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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ June 2010 Exercise challenge and chat ~*~

    Awesome good job GG!! I have not been avoiding this place just super busy. Ive been putting alot of hours in working on my new house, and with as much as Ive been sweating I think it does add into my 30 minutes a day activity. Yesterday I put in 4!! Today I did about 1... but still. Its super tiring! How is everyone doing? Anyone new wanna join in? Remember, the Band is only partially the battle. The real battle is within ourselves, making the right food choices and moving, moving and moving our bodies some more!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Um, HELLO.... Hello.... hellooooo..... Where the heck is everyone? :thumbup: Us February 2008 Bandsters have all gone!!!!! I'm not doing super good. I still have not lost any weight in a very long time and I'm still far behind in the game. However, it took awhile but I've learned something very valuable. Nothing is going to get the weight off and keep it off except YOU. I do have alot of headwork to do and in the meantime I will continue to fight. I hope to see some check-ins!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ June 2010 Exercise challenge and chat ~*~

    Awesome GG and get, welcome!! I know 30 minutes per day is so doable. If I find myself not even doing that, then I'm just being plain lazy!!! Of course I have not done that yet. But I will I will I WILL!! The reason I chose such a small amount is that we just bought a new house. Alot of my time and energy are spent cleaning and fixing up the new one and moving out of the old one. It consumes you I'm telling you! Best of all that good! :thumbup:
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    @`~~ May 2010 Workout Challenge @,~~

    ṂắὙ ḔẍḙṙḉḭṡẼ غ ϢθЯḱṎṹṱ ṪḦṝḔᶏϷ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi!! I need a challenge and I also need one monthly! So, I am creating a monthly exercise and workout thread. I am a little bit late getting this one started, but better late than never... so here you go. List here a challenge for yourself. For me this is what I challenge myself to do for the rest of the month. I want to do a 30 minute cardio workout 4 days per week until May 31st. Total 390 minutes. I want to do a 30 minute calisthenics workout 2 days per week in the evenings until May 31st. Total 180 minutes. I want to walk at least 30 miles before this month ends! Anyone up for a challenge??? :thumbup: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Username……Exercise Challenge………Minutes/Miles……Mins/Miles Completed Beachcity……Walking……….………….720 Minutes……………….145 Minutes GeorgiaGirl…..C25K……………………..180 Minutes………………..30 Minutes ………………….Weight Training……….4 Days………………………..0 Days LilMissDiva……Walking……………….……30 Miles……………………10 Miles …………………Cardio……………………390 Minutes…………….200 Minutes …………………Calisthenics……………180 Minutes………………60 Minutes Mousek………Walking…………………..750 Minutes………………315 Minutes Sslouha………..Walking…………………705 Minutes……………….0 Minutes …………………Strength Training……….270 Minutes………………35 Minutes ………………..Raquetball……………….900 Minutes………………0 Minutes
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    @`~~ May 2010 Workout Challenge @,~~

    Join the new thread!! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f81/june-2010-exercise-challenge-chat-116027/#post1473871 Sorry Ive been MIA but I'm back now... lets do this! :Dancing_biggrin:
  6. Hi beachcity :)


    I'm just checking in with you. I notice you haven't posted in our workout challenge thread in a few days. It's ok if you don't make your challenge, the real challenge is sticking with it!





  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    @`~~ May 2010 Workout Challenge @,~~

    Oh BTW... I'm adding 2 miles to my tally and 45 minutes cardio. :thumbup: See you all next time!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    @`~~ May 2010 Workout Challenge @,~~

    You are doing fabulously! It just matters that you are up and moving about. It really does count! Next month you should add that to your challenge, that way you are getting the proper hurrahs for it. I went with my Mom to her last Dr. Appt. Her Dr. agreed that housework and yardwork does count to the "move it" tally. Georgia Girl!! Welcome my friend!! :thumbup: I'll add you to the challenge, and no worries you are starting up late. I am going to make it a point to have a monthly challenge. I believe it really is keeping me as motivated as I can be. I only wish more would sign up!! It's nice to have as many as possible cheering each other on. I totally agree with you on the idea of pacing ourselves. I have been known to just poop out and take an enormous amount of time off. I'm really trying not to do that this time. I may have even set the bar a bit too high for me this month, but a new month approaches and I'll adjust it then. Best of all that's good ladies!
  9. Hellooooo!! :-D Its so nice to hear from you!! Everything here is copesthetic... just doing my best - and if my best ain't good enough then it is what it is, ya know? I miss you!!!! <3

