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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm being SLEEVED on Sept. 15, 2010 by Dr. Aceves!!

    I really didn't know that, I'll have to go check them out. I do need to make a trip to the Grocery Store since I need to get some foods for my next stage. Thanks!!! :lol0:
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm being SLEEVED on Sept. 15, 2010 by Dr. Aceves!!

    Hi Patti! :biggrin0: Thanks, I feel so great! Yes I did have my revision all at once. It took Dr. Aceves, per his surgeons report a total of 1:31 time. Now in revision world that is especially fast. As I read the report is appears I had so many adhesion's to repair and cut through. He even needed to do some liver repair... :bored0: Congratulations on your date!! The time will really fly by, so don't hesitate on getting everything prepared for yourself post surgery. As far as being different post-op I'd have to say yes on most counts. The healing for me was much different. With the sleeve the first two days were much more severe. I had very bad nausea and some vomiting - where with the band I was just bloated and it hurt where the band was placed. The band post-op is much less painful and the recovery is pretty instant. You need to rest and take it more easy with your sleeve. BUT -- just so you know, I'd do it all over again in a nano-second!!! It's worth it and then some! But the good thing is that having the Lap-Band experience does help a lot. You will already know what to expect as far as needs go - but the after experience is all its own for sure. All the best to you!! You will do fine, don't worry and you won't be sorry you did it!!! :biggrin0: For me I was able to suppress the hunger with those crazy little pills they used to sell in the 80's called Dexatrim. They aren't the same pills they are today - they were far more dangerous. They would cause things like stroke and heart-attack! :scared0: I can't believe I put myself through that!! What was I thinking? Anyway that was only part of it... lol I have to agree, we all finally found something that works! Some would ask us if we are still being extreme by cutting out 85% of our stomach??? Well to that I say C'est la Vie!!!! Hit the road Jack, who needs ya? He's done nothing for me than make me obese and miserable. We can live without it, why keep it - it was killing me. I wouldn't keep my appendix if it ruptured, or my gallbladder if it was making me sick... I see no difference what so ever. Helloooo everyone! So today I am just beginning day 9 and I am down an official total 10 Lbs. I weigh 262 Lbs!!!!!! I am doing so much better than I ever imagined. Especially since I did a Pre-Op diet for 2 weeks. I am absolutely beside myself, stoked, amped -- all those great words that describe happiness and elation!!!!!! I did feel a bit sluggish yesterday though so I had to go over my routine for the last few days. I think I need to remember to drink more... it's so tough right now. I can't have excuses for it though, it's imperative I do it. Also, I realized I haven't been keeping up with my Iron. I've been very good with my B's, but my iron has been almost zero. I am anemic with both Iron and B's so I know better. I do have some liquid Iron too, so there really is no reason for it, I just have not been as diligent as I should be. However, I did take some last night and I already feel better today. Speaking of which, here is something I've noticed recently. I used to love plain Water. I wasn't really big on flavored waters or Crystal Light... I mean I'd drink it but it was far rare in comparison. Now I find water extremely boring and I can't seem to do my sipping unless there is some flavor to it... ?!?! :lol0: I do not know why this is the case, but I do have plenty of flavored drinks to carry me though. I do hope I can get back into plain water again. I don't like the idea of having to drink chemicals every time I should be nourishing my body with natural fluids. I may have to learn to re-love it again... lol It's just too much right now though, I'm having a hard enough time just getting them in period. So today and tomorrow is the rest of my clears phase. Oh I do hope these next two days go fast. I'm ready for a change in flavors for sure. I need to look around for all the full liquids ideas, or I'll just add milk to everything! LOL!!! :lol0: One things for sure, I will sure make my Protein powders taste so much better and will up my protein significantly. Can't wait! Have a great day everyone!!!!!!! :001_wub:
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ Workout Challenge and Chat Thread ~*~

    That sounds like a great idea Mary! Sometimes mixing things up will keep you motivated and not feel so much like you get bored. :lol2:
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Just For Fun...

    Oh! I did forget to mention my all time high was 330 about 5 years ago... so yeah!!! We're doing it y'all~
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Just For Fun...

    I was 281 at Pre-Op I was 272 at Surgery Date 9/15 so that's -9 Lbs I am 263.2 today so thats -8.8 Lbs
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Approved by my surgeon!!!!

