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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    YEA!! Two Victories in one week

    Wowza that's great!!!!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene


    I have had two weight loss surgeries. I have been able to feel a significant difference in both of them. The sleeve even moreso than the lap band.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    I am such a failure!!!

    Sarah, take a deep breath... now exhale. I've been there too. Yes, already. You really didn't go overboard. You know what? I didn't either. Sometimes our guilty conscience that we've been carrying along with us all these years, along with all the extra weight can become such a terrible burden for us. When we allow the negativity in, we also allow the Demon in. Don't do it!! Do not let the Demon win this battle! Set him straight. Get right, and you have already taken steps toward that. You've removed the cupcakes from the house. Now for the next 5 days, eat super low carb. The cravings should subside by then, and try your very best to stay away from sugar for as long as you can. Not forever, no... but during the weight loss phase it's best to not indulge in it. It can and it WILL slow down the weight loss! You will have all the time in the world for the fun times once you hit goal. The sleeve will be there as a safety net for those times. We will be able to catch our minor gains early and attack before it starts to feel like a mountain to climb. But for now, pull up your bootstraps lady, and take on that task!! Keep coming here for support - I believe hands down we are the very best at it!
  4. Hi Carrie, I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better about your sleeve!!! I'm an ex bandster and the sleeve for me is WAY better. An eternity better!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sooo... How are you today?

    Hi Furry! Sorry it seems no one is talkin to ya! It's nothing personal I'm sure. Sometimes the chatter on here can go through so fast, older posts just get moved down really quickly. Congrats on your decision! It certainly is one that I am VERY happy about that I did for myself. You WILL absolutely get to start shopping in normal clothing shops again! It has been possibly 20 years for me. I can shop at larger retailers now, like Penney's or Macy's but not little boutiques yet. I'm not quite into the 14 Misses yet. Almost though!!! Mini... check in and let us know how you rate the movie!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Post surgery!

    Hi vickie! I'm sorry to hear of your husband health trials! I'm very glad to hear he made out and is home resting now though. Hugs! Congratulations on your new sleeve and your first week post-op. You will do wonderfully, and yes - it truly IS the best thing for us trying to lose and keep it off.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Milestone reached!!

    WOW!!!! You have lost 105 Lbs in about 4.5 months??? Wholly Moziss. Well, dang!! Congratulations - you have smoked the milestone!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sooo... How are you today?

    DJax, I'm so sorry to hear about that! That is so terrible. I am on Facebook, but sometimes people go WAY over board on it. My status for today was: "Facebook: Destroying countless marriages and relationships worldwide, daily!" It's so true though... gah. I hope you still have a nice Turkey Day, and hopefully no one will grill you about the surgery. I made sure everyone I told I literally swore them to secrecy. I just don't want all the questions, etc. When someone asks how I'm losing (because everyone is noticing now) I just tell them it's Atkins. It's true, and explains why I really only eat the meat off my plates... lol ;o) Have fun today with your friend! Sometimes I wish I had someone who also had WLS and a friend. It would be so nice to hang out with them. You're very lucky!! And may your pants be very small at LB's later!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sooo... How are you today?

    Hey girlie!! Oh yeah, you know when I sent the invite out to the house I told everyone to bring a dish and BYOB... bigtime. LOL OMG how could I forget Black Friday!!! I'm already knowing Target is on the list. $3 small appliances... I need a new electric can opener. I'm sure I can find many other needless things to spend my money on - and I'm not even talking about Christmas gifts. It's all for me... haha!! I'm bad, I know. We usually do the early morning rush too, and then breakky then more shopping. Exactly the same! Have fun at HP tonight! I never really got into the whole book/movie HP thing. I know lots do though, so it will be jam packed at the theatres this weekend. Enjoy your popcorn lady... a treat once in a while is not a big deal. If you're like me though, watch yourself afterward. For me, for the next two weeks I gotta bust a move! I haven't weighed in almost a week and won't again until Wednesday. I feel like I've lost maybe a few pounds since I last checked, but I still think I'm behind the curve on the challenge! Gah!! Hugs!!!
  10. I'm liking what I see looking back at me. :)

  11. I'm thinking about you today! Hugs & prayers. Please check in soon!!

  12. http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/227-vst-tickerfactory-ticker-tutorial-with-pictures/
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Depressed and Just Want Eat

    Josey, I am terribly sorry to hear you are having such awful response to your new tummy. I hope that your Dr.s appointment goes well, and they can help you feel better. I also hope that you can one day come to love your sleeve. I can't imagine this is easy for you, especially your feelings and knowing this decision is a permanent one. Hugs!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do your tastes really change?

