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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Drinking During Meals

    IMO if you're doing it responsibly then I'd say don't worry too much about it. Now if you're doing this to the point where you are eating too many calories then it's a habit worth breaking. I say you're ok and not to worry about it as much. Getting in enough calories to sustain a healthy body while still losing is OK. "Drink Responsibly"
  2. Ah I can't wait until this happens! No lie this first month is tough. But at least I'm half way through it, it IS going fast!!!
  3. I'm doing really good! The sleeve kicks the bands butt anyday. I really don't have any complaints except that I'm getting bored of soups and liquids. I knew that going in though and you still have to do that with band surgery too. In fact it was worse with the band because you would be starving on top of it! :-(


    I feel good though, especially since I've been able to move on to creamier foods and adding more calories. I really don't have any valid complaints!! ;-)

  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    1 week after SVSP

    Great! Thanks for checking in. Get some rest and heal up. Come back when you're feeling up to it. :scared0:
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    17 days to go...and kind of scared

    I stayed in the hospital for 3 nights, and believe me it was very much needed. I did a catheter once, but that was all I needed. I've had other abdominal surgeries where I had a catheter kept in for a day or so, and I'm not sad I didn't have it like that this time!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Should I be worried....

    Ok well... before I say anything let me just say this is my personal opinion only. That said, my band surgeon was fairly new with the procedure when he came to doing mine. I was his 23rd I believe or around there. IMO, even if it were only the band I think experience had alot to do with the technique and might be a bit responsible for me not having a good band experience what-so-ever. When I decided to be revised I originally wanted to go through insurance. However they would have sent me to someone in my area and I didn't notice any here that I felt were that experienced in the sleeve, nor revisions from band to sleeve. I knew this time I wanted experience. I got loans to get that experienced surgeon and I'm ever so glad I did. My surgery went well (not perfectly mind you) and his technique so far is proving to me to be a miracle. Not just that but I've already even noticed the difference in my new incisions to my old ones. They are very much smaller and healing incredibly well. Now, I don't know but I think even that has to do with lots of experience in one particular surgery, especially being the one you want. Anyway, this time around I'm glad I made my own decision on who I went to... I knew I wanted only the best. Good luck! Please check in and let us know how you decide.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    17 days to go...and kind of scared

    clc, first of all, don't worry! I know it's easier said than done, but right now concentrate on gathering all the things you will need post surgery. For those of us who are Revisions, we've already BTDT. We know what is needed after WLS to keep us comfortable and to have all of our nutritious drinks ready to go. Second, I think once you realize how different the sleeve is and once you get past the first few days - you will see the sleeve is the way to go! Keep in touch here and let us know how you're doing!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Planning my post-op diet

    Besides unjury and other bariatric Protein powders this is the protein bullet I'm using. Home ? New Whey It has a blend of protein types and half a bottle has 21g protein and 80 Calories. I add half the bottle to a bottle of Propel and it tastes great and I'm able to get in 16 oz of liquid at the same time. It's true there are some protein bullets that really aren't worth our effort to drink, but let's not discount all of them. It's up to us to read the labels and make informed, good choices for ourselves.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Got My Date - October 8th!!

    Wishing you the very best on your upcoming surgery! You will be super happy you did it! :001_tt2:
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    That was fast!

    HOORAY!!! Congratulations MsBug!! I have to agree 100% with Eureka's list. Those are all the same reasons I chose the sleeve over RNY. Except for the foreign body thing of course. I had that and had it removed... TG.
  11. kst, I'm only less than 2 weeks out but I notice a difference already. I did have some chest pains with the swallows I'm taking but they are getting better with every single day. From what I was told this can be more normal for those who are revisions from band. It has and will continue to subside though, and I do have to remember to take tiny sips. It doesn't last forever though, just while I'm healing. I have to tell you though I feel like the Sleeve is EVERYTHING we were looking for with our bands, minus all the bad things the band gave us. No more fills/unfills, no more foreign object choking our stomachs, NO MORE HUNGER!!! Some sleevers do still experience some hunger but nothing like before. I personally never feel hungry... ever. I don't miss it! It was the one reason I was able to ever stay on track and not gain the weight back. Now with it gone, it feels almost effortless my weight loss and really no desire to eat all day long. I do still have some head hunger, that will never go away but I'm able to ignore it more now that I don't feel physical hunger. Please let me know how you do! I'm always interested to know how the Revisionaries are doing. :001_tt2:
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    450 pounds, 23 y old, TERRIFIED!

    Sounds like more gas pains. Try to get up and walk it off. If you really feel like it's more than that, don't hesitate and get medical attention ASAP. Check in and let us know how you're doing!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm being SLEEVED on Sept. 15, 2010 by Dr. Aceves!!

