Denise, thank you so much for your honest replies! So far everyone who has replied has had nothing but positives! I like that, and I've also gone through the complications forums too. I will more in-depth over the next few months. That is something I'm sad to say I really didn't do with the band. Wish I had or I NEVER would have gotten it! I surely would have also noticed everyone revising to other surgeries. IMO that just isn't a track record.
It just blows me away how many think for some strange reason you can't gain your weight back with the band. Nothing is further from the truth! I really work hard too! One friend even told me I workout more than anyone else she knows... so there IS a problem somewhere.
I'm going to start a journey thread here really soon so everyone can follow along. Things are already moving fast! I want everyone to enjoy it, something I didn't do with the band either. Glad I didn't tho... lol! I would be freaking out alot of people right now.
britt, congrats on your recent sleeve! No worries on the gains, you certainly aren't the only one who gained all their weight back with the band! I only got within 2 Lbs of my surgery weight. That's when I decided I better do something NOW!! Had I hit 300 again... well... I do believe I would have gotten a bit depressed. :'( I'm not far from it though, so in the mean time I am going to keep pressing on. I'm not going to use this as an excuse to do whatever I want :svengo: Would like to though!
I heard about the sweet distaste. What a wonderful side effect! I would love to get that too! You know I was NEVER addicted to sweets pre-band, but after was another story. Funny how your body starts craving things it knows is probably the only things it can eat. It has gotten better tho since I've defilled alot and can eat food again. Only problem is I can eat too much now!
Thanks so much for your reply! You are doing fantastic so far.