    Yay Congrats Ozzy!! You are in for the ride of your life, and you will be so glad you did it!!! :confused1:
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Am I 'on track' ??

    If I lose 15-16 Lbs per month, which is what you are doing now I will be so grateful! What is that 33 Lbs? Let's ponder. Imagine a Pound of Butter. Now imagine it stacked up 33 high. That's alot! That's how much fat you have lost from your body. Now pick up a 30 Lb weight and add a 3 Lb weight too. That is how much lighter you are now than when you first started. 33 divided by 8 weeks is a little over 4 Lbs per week average! When's the last time you ever said you could lose that on any other diet you've tried? Also think... that weight gone forever. That's not something to sneeze at. Enjoy the losses and don't worry so much about comparing yourself to others. Trust me you don't want to go down that road. Everyone's journey is their own, you will lose at your own pace, and if you are a lightweight I'd say you are FAR above the curve. That's the losses of some of the heavier weights. All the best on your journey!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi want! There were so many of us VV's - and they will all have a special place in my heart! I keep in touch with many of them still to this day. :tt1: I am super excited and I'm down almost 9 Lbs already from surgery day. My prayers have been answered! It's already time to go through my closet (again lol). Suzie I'm already having the results I've been wanting. Thanks!! I think this time rather than thinking of it as having luck I more need to focus on the skill. Hi Debbie! :smile2: You have always been such a sweet wonderful lady, and I've always respected you so much. No matter what we choose, it's important that we just choose it and not hesitate when there is nothing holding us back. Giving up has never been and NEVER will be an option for me. I will win this battle with obesity, and that's a promise. LMAO!!! Because I knew you'd be visiting there. :mad: I try to make all my friends feel special. Thanks so much tch! I'm so glad to finally have found the road I've been in search of for so darn long. I wish it could've been easier, but alas nothing in my life has ever been. God's always got me working hard for everything I get... lol It's okay though, the journey makes me a stronger person!!! Likewise Ms. Tracy! I know I have been so quiet for a long time. Though I may not peruse the threads at LBT anymore as I really have nothing worthwhile to offer, I really should be checking in here and in my exercise thread. One thing that I have to remember is that the journey road is long, but never forget the experience! Hugs everyone! I hope you have fun with your get together. It sounds like a blast!!!! I have met some people in real life from here and they have always been great people. I even have a few more on my list that I will be meeting with soon. I can't wait, they have always been so supportive and are an asset to this community. :tt1:
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Im getting scared!!!

    Never been in Cali??? I've lived here my whole life. We are nothing but beach blonde, tanned, label whores with giant sunglasses, sports cars and Palm Trees that grow like weeds. :wink0: We don't bite though!! You will love us. :thumbup: Oh, and about shortening my name, it's ok - it goes perfect with my shrinking body!!! lmao San Diego is the most beautiful city in Cali too, so you won't be sad you made it there. The weather is perfect every single day. You will really have a fantastic time of it! I can't wait until you have your surgery!!!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm being SLEEVED on Sept. 15, 2010 by Dr. Aceves!!

    Thanks ladies!! Taking it one day at a time and the days are just adding up since surgery - and the pounds are falling right off! Today I am 263.2 Lbs. That's almost a 2 lb drop overnight. I look in the mirror too and it's almost like I don't even recognize myself. Who says dropping weight so quickly is not good! I feel FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! I know, I have been down this road before and it will come to a slow down, but by golly I am going to enjoy this to the fullest while it's lasting. I finally feel like I have control over something that has controlled me for my entire life. I even went to far as a young teen to take up some bad habits to try to control my hunger. It worked for awhile but once I realized I was basically going to kill myself doing those things I had to put it to a stop. Then I gained over 100 lbs in a matter of only a few months... wow... crazy when I stop to think about it! :thumbup: Have a great day folks! Hopefully I'll have some more good news tomorrow! :wink0:
  11. Hi BOD.. lol - I seen on Dansha's page you mentioned to her about mixing water with prune juice... wow that sounds like a great plan if needed for me in the future. Right now its not really necessary tho! LOL Thanks for the tip :)

  12. Awww Dansha thanks!!! xx

  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Help! I need FIBER!