  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    @`~~ May 2010 Workout Challenge @,~~

    Mousek, hey tough lady! I'm so glad you have stuck with your program!! :-D I might make the next month workout challenge in a more high traffic area next month, so keep a lookout for it. I'll start it up a few days before June. Today I walked 2 miles and did 45 minutes of cardio... yay!! I feel so fantastic!!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    @`~~ May 2010 Workout Challenge @,~~

    Mousek, good for you for continuing on!! Its a new week for me so I'm back at it. Last week I kinda deflated midweek. Oh well, you gotta just get back up and try it again. Thats why I gave myself a month to complete my tasks. I can still pull it off! I just walked 2 miles tonight plus 30 minutes calisthenics. Not bad!! I didn't even have to walk tonight but since I didn't do all my miles last week I have to make up for it. I'll do some more tomorrow morning.
  12. Nice! Great job :biggrin:
  13. Hi armygirl, its so nice to meet you. Welcome to LBT. I have struggled alot too. Ive lost half my excess weight but since then I've found it very difficult to stay on track. I know I need to finish it out but I had around 180 Lbs to lose, so it can feel like such a mountain to climb sometimes.


    As for me and fills, well... Ive had so many I lost count. I just don't care to back for any more, but it probably would be a good idea. idk..


    All the best!

  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    @`~~ May 2010 Workout Challenge @,~~

    Hi there everyone! Sorry I've been MIA last few days. I've updated everyone's info. Welcome Sslouha!! All the best in your challenge!! Remember to check in and let me know all you do so I can reflect that in the tally. The update will always be edited into post #1. Myself I haven't been doing enough. I'm a bit below the curve.. I need to step it up!! I've been super busy at work but that just means I have to make it up at night from home. See you all tomorrow! I'll get back on track tonight and let you all know how I did. :-)
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    @`~~ May 2010 Workout Challenge @,~~

    Good job ladies!! I'm so glad we're all sticking to it. This month will truly be a successfull one for all of us!! :confused: I hope all the Mother's had a blessed day today!! I only did 30 minutes cardio today. I was of course busy all day and had to squeeze that in even, but it was my minimum so all's good!! :sad: See you all tomorrow!!!!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    @`~~ May 2010 Workout Challenge @,~~

    Good Job! Staying ahead of schedule - Im so happy for you! It helps out if you have to miss a day, you've already paid in advance. Today I did 30 minutes Calisthenics and 50 minutes on my exercise bike. It turned out to be almost 10.5 miles with up to 5 resistance. Not bad! I actually had not been on there for more than several weeks.. :confused: Where is everyone? No one can take a good challenge for yourself???? :sad:
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    @`~~ May 2010 Workout Challenge @,~~

    PS I hope you all don't mind, but I'm going to keep tally on our challenges. It will be edited on the first post daily. Check the post to see how you're doing and how much more you need to do to make your Monthly challenge. Good luck!! Or we don't need luck, we gots skills and determination!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    @`~~ May 2010 Workout Challenge @,~~

    Good deal!! Be sure to check in daily and let us know your sticking to it! Good job!! You actually did more than what you're challenging yourself for. Good for you! Keep it up. Tomorrow I'm back at it... so tomorrow I will log 15 on the exercise bike, 15 on the elliptical and 30 minutes of calisthenics. I'll be sure to check in and let you all know I did it.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    @`~~ May 2010 Workout Challenge @,~~

    Awesome mouse! Welcome to the challenge! You should keep a record so that way you can let us all know you are sticking to your challenge. And true to form for me, today is my workout off day!! :thumbup: Seriously tho, it really is! :thumbup: Check in and make sure to keep us informed.
  20. Awww thanks Crimmy!! :) Funny you should mention the new DL pix. I did that last Christmas time. Hopefully I still have one more in order when I can finish up! See ya in the chat rooms.

  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Avatar

    From the album: Pictures past & PRESENT

  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Before and After

    You have done so great Phyl! I'm so happy for you, you look great!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    70 lbs down...I CAN DO THIS!!!

    Whatta Cutie!!
  24. They burn over 3000+ calories per day on exercise alone. They have the best nutritionists available. Living on a campus helps to keep the junk food away. They have a 250,000 dollar carrot dangling in front of them. They have Jillian (maybe Bob) screaming in their face to step up on the intensity in workouts.. They live eat sleep breathe weight loss. I'm sure anyone in that situation, band or not would lose just as well.

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