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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Thank you for the picture comment!! Very sweet of you - hugs!! :-)

  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need to get serious about exercise, AGAIN.

    Yayyy!!! I sooo needed this. I read the whole thing then thought... I better get my big booty out there and do my walk!! I did it, so - THANK YOU! I tried to start a thread like this awhile back, but I just couldn't keep up with it so it died. Which is fine! New beginnings always keep me fired up more than old failed attempts. I have to have a serious routine to get anything done. I'm not the type that just says "hey I better do my workout". I will only do it regularly if I have it written down somewhere yelling at me. I started a new workout routine for the end of this month and for next month. I did most of it last week but not all. I'll get with it!! I'm still doing better than I was 2 weeks ago even. I really like to make sure I'm doing AT LEAST an hour a day 6 days per week. Alternating what I'm doing helps most the recovery of my body, except walking. I can workout forever but if I'm not walking, I'm not losing. Why not? WHO THE HECK KNOWS??? It is what it is though, and I'm doing my walks for sure this week! Good luck to everyone! You CAN do this!!! BTW, I pinned this for easy finding in the future.
  3. Ok, I have made the Hospital Stay Checklist. Keep the suggestions coming. I'll make updates once in awhile. :-) I do hope this helps!! The attachment is in the first post... it will remain there including any adjustments.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Here, Excited and Nervous!

    Hello m2l!! Welcome to the VST family! I'm so glad you posted. I always try to encourage folks out of hiding. This place is a wonderful forum to find all the information you need on the Sleeve, to read outstanding success stories, and to support those that are in need. Your story is very similar to many here. Especially the regaining with friends... :'( Keep us updated on your progress!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Where my girls at???

    Yeah that's what it's looking like is going to have to happen. My cousin got her boobies done (just because she plain wanted to) and I might get a quote from him. Hers look great! I think I'll get mine back up to D status. Not too big and not too small. ;o) I seriously didn't think this would happen!! I just don't care how vain it sounds... I'm really bummed...
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sizzilng September Sleevers Monday Check In

    Cherice your weight loss has been awesome!!! Labrys, you are sooo close to Onederland girlie! You will probably be there tomorrow! That would be just great. Please let us know when you are. I think that warrants an out of Monday post... hehe I also totally agree that we have to forgive the scale. It's going to say what it will, as long as we are doing the right thing it will do the right thing too... eventually! I'll do my weigh in on Wednesday. I am weighing tomorrow but I did even this weekend and it said I'm up a half pound. Not sure why, but like I already said - the scale has a mind of its own. My clothes tell another story!!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    A successful journey so far!

    Thank you Becca and DJackson!!!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Ten weeks out - not as easy as I thought...

    Hi 2steps! Well, I think you have already explained your problems. Now only to fix them. You have to leave the alcohol and corn puffs alone until you reach goal. I know, easier said than done... but just remember - it's not forever! Or at least until you fit your Christmas gown. It's only 7 Lbs.. you can definitely still get into it by Christmas. Also, you do need to change up your workout. Our bodies get acclimated to the same workout, especially if it's all we do every day. Try some new workouts, integrate some weights and more cardio. You will do fine. Sometimes we just go through these crazy stalls. Also, remember you are a lightweight. You lost incredibly fast in the beginning, your body may just be playing catch-up right now.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene


    You are right, you do look great!!! Congratulations!!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    2 months out..down 52 pounds

    Hey Redfish, congrats!!! You are doing exceptionally well!! Whatever you feel comfortable with and you are as healthy as you can be, I'd say do that. All the best to the rest of your journey!!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Can you spot other surgery recipients?

    LOL!!! I doubt you will start looking like a ghost though... I haven't yet seen any photos of anyone here that looks like that. I think that is pretty distinctive of the malabsorptive procedures. Not to worry!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Cross addiction post op?

    I can already tell that it could lead to shopping... gah!! I have to be really cool and try my hardest not to allow this to happen. I might need to give myself a monthly budget and stick to it - or start a savings account for a few months - then when the new season fashions come out I'll use my "mad money" for it. Thank goodness the house note is small!!! LOL This is a really bad time of year for me too, black Friday and all. I just like to look cute all the time - what's a girl to do???
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Can you spot other surgery recipients?

    Yep, I can tell - and I've been right several times that I found out for sure. You just get an eye for things, ya know? I don't mind if anyone can figure it out. They're usually bariatric patients too and we can discuss this or that. It's interesting. However, I haven't been all that open about my sleeve this time. Everyone knew about my lap-band and it became such a heavy cross to bear. I don't want to go through that again. I was always having to explain this or that... Only a very select few know about it. I might open up to it someday - but I definitely am not considering it at this point. I'm rather enjoying just focusing on me, and not having to deal with all the questions and judgements. As far as anyone knows I'm doing Atkins... which isn't untrue at all. They already know I workout a lot, and do my lunchtime walks - so there ya go. They may suspect that I didn't ONLY have my lap-band removed since I'm losing so fast, but I really don't care. I just don't find it's really anyone's business, unless I make it their business.
  14. I actually feel comfortable enough to rock some leggings and cute boots today!!! :-D

  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sooo... How are you today?