    There are some significant taste changes right after surgery. Like, anything powerful or overly sweet I would have to dilute to half Water to choke it down. My taste buds have returned to normal since but now its my cravings that have changed. I'm 2 months out now. I actually think about eating healthy meals when I'm hungry. Like I don't think about what I want for dinner the night before while I'm eating last night's dinner. It's very interesting.
  15. Hmmm... I don't know. I'm going to have to disagree here. Pre-op I never even thought about eggs, but since that was one of the first more solid type foods I had post, I just can't get enough! They go down so nice, they taste amazing and they make me feel really good. I'm now addicted to scrambled eggs. I only eat them once a week though, and I can eat 2 of them. I enjoy every single bite like it was my first! LOL
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Trip to TJ Maxx

    Yep, been there more times than I care to remember. Those times will be long gone for you, and faster than you think. Hang in there, you are in the right mindset and it will all work out for you.
  17. Kerri, believe me I know exactly what you're going through! At this point it's probably more important to just have patience with yourself. You're barely 5 weeks out - you will figure it all out. Worrying and stress isn't going to help. You probably shouldn't weigh as often either... maybe wait 2 weeks, keep positive and on the right path. The scale will be kind to you again soon. Focus mostly on your eating, and maybe add in a walk here and there. It WILL happen for you, I absolutely promise. Even though I still think your weight loss to date is still really good. Hugs!!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeved Oct 29th

    Hello there losing!! Congrats on you new tiny tummy! Also, welcome to VST!! I'm so glad to hear your surgeon was able to complete your surgery, and without incident too. That's great! You're very lucky, most surgeons will sew ya back up and tell you to come back later with a smaller liver. I super glad to hear this! You know the feeling of regret after surgery is very normal. I even felt that way for a few days. In fact, I would think this from time to time until almost recently. It was the pits the first month or so. However, I'm out of that now and I'm celebrating my tiny banana shaped stomach. I more think it's shaped like an earthworm, but whatever... lol Good for you on staying off the scale. I do if I even *think* it wont be kind. It saves me a lot of misery trust me. It's working for me for the most part. Every time I get on I'm a few pounds down. Never hurts to go that route! :-) Well, I look forward to seeing your posts! Please keep us tight along your journey. This place is the best for support and a cheering squad when you need one. ;o)
  19. LilMissDiva Irene


    Wow Viv!! I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you! Look at the bright side though, you at least caught the error before it happened. You would have been miserable with the band. Not trying to make light of it - but the band was such misery for me. Glad that part of my life is O.V.E.R.!!! My advice, relax! You will get your sleeve, when the time is right. Just this time ask them what you are there to have surgery for. That's really some scary stuff to have to think about. Hang in there... Hugs!!!
  20. kerri, 40-45 oz of Water is not enough. On a low carb diet you need to drink a minimum of the 8-8oz rule. You have to flush the fat out. I think once you do that, you will see the weight drop again. Also, ham, canned Soups and especially pickles have a ton of sodium. You are retaining fluids likely. You need to flush them out.
  21. I'm just starting this regimen since last night. I noticed I was getting a lot of leg cramps. I didn't figure it was dehydration because I drink a lot of Water all day long. Then I remembered I'd not been taking any calcium. I'm not eating hardly any dairies and drinking zero milk... made perfect sense. I went to Vitamin Shoppe last night and bought some Calcium Citrate with Magnesium, and a bottle of Potassium Citrate. I already feel better. I'm already taking 5,000 BU of Vitamin D - so that wasn't necessary. I'm going to take 2 doses of this stuff per day. One with Breakfast and one with dinner. I'll take my chewable Iron I bought as well with lunch. Wish me luck!! It's not easy figuring all this stuff out! I'll get it though.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Anyone see Rachel Ray Thursday?

    Yes its true that being smaller is better than being bigger, I just want to point out that gaining significant amounts of weight back (at least more than 20 lbs - depending on height, gender etc) can still be unhealthy for the body. So to assume that one is healthier simply because they are still smaller than they used to be can be a little misleading. What is the person eating that they would gain so much weight back? Especially not doing the right thing and getting back on track to eating healthy to lose the weight. I still think that is just as dangerous and unhealthy as it ever was in the past. I'm not talking about someone gaining a few pounds here and there as they are enjoying life... but to go overboard and continue to do so and gain a good amount of weight back that needed surgery to help remove. I went through this, and even though I was never as large as I was at my biggest I consider myself just as unhealthy as I was at 330 Lbs. Maybe even more so for a great many reasons. It's really important to remember this, and not use that as an excuse to gain a lot of weight back. Anyway, IMO all of us here have chosen one of the better options at helping us to not gain significant amounts of weight back. It's true you can regain with ANY WLS, but some are harder to do this with than others. At least we are able to catch ourselves and make it right before it gets too out of control. Other surgeries just aren't that lucky. I did actually happen to check out this episode. Just my opinion but I felt it was a little condescending to the lady who regained weight. Of course all she could promise was "exercise more and eat less.. blah blah blah..." I think majority of us here know that its much deeper than that. Just sayin'!!!
  23. The Vitamin Shoppe >> GNC

  24. Leslie, I had trouble sleeping too for the first week or so. You're not alone. Like doeboy, I wonder if its those of us who like sleeping on our stomachs? I do, and its hard for me to sleep any other way. I was able to start sleeping on my stomach about a week and a half later, and as I think back, that was around the time I was able to sleep better. I've never heard of the Tylenol thing, but wow - I wonder if that's me too. I felt restless leg syndrome type stuff too when I was taking a lot of the liquid Tylenol. Interesting...
  25. LilMissDiva Irene


    That is fantastic!!! You're moving right along -- thanks for sharing the NSV with us!!!

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