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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    75 lbs, size 10 and dresses!

    You look great!! Rock those dresses because you look cute in them. Awesome losses too, you're really doing awesome!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    mean people

    @@covatila84 own your decision. If someone says that, respond that yes you did. It's okay to have WLS and you felt it enough to have it. The words out now so all you can do it own it.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    mean people

    @@ElyQuint Your weight loss is going to be the subject of others around you whether you like it or not. You're not invisible and you're pretty too, so you are going to get attention. In fact the smaller you get the more you will get remarks, some very nice and some catty. Try not to allow others unhappiness become your own. I liked your response, which was no response. I think when you respond unkind you are soaking up negativity and trying to release it upon others. Negativity is like a cancer it will grow and kill happiness. You're doing fine and this is a really good subject.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene


    @@Kittenheart I'm 3.5 years out and I have chewed gum since about a month out of surgery and never once experienced any problems. I love it, it's great for head hunger and helps keep your breath fresh. Especially when you're going through ketosis.
  5. @@Erin414 welcome to bariatic pal What is my pre op diet like? Dr Neil Floch is my surgeon. I'm not sure what your exact surgeon does for a pre-operative diet but it seems most do the very low carb diet to shrink the liver. It will decrease your risk of having your liver nicked or cut during the procedure and knowing how dangerous that is hopefully it will help you stay on target. Usually 30 total grams or less of carbs is a very low carb diet. If you eat carbs make them count. Eat carbs high in Fiber and are nutrient dense. How long are you usually in the Hospital? I was in the hospital for 4 days and 3 nights and seems to be around average hospital stay time. What should I pack? Here is a link to answer this question: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/181994-the-official-what- you-will-need-for-your-gastric-sleeve-surgery-thread/ Does it hurt? Well it hurt me, I'm sure you will get a whole many different responses. I have a high tolerance for pain and my post op was very uncomfortable. I got sick a few times but hey, surgery isn't pleasant. I'm sure you will be fine. Anything specific you guys have found that you needed when you got home from the hospital? Yes lots of sleep. Heal well and try not to do too much immediately post op. I also found out I needed a LOT of patience. The weight is going to come off but on its own terms, not yours. Celebrate every pound as a victory and if you stall you will definitely need patience then. One last thing you will need is willpower to stay on course. You have a window of opportunity, use it while you have it. Lose as much weight as you can in this time. It's usually about 12-18 months worth of time. The first 6 months are the very best. What were the best ways to stay positive through the pain? I always thought into the future and knew that the pain of today will be the pleasure for tomorrow. Yeah, I was right. Nothing worth doing is ever easy! When did you begin to feel normal again? It took me about to the 4th month before I started to feel normal. Low intake of food and struggling to get Water in left me feeling tired and admittedly a bit cranky, but I got over it eventually. Are there certain foods i will never eat again? No really there aren't any foods you won't be able to eat again, but there will always be foods you SHOULDN'T eat. Find out what those foods are. They are called "trigger" foods and when you hear your brain tell you that it's okay to eat it, celebrate, make yourself happy, etc do not listen. It will get you to feel okay with eating other things that will hinder your weight loss. Wishing you the best Irene
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Instagram anyone?

  7. Beauty is NOT only skin deep. Whoever said that got it all wrong. Beauty comes from the heart and soul and radiates from the inside out.

    1. BellaHugz


      I agree, I have taught my daughter to smile from her heart out and the world will see her beauty! Words to live by!! Fyi I think your beautiful MissDiva!!

    2. LilMissDiva Irene

      LilMissDiva Irene

      You are beautiful too Bella :) That's a great thing you are teaching your baby girl!

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Ladies! TMI...that time of the month

    Another aspect to consider is our fat cells hold hormones along with un needed energy. Once we use up each fat cell it re-releases the hormones into our blood stream. This can cause strange or heavy periods for awhile. If it becomes too much for you see your regular doctor about giving you something that can help regulate your system. Good luck!
  9. That's a very interesting article. I used to be well over 300 Lbs a long time ago, at least 7 years now. I can confidently say I don't miss anything about it whatsoever.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    African American RNY Sisters

    Hello ladies, let me introduce myself. My name is Irene and I am currently in the process of revising my VSG into a Rny GB. I am going through numerous tests and just yesterday I had an upper endoscopy to look inside my stomach. Somehow the shape did not come out like a banana after healing and I am suffering from extreme GERD. We also seen the shape of an hourglass via a barium test (Upper GI) My surgeon feels that my best shot at success post op would be to have the Gastric Bypass. That said I have been extremely successful with my sleeve, but with my recent complications have begun to gain me weight back and struggling a lot with hunger. I'm looking forward to hearing all of your advice! Thanks for welcoming me. You all are some beautiful ladies.
  11. When you hit a stall? When you have "only" lost 1 Lb in a weeks time? When you're feeling drained? When you're tired of liquids only for weeks on end? and especially when... You lose your first 50 Lbs? When you get your first "Are you losing weight? Wow you look great!" compliment? When you fit in your goal pants? When you hit your goal weight?
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    How Do You Plan Your Meals?

