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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Attracting women.

    IMPO I think majority of women do still feel this way humming. More and more are finding it impossible to find a man appealing unless the exterior is polished, however that's really too bad. But I must also admit that if a man were grossly obese, no I would not be able to find that attractive. My husband is overweight by 40 Lbs tops. He does make it a point to not go too overboard because as he says, he always wants me to want him. I don't disagree with him, but I don't make him aware of it either. I do appreciate him keeping himself in check. All the best.
  2. Hi plain, how are you? I hope all is well, just thought I'd say hi!! I'm back to working my band and feeling fabulous!! Wishing you the best :)

  3. Hi Welcome to LBT! :) Thank you for the add. If you need anything or advice or just a listening ear, definitely let me know.

  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Anyone interested in a Christmas challenge?

    Checking in, down another pound!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Attracting women.

    Oh yeah, Dwight Howard is very nice looking :sad:
  6. LilMissDiva Irene


    Awww he looks just like you!!!! :-D
  7. lora, I just read your thread.


    Let me be the first to tell you that you are not in any way a failure. You only fail when you give up. You have not done that. You came here seeking support and I support you all the way.


    The road back is not easy at all, but I truly believe that you can do it. I can be done.


    I've fought my way back for long over a year and I'm finally here. It may even get worse before it gets better but as long as you keep getting back up and dusting off, you will eventually make it work.


    All the best!

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    info. needed

    sk welcome to lbt! Please take a look around. Especially check out the Pre-op section and the success photos. I think that will steer you in the right direction at this time in your journey. This website has so much information you will likely still hear new things once banded! Good luck.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    How Soon

    My first fill was at 8 weeks. It was supposed to be 6 whether or not I was losing, but as luck would have it my surgeon was on Vacay... LOL :sad: Everyone's Drs criteria is different, but yes some do say they won't fill you if you are losing well, etc. Though I think that comes down the line, not for your first few. Good luck!
  10. For a long time I was somewhere in the middle. I had some liberal ideas (women's rights...) and some conservative ideas (financially...). However, in the last 10 years I have grown to become extremely Liberal. I think it grows ever larger the more I hear about the "tea party". Anway, have fun in your thread! I can't read this stuff or I just go crazy... LOL
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Very pissed Off!!!!!

    Hi Lashonda, Maybe the best thing for you right now should be to keep your decision to yourself. You are going through alot at this particular time, and if you tell someone and they are not telling you what you want to hear... then maybe just to don't tell them. jm2c Concentrate on yourself. This is a huge decision and you will need to 100% focus on only that. Keep only positivity in your life and you will be successful.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ LilMissDiva's Journey Journal ~*~

    elcee, thank you so much! :sad: All the best to you!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ LilMissDiva's Journey Journal ~*~

    See I told ya I’d be back! And I’m willing to bet you might not have believed me huh? Ok, well I just hope you were giving me the benefit… LOL! Today I want to go over a few things because I think this is definitely a step in the right direction. I have an enormous addiction to chips. Unfortunately for me and my band these can just slip right on through. I literally can eat as many and as much as I want. Really! I won’t even go there on how much because that would be too embarrassing. At least I recognize it though. :wink2: Well a few weeks ago before I got back into the swing of being a good little bandster, I was tearing through a bag of good ole Doritos. Mmmm and they were good, yes they were! Well, halfway through my session I broke out of the trance I was in. I can’t even tell you how I broke out, because when I’m doing this it’s as if I’m in another world. That’s embarrassing to admit too, but darn it if it ain’t the truth. Anyway, back to my little story, so – I look down at the bag and I think… “Sheesh girl, what are you doing???” I suddenly felt a deep down awful guilty feeling. I mean stronger than I’ve ever felt in my entire life of doing this. So I lift up the bag from my lap… decide enough was enough and carry it over to the trash can and put it right where it belonged. That’s right, garbage food goes… in the garbage. I have never done this before. Sure, I’ve contemplated it – a million times over in fact. I never got around to it in the past though. This time I did just that! I’m not just talking the garbage in the kitchen either. I threw it in the trash outside, on the curb waiting for the weekly garbage crew to come pick up. I didn’t want to get any insane ideas, like taking it back out. Yeah, that’s always been a fear of mine, that I would do something crazy like that. I cannot tell you what a burden lifted from my chest after doing this. I was so amazed with myself!! Damn proud too, yeah I said it! Something worked with this idea too because I have not had any cravings for chips since… except one time. So I chose a small bag of Sun Chips since it was at least whole grain (??? Funny how I can create an excuse on why I should have it… LOL). I only ate 3 chips from the bag and threw the rest away. They sat there for the longest time and I realized I didn’t even want them. Crazy stuff huh? Whatever, it works for me! :sad: Well the story does not end there. Well, right after dinner I was playing around on the computer. I think I have created a weird habit that I like to snack while I’m doing this. The first thing that pops into my head is I want to chow down on some ice-cream. We have the caramel drumsticks. Well guess what… I created an excuse for myself to indulge. I said, “hey at least its portion controlled… go for it!!” I did go for it. I pulled it out of the freezer and opened the package. I ate the chocolate off and chopped nuts. Then I started to eat the ice cream. Something churned in me, and I started to think about the rule I’d made for myself. I wanted to get right with myself before indulging in bad foods for awhile. I’m not saying I never will eat junk food again; I just wanted to be fully on track again before doing it. I’m not there yet, and I completely recognize this. So I started to feel that guilt thingy again. Wow, where did this thing come from all of a sudden? Whatever, its working (I speak in two’s… ha-ha). So that too went right into the trash. I started to think about all the progress I’ve made in the last 2 weeks. I really don’t want to lose that so I made the conscious decision to get rid of the demon. I believe getting rid of the demon means more than just the physical sense too (i.e., Cookies, candy, ice cream, chips…etc.). The demon is really what keeps me from that goal that eludes me. It is the voice that gives me the go-ahead. The reason behind the madness. I feel so successful right now. I truly feel like I’m back. I haven’t said that in a really long time. I was always “hoping to get back”. I’m here now though. If any of you knew me back then you would understand what I mean. I was incredibly driven and ready to make the change. I was making all the right choices and my weight was dropping like a man. I worked out all the time. I was just superwoman when it came to doing me and my band justice. That girl got lost somewhere, but I can 100% say now that she has been found. :wub: Stay true until I return again! LMD
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Unfill or DEAL??

