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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Boyfriend just got back from the store....

    Ugh!!! You need to have a talk with him girl!
  2. I WILL do my walk today. I WILL!!!! lol :-P

  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    nearly there!!

    GO viv!!!! You're going to do fantastic, I just know it. Please check in and let us know how you're doing once you're up to it...
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeved two days ago!

    Count me in! I also had issues post op too. I felt miserable, nauseous, vomitting, severe fatigue... all that! Here I am two months post now though, and I couldn't be happier. I'm down nearly 30 Lbs since surgery and 40 since my Pre-Op diet. I'm also a revision from the Lap Band... so... for ME, this was clearly the better choice. The trade offs of the first few weeks post op to today? WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hello there zazzer and welcome to VST!! Read around, you will find out likely more than you could have ever imagined here. We all post our experiences and all are ready and available when you need extra support. All the best in the upcoming months!!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Drew Carey

    Yeah he said it was not surgery. It would be nice if he can keep it off, however that has always been my problem. :'( That's why I'm here today.
  7. Hi Steeler, Well, no one can really make that decision for you but YOU. Only you know what your needs are. My suggestion to you would be to maybe postpone your surgery, and do major research on all of the different procedures available to you. No one surgery is one size fits all. All surgeries have their plusses and minuses. You need to figure out if the plusses of one surgery will benefit you more than another ones. You also need to know if the minuses can cause you more harm than the benefits are worth too. I probably could never have RnY or DS. I am very anemic, and the malabsorption would probably either make me extremely ill, or possibly worse... Just an example. You need to make sure you are fully on board before making such a drastic decision. They will be removing 85% of your stomach forever. Check that the temperature is right for you before diving in that pool!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    I actually did it

  9. That is an average of 3.4 Lbs per week. Sounds good to me. My advice: Don't compare yourself to others. Just like driving, there will always be someone faster than you. Go see your Dr. about the fainting feelings. You need to bump up your Fiber. It will take time for it to start working, but I do this and I go every single day.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Loss - Zero Effort

    Great post! Very very true. To be honest, I've never been able to do low carb because no matter what, I always wanted to eat more more more. Now, I simply do NOT have enough room to eat enough anyway. I literally have to eat mostly only meats because 2 oz of meat isn't enough protein. I do have my hi Fiber oatmeal but is usually on a meal all its own. I have noticed that eating this way that my belly fat is really going away really fast. It's great! ...and it's true, it really REALLY does feel effortless. I'm not working out as much as I used to, and I don't feel like I'm starving all the time. ITS GREAT!!! This is the best thing I've ever done for myself. I'm very happy!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Years Day... What will you weight???

    SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Chilo1.............216...................169..............154................15 Dansha...........220..................220...............195................25;) DJackson........246.................246...............220................26 Filosophia Scandinavia...205...205.............187...............17 (Will be sleeved on the 30th November) Fit ..................290.................250.8..............235.8............15 GayleSBennett ....232.................201................189...............11 Good Luck everyone! =) Juliarh............303.6.................247..............225................22 Kgremmy........225..................221..............199................22 (being sleeved 12/14/10) Labrys............238..................208.................193...............15 Laylasmojo......242.................200.6.............185.............15.6 LilMissDiva........247...............245.2.............226..............19.2 Lisalu..............210..................137..............130.................7 Maddie............257.................167................147................20 merieri............240..................206...............190................16 Mini-Me...........203...................131.4..............125.................6.4 (Down 1.6 - This challenge is working!) Mommy2Girls....275..................256.............240...............16 mp8btpc.........199...................160...............145...............15 pattimomof3NJ.....203.4..........183.4............170...............13.4 (start NY on an even number!) Sleeve 4 me ...204...................176..............164...............12 Stacy160.........258..................174...............148...............16 StaySea........299...................299.................275.............24 twoboysandagirl..226..........212................199..............13(being sleeved 12/6) val28...............254..................153................145................8
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sizzilng September Sleevers Monday Check In

    __________________________________________ Here's my tallies for 11/15/10: For November I have lost: 4 Lbs. For this last week I have lost: 2.8 Lbs. Since Surgery I have lost: 27.2 Lbs. Since Pre-Surgery Diet I have lost: 36.2 Lbs. Since my Highest Weight ever I have lost: 84.8 Lbs. __________________________________________ Hi everyone!! EVERYBODY is doing so great! I'm just going to give a simple shout to all of you because you deserve it! Congrats! Aren't we just the successful bunch??? Loving it!! Keep the numbers coming, you all are really pushing me to work that much more! It's not easy keeping up with all you quick losers!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm on the Road to Onederland!! Who's with me?