    I am a daily planner, but I do think weekly planning is better. I do a little bit of that already by weekly grocery shopping and making sure there is always fresh Protein, veggies and fruits in the house and not buying hi fat or hi sugar foods.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene


    Nice article! I definitely went through this stage many moons ago. I had to learn the difference and I think it's just one of those growing pains majority of post ops will go through. For me, I learned that confidence is just another way of knowing you CAN better yourself. Arrogance is another way of thinking you're better than others.
  14. Thanks especially for the desciption and warning of getting in the shower in the event of a dumping episode. I had some a few times being sleeved so it makes sense that I will with the bypass too. The only thing that works for me, like you said is for me to lie down until it passes.
  15. Hello Rny family I am pre-op and I'm just curious if there are any issues that you have come across that you'd have know pre-surgery? Thanks so much.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    African American RNY Sisters

    I had a DNA test done and recently found out I am 2% African. Can I join in the conversation?
  17. Hello @@William 2010 - I would advise you to please discuss the GERD issue in depth with your bariatric surgeon before making a final decision on which surgery to have. I was revised from Lap Band to VSG in Sept. 2010, which at that time it wasn't as recognized as it is today that prior GERD issues and the Sleeve are usually not a good mix. I had incredible success with my Sleeve where I didn't so much with my Lap Band, but now I'm dealing with some really awful GERD, worse than ever and yes I did have it prior to my revision. However I did not have acid reflux problems before I was Lap Banded in Feb. of 2008. I am now faced with the situation that I must have a revision again to go from VSG to the Rny GB to relieve me of the acid problems I'm having. I wish I had been told this prior to revision, but hindsight is 20/20. Only you know the full scope of what's going on in your life and health and only you and your surgeon should make the decision with certainty that everything will work out fine. I can tell you this though I love my Sleeve and it is a wonderful tool! I also hope I will love my new pouch just as much. All the best in your new journey!!
  18. The difference between action and reaction is making your own fate rather than letting fate take over you.

    1. Carlotta1


      Amen..lover his. .

  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    CHECKING IN: Part Deux

    I am changing my name (not officially but...) to LilMissDiva 2.0 Since I have been back in the community I have been really rocking. I've still struggled a bit here and there but for the most part I am on my way back and it's showing. Here are some photos I took yesterday. My tummy is getting flat (again) and I can see my face is thinning out (again). I'm enjoying watching my personal transformation (again). That said, I never want to go through this again. I won't allow myself to feel sorry for me anymore. I am STRONGER than anything negative put in my path. I just pick up the dust and clay, and make Pyramids out of it. It's how I roll. And THANK YOU to all my long time friends for coming by to check in with me!! I really have missed you, and I sincerely hope we can all check in often. There are many who can answer all of the same questions that many newer folks are asking, but believe it or not, they are watching us too. They are blessed that they can see what it can be like for them 3.. 4.. and 5 years and beyond. I or we never had that! We are the trailblazers my friends! :-) That's a very special and honorable thing to be.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    CHECKING IN: Part Deux

    @@proudgrammy Can I just say you made me laugh!!! Too funny and yes sometimes it FELT like I was working out 17 hours per day and drink 4 gallons of Water.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    BariatricPal: Unified WLS Community

    Great post, thank you! I especially dislike the "well if you're not losing weight or are gaining, you're not doing it right" type responses. It's really not helpful and can seem like someone is getting bashed. I think every individual deserves the time and respect for us to go over what the issues are before just making that claim off the bat. It's really unfair and to second Gman's response that yes the enemy is fat, not each other. Personally I notice when I start to want to respond negatively and that's when I realize it's time for me to take a break. That's okay too. When I need to come back, this place is always here with open arms. On the flipside however, there are far more positive and helpful responses than there aren't. This is one of the best online support communities out there. Well okay, I think it IS the best WLS online support community out there.
  22. The post op section won't load and I can't wait to ask these questions so bear with me. And before I ask them, please note I absolutely WILL follow the post op rules. I have every other time, and I will this time for sure. So now let me ask the questions: How difficult has it been for you to lose the weight during the first year or so? How long did your honeymoon phase last for you? I need to lose 80 Lbs to get to a 21 BMI. How long would you guess that might take? Don't worry I know you're not psychic. Just your best guess will work. Thanks so much in advance lovely bariatric pals.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Questions for Post Op Rny people...

    Thanks so much Francie! I will defiintely follow the plan! That I do know, the harder you work in the honeymoon period and the weight melts like butter. 2 years for a honeymoon phase is awesome!
  24. I wish I would have know that having GERD pre-operative Sleeve is usually a precursor to worse symptoms down the line a few years. Other than that everything else goes away in time. No complaints other than that.
  25. Always celebrate your journey! Whether anyone else likes it or not. =) You're the Captain of your Vessel.

    1. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      Agreed. I even made a list of things to reward myself at every five pounds down or if any major Non Surgical Victory comes up. It gives me a lot to look forward to.

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