    I use these too. They have one for Weight Management and is less in sugar and Carbs than your regular Fiber chews too. You can take up to 4 chews daily adding 8g fiber. Fiber is sooo important and no one knows this better than a WLS patient!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Starting my journey to health!

    Hi Vickie and WELCOME to VST!! :thumbup1: I am a revision from Band to Sleeve and good for you on taking the short-cut to the much more superior surgery! I have some things in common with you. It was so weird that once I'd decided I was finally going to revise to the Sleeve, things just started falling into my lap to have it done. One MIRACLE after another!!! You will do fine, and all the best in your upcoming journey! Read all you can, and prepare yourself. Hang on to your hat lady because you are in for the ride of your life!! In a good way of course.. lol I have these in chocolate, French vanilla, strawberry, Caramel, and Raspberry! They are made by Torani and they do amp up the flavor some. I highly recommend it! You can mix and match alot too so you're not feeling too much like you have no choices. I got mine from BevMo, if any of you have one in your area. You will find it in the "Mixers" section.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    TMI...but I GOTTA ASK!!

    Yep, what she said.. lmao! It's completely normal. I had it post op with my Lap Band when I was on liquids, and... *ahem* I have it right now. No biggie... It gets better promise!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    TOMORROW IS THE DAY a lil nervous

    All the very best tomorrow, and don't worry - you will be just fine! A week from now you will be singing the Sleeve's praises!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Im getting scared!!!

    This surgery will give you all that and then some! No stress :blushing: I know, I know... what you are feeling is totally natural. But I'm here to tell you, IT'S SOOOO WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will knock it out for the count! :001_smile:
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hellooooooooooooo!!!!! Long time no talk! :smile2: Well ok I didn't mean it like it's a good thing, I'm just glad to say hello to you all. How has everyone been doing???? I have some super EXCITING and somewhat interesting news to share with you all. This will be the one and only thread I'll share it in... so believe me you all better sit down. Some of you here (and you know who you are!!!) already know my little secret. Hugs to all of you who know and who have been some of my biggest supporters!! I love you guys!!!!!!! :mad: Okay well last Wednesday I had my Band removed and I in place of it received a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. That's right, I'm no longer a Bandster. In fact, my band sits quietly now in a little hat box in my closet. It says "Happy Halloween" so it's very seasonal. LMAO!! The reasons behind it are long and very complex. I struggled for a long time with my band. But.. no band bashing here. The Band has taught me so much and I wouldn't be who or where I am today had I not gotten it. Let me list a few here: 1) And I think this is the most important one... it gave me the courage to even have a WLS, much less one as completely permanent as the VSG. 2) I learned how to eat properly and healthy. Though I didn't always follow the plan, it gave me this valuable tool that I will need in the coming months. 3) I am no stranger to the post-op diet phases, and this has been an incredible help right now. My phases are even longer this time! 4) Because I am no virgin to this, I knew what I would need post-op, and not just food. I mean everything! 5) It prepared me in many ways for success. It got me off almost all of my HBP medications. It was today that I realized that I no longer require them at all!!!!!!!! I haven't taken any in a week and my BP has been really great!!!!!!!!!! 6) It got me to focus and recognize my bad habits, and why I have them, as well as my fight within to win over them. 7) It made me appreciate all the good healthy foods in the world, but not only that - to appreciate all the bad ones as well. I think in the coming weeks, I'll even learn even more of an appreciation, and knowing I really DON'T need to live to eat, but to eat to live, while STILL enjoying it as I'm doing it. 8) Although it appears that I only was -11 Lbs from my banding date to my Sleeve date, it still was 11 Lbs! In fact it was 58 Lbs total lost from my heaviest and I'm proud to say I kept that off for 3 years!!! So you see folks, my band was not all for naught. It had a purpose in my life. A very big one. It just didn't offer me the one advantage that I know would've truly helped me in my fight against Obesity. That is hunger control. I have that now times a million. I'm over a week out now and have not felt one single ounce of hunger pang since. My prayers have been answered and I truly have found the "tool" for me. I'm such a writer so I'll stop here for now. Blessings!!!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    i cried today!!!

    Yay great NSV!!!! Congrats, the sleeve is workin ya - and you're workin it!!!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Here I go!

