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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. BIG GIANT NSV!!!!!!!!! Ok, so... on my way home from surgery I stopped at some clothing stores to buy some new outfits. Something I knew was too small. Well I was looking thru them and pulled out a super cute brown dress. I tried it on to see how it fit... AND IT FITS!!! It's a size L -- and I'm sooo wearing it tomorrow... YEAHHHH!!!!!

  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    THis NEW improved (*) site

    You're very welcome cocoa!! You CAN preview posts. Put your cursor on the subject line that interests you. If you hover it there for a moment (don't click!) you will see a small green sheet of paper appear. Click on that... that is the preview post option.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene


    If it doesn't bother you all that much I highly suggest second hand shopping centers. It's likely you will need a good part of your day to sort through this stuff to find things you like, however it's worth it when you find a brand new pair of pants for less than ten bucks. They still have the store tags on them too! Also, Kohl's is amazing if you sign up for them to send you emails or mail with coupons. You can buy their clothes for dirt cheap and they are really cute! Then there are the outlet style shopping stores. I personally LOVE The Rack. Oh yeah... I do!! I don't really go to Marshall's or TJ Maxx or any of those, but I've heard lots like to go there. Also, It's best to own a belt. It will get you through an extra size or two than if you went without one. I'm still able to wear some of my 22's with a belt (otherwise they fall off!!! ) even though I'm now in a 16/18. There is also a clothing exchange on this website: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/forum/80-the-clothing-exchange/ Good luck!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Great guy.

    Haha Bob you are too funny!! I just wanted to say... what a great idea for a post!!! Most every other one is how someone is NOT supportive... well it's about time we give a shout out to all the great folks in our lives who ARE!!! My Husband has been my biggest cheerleader. We share everything together... every half pound lost, what I've had for lunch (or lack thereof.. lol) or even if my pants are getting too big. I LOVE THAT MAN OF MINE!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    THis NEW improved (*) site

    If you scroll down futher into the page I directed you to, you will see a bunch of "check boxes". You will have to check and uncheck what you prefer. At least that is how my page looks... if it doesn't look this way for you, you might need to have Alex or Ken help you with that. Believe me! I understand it is really frustrating at first. We were all pretty frustrated too, but know that the kinks really do get worked out. I haven't really seen many long time posters leave, even when they threatened to do it. I think the common purpose here (and there) is greater than what a webpage looks like. ;o)
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    THis NEW improved (*) site

    I don't think there is an option to change your font. It has been brought up before and Admin was thinking about it, but haven't heard anything since.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    THis NEW improved (*) site

    Re: Being quoted. I believe it's the third option down the list. Uncheck any boxes in the row that says "Notify me when someone quotes my posts". Click "Save Changes" when completed. "Personal Conversations" are used to mention if anyone does anything quoting or replying to you. It is also used if it is a Private Message. The only way to know what it is, is for you to click the notification to find out. I know, not very specific! Sorry. I'm not exactly sure what an inline notification is. I don't have it clicked for anything and have never received one. The other issues are glitches that need to be addressed by the Admins. They have done all this already at the other forum I spend most of my time at. If you need any other help, let me know. To all: You really do get used to it. It's not that bad. Believe me, it was initially the same response over at the other board, but everything was ironed out and everyone seems to have forgotten now of the change over.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Unfu$%ing believable!!!

    This thread is getting out of hand. As such, I'm closing this thread.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    THis NEW improved (*) site

    Once you fix the notifications you will be able to see all your notifications when they pop up next to your screen name at the top left. It will look like a (1) with an envelope next to it.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    THis NEW improved (*) site

    You can go in and individually choose what and how you want to be notified. Go to your drop down at the top left that shows your screen name. Go to My Settings. You will already be on the Settings Tab. There will be a column of options at the left. Click on Notification Options. Scroll down a bit until you see the check boxes. You can go through and individually choose what you want to be notified for and what not. HTH
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    THis NEW improved (*) site

    It's all just a matter of giving it time for the Admins to work out all the kinks. As far as FB, the answer is NO. It will not disclose anything you write on here, unless you specifically go out of your way to do this. You would like to sync up your FB account to this one -- then and only then will FB become available to make posts you make here to there. I would suggest taking the time to get to know the new format. It's not all that bad once you get used to it. No one likes change, but eventually this will become the norm and all will be well again.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sooo... How are you today?

