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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. lol No biggie at all.. I do appreciate all of the well wishes :)) This is the best place for support I've EVER been too!! I'm so glad to see you are healing so fast, Hopefully I will do the same.

  2. Awww thank you soooo much! Actually tomorrow are all my pre operative tests and the Big Day is Wednesday. I'm super nervous and even more excited. I have all these feelings all wrapped into one... ahhh!!! lol I will check in asa I can. Hugs!

  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    IT"S MY TURN!!!!! Tomorrow!!!

    Glad you are doing well!! Rest up
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm being SLEEVED on Sept. 15, 2010 by Dr. Aceves!!

    THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for the well wishes and prayers!!! I will be checking in again when I can. I'm bringing my Mini Dell with me, so hopefully I'll feel up to it by Thursday. I'm usually out of it on surgery day. Dansha, thank you so much for that sweet message. You made my day!! Gayle and tdov -- Prayers to you too! I hope it goes smooth!!! See you on the losers bench!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm being SLEEVED on Sept. 15, 2010 by Dr. Aceves!!

    Awww thank you so much! You are equally as adorable, and you are doing so great! It's been great watching your progress as I anticipate mine. :blushing: Keep up the great work!! Sure no problem. I have so many protein supplements during the day. Also for some Snacks I choose beef Jerky or almonds, etc. Then for dinner I'll have a piece of meat of whatever I choose, and a side of veggies. That's it. It really adds up. :biggrin2:
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Surgery Monday! 9/13

    You will do fantastic! All the best tomorrow... my how time flies !!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm being SLEEVED on Sept. 15, 2010 by Dr. Aceves!!

    Down another 1.2 Lbs!! Whoohoo!! Only 3 days to go... getting excited!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    14 days out and I feel...

    It's so good to hear you are feeling better :thumbup: Sooo Awesome!! Congratulations on the new you!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's count Dr. Aceves Patients!

    I am scheduled with Dr. Aceves this coming Wednesday.. Can't wait!! So far Nina and Monica have been stellar at getting me all situated. It will be nice once this is all said and done! :thumbup:
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Done - band to vsg revision

    Congrats Lynn! I'm more glad to know you're home and resting now. Take care, and I'm each day will get better and better.
  11. Hope all is well! Please check in when you're up to it. We are all rooting for you! :)

  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm being SLEEVED on Sept. 15, 2010 by Dr. Aceves!!

    OMW time is flying.... when I wake up it will only be THREE DAYS!!! I made a booboo today with my pre-op diet today. I ate a lunchables, which the meat and cheese aren't so bad. But I did eat the crackers too, which is a big no-no on my prescribed diet. I won't do it again I know, but just wanted to own it and move on. Now, I will definitely eat a bit more carbs post op and once I'm able to get solids in. I will stay on a Protein first, veggies second and a bite of carbs third type thing. For right now though I shouldn't have eaten them. So far I'm down 7.6 Lbs since the beginning so not bad!! Can't be too mad at myself. My carb cravings aren't that bad either. I know I'm over the low blood sugar feelings. I'm doing good!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    September sleevers wanted!

    You are very sweet!! Thanks Anna I am super ready for this!! So amazing the biggest (and only) cheat I've done on my pre-op diet - I had a lunchable today with those awesome crackers... lol It wasn't even one of those super lunchables either, just the meat cheese and crackers. I don't plan to do that again however. It was good though, I'm not going to lie. But since I started my pre-op a whole week and a half early I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I'll tell you, I think that's been one of my biggest hurdles. Picking myself up and dusting off and trying again. That all starts NOW!!! Glad to hear your friend is doing good! I would love to become a friend to some here who plan to go to Dr. A. I am going to continue my care with him for my follow ups. It would be nice to see some new faces down there.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    September sleevers wanted!

    Thanks genie for your boost of confidence for all us newbs! I know I definitely needed that. I'm only a few days away from getting this band removed and replacing it with something I believe in one hundred percent. I truly am more motivated than I've ever been and I know I'll do great! How's all the newly sleeved Sept Sleevers??? Question to all Sept Sleevers. In another forum the monthly surgery folks would name themselves. For example, I am a Victorious Valentine there... well up until next Wednesday anyway.. lol Does this sound like something you all would be interested in doing? It's super fun and I do believe it will help us to tie together. Let me know! We can start a new thread and come up with a mutually agreed apon name.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Have 100+ lbs to loose?

