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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Hooray I found my old thread!! I have so much good stuff here and need to recapture them.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    How often do you weigh yourself?

    @@marfar7 Weighing every morning at the same time is normal... for you. Don't worry about trying to be like others because it doesn't work for you. I'm someone who also needs to weigh in every day. But only once a day at the same time, which is right after I wake up and use the restroom. This does not make you or me obsessive, it's just your way of keeping yourself in check.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Am I FAT? Please tell me.

    @@MichiganChic I understand completely trust me! But from my standpoint you look normal and thin and healthy. So as you say your medical team says that you are then no need to worry. (((hugs))) Be proud of yourself, you have achieved what you set out to do.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    How often do you weigh yourself?

    This subject is definitely a personal preference for each individual. Some need to weigh daily to stay accountable, so long as seeing the fluctuations do not put that person in a bad state of mind, the scale can be a fabulous tool for keeping things moving in the right direction. The only danger in NOT weighing regularly is ignoring the scale all together when someone has "been bad" so not to see the damage caused. This is how I gained weight, and was a really bad idea.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Vets-Any former bandsters?

    I don't want to take the thread in a whole other direction so I'll try to answer short. =) All of the above. Here is what went wrong: I had a knee injury early last year which caused me to stop working out the way I loved to, so I became depressed (literally). I started eating terrible which both of which lead to the weight gain. Then I had knee surgery and was told I will never run again which caused more depression. I always had GERD since my lap band but in the past year it has gotten progressively worse. It's so bad right now I sound like a crying frog and cough like a 2 pack a day smoker and choke in my sleep. This does not help with the weight. I found out the Sleeve can make GERD worse so I went to see my surgeon via my insurance and he ordered tests to see if I did have it and if so how bad. Turns out my stomach looks like an hourglass and I do have GERD so bad I can't keep anything down, no matter what it is I'm eating. He has suggested the best offer he can give me to help me with my physical problems is to give me a bypass. I don't feel I have a choice because even though the tests did not show any issues yet but in time the GERD will lead to Barrett's or cancer, not a chance I'm willing to take. In the past few months I've gotten my attitude in order and working to get back into shape the best way I can and get off the bad foods. I'm doing good and doing everything I can to prepare myself for my revision. I kept all my weight off for nearly 3 years so I know I can do it. I just can't let depression get to me in the future like I did last time, and to stay diligent with any signs I'm having problems.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Low Fat or Low Carbs?

    Hello Bry, as someone who prefers well balanced meals it's the kind of fats and carbs rather than complete avoidance of either that should be looked into. Fats should not be saturated or trans, and be higher in Omega 3 which is a heart healthy fat. Animal fats are the worst, so if you eat meat be sure to trim the fat off and cook with extra virgin olive oil or something similar. Carbs are not evil, it's the type of carb that is bad. Obviously vegetables and fruits offer our bodies natural Vitamins and antioxidants that we need. It's always better to consume them naturally on top of any supplements that we take. I would never suggest to anyone to avoid these types of carbs to lower the carb count at the end of the day. Whole grains are good too and provide a lot of Fiber which majority of Americans lack even with a normal stomach. Although we can live without grains and some people are allergic to them, but I do enjoy whole grains myself and it was never a contributor to weight gain or a hindrance to my weight loss. The carbs we should avoid are anything with refined sugar and any foods with this additive, and it goes by a long list of names. You would do yourself a great favor by learning them all. They are also known as "white carbs". It all boils down to calories in and calories out, while making the healthiest choices for our bodies. If you ever get the chance take a course on Nutrition. I have taken several and I will be forever grateful that I did. I personally think it should be a requirement of any living human being, we learn how to do our jobs, but we don't learn how to take care of our Vessels.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Water intake

    Well that does sound a bit fast drinking for only being 3 weeks post. It would take me at least an hour or more to finish a 16 Oz bottle of Water right out of surgery. Protein shakes were worse since they were so thick. Maybe just slow it down a bit. Just because you can drink that fast doesn't mean you should. Be careful and if you are not feeling good or are especially worried then I suggest contacting your medical professionals.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Vets-Any former bandsters?

    Hello there, I was revised from band to sleeve on 9/15/2010. Well my experience was initially great, I got to goal in 10 months and went 11 Lbs below. I am going on 4 years post op and many issues and complications have gotten me a weight gain, as well as extremely bad GERD so my new surgeon has me working toward a revision to the Bypass. If you have any specific questions, I'm always open for interpretation. All the best in your upcoming journey!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene


    Vent away, that's okay too. This whole thing is VERY frustrating at times.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Emergency. Help needed

    Another product to consider and it is natural is live culture Probiotics. They really help to keep your system in balance, and of course plenty of Water. My dietician recommended Culturel, open the capsule and put it in your Protein shake. I hope you feel better soon! The IV alone is awful, but in the neck I can't imagine!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Am I FAT? Please tell me.

