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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Hi Lorraine! Welcome to LBT and Bandland :smile: It's best not to get caught up in comparison of other bandsters. Everyones journey is not like anyone elses. I'm the first to tell anyone that! All that matters is that you stick to your plan and let the chips fall where they may. You are in this fight for life, just take it one day at a time and everything will work out for you. All the best!
  2. Hi Lady, I just met you in the chatroom. I was reading through the forums and noticed your reply. Thank you so much for your help, paying it forward for I'm sure all the times others have helped you.


    You're doing fantastic already! Keep up the good fight!



  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    3rd Year Band-Annivesary Today 7/17

    Janet my amazing friend, thank you for sharing your awesome story. You always inspire me so much!! Look at you, you deserve every ounce of recognition 'round here lady!! xoxo CONGRATULATIONS :smile:)
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Attracting women.

    Leigha, I totally agree.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ LilMissDiva's Journey Journal ~*~

    What exactly is the significance of taking pictures?? I see them all over the place. I have certainly noticed many people take them in similar fashion, such as sitting in their driver seat (which I hope they aren’t taken them as they are actually driving!) or they simple run around town taking random shots of things you wouldn’t give a second thought too. What about the meaning of the picture of my own self? What do I see when I look at pictures of me? Well right now I definitely see someone who has taken some time off from what I really should be concentrating my time on. I see someone who got lost along the way, someone whose smile seems to have faded like the sunlight at the end of a long day. What I don’t see is though the same person who looks back at me in the mirror each day. For the life of me I can’t seem to figure that person out. Who is that person? I see someone smaller than she really is, someone happier, prettier. Someone who has her stuff together and can take on the world. The person in the picture is quite withdrawn, face is a mess, hair a mess… her body needs a lot of work and her brightness just isn’t there. I see someone looking for something she just can’t seem to find. I have decided to begin a new project. I want the woman in the pictures to look exactly like the woman in the mirror. I will need to fine tune many things. The outlook… The charisma… The inside factor… I will surely also need to work on the outside. I have a lot of work to do, but seeing as the lady in the mirror can take on the world, surely the lady in the picture can take on a few extra pounds! Every week I will need to take a photo shoot of myself. No, not like a Brook Shields spread in Vogue, but a simple shot here and there to check my progress. Every week that goes by I am sure that lady will start to match the woman in the mirror. When those two women become twins then I will know the time has come to accept who I really am. Irene
  6. LilMissDiva Irene


    Sici, I'm very glad you decided to go in for a small unfill. Now.... Ahhh doesnt that feel better? :smile: You will do great! You may very well have found your sweet spot. Good luck~!
  7. Thank you sweetie for the positive picture comment :) It's so tough no matter what stage we're in. I'm in it for the lifetime! You look fabulous by the way - good for you!!!

  8. Thank you :) Sometimes we lose focus and we forget how far we've come. I promised myself I would always fight no matter what. I have gone through and done too much to just allow myself to go back to that miserable unhappy woman I hated.


    I loved the new me and every day goes by I find a little bit more of her.


    Congratulations to you, you look fantastic and I truly admire you!

  9. I buy my vitamins at Costco - you get about 2 years worth! It's the women's daily multi. I was also told by my surgeons nutritionist to take Complex B, as my B vitamins were low at one time. I take iron by my PCP, and I take fish oil on my own. Need those Omegas!!

  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    close up

  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    this is me being cute / being happy that ive had lost.

  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fills done by patient at home

    Anyone consider the idea you would need to keep track on how much fill is in your band? It's probably pretty important to know, seeing as having more than the tubing could hold could be pretty dangerous. I do not like this idea at all, and the fact it just seems like anyone who would do this without proper training is treating their band as some willy nilly rubber thing floating around in their innerds. I wouldn't dream of doing this. Ever.
  13. I just simply told them that I'd been looking into Lap-Band surgery and I have decided that's what I'm going to do... I just said it. Of course some were a little concerned. It's normal for any surgery to be somewhat apprehensive. They also knew though that I'm going to do what I want anyway and they ultimately backe me 100%. I was very fortunate for this.
  14. I personally never experienced hair loss of any kind. Some do and it's never been told wether its actually from WLS.


    However I have always been big on vitamins before and now after surgery. :)

  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    2008 - showing it off...

    Sandi, thank you so much for posting your pictures and incredible story!! You look so awesome
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Discrimination / social marginalization

    It is so interesting to me you mention this. I went from losing over 100 Lbs just recently, and the difference in the way I'm treated by unfamiliar people and those I'm around frequently was quite drastic. People tended to want to talk to me more, be more polite. Most especially men. They would be much more galant and go out of their way to talk to me. However I have recently gone through a bit of a weight gain. It wasn't nearly as much as I'd lost but it was enough to be more than noticable. Turns out all the light are out in my world again, because like before I'm ignored and nothing I do or say holds any credence anywhere. It sucks, but unfortunately it is a cold hard fact. Glad I'm addressing my issue! I liked being noticed and taken seriously! :sad:
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Alert! Nsv alert!

    That has to be one of the single most embarrassing things to happen to me due to being obese. This happened to me a very long time ago and I still remember it like it was yesterday. I haven't been back to the amusement park since. That is actually a huge goal of mine to go back and face my fear. I want to wait until I know for sure I can do it. In fact, my goal in my ticker line should be about that. :sad: Again, awesome and congratulations!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Attracting women.

    I think alot of men do congregate in the Men's Room forum. I will move this thread in there if you like... let me know - otherwise it will just stay here.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    I ran!

    Congrats!!!!!!! I loved running until my knees got hurt. I do still try when I get on my treadmill but it doesnt last long. I'm like Amy kinda I guess. It's ok, as long as it's getting done. Well done!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hellooooo Is there anyone out there??

    Ok then, add me to your friends list. I'm super helpful and always a pleasure to be around.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hellooooo Is there anyone out there??

    Sorry I'm too far. California.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's be honest....please!

    perl, that is great you are taking all the steps to a healthier you. If that means a revision to get the last half of your excess weight off, then I'm very happy for you. I would never tell anyone which surgery they should have, for that is between you and your Doctor. I just want to see everyone succeed in weight loss. Being overweight plain sucks! Healthy lifestyle is where its at :sad: Let us know how you're doing. We have a GB section here and I do read it to see how some of our revised bandsters are doing. I only wish them well and am happy for them always.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    awaiting surgery date

    Hi Shauna, welcome to LBT! Glad to have you! Take a look around, you will find loads of information here. It's how I got started! All the best.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Banded July 8, 2010

    Welcome to LBT and good luck on your journey as well! Thanks for sharing :sad:
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    New guy and newly banded tomorrow morning

    crazylegs, no questions from me - I just want to wish you well tomorrow. Stay focused and your results will be great!! Welcome to LBT :sad:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
