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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleever done April 2010

    Hey ladies!! I'll be posting in the evenings again in the sleeve chatroom! ) I'm on it again!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Revision SUCCESS at goal

    CONGRATULATIONS DEE!! This is exactly what I need to see right now! I am finally making it a priority to do this. If I have to pay OOP, I will. I'm quite tired of trying to make my band work. I'm not knocking the band it just wasn't in the cards for me. Some people are really successful with it, I was NOT one of them. I deal with hunger EVERY DAY! I'm either too tight or not near tight enough, etc. Too tight and I'm gargling my own stomach fluids all night! I think I've gotten over 20 fills/unfills in the last near 3 years. I'm almost back to my surgery weight so I find out and I've worked on it for the last month and nada. I'm done. That being said, can you please tell me - what is it that you prefer with the sleeve over the band, since you are experienced in both now. Thank you!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    What to do with too-big clothes?

    Laura, we have a clothing exchange here. Click this link to find it: LAP-BAND
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ Workout Challenge and Chat Thread ~*~

    Oh and tomorrow is my body rest day. No workouts for me :biggrin: Yeah I'm smiling because my body hurts so BAD! Haha... well by Saturday I'm sure it will be ready to go again.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ Workout Challenge and Chat Thread ~*~

    Thanks mary :biggrin:) Hey, now you only have 21 lbs to goal... now THAT aught to be some inspiration right there lady! Whoot!!! Get it!! Get it!! LOL :-D
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    What nutrition and food literature do you recommend?

    Great thanks Leigha! I'm going to look for it now. :biggrin: Jacqui, I know whole foods are the way to go... I will get there eventually. Betsy nice choice. I really can't ever seem to find a really good bariatric book. I also read WLS for Dummies. Didn't care for it either.
  7. What books have you read? Which books would you like to read? Magazines? Television or radio shows? Please explain WHY you are recommending it as well. The reason I ask is because it depends if it would match well with my ideals - or with anyone else reading this thread. Thank you!!!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Which Workout Literature do you recommend?

    Awesome thanks everyone! These are all great! Jacqui I'll definitely look into those you suggested. I do need some balancing work. never, I would *really* love to get a personal trainer. After my knee surgeries I will seriously consider it.
  9. I'm talking anything from: Videos/DVD's TV Programming Radio Programming Websites Magazines books ANYTHING! It can be something you're doing right now, would like to try because a friend of a friend has recommended it, or one you've tried in the past... I just thought I might see what everyone out there is doing.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    drinking while eating

    Pretty much once you get used to it, it won't be a big deal anymore. Band life consists of learning a whole new way of learning to eat and this is a major rule. Two reasons: If you are on the looser side of restriction, drinking while eating or soon after will cause the food to wash straight out of your band. If you are on the tighter side you will get the jolt of your life trying to pack Water into your esophagus with food in your pouch. Both being bad things. I personally wait until 30 minutes before my next meal if I'm not hungry and I'll drink up to 16oz of water. I drink during my workouts (2x per day) and I also drink at 32 oz during the day. It becomes routine and second nature, no big deal. I want my food in my pouch for as long as humanly possible, the longer the better so I don't feel hungry.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Bragging Rights Time

    Astras, that is fantastical!! Congrats to you.
  12. Probably a 4... maybe a 5.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    The truth about me...

    neveragain, not sure what to say except, well you are in no way a failure. You have done an excellent job with your weight loss and that is ONLY one thing you have done well with. You have met someone wonderful enough to call your Wife someday. Do you know how many out there can not say the same? So you don't have any guy friends... so what? My Husband is my best friend too. I really don't have very many female friends either. I have always been more inclined to have male friends anyway. I guess I just seem to relate to them better. Less catty, and more forthcoming. I prefer that in the people I know. Not only that they tend to be more into sports which is a passion of mine. Funny tho, my Husband isn't really into it that much... so that's kinda strange. :biggrin: About the argument situation. Take a deep look into it? Were you right in that scenario? Maybe she was calling it like she saw it. Doesn't mean she was wrong, or you or her friend. I think the best way to hash that out is to sit down one on one in a blameless environment and discuss it. You will eventually have to let that go if you are going to truly be with this person for the rest of your life. I do this with my Husband all the time, and believe me every day with him just gets better and better. I cannot imagine my life without him! As far as feeling like we failed our parents, well - in order for you to excel in everything you do you have to put all that aside. We all have setback in our lives but the most important thing you can do FOR YOURSELF is to prove to yourself you can do anything your desire is great enough for. Is your desire great enough? If not, then maybe that just isn't the road for you. We are all exceptional in our own right. You just maybe need to find your own and not feel like you need to live in your Fathers or your Sisters shadow. And last but not least, I for one am very impressed by you. I've seen many of your posts and they are all very helpful and inspirational. You just being here and telling everyone "look I did it so can you" means a great deal. You sir, are cutting yourself way too short.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ LilMissDiva's Journey Journal ~*~

