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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    My husband is not totally for this

    Usually a Dermatologist can spot odd looking lesions or sores immedately and won't wait to have them biopsied. I'm glad you and your husband won't be back to him... I'm also glad to hear everything is fine with him too. Re: your husband not being 100% on board, really I don't have that problem at all. If anything my husband was more on board than I was. He worried about me a lot, and especially when I would struggle so much with my band. I'm very lucky for this, I know. However not everyone in my immediate family was, and I brought that person with me to a Seminar held by my (band) Surgeon. After, that person agreed that it would be an excellent idea to look into it further. Just a thought, maybe you just need to sit down and explain it to him more? Good luck!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    My husband is not totally for this

    Wow that's actually kind of scary to wait to see if your cancer goes away. I don't want to advocate that here at all, so if anyone is reading this: If you have any lumps or lesions out of normal, get checked immediately!! Do not wait!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Good News About Chat!

    Yes he does, and not only is it packed with healthy oils, its got so many great nutrients and Fiber. I actually do eat a small palmful (about 10) of almonds about every 2-3 days. I get full on them very fast though and I have to chew them up to smithereens... LOL Oh yeah and it will be nice to have the old Chatroom back!! Fa'Sho!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Down 74.5 lbs

    Fabulously done! I'm so happy for you! Even if I were half the amount lost in that time I'd be ecstatic. Whooot!!!
  5. Don't men have that say? That is what I was always taught in school... so I'm not really sure what my PH balance would have anything to do with what sex my baby is born with.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sizzilng September Sleevers Monday Check In

    Yay Jordi, it sounds like you're doing really good!!! We are on our way!!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    I fainted in my closet

    Same here! I'm so glad you called. Please let us know how it goes!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    I fainted in my closet

    Luvin, please PLEASE call Dr. Aceves and explain to him what is going on. Fainting should not be happening, and you will be doing yourself an disservice if you do not let him know whats going on. Also, come back and let us know how you're doing.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeping Patterns Post-Op

    Cheri, good point! I do sleep better still even though I'm not sleeping as heavily. I only move around 2-3 maybe times per night. It very well could be feeling lighter, etc. because I used to toss and turn a lot before. I never had trouble falling asleep, but my sleeps would be so light I would even wake up a few times during the night. Does anyone think maybe nutrition might have a lot to do with it too? I mean before surgery I'd gorge on some really awful terrible foods. Things that probably would be better served in Chernobyl. But I'm eating super healthy now. My tummy can only hold so much, so I eat much more wisely.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sizzilng September Sleevers Monday Check In

    Juli WOW GIRL!!! Congrats to you! I'm like you and weigh on Wednesdays.. that was the day I had surgery and like to stay off the scale unless there's a good reason. It seems to be working out great for me. I actually lost 4.8 Lbs last week (today is my weigh day too) so I'm feeling great!! =) I'm back up to my two miles a day walks and I'm able to go faster and faster now. I really do feel incredible!!! Labrys, so glad to hear you are over your nausea. I do still get it once in awhile. I have noticed though it was when I would try something with a lot of sugar or bad greasy fats. It does keep me on track, that's for sure! I hate nauseated feeling. Not worth that one bite of great flavor.. LOL So where's all the other Sizzling Sept sleevers? I know there were so many of us...
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    The truth about GRHELIN!

    Sleeve4me: I know right??? I was just thinking this right now. So, for Breakfast I'll have an EAS Myoplex Carb Control shake for about 110 Cals. Then for lunch I have one pouch of Quaker oatmeal Hi Fiber for about 160 Calories. I really don't snack at all in between this simply put, I'm never hungry. If by chance I do get hungry (which does happen MAYBE once a week) I'll have a low fat string cheese for an additional 50 Calories. So I'm able to live my life on 270 and up to 320 Calories until dinner time with no hunger? Yeah, I'll take it! When was the last time I've ever been able to do this low calories with little to no hunger? THIS is the ONLY time!! I was starving to death with my band!!! I have heard over time the hunger does return. However when I do hear this I always ask the person who had the surgery "Is it anything like before surgery"? The answer has been "NO" 100% of the time. I can live with even half my hunger returning someday. Right now my hunger sensation is almost just a little hollow feeling in my gut - maybe a little rumbling. Really nothing to even become any worrisome or bothersome in any way. It's also always only if I haven't eaten in 5 or 6 hours too. By all means, I SHOULD be hungry by then!! Anyway, it's really hard to explain unless you have the sleeve. It really DOES cure hunger - again... NOT A MYTH!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm stalled....or stalling

    Aww man!!! Really?? JK I couldn't resist... LOL To the OP, I think you have received several excellent responses. I really don't know what else I can add without just repeating everything. Only you know the answer to your question. Again, this is VERY permanent. Just make sure you are in it one hundred percent. I myself don't regret one moment, and not all my moments have been that great.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeping Patterns Post-Op