    Awww thanks Labrys for the encouragement! I really loved how you said I'm already in Wonderland -- because I really am. :-) I hope you get to Onederland quick and effortless!! With the workouts you will, I know! I lose much slower when I'm not getting my physical activities in. I need to be sure to get my walk in today.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Throwing up nothing?

    Try taking a few sips of protein shake with your vitamins. Vitamins and iron can be very hard on your stomach and coating your stomach with food will help a lot.
  15. Today I'm 2 Months post op. I'm down 36 Since Pre Op Diet and I'm down 27 since Surgery Day. Woohooo!!! :) I'm a happy girl!! :)

  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Years Day... What will you weight???

    Please everyone remember to re-post from the very last post. Things are being forgotten and deleted. Thanks!!! SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Chilo1.............216...................169..............154................15 Dansha...........220..................220...............195................25;) DJackson........246.................246...............220................26 Filosophia Scandinavia...205...205.............187...............17 (Will be sleeved on the 30th November) Fit ..................290.................250.8..............235.8............15 GayleSBennett ....232.................201................189...............11 Good Luck everyone! =) Juliarh............303.6.................247..............225................22 Kgremmy........225..................221..............199................22 (being sleeved 12/14/10) Labrys............238..................208.................193...............15 Laylasmojo......242.................200.6.............185.............15.6 LilMissDiva........247...............245.2.............226..............19.2 Lisalu..............210..................137..............130.................7 Maddie............257.................167................147................20 merieri............240..................206...............190................16 Mini-Me...........203...................133..............125.................8 Mommy2Girls....275..................256.............240...............16 mp8btpc.........199...................160...............145...............15 pattimomof3NJ.....203.4..........183.4............170...............13.4 (start NY on an even number!) Sleeve 4 me ...204...................176..............164...............12 Stacy160.........258..................174...............148...............16 StaySea........299...................299.................275.............24 twoboysandagirl..226..........212................199..............13(being sleeved 12/6)
  17. Good Sunday Morning everyone!! So one week now and I'm doing really great and being a model WLS patient. That scare is really keeping me straight! Thank you Sleeve!!!! I really could NOT do this without you. :-)

  18. Ok, not sure if anyone knows this but I got bit by the sugar demon last weekend. I had some chips over the weekend and it led to some very bad habits and cravings coming back. I'm way too early out to be dealing with this so I had to shut it down quick! This binge did last a few days, but early this week I picked myself back-up and admitted to everyone my shame... It got me no where; I went a whole week without losing any weight. I'm a streaky loser, and I'm at the time of the month where I should be losing the most. So, I knew I'd messed up. The good thing? I didn't gain any! I'm also the type that can gain FAST! So, I guess I didn't hurt myself too much... but still... For the last few days though, I picked myself up and dusted myself off. I'd refrained from eating anything not on the approved list (Yay Me!!) and with each day my cravings have become less and less. Great!! Those cravings (Head Hunger) are such a nasty beast! I hate it, and to have been free from them for the last two months have been great. I was going to do all liquids starting yesterday, but figured I'd been doing so good for the last few days - why? I did do well yesterday too. I pretty much eat about 82% proteins/fats and 18% Carbs. My carbs also are sure to be high Fiber or from my Veggies. I'm losing extremely well with this make-up. Last night I felt hungry -- as I did get on my elliptical and burned nearly 500 calories, so that is not abnormal for me. I made myself a tiny bowl of Cereal with 1% Milk. I've done this before, so to me it really was no big deal. I don't like to eat anything heavy right before bed time. However... Once I'd finished my cereal I knew something was dreadfully wrong. My stomach immediately let me know it was not happy. I felt nausea, which I hadn't felt much of since the first few weeks post op surgery. I just decided to put all my stuff away and head to bed early. I laid down and fell right to sleep. Then a few hours later I woke up with such a terrible pain in my stomach!! I knew what it was, but for some reason it was far worse than any I'd ever felt!!! I waited a few minutes, and during that time I had to catch my breath the pain was so awful. I finally headed to the bathroom and waited it out. (I'll try not to be too graphic here)... So, I "dumped" a few times and began to feel so freaken terrible I had to go back and lay down. I felt like I wanted to faint, my heart was racing and I was drenched in a cold sweat. I had to just lay on the bed all twisted up, I couldn't even move. I seriously thought I was going to pass away right there. Well, after about 15 minutes of that - the awful feeling subsided but the stomach cramps did continue. I had to keep heading to the bathroom practically all night long. It was such a surprise!! No worries though, I actually feel fine now. So that was the fugly... What have I learned from that? NO CEREAL EVER AGAIN!!! OMG, it was the WORST FEELING I'd ever felt in my entire life. Ya know I did feel minor traces of that with the chips I ate last weekend too. So... to avoid anything to that magnitude again, I do believe I'm staying away from anything like that. Ack!! Okay so quickly now to the Good... because this story is already loooong... LOL!! This morning I'm down 2.4 Lbs. AND I'm FINALLY out of the 40 BMI's!!!! WHOOHOOOOO!!!! :D :D :D Have a great weekend everyone!! I know I will... and for today I REALL AM going on liquids. But for today only. My stomach needs to rest.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    A very interesting evening for me...

