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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    2 questions

    Hi BigD... well first of all - WOW!! You've already lost a lot and way ahead of the pack... congrats to you! You're also doing fabulous with your fluids - I had a lot of trouble at first, so great for you! I think right now while you're barely getting in so many calories and you're doing so well with your fluids, 5 Lbs a day shouldn't be such a hazard. If you feel bad or unhealthy, please see your surgeon. However, if you're feeling fine, roll with it!! As far as driving, I think the main concern was Driving Under the Influence of narcotic type medication - which I was never on any since Dr. Aceves did not prescribe that to me. I managed fine without it. I drove over 600 miles back home only 4 days after surgery. Now no way do I recommend that, I only did it because I had to. I pretty much took it easy for the next three weeks and didn't really go anywhere. Give your surgeon a call and ask directly what he suggests.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Years Day... What will you weight???

    Yep that's right... and it's already in alpha order - :-) I know you can do it!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    I am 1 year and 4 months post op

    Hello Stimpy, welcome back! You are a success story, believe that! Trust me we all fall for the sugar demon from time to time. What sets us apart from others though is that we have a tiny tummy that will help keep us from over eating and gaining significant weight back. It makes it a lot easier to get back to being right and not stressing over 10 lbs weight gains, etc. Let the Cookies go for now. The Holidays are approaching and you don't want to be caught up in a downward spiral with all the sugary treats staring you in the face. You are strong and I KNOW you can do it. You have already lost so much, and you are sooo close to the finish line. Let this time be for getting there instead of the latter. NOW GO GET EM!
  4. Hey Patrice, haven't seen you post since your surgery... how are you doing??? :)

  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Facebook & Twitter Integration

    I created an entire new FB account for my weight loss and only folks that know about my WLS and friends are on there. I do not post anything and everything on my real FB account. You can sync it to the fake account so you won't worry that things you don't want to be said on FB will be on there. So, first it has to be synced to your FB account of your choice - AND - you have to click the little box to post it there. You're safe unless you do those two things.
  6. Ok, starting over. I'm worried I might be eating too much, so for Thursday (tomorrow) and Friday I'm going back to all protein liquids. I'm also gonna make sure I do my workouts. I only had a few pieces of Candy but I can feel it's bringing my cravings back... *sigh* :'( Gotta stop it in its tracks!!! I CAN DO THIS!!!

  7. Okay I have NOT been very good. I have only walked once this whole week and nothing else. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time getting back to my workouts... but I just gotta do them!!!!!! Gah!! :'(

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    2 month post op and lost 54 pounds! :)

    For me and the Water... I actually start my day with a 16.9 oz bottle of water before I do anything (besides taking my PPI). That really sets the stage for my day. You're lucky Julia that you can drink your water with ease. It sure is easier for me now that right after surgery, but I still find it difficult to get the full 64 oz in, and unless I start my day with it - It doesn't ever happen. :-(
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gaining and losing the same 2 pounds

    LOL!! I don't think you're whining at all. It stinks when the scale won't move for us. Maybe don't weigh for a few weeks, but do go find some NSV's that will make you feel a bit better. Perhaps measuring if you did that pre-op, or trying on clothes that you wore before being sleeved. Even noticing how differently you feel while sitting in your car helps. I have noticed I've had to move the seat up in mine recently. What a great feeling!!! :-) It's the littlest things, I'm telling you!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hi doeboy, CONGRATS on getting your sleeve! I'm very glad to hear everything went smooth... :-) It sounds like you are well on your way, keep up the good work - and especially the positivity. Being positive will keep you in the right frame of mind, and will keep those stress hormones at bay. Stress hormones will only hurt the weight loss... and with that - ALL THE BEST!!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gaining and losing the same 2 pounds

    FJM, I don't think the honeymoon is over at all. I think almost nearly all of us struggle with weight stales from time to time. I wouldn't worry too much right now. If it still stales for up to a month, it might be time to do a change up. Such as changing your workout routine or messing with your caloric intake. Our bodies can become quite used to being fed the same things day in and day out. All the best to you, and I do hope it breaks soon!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    If it's not an NSV, and not an SV, what is it?