    Good morning! Well here I am again. When I say I’m going to stick with something through to the end I mean it. Yes I always felt this nagging doubt before – so I’d just say I’m going to try it again... and again... This time I said I’m just going to do it and I’m going to see it out to the finish line (not sure exactly where that is yet). I’m going to get to get my body healthy and turn it into a calorie burning machine! I’m going to get my energy skyrocketing and I’m going to be able to do things I never imagined possible! I have been sticking to my eating routine as well. No, I have not been perfect – but I have been pretty darn good if I may say so. Tomorrow is my off day/free day so I’ll get the chance to let my body recuperate from the workouts and to shake up the caloric intake by pretty much enjoying 3 awesome meals and one awesome dessert. :-P I can’t wait… ha-ha!! I only get to have a “Free day” every other Friday, which is essentially my Regular Day Off from work. It’s the day I get to re-charge my batteries really. Everyone needs one of these every so often. I get to let loose, eat out and pretty much be a bum if I want. So what? I’m far from lazy – but I understand the true meaning of beauty rest! J I have been struggling a lot with the idea of taking a free day to myself every other week. I still get a little bit of a guilt feeling when I’m not working out or I’m not eating things like that on my good days. It’s all those years ingrained in me where if I were to just eat them any old time I would see a weight gain. I tend to lose fast and gain fast too. I take a lot of bad with the good on that. I notice it’s affecting me differently with this new “thought process”. I notice I’ll either gain a pound or stay the same for a few days following my free days. It’s a little bit nerve wrecking because I weigh daily. I’ve also noticed the weight is coming off quite slowly too. I only seem to lose about 1-1.5 lbs. per week. I’m not complaining really, it’s just strange for me. I’ve been known to lose up to 15 Lbs in one week! I can’t let this get into my head though and cause me to fall down again. I have to remind myself that I’m changing myself from the inside out this time. I have to re-wire my brain to become what I call more organized in my thoughts whereas eating and exercise are concerned. It’s when I am more spontaneous in my reactions to eating and exercise that I seem to lose track and end up making poor decisions. This is outside my personality trait anyway; I’m a very organized person. Perhaps that is why I always seemed to run amuck after a few months of doing really good. I wasn’t organized enough. My routine basically boils down to about 1150 – 1400 Calories per day depending on how much workout I do. My workout days run from 1.5 – 2.5 hours total per day (or more if I can muster up the energy) and 6 days per week. This may need to be tweaked from time to time as I notice my weight loss slowing. I do try to keep my body a calorie burning machine so I will do anything to keep it that way. Another thing I have noticed during my new routine and weight loss is my band has out of the blue returned. I was overly tightened before and thought this was the way to go to lose the weight. Well yeah, it worked for awhile but when you stay too tight for too long you tend to pick up really bad habits. Apparently what happens is one will move over to eating more slider foods to make up for content. It doesn’t happen overnight, but I gave it enough time and I seemed to find myself addicted to sugary sweet foods. I was never addicted to these pre-band. I was more a salty/crunchy type girl. I loved solid foods too (a whole lot in fact), I just ate way too much of it. Well my surgeon said enough was enough and “Released the Kraken” so to speak. Once I got the taste of real food again I was off like a rocket ship into space. I gained really fast after that until I got my senses back in order. That is me now, today; in order. I needed some routines, some organized thoughts. I needed my thinner body back! I was very uncomfortable. This time it’s going to be right. It’s going to be level headed and it’s going to be smart choices. I’m in it for the health, always was. I looked into the surgery because I was diagnosed with High Blood Pressure at the young age of 31. I didn’t want to be like most of my family battling that my whole life along with other illnesses such as diabetes or cancer. I lost an Uncle from HBP and he was in his 40’s. He was NOT obese mind you, but he could have been healthier. He didn’t work out and he was much stressed. I think working out is a major cure for stress. However working out was very difficult for me because I was over 330 Lbs. I wasn’t going to lose with as much as I could eat. I could eat A LOT I’m telling you no lies. I could probably out eat most guys posting in this very forum. Anyway, decision made. Now it’s time for decision complete.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    It didn't work for me

