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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Just gotta put this out there.. much props to my SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS!!! 2010 WS SERIES CHAMPS!!! It's a lifelong family tradition dating back to their New York days. GOTTA LOVE THEM GMEN!!! :)

  2. Been keeping up with the workouts!! I did 45 on the treadmill, 25 on the elliptical and getting ready to roll out 30 Calisthenics. Tomorrow is an official weigh day. I've already cheated and checked... lol but I'll give the big posting tomorrow. :)

  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Here is my story....

    Tryin, I'm not trying to stir up any controversy with your situation - but this sounds like plain malpractice. I don't know all the circumstances, but it just seems to me your Surgeon was sweeping all your issues under the rug. :-( Anyhow, I'm very glad things have turned around for you! You will love your new sleeve.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    soooo excited!!

    Hi Jamie Is your appointment so that you can discuss getting the sleeve rather than the Bypass? If so, I know you'll love your sleeve. I was a little apprehensive when getting mine since I'd already gone through WLS before with my band. I was worried it wouldn't work for me like my band didn't work for me. So far it has proven me sooo wrong! I love my sleeve!!!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    11 Days out and Nausea

    I actually did feel this kind of nausea a few times post surgery for more than a few weeks. It was only when I felt I consumed something my new tummy did not agree with. It could be your new tummy doesn't like the variety of protein supplement you are taking. I could also suggest trying another kind. This doesn't mean you'll need to waste what you have now either. You can try it again in another week or so and would likely be fine with it. Our new tummy's are very fickle, for sure! Also, 11 days out you should still only be sipping your shakes at best. I suggest slowing down the volume, maybe drinking a little at a time and going back to it later. I was only able to take in tiny amounts at a time at less than 2 weeks out. A single serving shake could last me hours and hours. It does get better though! Good luck
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm on the Road to Onederland!! Who's with me?

    StaySea and Branc -- hop on the Welcome Wagon! Strap in, it's gonna be a warp speed ride. ;o)
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    What to expect 3 weeks post op?

    On my 3rd week post op, I mostly dealt with a certain amount of fatigue first of all... and 2nd, I was still trying to concentrate most of my time getting my fluids in. Make sure to lookout for yourself first during that time. Likely it will seem you don't have time, I urge you to make sure that you do make time. It doesn't take much for us sleevers to get dehydrated and very tired right after surgery. You might want to write yourself out an itinerary and timeline so to be sure you're doing everything you should be doing. I know Christmas can be hectic enough. Good luck!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    I am not controlling my sweet tooth

    Mini, good for you on starting fresh. Every day is a new day for doing it right. You definitely do not want to sabotage the excellent efforts you have had so far. Get those candies out of the house! They are a danger to you and sounds like might be your trigger. Sometimes we just have to give up our triggers completely if you feel out of control once you have them again. Even after an extended period of time. I have this with Doritos. I just can't have them, they cause me some serious emotional damage and ruin me. You are a tough lady! You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Post-Op Nausea

    I'm glad you are contacting your surgeon about this. Please check back in so we know all is well with you!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    One week down!!! (long)

    Fabulous job Cleo!! Thanks for sharing this with us. I'm sure so many will appreciate the play by play. Just wait, as the weeks go by, you will feel better and better. You will come to absolutely love your sleeve!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pre-Surgery Caffeine

    Yes, I do not drink hardly as much coffee as I did pre-surgery. I actually have not drank it so much after my band surgery so I'm kind of used to it. However, I do drink it for my morning push. This is actually the first time I've heard of Dr.'s not wanting us to drink coffee due to ulcers in this thread. I was personally never advised of this, not with my band and not with my sleeve. I was only told this so I wouldn't have to deal with awful headaches while recovering from surgery at the same time. I would imagine they wouldn't want us taking NSAIDS either for the same reason, though I've been told all is ok with this once I'm past 30 days. There is so much differing information out there. I would only suggest anyone talking to your personal Dr. and following his/her advice before just taking someone's word for it on the internet. All the best!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Here is my story....

    Hello tryin and welcome to VST!! We are very glad you could join us. I'm also a revision from band to sleeve. I was sleeved on 9/15/10 and it was also an all in one. However I did not have the complications you had with your band. You're very lucky you were able to have this done. I wish you a speedy recovery! Please be on your P's and Q's knowing you had a tricky revision. ...and ROCK THAT SLEEVE!!!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    How did you choose?