    Hey thin1 and tiffy, I hope you both feel better soon :'( thin1, I hope you are ok! I'm sure it's just some kind of nasty bug. It's that time of year where everyone's spreading their lovely germies and some of us are catching them. I'm sure your panels and checkups are going to go really smooth! tiffy, I get like that too. On the normal I'm happy go lucky kinda girl - but when that PMS hits... WATCH OUT!!! My hubby just stays out of my way - and for very good reason... LOL :-) So tomorrow is Turkey Day! The menu is large but my plate will be small. Just a little turkey and veggies for me. Not like I can fit much in my tiny tummy anyway. I'll be happy with that. I'm more looking forward to shopping Friday!!! Whooot!!! I've already got my POA for Macy's... yeah! I'm thinking I'll go get me a "Goal Outfit". Size 8. If I get smaller than that, so be it. I can just revel in the thought of it... but to be a size 8 (no double digits!) and a Medium Top *dreaming away*.. if I never lost another pound I'd still be in 7th Heaven!! My family from LA is driving up tonight. It will be nice to see them! I haven't seen a few of them in years! Well I hope all of you have a fabulous T-Day!! :-))
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Considering VS and scared

    Hi Fluffy! I was scared too... and skeptical. It's easy to do when you've already had one failed WLS. Being scared before ANY surgery is normal. You wouldn't be normal if you weren't! However, I was WRONG to be skeptical!! This thing REALLY WORKS! Yeah, okay you have to do the diet part to lose the weight - but really, the choice on that is all mine. If I wanted a slice of pizza I could have one. It still won't help me lose weight, but at least I could have it if I wanted it. Then my "Safety Net" the sleeve would be there to help me to NOT over do it. Yeah!!!! Can't be mad about that! The sleeve is such a blessing for those of us struggling with our weight our entire lives. I THANK GOD for this! :-) Soon you will be sitting on the other side here with us, singing a new tune -- happy to tell all the pre-sleevers just how awesome a tiny tummy really is.
  14. Heyoooo!!! My current official totals are: Since last weigh in 2.4 Lbs -- Total since Sleeve date 29.2 Lbs -- Total since Pre Op diet 38.2 Lbs -- Total since Highest Weight 87.2 Lbs. :))

  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sizzilng September Sleevers Monday Check In

    Good morning everyone!! FJM, That IS an interesting bra size! :-D You might need to start getting yours custom made when you keep losing. Labrys, Congrats on the good going! I have to keep remembering... when's the last time I was losing during the Halloween to New Years Day stretch? Never!! Not even with my Lap Band!! But I'm doing that now... and THAT is amazing all its own. Good luck for the Onederland entry soon!! Keep us posted on that. :-) cherice, WOW!! You are doing exceptionally well right now! Keep it up!! julia, so you are officially having a little plateau. All I can suggest is to try your very hardest not to stress. Stress can be an undoing for weight loss, that is no myth. I know it's easier said than done, being that it's the Holidays and you're in a whole new world. I'll just offer up *hugs* and best wishes that next week your scale will be a little kinder!! You're such a sweet lady, it will be nice to you soon! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As for me, well I'm down 2.4 Lbs since my last weigh in -- which was about 10 days ago. Not bad! I mean on paper 2.4 Lbs in a week and a half would seem not so good, but to me I'm celebrating every pound! If you really knew what I went through with my band you would too!! I can't believe that most every time I weigh in, it goes down. Even if for only a pound or two. I'm no way going to complain about that! When I stepped on the scale and saw 242.8 I couldn't help but smile. I really don't think I've weighed this little in at least a year and a half. Nice!!! Once I break the 230's I know it will be since 2008, 6 months after being banded. Whoohoooo!!!! I've had my stalls too here and there, and I hate that too. But wow, for the last few years with the scale going up and up - I'll take this any day! So my next weigh in is November 30th. I always weigh in on the first and the last day of every month to get my monthly totals. See you all next Tuesday! Hopefully I'll drop any more of the Water I might still be holding on to.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Member