    Lactose and sugars I do believe. It's weird too because it's not the first time I've eaten that post op. I wont be doing it again though. Nuh-uh... no way!! Thanks everyone for the well wishes. Im actually feeling MUCH better today. :-D
  20. http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/index.html?eref=mrss_igoogle_cnn So a professor in an attempt to prove it is all calories in and calories out has gone on a Twinkie Diet. He has lost weight and his Cholesterol has improved. Is it really that easy though? I can't imagine doing this for two months! I would have "fillings" nightmares I'm pretty sure! Gross.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    A very interesting evening for me...

    Wait as long as you can mommy! I don't wish that misery on my worst enemy - if I had any... ;o) Dais, sounds like a plan lady. Let me know how you're doing!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene


    Tis true with the Highest Weight. I never let myself forget that. Like you Sleeve, I honestly don't know my true highest weight. I never weighed myself out of genuine fear. I actually was down a whole pants size when I finally did get on the scale from my higest (Size 28W Pants) and it said 315 Lbs. So I calculate up about 15 Lbs. I say 330, but who knows it could have been more. One things true, if we ignore History, we are doomed to repeat it.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    A very interesting evening for me...

    Thanks all for the well wishes. So far so good! I only had coffee, Water and some unjury chicken Soup today. I'm feeling fine at this point. mp8, congrats on the no donuts!! Stay away from them as long as you can... LOL To anyone who was lactose intolerant pre-surgery... beware! It might not even hit right away, but when it does... WOWZAAA!!! I might stay away from milk entirely now. That was just awful. However the moootopia does sound interesting. I've tried Silk before but it was nasty. LOL As far as dairy products, I've not had one single issue. cheese or yogurts seem ok so far. I never eat Cottage Cheese, so I'm not sure about that one. I haven't tried Ice Cream, but since that always upset my stomach the most pre-surgery I almost cringe about trying it now! OmG... which can't be such a bad thing. I hear that's the easiest to get down and so full of sugar and calories. No harm done there. Fleur, yes at least is was the SF type. I still eat my SF Fudgesicles when I feel the need. No biggie. BBJ, I'm positive it was the sugar in your dessert. I noticed in the few times I'd indulged in sugar I really didn't feel that great after. After last nights episode, I really REALLY don't want anything to do with all that anymore... aughh!! Lila, I'm so scared to go through that again, I'll not even experiment with Lactaid or whatever... ;o)
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    5 Month update with photos

    WOW!! You look like a totally different person! CONGRATS to you and thank you so much for letting us experience this with you. Hugs!!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    A very interesting evening for me...

    Hey Patti, it's nice to know I'm not the only one this happened to. When I was going through it I was really terrified. I mean, I can laugh about it now and I do suspect it was the milk and the carbs in the cereal. It was just cheerios but still. I believe they're made out of corn, but I'm not too sure. Since surgery I've had a little upset stomachs over potatoes and corn - and now it's looking like milk too. I've always had a twinge of lactose intolerance, but nothing like that - ever. I too had the shakes, and my knees just fell out beneath me when I flopped on my bed. My head was really dizzy and my whole body was drenched in sweat. I'm all glad to be down the 2.4 Lbs... but the means to get there... YIKES!!! LOL!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
