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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Got my date August 31st !!!

    Getting started early does not hurt at all. That would just be less weight to goal once you are sleeved. Good luck!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need to be accountable ...

    MINI good for you!! I know you can do it. Accountability is #1, and focus is right up there too. Keep up the good work.
  3. Awesome! You are a very inspirational lady. I just wanted to let you know I stopped by and wanted to wish you very well. :)

  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    where are the heavyweights?

    Wow!!!!! YOU ROCK!!! Seriously, congratulations to you - that is really fantastic.
  5. Question for Post-Op patients of Dr. Aceves in MX Hello! I?ve been scoping these threads for the last few weeks. Originally my intent was to stay here in the US and picked top surgeon Dr. Cirangle in San Francisco, CA. His price is a bit high and I am self pay for a revision surgery from Lap-Band to VSG ? and the sooner the better. I have grown some interest in Dr. Aceves as I?ve only heard such wonderful things about him and his staff. Not to mention his cost would be about half what I would be charged with Dr. C. Granted I can pay for the surgery but it will leave me near penniless, and I don?t like that too much. So if you are a past patient of Dr. Aceves, and especially if you are a revision Band2Sleeve, please play along and answer my few questions. Thank you! 1) When was your surgery with Dr. Aceves? 2) How much weight have you lost? 3) Tell me (briefly) about your stay in his facilities? (i.e., cleanliness, friendliness of staff, attentiveness of his nurses) 4) Did you have any complications, even if they were very minor? 5) If your child wanted to use this surgeon in the future, how would you feel? 6) How did you get to/from the facilities? 7) How difficult was it to schedule your surgery? 8) What kind of pre-operative requirements does his staff have? 9) What do you regret about using Dr. Aceves? 10) On a scale of 1 to 10, what would you rate your overall experience using Dr. Aceves?
  6. Hi Curves, I noticed you have had a band to sleeve revision. I'm doing the same in hopefully about a month. I'm wondering how you're doing, and how you're feeling?


    Any help is greatly appreciated! :)

  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    help me out

    Hi Feat, since this is my second time around (currently banded) and had a schedule of eating given to me by my previous surgeon, including my future one I think I can help a bit. For my Lap Band I was restricted by Weeks. By week 3 I was in the soft food phase. As for when I have my VSG, I will be on more of a mushy stage. Still two different kind of stages, however, IMO I don't consider nuts of any kind anything other than a solid food. If you are unsure, I would definitely consider contacting my Surgeon or Nutritionist.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    5 Months Banded . . . now looking elsewhere

    Revisioner here! I'm working ASAP to have this "thing" removed and replacing it with what I should have gotten in the first place (had I known about it at the time). I am going to Dr. C, LapSF. The only thing I regret now is waiting and waiting to get a revision to the point I'm only a few pounds down from surgery day. However, I did lose 50 lbs pre-band and have been able to keep that off. Yay!!! Good luck with your decision. Let us know how you're doing.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    I found out I was turned down by Kaiser

    Best wishes with that!! It?s tough sometimes going through insurance. I did it with my Band and the hoops are unreal. At least you know Kaiser does approve the Sleeve, lots of insurances still do not. Keep fighting!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Just one peek.... what could it hurt.

    It is dangerous to weigh yourself outside of a formatted timeframe! I wear light clothing, and weigh at the exact same time of day every other day. I do not eat or drink before doing so as well. Something I've learned over the many years of dieting! I can lose so much wind in my sails when I have a moment of weakness and step on the scale when I already had first thing in the morning, after my morning tinkle and before coffee even standing next to nekkid. Ok, TMI sure - but that's how I roll! Anyway, when I go outside this routine and I see I'm up a few pounds I really beat myself up. I try super hard not to weigh myself any other time! It brings me way down.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    where are the heavyweights?

    Hey everyone! Heavyweight here... :-P I need to lose about 140 Lbs. I currently have the Realize Band and that has not been able to help me with restriction and easier weight loss that I'd hoped for. So now I'm going for something more permanent and using a World Class Bariatric Program through LapSF and Dr. Cirangle. Insurance paid for my band but will not pay for revisions. They should pay for the removal of the band however and that will help. I am digging out all my hard earned dollars to have this done, and this is my last shot at getting it right - so you better believe I'm making it to goal this time. And I'll stay there too!! Just in defense of those who have less than 100 Lbs. to lose, well I wish I wouldv'e done this sooner. I wish I wouldn't have let it get so out of control that it seems like my goal is so far to be reached! Kudos!!! to those who are taking control before it gets so distant, like my goal. However, it is nice to have people around who are more along the lines of weight loss needs to support each other. :thumbup:
  12. Anyone here get VSG from Dr. Cirangle in CA/HI? Hi everyone!! I am going to be revising from Lap-Band to sleeve very VERY soon! Probably in about 3 weeks to be exact. If not then by mid-September? I am going self-pay through Dr. Cirangle in San Francisco, CA. I live in Sacramento, CA and he has a clinic set up here. I have been hearing so many awesome things about him and his staff. If I am going to shell out my hard earned dollars, I want to ensure I have the best care and best surgeon available to me in my area. I have a few questions for those who have had him as a surgeon, if you don?t mind answering some questions! J Thanks in advance! Were you revised from Band to Sleeve (just curious so I can know I compare to you)? When was your surgery? How much have you lost? How do you feel about Dr. Cirangle and his staff? Are you glad you had the surgery? What kind of after care are you receiving from Dr. Cirangle? Is the price all inclusive, or are there certain things you need to still pay out of pocket for? Do you know if Dr. Cirangle accepts any kind of Medical Credit? Were you sleeved in his San Francisco Hospital? If so, how would you rate the accommodations from 1 (lowest score) to 10 (highest score)? . . . . . . . Thanks again!!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ Workout Challenge and Chat Thread ~*~