    Glad to hear your surgery was a success!!! Every day, every hour and every minute will get better and better. That is interesting you mention waking up with the tubes still down your throat? I've had a good 5 surgeries now and have never had that happen. They have always removed it before I woke up.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ Workout Challenge and Chat Thread ~*~

    Hi Mary, hello everyone! I'm doing quite well thanks :mad: Right now I'm just pulling in about 30 minutes of walking a day. I know it's not much at all but it is what it is - and it is something at least! I'm going to pull this very light plan until next week and then I'll add a tiny bit more to the routine. I have been someone that enjoys a good workout, and have been physically driven since a teen. My one issue on why I am obese is that I eat way too much. I can burn 3,000 calories in a day and either eat as much or more in return. food has been my biggest Freinemy I think ever since I can remember remembering anything. In my photos I have a picture of me at barely 4 or 5 years old. I have a can of Pringles in one hand, a chip in another with the chip going straight into my mouth. My tiny little tummy had a pouchie even then. Ah chips... lol :smile2: Well I hope everyone is doing their part to make those healthy changes!! I am. As of last week I have stopped taking my blood pressure medications! Yay!!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    450 pounds, 23 y old, TERRIFIED!

    Welcome to the rest of your life Emma!!! Congratulations! It may seem day 2 is tougher than day 1. Just hang in there and once you get past that you will thank GOD every day for this miracle. :001_smile:
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    4 Month Update!! Video & Pics!!

    You AND your Husband are doing wonderfully!!!! Great job! :laugh0:
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    450 pounds, 23 y old, TERRIFIED!

    CONGRATS EMMA!!! You should be all sleeved up by now, please PLEASE let us know all's well once you're feeling good enough!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm being SLEEVED on Sept. 15, 2010 by Dr. Aceves!!

    Thanks Becca!! :confused1: You better believe I'll log every little milestone here! I want to have something to look back on, something to motivate me and maybe some others and to have a place reflect everything that goes along with weight loss and weight maintenance. Ok so it's one week ago today that I was de-BANDed and sleeved. It was probably one of the toughest surgeries I'd had to do. I'm not talking about the pain - but I just felt so miserable (nausea etc.) for the first two days. Thank goodness for Dr. Aceves and his staff! They were so awesome with me!!! Today I am 265 lbs. That is 7 lbs down from surgery weight :thumbup: and 65 lbs gone forever from my highest!!!! I am sooo happy about this I can hardly see straight! So far my Lb. a day loss is holding up. We'll see how long that can last, LOL... I am still doing my water/ice prepared Protein shakes. I'm doing 2 a day now, plus one GNC/Vitamin Shoppe protein bullet (not the Walmart ones anymore) that have 49g protein. That's getting me nearly 100g protein a day right now. I'm also sipping teas, Water, or other liquids all day so I'm sure I'm getting all my fluids in. Yesterday was the first day I was able get all of it in! I'm sooo glad because I was starting to worry I might get dehydrated. I've been huge on fluids ever since banding. I would get in 64 oz of water alone... not including all the other fluids I'd drink all day. Last night I had some home made broth! It was so delicious and was shared to me by Gaby (Dr. Aceves post op patient coordinator) and it was so delicious!!!! I had alot of it! There is tons leftover so I plan to have some more later! :001_tongue: I'm not counting calories or anything like that right now. There's no way I'm even getting in 300-400 a day. Right now is for healing and getting back to 100%. I did about 15 minutes on my treadmill last night, slow paced of course so I'm trying to keep up with my walking. I plan to get in 2 - 15 minute sessions today and carry that through until next week. Next week I'll add in a bit more and begin to workout a little again. HUGE NSV!!! I am completely off my Blood Pressure medication! I used to be on 4 Maximum strength pills per day pre-banding. I got myself off the second pill but was still on the hydrocholorthyazide (water pill)... one pill a day minimum dose. Well I stopped taking it after my sleeve because I didn't want to mess with my fluids. I've been diligently checking my BP daily, and they did in the hospital too all day long really. There were a few moments when it was a bit high but it would come back down quickly. Ever since I've been home its steadily been in the healthy range, and for that I'm so thankful! I was hoping I wouldn't need to take it anymore. So today is a full week without it, so I'm officially saying I don't need it!! Well I can't wait to see what Week 2 Brings!!!!! Wishing all of you success, joy, happiness and all the best the Sleeve can deliver! Hugs! :laugh0:

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