    Welcome to VST lio!!! Congratulations on your new sleeve as well. The head hunger will always be there. However, I've noticed that the more I stay away from junk foods, the more the cravings tend to disappear. As far as feeling full, well I havent felt true fulness in years now, as I was previously banded. However, no it's not going to be like what you remember. It will be a bit different, but over time you get used to it. That's the best advice I can give you regarding that right now. Hang in there. In time it will be like you never had surgery!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    How do we all know this will REALLY work?

    Right... What Julie said.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene


    Thanks ladies! Good idea Tiffy! I might just stick with Beans at least until the First (just because I know myself... the "snacking" gets me into trouble)... Once the Holidays are over, I'll incorporate the nuts and seeds back in. I'll be sure to portion control them too! I'm really trying hard to stay focused. This has always been a "Red Zone" time of year for me. From the end of October through the New Year... bah!!! I'm so good during Spring and Summer though. *sigh*
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Leak 5 weeks put

    (((((Filica))))) Take care of yourself. I'm so glad to know that you took the precautions to call your surgeon when you felt something wasn't right. Hang in there... we are all here for you!!! Please keep us updated on how you're doing...
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    New to the VSG Forum

    Welcome to VST crabadams!!! So far, for me the sleeve has been the answer to all my volume eating. I can only eat about 3-4 oz in one sitting (though I'm only a bit over 2 months out) - and should stretch up to no more than 6 oz. That for me incredible!!! I used to be banded and my band couldn't keep me from eating even a little bit more than I should. I love my sleeve!!! You are right to want to do all you can to prevent the diabetes. That is a terrible disease, and especially if it runs in your immediate family - you need to take extra special precautions. Take a look around and read all you can. Ask questions, get to know what you are planning to do to yourself. It's not all roses and romance... but it's worth it FOR SURE!!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Thank You my Sleeve Sistas!!!!!

    Wow that's right around the corner! :-) Best wishes on your upcoming surgery!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Color and Font?

    I just think a few kinks need to be worked out...
  23. Wow that is AMAZING!!!!! Good for you!!! Keep up the positivity and keep on track! You will be at goal before you even know it!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pain & pressure in throat & chest

    Actually yes, when I was first sleeved I did have an unsettling feeling every time I swallowed. I think it had a lot to do with me not wanting to swallow anything. It does go away eventually. I think it was completely gone from me at about 2-3 weeks out. If it is really bad, and you are concerned though, I think you should call your surgeon to see about it. All the best!!!
  25. Your Dr is a very smart man!!! Wish mine was. I remember being banded only a year... my weight stalled and creeping ever so upward even then. I'm lying on the exam table looking up at the ceiling. Getting ready for my umpteenth fill... wondering WTH I'm gonna find that ever elusive "sweet spot". Well, I'd recently then only heard about the VSG, and said to my Dr... "Hey, I just heard about this WLS called the VSG" His reply? "That is total BS" Silence. Well here I am two years later with my BS -- but guess what? I'm losing and I'm losing really good too! I'm loving my sleeved life. Better than the band? Oh... the Band doesn't even deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as the sleeve. Read all you can! We are here to help! You have already gotten super information from other posters before me. Just be prepared for a rollercoaster ride... while you are in it it has it's ups and downs, but when you get off the ride - you think... SWEET!!!!!!! A great majority here loves their sleeve. More than anywhere I've ever read regarding other procedures. The Sleeve ROCKS!!!!!!

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