    Hi mb! If I can inspire even one person then all this writing is worth it. I want everyone to feel what I'm feeling right now. I can't say enough about how awesome this surgery is! :001_tt2: I'm taking off a total of 3 weeks. I wanted to be out of my liquid stage before going back. At least to the point where I'm not totally reliant on using the blender to get most of my nutrition. Not only that there is a little bit of fatigue that goes along with this kind of diet. The weight loss on it is great, but the side effects aren't. LOL I am still doing my treadmill! I gave myself a little break and didn't do it yesterday or Saturday. I got back on today though and was able to do a whole mile pretty easily. I can feel my old self coming back, and coming back strong! I probably will never again pull my 3 hours sessions anymore. I think it would get me to the point where I didn't like it, but I do like to do some things to an extent. Probably the most I'll do on any given day is 90 minutes. That to me is not all that much. I also take Fridays off as well, so my body does get a break. I also started up my full liquids in the last 2 days. I feel really good and actually was able to bring in a bit over 1,000 calories! :scared0: I can already feel a difference in my mental function and my body seems to be able to handle more physical movement. I'm sure that's a great help to my mile on the treadmill. I will always strive to consume over 1,000 calories per day. I know it will be a bit hard at first once I start trying to eat more solids, but if that means I have to drink an extra Protein shake per day, then that's what I'll do. However for right now I want to get the calories down to about 800. The reason is I'm still not doing too much physical activity right now so I'm not burning off that much. Once I'm able to get myself up to doing the 90 per day I will then bring my calories up to 1,000. That should get me a good 3 lbs per week loss hopefully! I just want to hit goal by my Sleeversary on 9/15/11. I have not weighed myself in a few days except on my dial scale. It's not accurate like the medical grade one I have in my other bathroom. It did show a tiny loss but I can't really tell how much it is. I'm going to make an "official weight day" for my medical grade scale. I especially don't want to weigh right now because I know I'm retaining some Water right now. It can feel a little discouraging sometimes even though I know the reason for it. Not going there!!! Ok everyone! That's my check-in for now. Make it a GREAT day!!! :confused1:
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm in! I have a date, Oct 15th! Dr Aceves!

    Hi Patti! You have made an excellent choice in Surgeon. You will be very happy with him and everyone he works with. You are having surgery on my first month Sleeversary! I so far am more than 100% glad I did this, and I'm sure you will be too. Sending you all good thoughts and wishes!
  15. Great job!!! Congrats on your run, I bet you feel fantastic!! I hope someday to be able to do some of that again. :tongue_smilie:
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    when do you start to feel better

    I agree with everyone above. I really only felt the extreme nausea a few days after surgery but really none since. The more time goes on and the more fluids and good nourishment I'm able to get in the better I'm feeling. It sounds like you may be lacking in some things our bodies need desperately to survive. Get more fluids in, don't avoid it because you are afraid you will get sick. If you can't do it then you really need to seek medical assistance, likely you may need an IV to get you back on par to where you should be. Good luck and let us know how you're doing. I hate to hear anyone having such a rough time this far out. Hugs! :tongue_smilie:
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    I know it won't bring world peace but ...

    There's nothing wrong with feeling confidence in ourselves and feeling good about being thin. It's a wonderful feeling, yet it was never enough to keep me there the little time I was there. It was fun shopping for clothes and knowing I could fit any outfit the store had available. It's also nice to look in the mirror and like what I see and feel attractive. If that makes me vain and annoying oh well! Don't really care. There are so many reason to do this and to continue on until goal and yes health for me was my main focus and motivator. The side affects however are wonderful and it makes life a little brighter. Makes me wanna get up in the morning and work at it even more. Makes me want to get on that treadmill and work my endurance back up since surgery. I'm looking forward to getting my life back, and being happy, confident and even more respected by those around me because they see the confidence - nothing wrong with that!!! Rock on sisters and brothers, hold your head up and don't let anyone take your joy!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Im getting scared!!!

    GOOD LUCK TO YOU! You will be just fine. Stay positive and think of the future when you start to wonder what you did to yourself. The first few days aren't easy, but as time goes on it gets better and better!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Help! I need FIBER!

    Great! I def plan to use it once I get to solids. Oatmeal is still too fibrous for me right now, but I do love oatmeal - its so good for you. Besides I'm still OK for now... no issues with "that". :tongue_smilie: But with that one packet I'll be at more than half RDA for fiber by breakfast!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    6 months out!

    Fabulous!!!! You should be over the moon! Wishing you all success and goal very soon!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Cream of Broccoli Potato Soup

    I would think so... I put it in my blender too just to make sure it was very thin... probably just me being paranoid too.. lol. There is no chunkiness to it, just thicker than clear broth. I added some Beef buillon flavoring and a dash of cheese, which melted in it. It was delicious!! I felt fine after as well. I've started my full liquids since yesterday and I'm noticing a difference in how I'm feeling.. I feel a lot more alert. I guess I needed more!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Im getting scared!!!

    That is a great idea! But I've been LilMissDiva for so long... I gotta keep a little bit of my old self ;-P Other than that the rest can go!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm being SLEEVED on Sept. 15, 2010 by Dr. Aceves!!

    Thanks Daisy! I'll try and find it. I'll wait until I get some of these other drinks used up first, but I will try it eventually.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    three months post op

    coops!!!! You are doing fabulously! Just being happy for your own individual results will always keep us positive and proud of every pound lost. You deserve all the kudos lady and I'm very happy for you! Hugs!!!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Cream of Broccoli Potato Soup

    Jordien that sounds delicious! I will try it out sometime this week. For tomorrow though its going to be tomato soup with a dash of shredded cheese.... OHHH YUM!!!!!!!!!

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