    @@MichiganChic By your photos you don't appear fat. I'll say that no you are not. I think the real question is could you lose more weight for better heath? Only you can get those answers from medical professionals. Get your body fat % checked, get your blood panels checked and perhaps do start some kind of fitness routine. Everyone should have some kind of fitness routine regardless if they are overweight or not. That said, you look really great to me. But it should be about so much more than how we look. Good luck.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Over a year later and I still have a leak...

    No I don't mind. Ever since I have been lap banded I've dealt with extremely bad GERD, and when i was sleeved it was not as well known that the sleeve can make it even worse back in 2010. It was okay for a long time but in the past 6 months or so it has gotten so bad that I can't even keep a bite down without it urping back up. It's causing me a horrible cough and I sound raspy sick all the time. Not only that it's causing me very bad gastritis. Tests have been done and tests showed that though I do not have really bad trauma such as ulcers or cancer, I do have some inflammation, a very misshapen stomach (due from surgery) and my esophagus pretty much doesn't hold anything in. So, my new surgeon is going to revise me to gastric bypass since fixing the sleeve and doing a Rose procedure would be far too risky. I'd have a lot more risk of leaks and posible revision to bypass anyway. ETA: leaving the situation as is would be a certainty to end up with esophageal cancer or barretts esophagus. Def not a risk I'm willing to take just so others will think of me as a "success"... lol I really don't care what others think. I have to save my quality of life and my life in general.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve to Bypass revisioners?

    @ Oh Hiii!! Congrats you are very successful! I did the best I could do but I am physically sick from mine. It really really sucks and I really wish my sleeve wouldve turned out like a real one, I believe I'd be fine and still at goal. Whatever you choose I support you! Keep me in the loop on how you're doing.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Over a year later and I still have a leak...

    @@mattuti86 God bless!! I'm praying for your returned health. I hope they can revise you to the bypass rather than anything more drastic. I'm revising to the bypass from having the sleeve almost 4 years ago as well. Complications do occur that's true, but we have to stay strong so we can tell our stories of victory. Take care of yourself.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pre-Op Diets are for the birds.

    You too hon, keep in touch and let me know how it goes!
  16. Ugh... I am sitting here DRINKING a Medi-fast pudding. Blech. Please, PLEASE let this time go by fast. Okay, that's all. Thanks for letting me whine.
  17. Every flex and weight resistance we put against our muscles makes them stronger, and more ready for the next push. Just like with every opposing push against us makes our spirit durable, and more capable of handling the next lesson.

  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve to Bypass revisioners?

    Hard to say. Hopefully I've done enough of my pre-op testing to move to the next step which is insurance approval. I'm thinking most likely late next month or June.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Did something dumb

    @@AprilHansen glad that all is well.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Did something dumb

    @@AprilHansen Yes I've done many dumb things and here I am still living. Glad all is well, and thank you. Now I know not to do this post op. Do you have liquid Vitamins you can use for awhile?
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Better slow than no

    Maybe evaluate by percentage of weight loss. I bet you're not that far off and maybe even ahead.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Better slow than no

    Women should never compare themselves to men at weight loss. Especially not ones that have a lot of weight to lose. Keep doing what you're doing because apparently you're doing it right, you're weight loss is very efficient. All the best to you in your journey.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve to Bypass revisioners?

    @@fleabag1975 It sounds like you are doing great. Keep up the good work and I pray you continue to heal well and continue on your weight loss just as good. Thanks so much! It's just nice to know I'm not alone. I know there aren't too many of us out there but we are here. Take care.
  24. Hello! I wanted to start up a ongoing support thread for all of us who are actively seeking the extra help from either regular Weight Watchers or most especially Weight Watchers Online. I do not have the money to fork over for extra fees to attend the WW meetings etc. I also am not sure how many banded folks there are on their message board. I thought this would be a good place to hang out, discuss how well or not well we are staying within our points system, our extra activities and whatnot. We can share ideas or new recipes, or just anything related to Weight Watchers... and even keep each other accountable. Help me, I need support!!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve to Bypass revisioners?

    @@fleabag1975 Hi fleabag nice to meet you! I also started with a lap band too and I wonder if it might be partially responsible for how my stomach deformed over the years. I was incredibly successful with my sleeve and even went below goal. For the last few years tho I've struggled so much and with hunger, and feeling sick all the time. I have extremely bad GERD too. Did you have those symptoms? May I ask exactly what type of bypass you have? I've never heard of it. Thanks!

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