    You're right Beth it really DOESN'T work for everyone. If you did all the right things and gave it your best shot and it gave you issues enough to have it removed, then I'm sorry to hear that. However, good for you on trying to find something that would probably have been a better option from the beginning. I don't blame you at all though from starting small. I would never come here and chide anyone who has really REALLY tried to make their band work and it just didn't. There is no one surgery that fits all. Let us know how you're doing.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    How quickly do you lose sizes?

    Personally I tend to lose sizes pretty quickly when I'm in the zone. I can lose a size a month is seems like...
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Which Workout Literature do you recommend?

    Awesome!! Spot on, sounds like something I could definitely get in to. I don't have a regular strength training routine. I do need one, so THANK YOU!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ Workout Challenge and Chat Thread ~*~

    Oops pressed reply too quick! Mary, how have your workouts been coming along? GG I'm so glad you are feeling better! I'm more glad to see no matter what you get back on that horse and keep moving. Good for you! You will have your next 5k completed in no time. Proud a'ya!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ Workout Challenge and Chat Thread ~*~

    Hey hey hey everyone!! I kinda just changed the thread name. I figured why keep making a new one every month? It seems kind of confusing so we'll just keep one open at all times and when it gets too full, I can close this one and start a new one. Mary, on the Wii I do my body tests and age test things. I really like it. On the last one I scored 55 years old!! Ok maybe if you're 65 that's great, but for goodness sake I'm 36! I was NOT happy about that at all. I was actually kind of mortified... haha! Not only that I pretty much do a little of everything on there. I just go through the entire list of what they have and do one from each section at least. Its very lo-key but at least I'm doing that instead of my night time snacking. That is my danger time. Anyway, I've been bumping up the routine and I am doing excellent for someone my weight and with the condition of my knees. Yesterday I walked/jogged a total of 4.5 miles for the day. I couldn't believe it. 1.25 of those miles were outside and the rest was on my treadmill. I felt sooo exhausted after but I also felt an incredible sense of accomplishment. I thoroughly enjoy the walking and jogging aspect of my workouts. I have been sticking to my workout routine to a T and then some. I have a minimal schedule and if I feel like I can tack on an extra mile, and extra 100 Calories burned or extra time then I do it. I have to keep pushing my body to its limit or it will get sedentary on what I'm doing. I do not want that to happen! I wanna keep upping my level. Eventually I intend to complete my Billy's Boot Camp, a full 5k (running) then up from there, P90X and my ultimate goal right now is the workout video Insanity. Ok, we're talking way into the future - but hey everyone has their 5 Year outlook right??? hehe :thumbup:
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Getting back on track?

    Gary, Welcome back!! First let me say, wow... what a scare for you and your Wife. I'm so GLAD to hear she recovered! Blessings to her and to you. In the grand scheme gaining 10 Lbs. while not great is really not that bad either. You woke up and you realized you need to get right so that is the first step! You will do fine, just stay positive and stay focused. I think the one main ingredient for losing the weight and keeping it off is focus. You lose that, you don't lose the weight and/or you gain it back. Good luck and let us know how you're doing!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Confused about eating and calories

    Kathy, I just happened to notice your goal in your ticker line. Good for you! I hope you make it to the number, but IMO you've already made it.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Confused about eating and calories

    Wal-Mart Sells some for only a couple buck each. They are called "Body Fortress Super whey Protein". They are 2.9 Fl Oz, 110 Calories, Zero Sugar and 26g Protein. I always have a few laying around in case I'm in a sticky spot.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Stretched pouch? need a Fill?