    I'm in there too, and quite a bit to lose. When all's said and done I will have lost 176 Lbs. I was (well still am) A BIG'UN! LOL!! So far I'm down 56.4 Lbs from my Ultimate highest. I'm so sick of all the ups and downs. This is going to be the last time I go down. Never going back up! Nope, NEVER!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Whats your ethnic background?

    Ditto on that matter.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Saying Good-bye to all

    Touché :thumbup:
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm being SLEEVED on Sept. 15, 2010 by Dr. Aceves!!

    Nice! I've been looking for some folks who are having the same date as me. All the best to you too! We should try not to let our nerves get the best of us.. lol :thumbup: Though I don't know if it's working for me. My travel begins first thing Monday morning... Augh!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm being SLEEVED on Sept. 15, 2010 by Dr. Aceves!!

    Another great day yesterday... I feel so jazzed!! Calories: Intake 1025 - Burned 437 - Net 588 Carbs: Intake 29 - Fiber 16 - Sugar 7 - Net Carbs 13 Wow! I don't even feel it to be honest. I'm so very glad I decided to start this early. I'm so nervous right now, and it wouldn't be a good time to go through Carb withdrawals. I think I'll carry this diet through until my goal. It works!! I won't go this low carb forever though - I'd add healthy carbs back once I get there and maintain + / - 5 Lbs. Once I get to my +5 I'll go low carb again until it's gone. From what I've been reading around here this eating plan seems to work wonderful with the sleeve. My life is changing forever. I have confidence again in myself and my outlook is so positive!!! and... 5 MORE DAYS!!!!!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    IT"S MY TURN!!!!! Tomorrow!!!

    It's your big day!! (((big hugs)))
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    18 hours post op - photos

    Ah the joys of surgery. You look amazing though! I hope I look that great the next day! Congrats to you, you're a SLEEVER now! :-D
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Tomorrow is the day!

    Glad you are doing good!! Rest and relax, heal up and get on the mend
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    IT"S MY TURN!!!!! Tomorrow!!!

    Hooray Kim!! I can't wait to hear how it went for you. I'm not that far behind you... wow! Here's hoping for a smooth surgery and quick recovery!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm being SLEEVED on Sept. 15, 2010 by Dr. Aceves!!

    sleeve, daisy - Thanks so much for the info... I think seriously for the first time since getting my date I actually felt a little bit of nervousness just now. I was like... wow... SIX DAYS!!! OMG!!! LOL :thumbup: I have 110% faith in Dr. Aceves, I mean, I just cannot find one bad thing about him. Besides my Mom is making the trip down with me and she will be my Nurse. So glad! Mom's are always excellent at taking care of us, aren't they? kkb, sunshine -- I so appreciate your well wishes! I will definitely check in first chance I get. I'll be bringing my mini dell with me. It will finally come in hand since I've bought it about 1 year ago... haha!! :thumbup: As for me, I did soooo excellent yesterday on my Pre-Op diet. It was the first true day of it and I didn't miss a beat. Here is how I did: Daily Intake Totals Click Totals to View Charts Cals 1215 Fat 79 g Cholesterol 265 mg Sodium 1145 mg Carbs 27 g Sugars 8 gFiber 14 gProtein 100 g Protein: 32.81%; Carbs: 8.86%; Fats: 58.22% I also burned 999 calories in workouts so that is a Net Cals of 216!! Not bad! I'm glad I started early even though the few days before my must do stage wasn't that great. I think I have gotten rid of the Carb addiction regardless and it was almost effortless yesterday. I don't feel bad this morning either. I rather feel great! Have a great day everyone!! :thumbup:
  25. I think that is fantastic that you would take the courage to do what you know is in your best interest. I only wish I had done the same years ago when I was on my way up to 330 Lbs. Then again, when I was gaining all the weight I'd lost with the band... However here I am right where I started because I couldn't keep the weight off! Another thing I'd like to add Re: bones... We cannot forget the damage we are simply putting on our frames! For every extra 5 Lbs of weight, is like 15 lbs on our knees. We are not doing ourselves any service being any amount over weight. Besides, what is the story with this woman who has bone issues and teeth falling out? Could she have been more proactive with her supplements knowing she could only eat so much? Could she have a family history of degenerative bone issues? I mean, we can't just auto-blame the small stomach here. Great photo!! And the bonus question here is - Did Oprah keep that weight off? Um, no. She gained it all back and some... I know she's "against WLS" however, it would be a fine day for her to admit she needs more help than spending her $$$Mill$$$ on cooks, personal trainers, etc... The cycle has to stop somewhere! And in my world the cycle stops with me.

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