    If you cannot swallow liquids, then simply you need to go in and tell your surgeon. He will likely give you a small unfill. We do not need to get fills forever. Everone needs to listen to their bodies and recognize when they have proper restriction, and stop getting fills. I hope you feel better soon, but please go see someone about that.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Attracting women.

    Well my Darling Husband is both overweight and short. He is the cutest and most adorable guy in the world to me. He has also never had a problem attracting women (apparently :puke:) either. So... there goes that theory!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Why do men prefer bad girls?

    I'm moving this thread into it's proper area.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Is it what you eat or how much?

    It is definitely all calories in/out. I am huge on ensuring a well balanced meal and healthy meal. This does include eating complex carbohydrates, and vegetables. I never liked the idea of stuffing my belly on all meat and only having little or no room left for the food that creates good energy in me, and the food that keeps my insides running smooth - kwim? Everyone needs a little wiggle room. I just personally try to avoid my triggers and sliders.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's Get This Party Started

    What a great surgery day story! Thanks for sharing I'm glad to hear you are doing super good... many blessings. Now the fun begins!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's be honest....please!

    Right back atcha sister
  20. Hello! Thank you for the picture message :)


    Actually my stomach has always been ok. Mostly my weight gathers on my hips, backside, topside and my arms a bit too. I have gained some back - I think I was around 230-240 when I took those. Sad thing is this time it seemed to gather around my stomach! :-( I think it's because I've eaten alot of sliders which ultimately are high carb.


    I never was a carb loader before so probably why my tummy wasn't that bad. I'm working on it though!


    All the best to you! You're doing really good and you look really happy. :))

  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's be honest....please!

    Please everyone, this is my friend and she is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!! The only time the band would NOT work for you is if it caused you physical harm and you had to have it removed. Otherwise, you absolutely must adhere to the routine. Proper eating, workouts, lower calories, lower fat and lower "bad" carbs and last but definitely not least STAY AWAY FROM THE SLIDER FOODS!! It's very simple, yet I'm the first to tell you its very difficult at the same time. Unless you are having your band removed because your body rejects it, then I say there is always one more day and one more chance for you to make it right. I would never tell anyone it is okay to go ahead and eat any slider food, especially if it is considered someone's trigger food. In my personal opinion the best course of action for that would be to throw it in the trash and leave it alone, and yes forever. I really only want everyone to succeed. The lap-band may be the safest of the surgeries, but make no mistake it is by far the most difficult to maintain. You have to really toughen up and bite the bullet, but I also think you will feel an incredible sense of accomplishment as well. Best of luck to all!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Your No-No List...

    For me my no-no list would consist of: No Ice Cream No slider foods No drinking with meals... LOL I know that was not what you are asking, but at one time I was so tight those were the only ways I could eat. It caused alot of problems for me. I'm one of the ones who absolutely must leave my band semi-loose. It took awhile for me to get over the fits and come to terms with this. Really the only things I've noticed that give me issues are any meats that are over cooked. I can pretty much eat anything I want and as long as I'm not drinking with my meal I do get full in a reasonable setting. I wish I could be just a little bit tighter, but I think I need to work on my head more before I do that. I don't want to revert back to eating unhealthy just because they go down easier. I will get with it, and when that time comes I will go in for an itsy bitsy more fill.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi Sarah Welcome to finally posting! All are welcome here. Let's face it, we are about 2.5 years out from surgery. If we have not reached goal yet it is never too late to get rejuvenated to finish this thing out. I'm glad you joined us! So tell us, how are you going to get to goal? Inquiring minds want to know...
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ Workout Challenge and Chat Thread ~*~

    Hi Mary! Good for you and your workouts with your trainer! I wish I had one... I might consider one someday. You are absolutely right when it comes to taking a day or two off from workouts. Your body does need to repair and re-coup. In fact my off day from workouts is Fridays. So, I still have to go through one and a half more days and I am there... I'm exhausted I won't lie. It's been awhile since I've worked out this much but I'm getting back into it day by day. Yesterday I did 30 spinner in the early am, then I did a 30 minute walk at work, 25 elliptical and 15 calisthenics. I jipped myself on 20 minutes worth but I'm ok with that. I at least did a little bit of everything I was set to do. Today I did 30 on my treadmill, 30 min walk at work, and I'm going to finish the day with 30 spinner and 30 minutes playing with my Wii. I love the Wii! It's very fun and and its a fun interactive way to do a weight check in and learn some nice balancing tricks. It's not super difficult, however it does keep me away from the kitchen! Ok I'll check back soon! Get ur sweat on everyone!
  25. Thanks for the add :) Its nice to have such successful and helpful friends here. Keep in touch!

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