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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    2 wks post & unable to move to mushies...

    I completely, totally and 100% get where you are coming from. I don't think I have any really great advice to give except to tell you that you are not alone. We just have to be super patient this time, and give our stomachs time to heal. We are going to have to try new things and if our tummies don't like it, we'll just have to try again another time. I personally find potatoes are a little rougher than your usual other new things. They do make me feel very full and fast. In fact, the first time I tried them post op I remember feeling nauseous for the first time since being in the hospital. I had to take a nap for about an hour and once I awoke I felt much better, went back into the kitchen and just drank some unjury chicken Soup. I felt ok, and was able to get some Protein in. I actually did not get my requirement of protein today. Not good! I'll need to make sure I do that tomorrow. You are doing very well, just need to be a little more forgiving to yourself. Your stomach is in control now, and not your brain. It used to be the other way around. *wink* Hang in there!!
  2. Wow. I can now leave random status. Status today: Cloudy with a chance of mushy meatballs.

  3. LilMissDiva Irene


    That is awesome Mini Me!!! Congrats to you!!!!!! A million smiles to you! Sometimes its good to go a little below goal so that way you can have some wiggle room. Once you notice your going up again, you can catch it and go back down.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    The New VST

    Question: Is that Chatrooms down below going to be our new chatroom? :-/ Not sure I'm really digging that. Other than that have really no complaints. It's all new and will just take a while to figure everything out. I'm sure I can do that.
  5. Sorry I missed your message! Wow yes this site is very different. It's almost like Facebook now... lol Which can't be too bad. FB has some great advantages to it which made it so famous.

    Let me know if you need anything. :)

  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Things that the Dr.'s didn't tell us!!!

    The Minimum RDA for fiber grams is 18g per day. It is something you need constantly and daily to keep things moving. We also need to make sure we are getting all the 64 oz of Water too. Keeps things "moving" properly. I know many here are on extremely low carbs but there's no way I'll give up my fiber in detriment for using the bathroom properly. I need to make sure I'm ridding myself of waste! LOL Maybe TMI, but is a normal function! So I try to make sure any carbs I do eat are stocked with fiber. You can still do low carb/hi fiber. I'm starting to get into my purees and mushies from time to time. I'm taking it really slow and feeling so much better right now. But I'm also noticing I'm not flowing right. I think it's time to start making sure I'm getting all my fiber! As for the rings, I went from an 8 to a current 6 right now. My rings were literally falling off. My husband bought me a beautiful new diamond ring in size 6 for our last Anniversary and is being used to hold in my other rings. As I continue to lose I will eventually just have them sized. Just not ready to do that yet as I still need to lose 100 lbs.
  7. Hello all!! Ok, let me begin. I am a workout junkie. I love it. Always have. Always will. Why am I fat? Because I like to eat just as much as I love to workout! Anyway, I'm fixing the eating by revising my defunct band to a sleeve. I'm fixing my workouts by creating this thread. I have migrated here from Lap Band Talk. I don't know if anyone knows who or what that is, but this very website is a spin-off from that website. I've been posting there for oogle years. I would often post my workouts there and it really helped to keep me in line with them. However I have not been posting there much at all since I've found my new home. I really don't have a whole lot in common with anyone there anymore. I mean yes, I still have a huge bunch of friends who are supportive of me and my new venue - but those who don't know me don't care nor want to hear me vent about how much I want this crap off my stomach!! :001_wub: That off my chest, let me tell you what this is all about. I like having one specific place to come to, to post what I plan to do as my workout routine for the following month. I really like to push myself and having something like this really motivates me, because with an audience I perform better! This time though I'm really going to push on it. I'm even going to create myself a little ticker so I can keep good track of how I'm progressing to my "monthly goal". I have lots of goals but I'd now like to make one in particular for more encouragement. Anyone is welcome to post here, check in, create a challenge for themself, find motivation to move that body and burn more calories, etc. Give us all advice and motivation even! I surely don't claim to be the end all be all in workouts. Far from it! I just like to chatter with like minded individuals and put myself on pace to earn that extra Lb. per week lost that wouldn't have happened if I didn't do my workouts. With that, and seeing that there are only 2 and a half weeks left for this month I'd like to make an additional challenge for myself to do 100 miles on my stationary bike at home by August 31, 2010. Anyone like to share a personal workout challenge? Would be nice!!!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ WORKOUT Challenges and Chat Thread ~*~

    Awesome! Sounds like a lot of fun! Also sounds like you two stay pretty active and busy regardless. :scared0:
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ WORKOUT Challenges and Chat Thread ~*~

    That sounds like a great idea. I still have about 3 weeks before I can start incorporating real workouts to my day. For now I'm just continuing on with my light walking. It's helping to keep the kinks out! I also do a light dose of Calisthenics several times per week. It's just the muscle toning kind so my arms and legs don't start looking all wobbly as I'm losing so fast right now. Nice challenge! I do plan to slow it down a little bit once I'm back at it. I really want to find a healthy balance for the amount of food I'll be eating. I'll figure it out eventually.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene


    Maybe it wouldnt hurt to go on liquids again for a day and start over? I heard it really takes a long time to get used to progressing into more foods. Nothing wrong with taking it easy! I'm just now starting to progress a little bit more outside of just Soups. I had some mashed up Beans for dinner tonight and 2 tiny bites of artichoke dip at a family picnic. Other than that I just still slurp on my Protein shakes for meals.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    size inflation

    Good Question! :001_smile: I was looking up google to see if it were mentioned anywhere and intead found this... interesting. With that wherever my body settles I'm just going to be happy. Happy that I'm healthy and happy I can fit in normal clothes! Twiggy: I Wanted To Look Like Marilyn Monroe
  12. I haven't worn those 18s since last summer... so I'm workin it! :-)

  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    HELP!!! Anyone else had this??