    Hey everyone! Well here we all are. Together in one specific place, for one specific reason. But... I know that's not ALL I'm about. I have a life!!! So, today is Friday - TGGGGG!!! I have a basketball game to go to on Sunday. I'm a Sacramento Kings fan and have quarter season tickets to their games. They suck, but oh well. I'm a very loyal girl! Yesterday I bought the Butterball Turkey Fryer. It was 112 bucks at WalMart. This is going to be the first I'm ever going to do the Thanksgiving Turkey in a fryer. I've never even tried it fried!! But, all I keep hearing is how tender and juicy the bird comes out. Well with a 3 oz stomach I was worried how I'd get any dry turkey down my gullet. I'm hoping I can get more than 3 bites down! It's going to rain here today in Sacramento, CA. That sucks. I'm a California girl born and raised. I like it sunny and 70 degrees. I know we need the rain, blah blah blah - but I guess I'm selfish like that. ;o) So what's everyone's plans for Thanksgiving? In my family it's always been at my house. Never any big to-do but my Mom lives with us so all the brothers and sisters and cousins like to make an appearance. That's life in my world during the Holidays! God bless!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    A successful journey so far!

    Awww you all are the sweetest!!! I really can't see it when I look in the mirror to be honest. All I see is me still size 28. Then I try on these small(er) clothes and I'm amazed I fit them. Some of my small(er) clothes are starting to baggy up on me too. ...which is just fine!!!... At least several times per day now someone is commenting on my weight loss or telling me I look good. It makes me feel good, and it helps me to know that I really DID make the right decision to do this. Lila, best wishes on your surgery coming up!! You will be so happy - and maybe not at first, but soon you will realize that this surgery REALLY DOES WORK!!!!! Hugs to all!!! We CAN do it!!!!!!!!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sooo... How are you today?

    juliah, I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! :-) I hope you get your teaching job! Please keep us posted on how that goes. Dais, I agree with mp... I think you might be ready for some circuit training. That really does work it out! I'm personally still trying to get back to my pre-surgery form. I'm pulling in an hour a day but only about 3-4 days per week. I'd like to get it back up to 6 days per week. Myself, I'm a little bummed the weekend is already over. My family has made their way back home to LA and the house is quiet yet again. I gained a half pound this weekend!!! Whoopss!!! It could just be the normal ups and downs of the scale. I don't usually check myself on the weekend, so I'm not sure. Either way, it won't hurt to make sure I'm back on track 100%!!! Okay, it's back to life. Actually as of today - but since I'm back at work tomorrow I can really make sure I'm having a perfect day. I just don't know how much damage I can do only being able to eat a few bites of this or that. However, my body is not used to eating a whole lot of carbs, which regrettably I did eat for Thanksgiving. Not even a smidge as much as I would have before, but still... I did eat them. Aaannyyway, I just need to own it and GET RIGHT!!!! I bought some Levi's in size 8. Yes, my goal pants. They were on sale for half off at Kohls so how could I resist. They are totally adorable... AND SO TINY!!! I'm in 18's fully now and most 16's. I even fit a pair of 14's but I think those are a fluke... lol - but still!! Being that I started in 28's, it's safe to say I'm halfway there. Whooot!!!
  18. Wow Thanksgiving was so nice! Think I'm going to have to step on the scale in the morning to make sure I'm still on track. :) Hugs everyone!!

  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Years Day... What will you weight???

    WOW Mini!!! Great job so far!!! You're going to get to goal no problem.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Years Day... What will you weight???

    SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Chilo1.............216...................169..............154................15 Dansha...........220..................220...............195................25;) DJackson........246.................246...............220................26 Filosophia Scandinavia...205...205.............187...............17 (Will be sleeved on the 30th November) Fit ..................290.................250.8..............235.8............15 GayleSBennett ....232.................201................189...............11 Good Luck everyone! =) Juliarh............303.6.................247..............225................22 Kgremmy........225..................221..............199................22 (being sleeved 12/14/10) Labrys............238..................208.................193...............15 Laylasmojo......242.................200.6.............185.............15.6 LilMissDiva........247...............242.8.............226.8..........16 Lisalu..............210..................137..............130.................7 Maddie............257.................167................147................20 merieri............240..................206...............190................16 Mini-Me...........203...................128.4..............125.............3.4 (Down 4.6 - This challenge is working!) Mommy2Girls....275..................256.............240...............16 mp8btpc.........199...................160...............145...............15 pattimomof3NJ.....203.4..........183.4............170...............13.4 (start NY on an even number!) Pumpkin97....220...................150...............143...............7 (this is my goal for Jan 1 2011) Sleeve 4 me ...204...................174..............164...............10 Stacy160.........258..................174...............148...............16 StaySea........299...................299.................275.............24 twoboysandagirl..226..........212................199..............13(being sleeved 12/6) livelovelaugh....236..................216................196...............20 Maddie............257.................167................147................20 merieri............240..................206...............190................16 Mini-Me...........203...................131.4..............125.................6.4 (Down 1.6 - This challenge is working!) Mommy2Girls....275..................256.............240...............16 mp8btpc.........199...................160...............145...............15 pattimomof3NJ.....203.4..........183.4............170...............13.4 (start NY on an even number!) Sleeve 4 me ...204...................174..............164...............10 Stacy160.........258..................174...............148...............16 StaySea........299...................299.................275.............24 twoboysandagirl..226..........212................199..............13(being sleeved 12/6)
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    NSV, NSV, NSV for Me!

    FABULOUS!!!! I loooove hearing stories like this!!! Go you!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    A successful journey so far!

    To ALL my sleeve sisters... THANK YOU!!! I do feel so great! I'm about half way there now... ready to tackle it. BRING IT!!
  23. Wow Thanksgiving was so nice! Think I'm going to have to step on the scale in the morning to make sure I'm still on track. :) Hugs everyone!!

  24. BIG GIANT NSV!!!!!!!!! Ok, so... on my way home from surgery I stopped at some clothing stores to buy some new outfits. Something I knew was too small. Well I was looking thru them and pulled out a super cute brown dress. I tried it on to see how it fit... AND IT FITS!!! It's a size L -- and I'm sooo wearing it tomorrow... YEAHHHH!!!!!

  25. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