    Good morning everyone! I have been doing pretty good with my routine. Yes, I’ve still been getting up at 3 am to get that early morning workout in. I have to or I won’t do it at all. I really can’t say why that is the case, it’s just the way I am. It gets me set for the day! I’ve been doing about 20-25 minute routines first thing in the morning, and do about a 30 minute routine at night. Very light evening routine as well. It seems to be doing pretty good so far! I haven’t lost any weight but at least I’m doing what I need to do! My blood pressure has been up and exercising does address that. GG, glad to hear your stitches are out! Now you can get back to your C25K again… I know you’ve been missing it. J Let us know how you’re progressing! Mary, good for you on keeping us posted! I know I have not been doing that as much as I should, but I’m doing my workouts promise! It’s a light duty version, but I’m doing them! That’s all that matters. Until next time everyone! Where are the new posters who popped in? Leaving us already? Hope not!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    August Sleeves!!

    april best of wishes!! BBJ, I seen in another thread you are doing well - glad to hear it! Ok, I'm a possible August sleever, so I'm just popping in to say hi just in case.. lol - I might have surgery on the 31st with Dr. Cirangle - we shall see. The best to everyone!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene


    Aww sleeve! It's tough without any help from anything. This will probably be one of the toughest things you will ever do, but the rewards will make it worth it and then some. Luckily I kinda have a head start, as I'm doing a band to sleeve revision. This is my second go-around so I know what to expect and thus makes the ride a little easier. Just remember, that this diet is meant to shrink that liver... you don't want to risk anything. Hang in there, and so far I think you are doing great. :sad0: <3
  16. LilMissDiva Irene


    Congrats BBJ!!
  17. Thanks Tiffy for sharing yourself with all of us. I needed that! Congratulations on doing what you needed to do to be the best you can be. I cannot be scared to do that. All the best!!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Question for Post-Op patients of Dr. Aceves in MX

    Thank you so much Gary! Wow, it sounds like you have been super successful with the sleeve, good for you
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Mexicali Experience

    Thank you so much!!!! I am seriously considering going to Dr. Aceves for my revision surgery. I won't lie, there is alot of apprehension simply for the fact this surgery will be out of the Country. However the more wonderful posts I see like this, the better it makes me feel. So... THANK YOU!! And especially thank you for taking your time and being detailed. I prefer detail when I'm making such a huge decision. It's stories like this that clear the air and get me ever more ready!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Dr Aceves credentials

    Works for me! It's sounds better even. "Over" anything is what I'm looking for. Except Over Weight that is.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Question for Post-Op patients of Dr. Aceves in MX

    Thanks Daisy
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Dr Aceves credentials

    Hey Dr. Aceves patients! What size does the Dr. use for his sleeve? Is it a 32? Thanks for you replies :confused1:
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm back in the groove!

    Good deal! Thanks for your story, it will help as I move along in my process. :sad0:
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ Workout Challenge and Chat Thread ~*~

    GG: Heal quick! I know you are feeling like you want to run again, but please PLEASE let your stitches heal. And darnit if your Hubby is makin ya wait J He’s doing the right thing, but I’m sure you already recognize that. The stitches will be out in no time and you will be running once again. The eating sweets thing, well, its one of those awful things! I’ve actually been able to manage mine. I’ve even been eating them from time to time, but after I just move on and I’m back to being good. I don’t really know why lately but I’ve had an excellent handle on my eating habits. I know you have heard this a million times, but if I can do it – anyone can! NicVio: Welcome!! It sounds like you are jumping right in with both feet! Check in and let us know how you’re doing. Working out is a huge part of the success of weight loss and maintenance J Hi Ebony!! Nice to see you! Thanks for the uplifting message. I’m likely never going to be a long distance runner, as my genetics has carved my future for that. However I do what I can J I hope you can get your fill soon! I know first hand how crazy that can be… Mary, thanks for checkin on me! I’ve been doing my thing. I’ve mostly cooled off a bit. The whole 3 hours of workout left me with no time for myself or nothing fun at all! LOL Sure, I like working out but that was just way too much. In looking back though it has helped! I’m down 6 Lbs from total last month. Not bad! So right now for my workouts I’m doing a 1.25 mile walk at work in the early morning. So, no more 3 am wakeups to do a workout. I think it started to give me bags under my eyes, and I can’t deal with that! LOL Then when I get home and have some dinner, and afterwards I put in about 30 minutes to an hour some cardio and some calisthenics or weight lifting. Not bad. J Someone gave me the idea to set tiny goals for myself. I started to do that, and I think that was probably the best idea I’ve heard in a long time. It does set things into perspective for me. It makes my weight loss way more manageable and relaxing. When I only look to the long goal it seems like its a million miles away. …Very discouraging. I must only use manageable and encouraging tools to get what I want.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Can VSG make you like your job????

    stcyt, wow, what an interesting perspective. I do have mixed emotions with my job. I hope it happens for me to at least "tolerate" my job. :-/

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