    Sorry that is foreign to me... what is a stricture?
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Is the Sleeve the Same as Stomach Stapling?

    They are absolutely NOT the same procedure. Here is the stomach stapling: Restrictive Surgery for Weight Loss Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy: SLEEVE GASTRECTOMY WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY / Obesity Solutions Atlanta You really won't find many Hospitals or Surgeons that still perform the "stomach stapling".
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    size inflation

    Yes it is very true. It's happened in over the last 15-20 years or so. I have some jeans from back in the late 80's. They are size 14's but they are much smaller than some other 14's I've had since last year. I'm thinking they are more like 10's or so. We'll see once I get down there. I've saved them all this time to get back into them someday. Once I do though they are going away, no way I'm gonna wear 14's when everything else is 10's!! LOL :001_smile:
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    its like starting over

    This diet never worked for me with my band. I would get way too crazy hungry and I would fail in a couple days. However, I know this would work now whenever I needed to do it. With hunger gone (and little hunger in the future) I think I could actually pull it off. Good to know it really does work with the sleeve, thanks!!! :001_smile:
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Appeal worked!!!!!!!

    Awesome CONGRATS TO YOU!!!!! You are on your way now! Happy Dance!!! :001_smile: :party4:
  18. LilMissDiva Irene


    Welcome to VST seafood! I am happy to answer your questions. I set up a group of questions when I began to seriously consider the sleeve... so I'm glad to give a little back. :001_smile: 1. Well I think this is going to be only true to each individual... however for me, I've noticed I am losing "all over". Though to be honest I've always lost and gained like this in the past. I'm not positive this is due to the type of surgery I've had. 2. I have not lost any hair yet but I'm only a few weeks out of surgery. I did have lap-band too though and did not lose any hair then either. 3. Actually quite the contrary, all the reports I've seen is that the VSG loses as fast as the RNY. Not only that, some studies show better losses toward the end of the first year, and better maintenance as well. 4. This is my second WLS and still have my gallbladder. I also lost quickly with my band and went from 283 to 227 in 4 months time. I do not know what the future holds though! 5. I personally have not lost a whole lot in the breast area. Neither did with my other WLS. I continue to be a D size so matter how big or how small I am... except many years ago I used to be a C. However I was still a teenager so I'm not sure it was just more growth due to growing up. I hope this helps! Let us know if you have anymore questions.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene


    I am sooo sorry to hear you still aren't feeling good. Something you said struck me though... I've noticed my stomach feels more "sick" at night. I was beginning to wonder if it were because maybe my PPI wasn't working as good as when I first took it in the AM. For you, of course by morning you would feel very ill. Which PPI are you taking? I was taking Nexium which was given to me in the hospital. I recently ran out and as of today I started taking Prevacid 24 Hour. I also have a box of Omeprazole (Prilosec) I plan to try to see which one works best for me. Usually by this time of night my stomach is giving me ill feelings, but tonight I actually feel ok right now. I didn't even think about it until you mentioned this. Do you think maybe you should try a new PPI? I've heard not having the right one, or not using one at all can give us sleevers a bad time for our tummies, especially in the very beginning. Just a thought... feel better soon! :001_smile:
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ Workout Challenge and Chat Thread ~*~

    Hi Mary and everyone! Well I'm still not doing too much. I did a mile on the treadmill today and it took me 24 minutes, so it was pretty leisurely. I do want to get on my stationary bike later so we'll see how that goes! I'll probably just do the 20 minute routine pre-installed on the machine. I've really only been doing about 30-60 minutes of any kind of physical activity per day. I wouldn't even go as far to call it a real workout. Just taking it easy right now. However the main thing is I'm doing something... no matter what, that's most important. Just movin' it one day at a time. Mary, I'm pretty sure I know which machine your talking about. Was it the one they showed on Biggest Loser this week? It kinda more sways back and forth rather than around and around... perhaps? Anyway I think you are doing excellent for being so busy! Just do what you can and hang in there. :smile2: Stay true everyone! Staying active is a huge part of our success. :drool:
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    September sleevers wanted!

    Hey Jordien, I just tried my first bit of Cream of Wheat myself just now. It went down pretty good, and I actually enjoyed it. I added some real butter, splenda and some SF Mrs. Buttorworths.. tasted like pancakes! I also added some flavorless Unjury powder. I've been eating my Cream of Wheat like that since banding and always knew I liked it like that. I was worried I wouldn't like it anymore! So maybe its just that you need a few more days before trying Cream of Wheat again. It is a bit thicker than just creamy soups (though I did make it thinner anyway). Things going good today!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm on the Road to Onederland!! Who's with me?

    Go Ani!!! Go Ani!!! You're so close!!! :biggrin0:
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    3 days post-op

    Hi Fleur! Congratulations on your new tiny tummy :-) We all go through it in the very beginning. I think it's incredibly rare for someone to feel like normal after only a few days. I think most of it is psyching ourselves out because we have no other choice. Also, morphine has always made me sick. I cannot take it, it just prolongs my recovery in the hospital. I try to tell this to the nursing staff once I'm able to talk again and they usually do me the favor of removing it, and I'll start feeling better immediately. Hang in there! It really does get better and better every day - even the tiniest bit, but it does. :biggrin0:
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Make Room on that Losing bench...

    Hang in there bear! You are in for the ride of your life, but the destination will be worth every moment, good and bad. :biggrin0:
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm on the Road to Onederland!! Who's with me?

    Goooooooo COOOOOPS!!! Wow I know you can see just up ahead you are so close!!!!!!!! Go girlie!!! :biggrin0:

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