    So for the last week I've been drinking coffee instead of Breakfast Black Tea and I've noticed I'm able to wake back up easily in the morning. Also, I'm not sleeping as hard... I think that might have been my issue all along. I don't even make it all that strong. I only use 25% caffeine. I actually think the Black Tea has more caffeine, so this is really weird to me. Maybe it's all in my head?
  14. Week 5 Check-In: Still losing!! I actually didn't expect such a great week really! Down 4.6 since last week, 30.2 since Pre-Op Diet and 21.2 since Surgery Day!!! Whoot!! :-)

  15. Thanks to everyone for your kind words! My pants and shirts just keep getting baggier and droopier! Ha! What a nice problem to have, huh? :o) The best part is, it doesn't even feel like I'm trying... LOL

  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    3 pounds below goal!

    Ryansgirl, I'm so so so sorry to hear about your loss. I have gone through these rough times before as well and it can be hurtful to us in more ways than just one. However, congratulations to you for losing all your excess weight and especially for learning to deal with your loss in a most positive way rather than most of our old way of eating it out of our system. Hugs!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Down but not out

    Awww Niki, I'm so sorry to hear about this. Wow BCBS is TOUGH!! That is wrong on so many levels. I agree with the above poster(s)... check to see if there are other health plans that your employer uses (Kaiser?) and switch to them - or there is always Mexico. I took a loan out to get my surgery, I went there and havent regretting a dang thing. All the best!!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene


    I do eat low carb but I don't count them up. I more consider it a "healthy carb" type of eating. I eat my meats first, but I also add in my Fibers throughout the day as well. I try to never get less than 15g of Fiber per day - and the RDA is 18g. If that means I'm eating 60g of carbs per day then that's what it means. Really I think it more comes out to about 50g carbs per day. I do try to find options that are packed with fiber if I'm going to eat carbs. Once I'm able to eat more fruits and veggies (still working on post op eating) that will be where I get all my carbs from, while still ensuring I'm getting my RDA of fiber. Reasons I do this: * Regularity which is perfect right now. * I don't want to feel sluggish and tired all the time. * Hi fiber / Hi Protein diets prove to be the absolute best at satiety which so far is proving itself. * So far my losses have been really great. I really don't feel the need to shake anything up at all. As long as this is true, I will continue on with my current plan. However I really don't think I'll have any problems. My calories are low considering how active I am. I'm trying to lose weight and live my life at the same time. I don't want to be too overcome with diets and losing weight to where its all I think about all day. That's just me though! Whatever works for each individual person is what they should be doing. Not until you go through a stall of more than a month should you really become concerned and start finding alternatives to what you're doing. Usually it's just as simple as burning more calories throughout the day.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene


    Yeah, and what's with this Three Quarters stuff? I'm 5'5 and three quarters... I just put 5'6... I'm not going to do all that "almost" garb. Funny too though, I always put that I was 5'7 all my life, up until I was about to have my band surgery when they broke the news to me - that I'm actually fatter than I originally thought.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Food Servers seemed annoyed

    How rude sleeve, sorry you had to go through that! DJackson, thanks for the school tip... however, comments like that would be better served up in the back and not in earshot of the guest. I think people fly out the mouth too much these days, and common courtesy is becoming a thing of the past. So sad.
  21. Ohhh Immm Geee... OK now I'm just going to have to measure my successes by how my clothes are fitting. Before surgery which was barely one month ago I was wearing size 22 Pants. Today I'm wearing alot of my 16's. I really can't believe it.. like seriously. I'm stunned...

  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Men's fashion after weight loss - any women help us out?

    Well to be honest I just love it when my hubby wears nice jeans and a T shirt. Really. But I do also like him really clean cut. I don't like hair on his nape or anything (especially in his ears!! ack!!). I like his clothes ironed and clean... and some nice cologne. I'm probably not in the majority here, but I also love him to be chivalrous too. I love it when he opens doors for me, pulls out my chair, and things like that. I'm not really big on fashion when it comes to my Hubby (but for me it's a whole other story! ). He really isn't into all the new trends, etc. He just likes to be crisp, clean and smell good. That's one of the many reasons why I love him so much!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    18lbs gone FOREVER! 2 weeks out!!!

    Great job!!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hi--I'm new here

    Hi everyone! I am also in Sacramento. I'm in the South area though, but lived in Natomas for many years before buying a house out this way. I was born and raised here even! I was sleeved on Sept. 15th but went to Mexico with Dr. Aceves. I do not have Kaiser so that was not an option. So far I'm down about 20 lbs post surgery and have gone from a size 22W to a now 16/18. I'd say my sleeve has been absolutely wonderful! All the best to all of you!!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    4 Months, Real Comparison

    Awesome job!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
