing, Wow look at your little waist line! Ha-ha! It’s pretty nice I must say! I have to keep in mind though that I still have a ways to go. I’ve been at this weight many times. It’s actually at this very weight that I seem to creep right back up so I’m in my danger zone. Now this time instead of giving up I must keep moving forward… or backward… however you want to think of it. I have a fill with Dr. Koura on the 12 of next month. My restriction is very un-noticeable so I felt I needed to maybe get one more. I do get full on normal portions but it just doesn’t sustain as long as I’d like. However, I must always keep in mind that my stomach isn’t as kind to band tightness as some others are. My stomach goes into fits of rage, acid reflux and terrible night coughing. My throat gets hoarse and I’m always uncomfortable. So, I’m making this my absolute last fill. As a matter of fact, once I reach goal I definitely plan to unfill my band by a little. I have noticed a downward trend in how many calories I’m burning per day according to my BodyBugg. I’m down to right around 3,000 per day with workouts, and only if I’m at work. At work I tend to move around a lot. At home I’m a lot more sedentary even though I workout more. At home I burn about 2,800 calories per day. This an only mean it’s time for me to make an adjustment. Personally I feel I workout enough so I need to change my eating habits. Probably not a whole lot either. I eat from 1500-1800 calories per day. That’s still 1,000 calorie per day deficit (barring one of my off meals are not eaten that day). If I eat one of my off meals during any one day it gets pretty close to my calories out. So to remedy this I’m making sure I eat a little less on my other meals and throw in an extra workout. It still doesn’t help a whole lot but at least it prevents me from having an overage for the day. In fact, since I’ve started my new regimen I’ve only gone over one day and it was for about 75 calories. Nothing to cry about really and I fixed that really quick. Thank goodness for my BodyBugg and my Weight Watchers – and of course my Lap-Band! I have lots of tools to help along the way. However I must say this. There is no one better tool to have in order to complete this mission other than having the heart of a Champion. You will never cross that finish line AND REMAIN THERE without it. That I do have now. Ask me that 2 months ago and I’d take my time answering you. But as of this second, I absolutely do! Okay, well another week down and another 2 Lbs. lost. I’d say it’s been a successful one! I hope all of you out there are doing just as good, if not then better. Take care of yourself and your Bands! All the best and until I write again, Irene AKA LilMissDiva http://lilmiss-diva.livejournal.com/

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