    I made my decision solely on the fact that I knew I am a volume eater. I eat way too much during my meals. I really don't typically "snack" unless I'm bored - and I'm rarely bored. The only other reason I tend to want to snack is because I get cravings due to hormonal reasons, and that's not nearly enough for me to really worry over. It may end up slowing my weight loss eventually, but it really hasn't so far - so I'm going to continue down the road I'm taking. I think I'm doing outstanding. I originally had the lap-band for the exact same reasons, however that device proved to be unworthy for me. When it's not filled I can still eat just as much as I ever wanted. It's also way too easy to eat around it. I'm sure that's true with the sleeve as well, but there is just something different about it. I really don't want to, and even right after surgery I found myself struggling with this. Of course the weight I did lose I gained it all back. I did get surgery for a reason. I believe that anyone that has success with the band truly could do it on their own. To keep the weight off with the band proved to be extremely difficult once the honeymoon was over. I can lose weight on my own and have always been able to. It was sticking with the low calorie diets and keeping focused and keeping the weight OFF has always been my biggest enemy. I loved the stats on keeping the weight off with the sleeve, that really cinched it for me. It's been said that only about 10% of sleeve patients will gain any weight back and of those 10%, they will only gain back about 10 Lbs. usually. Those are stats that anyone can love. I know way too many folks who have had the GB and have seen so many gain back a significant amount of weight. We're not talking 10 Lbs here. More like about half of the excess weight lost or more. Those are not stats I can deal with - because knowing me, I'd probably be one of those people. Good luck in whatever you decide!!!
  14. Awesome Pamela!! Kudos to you for working hard to S^2C. ... and for the record - I TOO LOVE MY SLEEVE!!! Absolutely and Positively the greatest achievement for myself.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pre-Surgery Caffeine

    The reason for the NO Caffeine pre operative is because you will not have it post op for awhile. You will already be sore and tired, etc. so the thinking is the last thing you want on top of that is caffeine withdrawals. I can have coffee now (TG!!) but it really is best to kick it before surgery.
  16. Wow these are all excellent ideas! Keep them coming. I will get that list prepared soon. I ended up not having a lot of time this weekend. It just makes sense to wait until more ideas are brought up first anyhow. Awesome, you all rock!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm on the Road to Onederland!! Who's with me?

    I'm officially more than half-way there!!! Whooohoooo!!!! 48 Lbs to go!!!! Wow, to be honest I never imagined I'd be saying this so soon. I LOOOOOVE MY SLEEVE!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Been keeping up with the workouts!! I did 45 on the treadmill, 25 on the elliptical and getting ready to roll out 30 Calisthenics. Tomorrow is an official weigh day. I've already cheated and checked... lol but I'll give the big posting tomorrow. :)

  19. While I realize this subject is very touchy and can bring out many negative emotions in many folks, myself included... I just don't see how this is productive at all. Just my opinion...
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    ~*~ Workout Challenge and Chat Thread ~*~

    Good idea on lowering the goal. I was always told to make a goal and minus 10 Lbs. and the reason is because if you should start to gain some back, you will have time to catch it and make it right again. GREAT JOB!!! For me I definitely plan to add that extra 10 Lbs. It will seem weird for me being so thin, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. I am officially now back into my 16's. I'm so glad! I had gained back into my 22's *cry* but hey, I had to take my life back and get back into control. I'm doing it now though and feeling super incredible!!! I'm down 33 Lbs. from where I'd gained back from too. Back down into the 240's -- so I'm rocking and rolling here! :thumbup: Yesterday was my workout off day - so I didn't do much there. But Thursday I really hit a home run! I worked out for over 2 hours all at once. I did my treadmill for over 45 minutes, my Stationary Bike for 48 mins and did 30 mins of Calisthenics. I concentrate mostly on my upper arms and thigh and buttocks areas - as those tend to be my trouble spots. I plan to do more of the same today! I do believe this girls' routine is finally back on hit! Have a great weekend!!!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Mom is considering the sleeve...

    Thanks!! My Mom is actually with Kaiser so if she does get it -- it would be with whoever they choose for her. Most likely would be out of Richmond, CA. Right now her PCP is saying no because her BMI is only 36 and she would need 2 co-morbs. Does anyone know if they consider High Cholesterol as a Co-Morb? I would think so....
  22. Oh oops, and the intake of water, I'd say I was able to start drinking my daily intake at about 4 weeks out. Take your time and definitely be patient with yourself. It DOES get better!!
  23. Im glad to hear all is well!! Congrats on your new Sleeve!! :-) For me with the severe Nausea that only lasted maybe 3 or 4 days at the most. I would still get mild nausea here and there for the next few weeks. I also had really bad back pain for about the first 5 days due to the bloated gas. At week four is when I truly started to feel more normal. And by normal I mean, you start with nausea but after a few weeks you just feel tired a lot. So at week four I finally started to get over a lot of the tiredness... but it would just gradually decrease. I'm over six weeks out now and only in the last few days have I felt 100% normal again. The healing is faster or slower for many people. I think I was more on the slower end - but regardless it's all been worth it! Good luck!
  24. I worked out like CRAZY tonight!! I did 45 on the treadmill -- 48 on my stationary bike and 30 calisthenics. All at once too. :-))

  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    They`re calling me..

    Here is what kept me going with my Pre-Op diet: If I didn't do it, likely I would go through the whole motion of surgery - anesthesia, payment - all that, just to wake up without my sleeve. Can you imagine how upsetting that would be? Anyway, knowing this I hope it keeps your mind straight. You CAN do this!!! Trust me.

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