    I do apologize. I was not aware that anything I posted wasn't having to do with your thread. I will refrain from posting here again. All the best with your journey.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hi Queen, Welcome to VST!! You know, I think the majority of Husbands or SO's have said this. Mine did... but I just had to assure him everything will still be the same as before - except it'll even be better because I'll FEEL better. He has since stopped talking about it and is more enjoying the results... so no more complaining or insecurities in my house. You just gotta feed into the male melodrama that comes along with any changes in what they feel is perfect. I'm sure you're crying because you feel overwhelmed, but do not worry, if your marriage is a good strong one, you will get through this and all of the worst times of your life. That will only make it even STRONGER. Hugs!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Wanting some real food!!!!!

    Just keep in mind going off the post op diet eating plan is and can be quite dangerous. You are trying to protect your staple line and do your best to prevent leaks. Leaks are no joke and you are risking your LIFE by going against the plan. The VERY best thing for you is to follow your Surgeons guidelines.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Wanting some real food!!!!!

    Hey Shelby, and WELCOME!!! You know, it's really really tough the first month post op. You've only just begun and you are a baby sleever. But, thank goodness there are so many here who can help you through this tough time. I'm only 2 months out, but that time is still very fresh in my memory bank. Here is what helped me cope and keep on track... Well, if you go off course you can and will run the risk of serious damage to your body. You can cause a leak by eating real food right now. Just hang in there... maybe try mixing up the flavors you're intaking. I went to BevMo and bought some Splenda sweetened Torani Syrups in a multitude of flavors. This really helped a huge deal. I got every flavor I could find in the sugar free. Good luck!! I know any one of us can overcome this obstacle. Look toward your future too... just think that yes, this time is for healing... however the side effect is losing super fast. Now that's never a bad thing.... LOL ;o)
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    70 lbs and 10 years lost!

    Incredible!!! Congrats to you, and especially thank you for sharing your success with us... love it!!! :-)
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    picture before surgery

    chilo, you were adorable before, and you are even more adorable now. Congrats, you are doing really really great! Thanks for sharing I looove to see progress pics - even though I'm kinda guilty of not doing this as much. I did with my band but for some reason I'm not really doing it this time. I think I want to wait a little longer this time... anyway --- GREAT JOB!!!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    disappointed and hurt

    I've never heard of the Grants but WOW, what an incredible option! Please keep the faith. I did and when it was finally time for it to happen, it did. I knew I'd have to go OOP and for a long time it just wasn't in the cards for me. Then when I was truly ready, things just lined up so perfectly and it happened for me. Hang in there, and never lose hope!! Hugs...
  19. I am enjoying my weekly treat of 2 scrambled eggs and one sausage link for breakfast today. YUM!!! :-D

  20. Wow... in examining my calendar - it appears Fat Day is only 2 and a half weeks out. I got through Halloween pretty good. I can usually put some Snickers and Reese's away like no one's business, but so far not so bad. We'll see how I do for TG!! :-)

  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Clothing while losing

    I used to think Goodwill was a crazy thought, but when you have nothing to wear and know you're going to go through clothes quick, it really is a viable option. If you take your time and go through everything you may even find clothes with the original tags still on them. I've found this several times. Also, if you go to places like the Nordstrom Rack you will find some really cute stylish clothes for really cheap. Especially on the clearance racks!! Here's something else I don't think many give credit to... Get a belt! It will get you through an additional size or two. ;o) I bought one for when my 14's and 16's get too big. I only have a few pairs of anything smaller and really, I'm going to wear these clothes out most likely until I hit size 8 or smaller. Anyhow, I've already started needing it. I bought a good quality genuine leather belt and it doesn't look chintzy or anything. Happy shopping!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    If it's not an NSV, and not an SV, what is it?

    Ya know, I really don't know why I didn't. I think I was just so happy to get rid of all those gigantic clothes I got rid of all of them. Not even thinking it would be great to keep one pair each and try them on from time to time to see the progress. LOL!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    The rate of weight loss

    Hi Kathy! I personally think you are doing quite well. I'm on track to lose about that much when I'm as far out as you and I've had the sleeve. I've also had about the same amount to lose as you have. I say you're right on schedule. A little bit of advice and something I absolutely swear by -- never compare yourself to others losses. Most of the time you are going to pick out that one story where someone is losing faster than you. You will only beat yourself up over it. Only Celebrate your successes!! Good luck
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Juarez?? Confused??Scared??

    I personally have not heard of any negatives coming from Dr. Rodriguez patients. However I would suggest doing a quick search just to find other posts that I may not have seen. Good luck! It really does go very fast once you make that decision, but I can tell you, you won't regret it once you get over the surgery recovery period.

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