    I did stretch out my pouch I believe and here is what I did to correct it: I started eating tiny portions. Some people to the 5 day pouch test to shrink the pouch, but I just can't do all liquids all day, however I may do this later. Do not drink any liquids at all at least 30 minutes before you eat. It can still cause your solid foods to slip through your band. I also actually wait a minimum of one hour to drink any liquids again. IMO I would wait to see if I could try to shrink my pouch on my own before getting a fill. I really do try to avoid ever getting over filled again, because it was the very reason I struggled for so long. I'm going to do it right this time, and accept my band for what it is. Just a device to help me eat less and feel satisfied on less food. That is all. Anyway these two things did really help with shrinking my pouch. For awhile it didn't even feel like I had a band. It took a few weeks for it to take effect, but I've noticed in the last week the tiny portions have been enough and it is lasting on me. I still get hunger pains and I still need to be able to eat solid healthy nutritious foods. All the best!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ LilMissDiva's Journey Journal ~*~

    I have been working out like crazy! I do something 6 days per week, and leaving Friday for “recovery”… LOL Not only that Mondays I do very little. I play on my Wii for 30 minutes and I do 30 minutes of Calisthenics and a few reps of weights. I’m not doing too many weights because, well, I really don’t want to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Just a little definition is quite enough. On my hardest day I’m pulling in about 2 ½ hours time. I think for someone who’s only been back in the swing for 3 weeks isn’t too shabby! Failure should be a four letter word! Or perhaps it is… it is really just the word F-A-I-L after all. I seem to be seeing it and hearing it all over the place right now. Maybe it’s just because I’m more perceptive to it because not only 6 weeks ago I felt like just “giving up”. Even to the point where I didn’t care if I got back up to 300 Lbs. or more and just wanted to do what I wanted to do. So what? I have a Husband and a family that loves me. So what, I’m getting to eat all the things I wanted to because my band has been unleashed. I felt this way because life had taken over. I was super busy from the time I woke up in the morning until it was time for bed, and I don’t even have any children if you can believe it! It was the way it was though, and before I knew it I was up 40 Lbs! Are you kidding me?? 40 Lbs?? No way!! I was well over the 100 Lbs. lost mark only 6 months out of surgery. Well now I have to remember I had already lost 50 or so before surgery. Then again I had a long ways to go. I was at least 180 Lbs out of my normal BMI category. So sad for me huh? No. I was the one that got me there and I was the one that had to fix it. I started to, but somehow I lost focus and I was back to the miserable me… the “Despicable Me”. Before I knew it I could feel my clothes tighten up around me. Where was my mind during this? I knew it was happening and yet, it was like I was in dreamland somewhere. I didn’t want to notice because this is what one would call their comfort zone. I was comfy, yet not so much so. How does that even make sense? It did to me, that’s all I can say. Well, thank goodness I woke up from my nightmare! I felt so terrible physically. My body at that point had become accustomed to the healthier foods and the exercise routines. I felt tired all the time and very complacent. I didn’t want to do much of anything at one point. I didn’t even feel like getting up to use the bathroom. Now THAT’S pathetic. But… I’m back on my normal routine. The good and healthy one. Now I don’t mind getting up and doing things. I’m finding myself walking from point A to point B very quickly. It’s so much fun being healthy and active. I don’t feel like I’m waddling as much anymore either… LOL It’s so funny how we forget certain things that go along with being obese. Perhaps it’s because those are things we’d rather not remember anyhow. Or like how it had become more difficult to cross my legs again, or how my legs rub as I’m walking. Nasty little things like that. All the things I hate in exchange for the sweet taste of ice-cream or cookies and having the time to watch my favorite TV shows at night. That is why I put a nice TV in my workout room with Cable! If I notice there is something deterring me from getting my big butt up and doing my workout, then it’s something I need to address. That was just one of them. The other is I hate going to a gym. Well guess what, that means I can create one at home. One of the best things I ever did for my weight loss journey. Besides my “get it done” attitude and the Lap-Band of course!! I have absolutely no excuses on why I shouldn’t finish this thing out this time. I know I can and will get to goal if I keep my mind focused. On those days where I just don’t feel like “doing my exercises”, I will just have to dig way deep. I usually imagine Jillian’s voice and her looking at me with that “mmhmm yeah right” look she gives the contestants on Biggest Loser. Then I see her walk over to the treadmill and turn it up to 10 or something utterly ridiculous. She beats them down! What is she doing right though? She breaks them down mentally to build them up physically. She gets to the heart of the matter. That’s what I’ve been doing. It’s NOT EASY!! However, I seriously don’t remember anyone telling me it would be. Maybe that was just a picture I concocted in my head.
  25. Hi darkangel :) Thanks for the add! Hang in there, it keeps on getting better! TTFN

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